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1、保险代理求偿权实施分类号 密 级 UDC 编 号 10520中南财经政法大学硕士学位论文论保险代位求偿权之行使二五年五月On exercise of the right of subrogation in insuranceByTong LinlinMay, 20, 2005中文摘要保险代位求偿制度是保险法域中古老且独具特色的法律制度。它融合民商事代位权制度和保险制度的部分功能于一体,成为保险法上一独特的制度。现今,保险代位求偿权之行使已经成为保险法理论研究的热点问题。学者们对保险代位求偿权的行使名义、行使范围、行使对象等诸多问题存有较大的争议。然而,我国有关代位求偿权的法律制度却不尽完善,保







8、的保险如健康保险或意外伤害保险中的医疗费用保险是否适用保险代位求偿权的问题。笔者认为,医疗费用保险可以纳入保险代位求偿权行使的范围之中。众所周知,财产保险也可以称为 “填补具体需要保险”,相应地,人身保险又可以称为“填补抽象需要保险”。但随着保险行业的发展,人身保险中出现了填补具体需要险,如健康保险或意外伤害保险中的医疗费用保险,以填补被保险人因治疗疾病或意外伤害而产生的医疗费用为目的。然而,被保险人不得因疾病或受伤治疗而获不当得利,因此,笔者认为,鉴于医疗费用保险的保险标的是被保险人的医疗费用支出,属于人的财产范畴,赔偿的是被保险人的经济损失,而不是被保险人的寿命和身体机能本身,故可将医疗费








16、的代位权进行抗辩。在结语部分,笔者提出了完善我国保险代位求偿权制度的立法建议,以为本文之结论。关键词:保险代位求偿权 损失补偿 行使 限制AbstractThe institution of subrogation in insurance is an antique but particular legal system. It combines subrogation in civil law and part of function in insurance institution together ,and becomes an special institution in law o

17、f insurance .Now the exercise of the right of subrogation in insurance becomes hot issue on the research of insurance law. The scholars argue on the scope ,object and nominal of the exercise of subrogation. However the corresponding regulations in our country are so simple that they have many missin

18、g error. This article commences from the problem that consist in exercise of subrogation in insurance and then analyzes these problem, and finally offers legislative suggestions and the solutions to these problems. Besides the foreword and the epilogue, this article can be divided into five parts.Th

19、e first part refers to the fundamental theories on the right of subrogation. The right of subrogation means that in the nonlife institute, if the accident is caused by the third party ,he should bear the responsibility. And the insurer instead of the insurant can ask the third party to compensate th

20、e lost since he have paid the compensation money to the insurant. And the principle of damage compensation and equity is the basis of the right of subrogation. The insurant can get the compensation money within the scope of actual loss. The insurant can not get extraordinary profit. That is the core

21、 content of the principle. And the principle of equity requires that the last person who bean the responsibility of paying damages should be the person that cause the insurance accident. In a word, the principle of equity and the prevention of getting additional profit by the insurant may be the rea

22、sons that we setup the institution of subrogation. The final segment of this part introduce the functions of the institution of subrogation.The second part refers to the acquisition of the right of subrogation. Research on this part is most important because the acquisition of the right of subrogati

23、on is prior condition if the insurer wants to exert the right. About the form of the acquisition ,Our country undertake the form of automatism. It means as long as the insurer pay the insurance premium , he then get the right to ask the third part to pay him the loss. He must not obtain the confirma

24、tion from the insurant. The insurant must assist the insurer to exert the right of subrogation. This article elaborate and sum up four factors of the acquisition of subrogation: (1)the accident should belong to insurance accident; (2)the insurant must have the right to ask the third part to pay the

25、damages;(3)the insurer have already paid the insurance money to the insurant;(4)the currency amount of subrogation. can not outrun the amount of the insurance money.The third part of the essay is on the nominal problem of the exercise of the right of subrogation. In the writers opinion, the insurer

26、must exercise the right in his own nomination. The reasons are below: First of all, the right of subrogation is a legal right seen of the character of the right. And the acquisition of the right is not under the agreement of the third party. secondly, the object of the right is to prevent the insura

27、nt from acquiring double compensations. When the insurance accident take place, the insurer should take the place of the insurant to acquire the right to claim against the third party. Thirdly, it is good to abbreviate the pressure of the litigation in insurance practice. At the end of the part, the

28、 writer pointed out that the right of the insurer to exercise the right of subrogation in his own nomination must be confirmed, and at the same time, the obligation of insistant of the must be confirmed in the law, and as a result, the insurer can prevent the insurant from refusing to fulfill the du

29、ty to assist the insurer to exercise the right.The fourth part of the essay is on the restriction of the exercise of the right of subrogation. And this part is the keystone of the essay. In the part we discuss the restriction of the extent, object and the limitation period of exercise of the right.I

30、n the problem of the extend of exercise, the disputes of the scholar are focused on whether the right is applicable to the personal institute, such as medical institute. In my opinion, the medical institute is applicable to the extent of the subrogation. It is well known that the property institute

31、is called “supply concrete demand institute”, and the personal institute is called “supply abstractiong demand institute”, with the developing of the insurance business, “supply concrete demand institute” appears in the personal institute, to compensate the insurant for the fee which is paid for the

32、 accident and physical reasons. However, the insurant also cannot acquire the illegal profit in the cure of illness or injury. And the writer think that medical institue is in the extend of the subrogation and it is applicable of the regulations of the subrogation.Concerning on the exercise object of the subrogation, the 47 article of the Insurance Law stipulate that: the insurer must not exercise the right to the family members of the insurant unless the family member of the insurant create the insured accident deliberately. This shows that the family member of the insurant can not be the ob

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