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1、英语十大基础常考词汇英语十大基础常考词汇(一)gogo up down上升下降 The prices keep going updown these days.go away 离开 He went away from home last year. go on 继续 lets go on with the reading.go on doing the reading.go ahead 用吧 -Would you mind my smoking here? -No, go ahead.go after 追求 While many people go after fame,he goes aft

2、er happiness.go by(时间)流逝 As time went by, he came to know the value of life.go in for 参加 -Which sport do you go in for? -Football.go off (枪支等)走火 The gun went off quickly.go through 经历 He has gone through a lot of hardships.go against 违背 Anyone who goes against nature will be punished.go over 复习 lets

3、 go over what we have learnt so far.go with 与相配 He bought a new tie to go with his new suit.go +adj.done :go badcrazyhungery Food goes bad easily in summer.go without 在没有继续 Life wont go without water.go back to 追溯到 The building goes back to 19th century.(二)comecome in 进来 Come in,e up 出现 Many problem

4、s came up at the meeting e out 出来,出版 When will his new book come out?come back 回来 He came back from Shanghai yesterday. come about 发生 How did the accident come about?come across 偶遇 1. Refer to your dictionary if you come across a new word.2. I came across an old friend of mine on the street e down 下

5、来 Come down quickly! It is dangerous!come off 脱落 A button has come off my e on 别担心,加油 eg. Come on ,Dont be so sad! Everything will be e to oneself 苏醒 He came to himself two hours e true (梦想)实现 My dream has come true .come into power 掌权 He came into power last e up with 想出 He came up with a good idea

6、.( 三)taketake up 占据(时间、空间);从事(事业、爱好);拿起eg. 1. The table takes up too much room. 2.He took up gardening after he retired. 3.They took up their guns to fight for their freedom.take on 呈现;雇佣 eg. 1.Our school has taken on a new look. 2.They took 20 more workers this year.take out 拿出 eg. Please take out

7、your book .take something for granted 认为理所当然eg. Dont take everything your parents do for you for granted.take pains to do something 努力做某事eg. They took great pains to finish the work on time.take something into consideration 把.考虑在内eg. Before you make the final decision, you must take everything into

8、consideration.take measures to do something 采取措施做某事eg. Measures have been taken to protect our environment. take after (在长相或性格上)像某人(常之父母)He took after his father not only in looks but also in character.takeas 把理解成 We took what he said as agreement.take advantage of 利用 eg.They take advantage of the n

9、ew library to read more books.take interest in 对感兴趣 eg.He took great interest in acting.etake pride in 对感到骄傲eg. He took pride in his sons achievement.take place 发生 eg. Great changes have taken place in our hometown.take in 吸收;理解;包括;欺骗eg. 1. Eat more vegetables to take in more vitamins. 2.Dont be tak

10、en in by his appearance. 3.The professors lecture took in many subjects. 4.I didnt take in what you said just now.take down 写下,记下 eg. They took down everything the teacher said.take off (飞机)起飞;(事业)腾飞eg.1. The plane takes off at 6 this afternoon. 2. After the film , his career began to take off.take

11、A for B 错把A当成B eg. I took Mary for her twin sister just now.take notice of 注意到 He took no notice of the warning.take over 接管eg. Hongkong has been taken over by the Chinese government.take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 They took turns to clean the room.(四)makemake up 弥补;化妆;组成;和好1. She made herself up before

12、 going to the party.2. You must make up for the lost time.3. Fifty students make up our class.4. They soon made up after the quarrel.make out 看出,听出,辨认出eg. He didnt make out her voice over the phone.make sense 有道理,讲得通1. What you said just now didnt make any sense to me.2. Can you make sense of what h

13、e said just now?make use of 利用 You should make better use of your free time.make.into 把制成 They finally made the wood into a new desk.make ones bed 整理床铺 She made her bed before leaving to work.make up ones mind to do something 下定决心做某事We have made up our mind to achieve our goal.make a living 谋生 The f

14、ishermen make a living by fishing .make ones fortune 发财eg.Many people went south to make their fortune.make somebody do 让某人做某事 They made us sign our names here.make an.impression on somebody 对某人留下印象The first time I met him, he made a deep impression on me.make it 做成某事eg. He promised to make his drea

15、m come true, and he made it.make a decision to do something 决定做某事eg. A decision has been made to carry out the plan at once.make it a rule to do something 通常做某事eg. They make it a rule to get up early every morning.make oneself heardunderstood 让自己被听到|被理解eg. He raised his voice to make himself heard.(

16、五) getget up 起床 eg. He used to get up early.get into athe habit of 养成习惯 eg.He has got into the habit of getting up early.get into trouble 陷入麻烦 He is said to have got into trouble.get something done 使某件事被做 eg. He got his watch repaired yesterday.get paidchangedburnt 得到付款|换衣服|烧伤1. He got burnt in the

