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1、美国历史我们的故事第十二集黄金时代美国国力已达到鼎盛时期 America is at the height of its power.各种创新和发明把这个国家带入了 Innovation and invention will define一个科技日新月异社会空前繁荣的新时代 a new era of prosperity and technological wonder.一项发明以及随之而来的 One invention will change the world.历史上最大规模的通讯革命 Along with the biggest communications revolution将改变世

2、界 ever seen.旧的威胁逐渐淡去 And while old threats fade,新的挑战将使美国经历前所未有的考验 new challenges will test America as never before.我们是前锋 也是先驱 we are pioneers and trailblazers.我们为自由而战 We fight for freedom.我们将梦想付诸现实 We transform our dreams into the truth.我们的奋斗将换来一个国家的新生 Our struggles will become a nation.第十二集 黄金时代70年

3、代的美国 在国际上 The 1970s, America is locked in陷于与另一个超级大国:苏联的对峙 a gloabal standoff with another superpower, the Soviet Union.冷战时期 Its the Cold War.共产主义与资本主义 Communism and capitalism为争夺意识形态霸主地位而冲突不断 clash in an ideological battle for supremacy.对许多人而言 这个时期充满了恐惧和不确定性 For many, its an era of fear and uncertai

4、nty.核梦魇 Nuclear nightmares.到冷战结束时 By the end of the Cold War,两国所囤积的爆炸性武器 the rival countries will amass enough explosive firepower足以摧毁100万个广岛 for over a million Hiroshimas.冷战还存在另一个战场 太空竞赛 But the Cold War has another battlefield: the Space Race.当美国人率先将人类送上月球的时候 And when America claimed the prize by

5、putting man on the moon,那个时代标志性的科技成果也日渐成熟 a technology that will define the era comes of age.电视 Television.1亿8千5百万美国人共同守候在电视机前 185 Million Americans are united in front of their TV sets.现在再回看当时的影像 Looking back at those images now,我们还是会惊叹图像如此清晰 we marveled at the clarity of the picture. 布莱恩威廉斯 NBC晚间新

6、闻主播这可是从月球上传回来的实时画面啊 This was live from the moon, after all!科技的高度发展 令人叹为观止 It was the height of technology and we marveled at it.1940年 整个美国只有几千台电视 In 1940, there are just a few thousand TV sets in the whole country.到1970年 这个数字超过了6000万 By 1970, there are over 60 million.电视将成为塑造新时代的决定性角色 TV will play a

7、 defining role in shaping a new era.美国一向热衷于采用新科技 America has always tried to adopt new technologies. 鲍勃鲁兹 前通用汽车公司副总裁大家今天司空见惯的电视 Television, as we know it today,当初设想之时 这一定是个疯狂的主意 I mean, it was considered, think about this crazy idea.我们可以向美国任何地方传送动态的影像 We can send moving images to any place in the Un

8、ited States.但美国的辉煌 But Americas been built正是源于科技发展与革新 on technological innovation and invention从蒸汽船和六发左轮手枪 到人手一辆的汽车 From steam boats and six-guns to automobiles for everyone.科技引领他们征服着这片大陆 Its conquered a continent with technology.然而纵观美国发展历史 But throughout the nations history,真正起着决定性作用的是通讯技术的发展 it is

9、 communications technology that played a defining role.1865年 1865,电报帮助亚伯拉罕林肯率领的北方军 the telegraph help its President Abraham Lincoln在内战中取胜 win the war for the North.他几乎亲自掌控与指挥每一场战役 He virtually seize and can command every battle.1945年 1945,艾森豪威尔麾下的资深通讯专家大卫沙诺夫 David Sarnoff, Eisenhowers most senior co

10、mmunications expert,协助美国开发了电视机 helped develop television for America.美国无线电公司 大卫沙诺夫研究中心 RCA实验区到1950年 沙诺夫创立了 By 1950, Sarnoff creates世界上最大的电视广播网之一 one of the biggest TV broadcast networks in the world.NBC 国家广播公司电视不仅是一种新的娱乐方式 TV may be a new form of entertainment,更是当时最强大的通讯设备 but its also the most powe

11、rful communications device in existence.阿伦索尔金 剧作家沙诺夫意识到 Sarnoff recognized that电视将成为一股强大的力量 there was going to be awesome power.但随之而来的 And that, with that awesome power-将是更为重大的责任 was going to come awesome responsibility.到1970年 美国公众收看电视的数量 By 1970, the American public is watching more television超过了所有

