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1、英语阅读大脑某些区域功能可相互转换When your brain encounters sensory stimuli, such as the scent of your morning coffee or the sound of a honking car, that input gets shuttled to the appropriate brain region for analysis. The coffee aroma(芳香) goes to the olfactory(嗅觉的) cortex, while sounds are processed in the audito

2、ry cortex. That division of labor suggests that the brains structure follows a predetermined, genetic blueprint. However, evidence is mounting that brain regions can take over functions they were not genetically destined to perform. In a landmark 1996 study of people blinded early in life, neuroscie

3、ntists showed that the visual cortex could participate in a nonvisual function reading Braille.Now, a study from MIT neuroscientists shows that in individuals born blind, parts of the visual cortex are recruited for language processing. The finding suggests that the visual cortex can dramatically ch

4、ange its function from visual processing to language and it also appears to overturn the idea that language processing can only occur in highly specialized brain regions that are genetically programmed for language tasks.Your brain is not a prepackaged kind of thing. It doesnt develop along a fixed

5、trajectory(轨道) , rather, its a self-building toolkit(工具包) . The building process is profoundly influenced by the experiences you have during your development, says Marina Bedny, an MIT postdoctoral associate in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and lead author of the study, which appear

6、s in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the week of Feb. 28.伊朗反对派领导被“逮捕”Iranian opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, and their wives, have been taken from their homes by security forces, reports suggest.报道显示,伊朗反对派领导穆萨维和梅卡鲁比以及他们的妻子被保安部队从家中带走。Mr Mousavi and Mr Ka

7、rroubi had previously been under house arrestMr Karroubis son told the BBC he had heard his father had been moved, but did not know where he had been taken.A website close to Mr Mousavi claims the men have been taken to Heshmatiyeh jail in Tehran.Iranian government officials denied the report, the s

8、emi-official Fars news agency said.It comes ahead of planned protests that are due to be held on Tuesday.Fars quoted an unnamed official in Irans judiciary(司法部) as denying that the men had been taken.The two are currently in their homes and there have only been restrictions on their contacts, the of

9、ficial said.Security vansBoth Mr Mousavi and Mr Karroubi have called for demonstrations in Iran in the light of the recent uprisings in Tunisia and in Egypt.Earlier this month the two men, along with their wives, were detained in their respective homes in Tehran as protests were staged on the street

10、s of the capital.On Monday one of Mr Karroubis sons told BBC Persian service he had been told his father had been taken by security forces to an unspecified location.Mr Mousavis Kaleme website reported that the men and their wives have been arrested and were transferred to the Heshmatiyeh prison of

11、Tehran.According to credible sources, the arrest and the transfer to jail is sure but the date when it occurred is still uncertain, it said.A neighbour said that he had seen eight security vans outside Mr Karroubis home late on Thursday night. Shortly afterwards the vans then left the area along wit

12、h one car, he said.Earlier on Monday, Irans state prosecutor Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejehi was quoted by the official Irna news agency saying that the countrys authorities have restricted the two mens meetings and phone calls.Should circumstances arise, other measures will be taken, he added.Thousand

13、s of supporters of Mr Mousavi and Mr Karroubi took to the streets of Tehran on 14 February, amid clashes with security forces which left two dead.Some 1,500 people were detained, opposition groups said, but official figures put the number at 150.Following the clashes, Iranian MPs called for the two

14、opposition leaders to be tried and executed.新生儿心肌具有自我修复能力In a promising science-fiction-meets-real-world juxtaposition(并列,毗邻) , researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered that the mammalian(哺乳动物的) newborn heart can heal itself completely. Researchers, working with mice, found that

15、 a portion of the heart removed during the first week after birth grew back wholly and correctly as if nothing had happened.This is an important step in our search for a cure for heart disease, the No. 1 killer in the developed world, said Dr. Hesham Sadek, assistant professor of internal medicine a

16、nd senior author of the study available online in the Feb. 25 issue of Science. We found that the heart of newborn mammals can fix itself; it just forgets how as it gets older. The challenge now is to find a way to remind the adult heart how to fix itself again.Previous research has demonstrated that the lower organisms, like some fish and amphibians(两栖动物) , that can regrow fins and tails, can al

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