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1、高考英语完形填空核心单词及短语大汇总高考完形填空核心单词及短语大汇总,99%会考到!完形填空以考察动词、名词、形容词、副词为主,文章中会有很多词组需要我们正确理解,答题时不仅涉及到对文章上下文语境的理解,更会考察对以上四类词中近义词的辨析。高中英语完形填空中常考的这四类高频词和450个高频词组总结。一. 高中英语完形填空常考四大词性高频词动词1.“看”:look; see; watch; observe; notice; catch sight of; stare; glare; glance; glimpse; see a film; watch TV2. “说”:telll sth to

2、sb.=tell sb sth; talk with sb about sth; say sth; speak in English; whisper sth to sb; inform sb of sth; reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth; bargain; chat; repeat; explain; warn; remind; discuss; debate; figure; declare; claim; mention; admit; deny; describe; announce; introduce; complain3. “叫”

3、:cry; call; shout; scream; moan; sigh; quarrel4. “问”:ask; interview; express; question5. “答”:answer; respond; reply6. “听”:listen to; hear; pick up; overhear7. “笑”:smile; laugh; burst into laughter; burst out laughing8. “哭”:cry; shed tears; weep; sob; burst into tears /burst out crying9. “吃/喝”:eat/dr

4、ink; sip; have a meal; have supper; toast; taste; treat sb to; help oneself to10. “穿”:put on; wear; have on; be dressed in; make up; get changed; be in red; take off ; remove11. “行”:walk ; run ; climb; jump; skip; slip; come/go; enter; move; drive; ride; fly; crawl12. “坐”:sit down; be seated; seat o

5、neself; take a seat,stand; lean13. “睡/休息”:lie /on ones back/on ones side/ on ones stomach; stay in bed; have a rest; take a nap; be asleep; bend; turn over; rest14. “写”:dictate; write sth; describe; drop a line; draw; take down/write down15. “拿/放”: take; bring; hold; carry; fetch; lif; put; lay; pul

6、l; push16. “抓”:take hold of; seize; grasp; scratch17. “打”:hit; beat; strike; blow; attack18. “扔”:throw; drop; fall; wave; shake19. “送”:send; deliver; give; offer; see off20. “摸/抱”:ouch; fold; embrace; hug; hold; in ones arms21. “踢/碰”:kick; knock; tip22. “找/查”:find; look for; find out; discover/explo

7、re; hunt for; search for;seek,seek for in search of; search sb; search sp. for sth; check; examine; test; inspect23. “得”:get; obtain; acquire; gain; possess24. “失”:lose; be lost /be missing/gone; great loss25. “有”:have; own; conquer; occupy;possess26. “无”:nothing left; the remaining thing; disappear

8、; be missing /gone27. “增/减”:rise / go up,drop; raise; bring down /reduce; increase/decrease28. “买/卖”:buy; purchase; afford; pay; pay off ; pay for; sell; on sale; bargain; bill / cheque / cash/credit card/notes/coins; discounts29. “存在/消失”:come into being; exist; appear; survive ; live; show; turn up

9、; disappear; die; die out; pass away; be out of sight30. “变化”:develop; improve ; become; grow; go+ bad /wrong/ sour;turn + colour; change /change into; reform31. “成功/失败”:make it; succeed; make progress; come true; realize ones dream; win; lose; fail to do; defeat; suffer loss; beat; turn sth. into r

10、eality32. “努力”:try /manage; make efforts; attempt ; do ones best; do as much as one can to do33. 祝贺:congratulate sb. on sth.; celebrate; observe; get together34. 敬佩:admire; respect; show respect for/to; adore; envy ;be jealousy35. 赞美/批评:praise; think highly of; blame sb for sth; sb is to blame; crit

11、icize /scold sb. for sth.; have a low opinion of sb; speak ill of36. 喜/恶:like; love; be fond of ; be keen on; be crazy about; adore; be into; prefer; enjoy; dislike hate; ignore37. 到达:arrive at; reach; return to; get to; stay in sp.; visit; leave; leave for38. 受伤:hurt ; injure; wound; cut; kill; dro

12、wn; bleed; get burnt; suffer from; suffer a loss39. 损坏:damage; destroy; ruin; break down; crash; be broken40. 修复: repair; rebuild; restore; fix; recover oneself41. “认识的过程” :feel; sense; guess; suppose; wonder; doubt; know /learn realize understand remember; be familiar with; recall; recite; apply to