17、big fire. 2. She got changed quickly.get on well with somebody 与相处融洽get away from 离开eg.I wont be able to get away from the office before 7.get down to doing something 开始做某事eg. Lets get down to reading now.get somebody to do something 让某人做某事eg. They got him to repair the machine quickly.get over 克服 H

18、e got over a lot of difficulties.get through 完成;接通电话;花光1. We have finally got through the work.2. Could you please get me through to the manager.3. He has got through all the money he got.get onoff a bus 上|下公汽get in 收割 The farmers are busy getting in the crops.get sbsth doing 使某人|某物.起来 eg. They mana

19、ged to get the car going.(六)havehave sb. do 让某人做某事eg. The boss had Tom do the work by himself.have sth. done 使某事被做eg. 1. He had his hair cut yesterday. 2. He had his leg broken in the accident.wont have sb. doing 不容许某人做某事eg. We wont have you talking so loudly in class.have sth. to do 有事要做(主语就是动作的执行者

20、)eg. I have a lot of homework to do.have sth. to be done 有事让别人做(主语不是动作的执行者)eg. He had several letters to be typed.have something to do with 与.有关eg. I have nothing to do with the case.have something in common 有共同之处eg. They have a lot in common with each other, so they become good friends.have a gotry

21、 要试一试eg. I want to have a gotry.have a word with sb. 与聊天eg. I want to have a word with you.have words with sb. 与争吵eg.They had words with each other, but soon made up.(七)setset up 建立eg. They have set up a new branch office in Shenzhen. set out 动身,出发 set out to do 着手做某事eg. When will you set out for sh

22、anghai next week?set off 出发;突然引起1. They set off for Dalian yesterday.2. The question set off a heated set in 以为背景eg. The story was set in the 19th century.set aside 忽视;拨出.备将来之用1. Lets set aside our personal feelings first,and get down to work immediately.2.He sets aside a sum of money

23、every week for future use.set about doing 开始做某事eg. They set about repairing the house.set fire to 放火烧 (set .on fire 使.着火)eg. Who set fire to the house?| Who set the house on fire?set free 释放eg. The slaves were set free at last.set the table 摆桌子eg. He help set the table and they were ready to have di

24、nner.set a date for 为确定日期eg. A date has been set for the meeting.set sail for 起航前往eg.They decided to set sail for Dalian the next day.set sb. a good example 为某人树立榜样eg. Leifeng set a good example to us| Leifei set us a good example.(八)breakbreak up (物理)碎裂;(关系)结束;驱散(人群)1. Their relationship broke up a

25、fter the quarrel.2. The police are trying to break up the crowd.3. The ship broke up on the rocks.break down(化学)分解;(车)抛锚;(计划)中途停止1. Sugar breaks up easily in the stomach.2. Our plans have broken up because of the money.3. The computer broke down suddenly.4. My car broke down halfway on the road.5. S

26、he broke down completely after hearing the news.break in 插话;突然闯入(in是副词,后不带宾语)1. Dont break in while others are talking.2. He broke in suddenly and told us the exciting news.break into 突然闯入(into是介词,后带宾语);突然开始(笑、哭)等1. When he reached home, he found his house broken into and many things stolen.2. The c

27、rowd broke into a laughter at his amusing story.break out (战争、洪水、大火、疫病等)突然爆发(不及物动词短语)1. A fire broke out in the building last night, causing 10 deaths and 12 injuries.2. He was 19 when the war broke out . break away from 摆脱,挣脱1. The thief is trying to break away from the police.2. He managed to brea

28、k away from the bad habit.break through 突破;冲破(防线)1. Scientists have broken through in their fight against cancer.2. The soldiers have succeeded in breaking through the enemys defense.break off 中途休息;折断(及物)1. She broke off in the middle of the sentence.2. She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it

29、 to me.break ones heart 使某人伤心eg. He went home, with his heart broken. break the law 违法eg. Anyone who breaks the law will be punished.break ones wordpromise 违背某人的诺言eg. He has broken his word that he will buy me a present.break a world record 破一项世界纪录About 16 world records have been broken so far.have

30、ones leg broken 腿折了Unfortunately, he had his leg broken in the accident.(九) putput up 张贴;搭建;举起;忍受;留某人临时住宿1. They put up a notice on the wall.2. They put up a small tent on the coast.3. Please put up your hand if you have a question to ask.4. I couldnt put up with him any longer.5. The old man put us up in the small village.put away 把收起来 eg. Put those clothes away ,please.put off 推迟 eg. The meeting was put off because of the bad weather.put forward 提出(意见或建议)eg.The plan you put forward at the meeting is prac

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