12、其他国家 than any nation on earth.人们每天在电视前的时间均不下5小时 Over five hours a day for every man, woman and child.电视新闻节目的数量 There are more TV news programs也远超其他国家 than any country in the world.七成以上的成年人 Over 70% of the adult population每晚都收看电视新闻 watch the television news every evening.而当登月实况在电视上播出时 And when pictur

13、es of the moon landings are broadcast live,这已不仅是技术上的成功 it isnt just a technological success,而更象征着冷战中的胜利 it is a symbolic victory in the Cold War.但有场真正的战争 其实更加性命攸关 But theres a real war closer to American lives.越南战争 Vietnam.美国深陷东南亚的一场鏖战 A bitter conflict in Southeast Asia.美国惧怕共产主义风暴席卷这一地区 America fea

14、rs communism will sweep the region想要阻止这一态势 and wants to stop its influence.但强大的美军与先进的武器 But the U.S. Military and all its technology却终不敌背水一战的游击队 comes up hard against determined guerrilla movements.为这场战争 And the war is being fought美国征召了几十万年轻士兵 by hundreds of thousands of drafted young Americans.我们召集

15、了大量刚满18岁的孩子 We ask so much of our 18-year-olds跋涉到一个无异于野生丛林的陌生国度 to go over to a foreign land, the jungle no less与当地游击队作战 他们熟悉地形 and fight gorillas who are home on their turf并且对外来入侵非常反感 and dont like at all the invading army.参加越战的这代人 The generation that is fighting the Vietnam war正是婴儿潮一代 are the baby

16、 boomers.也是数量最为庞大的一代 The biggest ever American generation.逾五千万美国新生儿在战后15年间诞生 Over 50 million new Americans born in 15 postwar years.这数量庞大的一代人 This huge generation are不同于以往的任何一代 unlike any Americans who have come before,他们对于社会的态度和影响 and their influence and attitude toward society注定将改变整个美国的面貌 are dest

17、ined to change the face of America.60年代这代人的改变是必然的 The 1960s were inevitable.最伟大的一代二战中的一代 The greatest generation came home固守着人生价值的信念凯旋 with fixed idea of what life should be about,汤姆布罗考 原NBC新闻主播他们忙着从战争的阴霾中走出 And they were so busy putting their own lives back together again回归原来的生活 in a traditional fa

18、shion根本无暇顾及下一代 that they werent paying attention to细微而敏感的心理变化 the changing sensibilities of their children.美国每10到15年就会发生一次蜕变 America in a way reinvents itself every 10 or 15 years.而这种蜕变 And that reinvention is往往是被上一代人所恐惧与排斥的 always feared by the generation that came before.1969年6月 June 1969,纽约州北部 up

19、state New York.伍德斯托克音乐节 Woodstock.这原本是一场容纳10万人的周末音乐会 A weekend concert for over 100,000 ticket-hoders,却挤满了近50万婴儿潮一代的乐迷 was over run by nearly half million baby boomers.还有100万在四周守候 Over a million more tried to get in.这是世界范围内空前盛大的音乐节 It is the worlds biggest ever music festival并成为了婴儿潮一代年轻人的交际盛会 and be

20、come the boomers coming out party,标志着美国新一代成为了社会的主流 a signal to America of the generational change taking place.我们原本 刻板拘泥 Coming from the society culture一本正经的社会文化 that was fairly buttoned up and prim and proper蒂姆甘 时尚顾问突然间闯入了伍德斯托克音乐节 to one that suddenly was what we had Woodstock.闯入了嬉皮士 We had hippied

21、om.闯入了自由性爱 We had free love.婴儿潮这代人 深深地影响了 Baby bombers had a huge tremendous impact玛格丽特周 喜剧演员我们对世界的看法 对社会的看法 on how we view the world and how we view society.然而他们反抗的 But the baby boomers arent just rebeling并不仅仅是其父辈的价值观 against their parents values.他们开始试图用街头游行的方式 People begin to attempt to affect fro