13、42. 认为;判断:think; believe; consider; find; feel; conclude; infer; doubt43. 想/考虑:think ofas.; think about; consider; think over44. 支持/反对:agree; disagree; accept; receive; refuse; turn down; be against; elect; vote for/ against45. 花费:sth/doing sth+cost; sb+spend+ (in) doing sth; sb+afford +n/to do sth

14、; It +takes/took some time/ money/energy to do sth; sb pay some money for sth.46. 省/存钱:save /save up; set aside; put away47. 参加:take part in; join /join in; attend; compete in/ for/against48. 控告:accuse sb. of; charge sb. with49. 救治/帮助: help /help out; save /rescue sb from sth.; treat; cure sb. of st

15、h; aid sb in doing sth / to do sth; help sb with sth;assist sb in doing sth50. 逃避:run away; escape from; flee; hide51. 阻止/禁止:prevent / keep/ stop sb. from doing sth; forbid doing sth.; ban; prohibit52. 对付/处理:handle / do with / deal with /tackle /overcome sth ; solve; settle53. 效仿:copy; imitate; lear

16、n from; learn54. 爆发/发生:come about; happen to; take place; break out; burst out; go off; explode55. 安装/装备:fasten; fix; set; equip; be armed with; be equipped with56. 追求:pursuit; ran after; seek after; chase; catch up with; keep up with57. 建议:advise; suggest; recommend; propose; urge; demand; persuade

17、58. 打算:plan / intend / design to do; be going to do /be about to do /will do59. 似乎/好象:seem; appear; look like;as if /as though60. 开办/关闭:open; start; set up; close/close up; end; close down名词1. 假期vacation,holiday,spring break,leave,two days off2. 旅游trip,journey, tour,voyage, travel,tourist,passenger

18、3. 职务人员clerk,secretary,passer-by friend,minister,manager,waitress,guest,host,hostess,assistant,customer,adult,neighbor,relative,patient,vet,staff,crew,nurse,teacher,conductor,tailor,sailor,inventor,gardener,guard4. 餐馆/定餐/就餐inn,restaurant,kitchen,menu,bill,order,tip,fork and knife,reserve /book table

19、,taste delicious,salad,vegetables,fruit,tray,napkin5. 诊所/看病/服药clinic,hospital,take ones temperature,take medicine/pills,have a fever/flu/headache,doctor,physician,surgeon,specialist,patient6. 车站/机场airport,on board,miss the train/bus,catch a train,meet sb.7. 身体部位arm,head,hair,brain,waist,back,shoulde

20、r,pulse,wrist8. 意志will,courage,patience,determination,faith,effort,confidence,ambition,energy9. 才能/品质talent,gift,ability,potential,intelligent,promising,smart,stupid,careful,proud,strict,honest,cold,serious,easy-going,learned,knowledgeable10. 优缺点advantage,disadvantage,strength,weakness,merit,drawbac

21、k, strong point,shortcoming11. 目标aim,goal,intention,purpose,belief,faith12. 方式means,method,way,manner,approach13. 身体素质strong,weak,pale,sick,ill,well,slim,fit,cut weight,put on weight14. 图表photo,picture,graph,drawing,table,line/bar graph, pie chart,draw a sketch(划草图)15. 文章reading,translation,essay,po

22、em,paper,novel,fiction article,magazine,newspaper,journal,diary,files16. 课堂class,course,lecture,example,reason,message,notes,words,phrase,scholarship,degree,subject,question,trouble,difficulty,grades,comment,marks17. 学校活动match,game,activity,hold a meeting /debate /speech/ ceremony18. 建议/观点advice,sug

23、gestion,idea,proposal,view,recommandation19. 气候/天气climate,weather,storm,wind,cloud,rain,snow,hotness,coldness,heat,warmth20. 交通by train/bus /boat bike,on the train/bus /a bike,drive a car,ride a bike,give sb. a lift/ride21. 习惯habit,custom,practice(惯例)22. 感觉sight,hearing,touch,smell,taste,sense23. 情感

24、feeling,emotion,anger,delight,sadness,sorrow24. 财富money,possessions,wealth,belongings,fortunes,treasure,diamond25. 运动比赛playground,track and filed,pitch,event,game,match,sports,player,coach,judge,jogging,weightlifting,volleyball,soccer形容词和副词1. immediate adj 立即的,立刻的,马上2. clear adj 清楚的,清晰的 adj 小心翼翼的 ad

25、j 生动的,逼真的 adv 确切地,精确地 恰好地,正好地 (用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样) adv 幸运地 adv 令人惊讶的 adv 几乎不 adv 代替,相反10. properly adv 适当地;正确地;恰当地11. specially adv 专门 adj 可靠的,可信赖的 adv 简单地;仅仅,只不过 adv 即,也就是 nearly = far from = nowhere near 远非,远远不,一点也不 adj 耐心的;n 病人 adj 简单的,朴素的 adj 熟悉的 adj 幸运的 adj 令人惊异的 adv 偶然地;意外地 附带地 adj 沉默的 adj 平静的,冷静

26、的 adj 秘密的 adv 否则 adv 期间,同时 adv 除.以外还有 adj 高效的,有效的29. flexible adj 灵活的 adj 复杂的 adj 平稳的,光滑的,顺利的 adv 定期的,有规律的 adj 敏感的,体贴的 adj 诚实的 adj 自信的 adj 害羞的,羞涩的 adj 深思的,沉思的富有思想的;经认真推敲的 and optimistic adj 无忧无虑而且非常乐观的 adj 然而 adj 私人的(private cars) adj 个人的(personal belongings) adj 唯一的,独一无二的;独特的 adj 赞同的,有利的 adj 宝贵的,珍贵

27、的 adj 必要的,重要的 adj 值得的 adj 身体的,物理的 adj 突然的 adv 仅仅,只 =only adv 罕见的 adj 极好地,灿烂地 adv 越来越多地 adv 自然地 adj 精确的,准确的 adj 可笑的,荒谬的 adj 紧急的,急迫的 adj 浅的,肤浅的 adv 经常地,频繁地 adv 特别地,尤其地=particularly adv 显而易见 =apparently adv 必要地,必须地,必然地 adv 一般地,通常地 adv 最终,最后 adv 可采用的,可收养的 adj 可以接受的 adj 可利用的,可使用的,可得到的 adj 易接近的,易受影响的,可理解的

28、 adv 相对地,比较地 adv大约 adv 绝对正确地 adj 守时的 adj 温柔的 adv 整洁地 adv 完全地 adv 高度地,非常地 adv 强烈地,坚固地 adv 极端地,非常 adv 合乎情理地 adv 热切地;渴望地 adv 很,非常 adv 稍微,轻微地 adv 平等地 adv 最近 adj 热情的;热烈的;热心的 adj 精力充沛的,有活力的 adj 喜欢说话的多嘴的健谈的 adj 影象深刻的 adj 传统的 adj 实践的,实际的 adj 类似的,相似的 adj 方便的,便利的 or later 迟早,早晚 or less 或多或少,差不多,几乎 in a while

29、偶尔,时不时地 and then 偶尔,有时96. willingly adv 情愿地97. unexpectedly adv 出乎意料地 adv 不情愿地99. unforgettable adj 难忘的 adj 可疑的;令人生疑的;疑心的;不能确定的101. hardly / scarcely adv 几乎不102. respectable adj 值得尊敬的103. respectful adj 恭敬的,有礼貌的104. distinguished adj 着名的;卓着的;高贵的105. complicated adj 难懂的,复杂的106. awkward/clumsy adj 尴尬的

30、,笨拙的107. previous adj 以前的二. 高中英语完形填空450个高频词组1. a host of 大量 2. a test for 检测目的 3. a test on 对进行测试 4. a test with 检测手段 5. above all 最重要的;首先6. according to 根据 7. achieve equilibrium 取得平衡 8. achieve ones purpose 达到目的 9. achieve success 获得成功 10. achieve victory 获得胜利 11. act on 遵照.行动;作用于12. act out 表演出来

31、13. add up to 总计,合计 14. 把.加到.15. adhere to 坚持,奉行16. after all 毕竟,终究17. agree on 对取得一致意见 18. agree to 同意,赞成 19. agree with sb. 同意某人的话 20. along with 和.一起21. alternate (with) 交替22. amount to 合计;共计23. an equal to 与(地位)相同的人/物24. and yet 然而 25. anything but 一点也不26. anything like 像那样的东西 27. anywhere near 接近于 28. apart form 除之外尚有 29. apply to 向申请;适用于 30. appreciation of 对的欣赏/赞赏 31. argue against 反对 32. as a result of 作为的结果;由于

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