22、m the streets比弗利盖奇 耶鲁大学向对外政策的最高制定者们施压 the highest levels of foreign policy.美军立即撤出印度支那婴儿潮的一代人想要越战结束 The baby boomers want an end to the Vietnam war,并在街上游行抗议示威 and they take their protest to the street.为自己的信仰挺身而出 The willingness to stand up for what you believe in,进行大规模的示威游行 in mass demonstrations of

23、revolt,梅丽尔斯特里普 著名女演员 奥斯卡影后这才是真正的美国精神 thats very American.在越战中 人们不愿违背自己的意愿 In the Vietnam war, people were unwilling to die,让我们的士兵回家为他们并不支持的战争卖命 for something they didnt believe in.反抗是美国民族性格上深深的烙印 Protest is deep in the American character.清教徒对旧世界及宗教迫害的反抗 The pilgrims against the old world and religio

24、us persecution.殖民地对宗主国及其苛捐杂税的反抗 The colonies against the British and their taxes.弗雷德里克道格拉斯和哈莉特塔布曼对奴隶制的反抗 Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman against slavery.20世纪70年代 1970s.数以千计的反越战抗议游行相继爆发 There have been thousands of anti-Vietnam war protests.俄亥俄州 肯特州立大学 Kent State University, Ohio.国民警卫队被调往镇压游行的50

25、0名学生 The National Guard are ordered in to control 500 protesting students.电视转播着这一切 Television is here watching.4名学生中弹身亡 Four students are shot dead.正是电视转播将画面传入千家万户 I think that that drove it home for a lot of Americans,观众得以直击现场 to see on their television,这使得大众群情激昂 义愤填膺 and to have this mass of peopl

26、e who felt so passionately about it.美国人相信 眼见为实 The images. You know, America is a very visual country.珍妮特沃尔斯 著名作家越战期间首次实现了战事的电视转播 And because Vietnam is the first televised war,每一场战役 伤亡情况都有新闻报道 battles and casualty lists are daily news events.电视 将血淋淋的战争 Television brings the reality of the war展现在每个人

27、眼前 into the nations living rooms.就如同百年前 内战战地摄影师 Just as hundred years ago Civil War photographer揭露了战争的恐怖一般 revealed the true horror of war,如今 电视新闻节目开始颠覆整个国家 now TV news images begin to turn the nation.我们已经损失了5万余士兵 We had already lost over 50,000 soldiers,伤员更是不计其数 many more wounded than that.戴维鲍尔达奇 犯

28、罪推理小说作家我想多数美国人已经意识到越战的无望 I think most Americans realized Vietnam was a hopeless cause.在越战中的投弹数量超过了整个二战 More bombs than were droped in the whole World War II.数千亿美元白白消耗 Hundreds of billions of dollars.但保留在大多数美国人记忆中的 But what the most Americans remember是他们在电视中看到的画面 are the pictures they see on their TV

29、 sets.目睹着西贡今胡志明市的残兵爬上直升机 Watching people in Sigon clinging to helicopters丹尼尔席尔瓦 著名作家落荒而逃 as we left in disgrace.这是一幅极不符合美国信念的画面 This is a profoundly unAmerican notion.1975年 1975,越战终于结束了 the Vietnam War is finally over.越南退伍军人从多重意义上来讲 正是反战运动 In many ways it really was the anti-war movement改变了后世对于越战的印象

30、 on the ground that shaped our story of Vietnam某种程度上 反战运动也是对战争的真实体验 and to some degree the actual experience of the war.对于许多婴儿潮时期出生的人来说 For many of the baby boomers,抗议和反叛是为了更为远大的目标 the protest and rebellion has a wider aim:即创造一种全新的生活方式 to create a completely new way of life.你可以反抗父母 反抗社会 You could re

31、bel against your parents and rebel against society去创造属于你自己的乌托邦 while creating your own utopia,这是典型的60年代的理想 this is a very 60s ideal.打造一片可以放飞梦想的乐土 Creating a land where you can live your dreams这正是美国性格的一部分 is part of the American character.同时也是清教徒来到美国的动力 The reason that the pilgrims came to America.以及摩门拓荒者西进的原因 Why Mormon pioneers headed west.婴儿潮的一代并非在找寻新的大陆 The baby boomers arent looking for a new land.而是想改变美国社会 They want to change American society,真正的革命是由伟大的爱来引导的释放所有政治犯 真理是囚禁不了的使其变得更加公平 make it a fairer place.60年代末70年代初 As the 60s

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