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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试B级应用文写作解析高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)PRACTICALENGLISHTESTFORCOLLEGES【应用文写作(Practical Writing)1.Personal/Business letters (私人/商务 书信)1.私人信函通常包括一下5个部分:a.日期(Date):通常出现在信页的右上方。b.称呼语(Opening): 称呼收信者,通常是“Dear”后跟收信者姓名,再加上逗号或者冒号。c.正文(Body):写信者要传达的信息,一个或者多个段落。d.结尾(Closing):表示礼貌,谦恭,祝愿等的短语(如All the best,Best wi

2、shes,或者Yours Truly,Yours Sincerely,Yours Faithfully),后跟都逗号。e.签名(Signature):如收信者是熟人,签上写信者的名即可,否则,签上全名(名+姓)。注:如是商务书信,须在日期前面加上信内地址(Inside address) 2. 书信格式: 英文书信基本上可以分为三种:板块式,半板块式和缩进式。a.板块式又成为齐头式(Block style),其特点是所有部分都从左边开。每行左边上下对齐,成一直线。b.半板块式(Modified Block Style)与板块式基本相同,只是日期,结尾,签名均从信纸中央偏右起写,其余部分从左边起写

3、,左对齐。c.缩进式(Indented Style)与半板块式基本相同,其不同之处在: 正文中的每一段第一行需要缩进4到5个字母。 3. 地址的写法; 信封上收信人地址宝库奥收信人的姓名,地址(按照次序为门牌号,街道名,城市名,国家名)和邮政编码。应该注意的是:收信人的姓名,街道,地址的首字母都要答谢。称呼“Mr”或“Mrs”可写可不写。头衔或者职称写在人名之后。当信函需要第三者转收时,则需要收信人名字下方协商转收人的姓名,并在其姓名前面写上C/o(care of 的缩写,相当于“请收转”)。 如:Mr. Mattthew Fox C/o Mrs. Olgan E. Cintron 82 Fi

4、fth Street New York, NY10012 America4.Samples:Sample1(板块式): April 30, 1996Dear Ms. Connolly:Thanks for your recent letter to Mr. Jack Smith, our manager,regarding the return of the computer.Mr. Smith is absent from our company until May 12, 1996. Upon his return, I will advise him of your inquiry. I

5、 am sure that he will be in touch with you at that time.Sincerely yours,Larry JacksonAssistant ManagerSample2(半板块式): April 30, 1996Dear Ms. Connolly:Thanks for your recent letter to Mr. Jack Smith, our manager,regarding the return of the computer.Mr. Smith is absent from our company until May 12, 19

6、96. Upon his return, I will advise him of your inquiry. I am sure that he will be in touch with you at that time.Sincerely yours,Larry JacksonAssistant Manager Sample3 (缩进式): April 30, 1996Dear Ms. Connolly:Thanks for your recent letter to Mr. Jack Smith, our manager,regarding the return of the comp

7、uter.Mr. Smith is absent from our company until May 12, 1996. Upon his return, I will advise him of your inquiry. I am sure that he will be in touch with you at that time.Sincerely yours,Larry JacksonAssistant ManagerSample 4:(含信内地址) 12 Peter StreetToronto, ONM6C 3B4April 30, 1996Ms. Concetta Connol

8、lySecretarial Services Co-ordinator1750 Finch Avenue, EastNorth York, ONCanada M1t 2E5Dear Ms. Connolly:Thanks for your recent letter to Mr. Jack Smith, our manager, regarding the return of the computer.Mr. Smith is absent from our company until May 12, 1996. Upon his return, I will advise him of yo

9、ur inquiry. I am sure that he will be in touch with you at that time.Sincerely yours,Larry JacksonAssistant Manager2.Notes(便条)1.说明:便条是书信的一种形式。特点在于其内容比一般的书信更简短,用于询问,李扬,通知,要求等,便条分为两种形式:一种是请假条(病假,事假,续假);一种是留言,通知。便条的基本组成部分是:日期,称呼,正文和署名。日期: 便条日期通常是在右上角。一般只要写上星期几或者上下午的具体时刻。 写上几月几号也很普遍,但无需年份:称呼: 给熟人,朋友留言可直

10、呼其名,不用任何头衔。但请假条或下级给上级的留言称呼仍应保留头衔,抬头的“Dear”可用可不用。署名: 常可身躯书信中的结束敬语,署上写便条者姓名或姓或名即可。 2. Samples: Sample 1 (假条) Jan. 10thDear Ms. Jiang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this mornings two periods of English Class due to a bad cold and high fever. Enclosed is a certificate from the doct

11、or who said I must stay in bed for a few days. I will go back to school as soon as I recover. Yours respectfully,Tian Ye3.Telephone Message(电话留言)1.说明:电话留言应包括:来电日期,时间,来电者的姓名,来电内容,来电者的电话号码,电话留言记录者的名字等。电话留言可以用公司或机构专用的电话留言,或者采用便条的形式。电话留言的语言应简练,常用简略结构,如省略主语,冠词及使用缩略语等。2.Samples:To: Mr. WhiteFrom: Mr. John

12、son of Honeywell CoTel No: 0799 267968Time : 10 a.m., June 25th, 2001Message: Mr. Johnson of Honeywell Co. is going to Beijing on business tomorrow. His appointment with you on the morning of the 27th has to be cancelled. Mr. Johnson will contact you fro another appointment when he is back.Signed: H

13、elen (secretary) Date: Monday, June 25th Time: 10 a.m.4. Memos (备忘录)1.说明:备忘录是公司内部最基本,最常用的一种信息传递方式,如会议安排,情况报告,责任确认,问题处理等等,备忘录一般由公司同意印制成标准的表格备忘录中To一栏中收笺人和From一栏中发笺人可以四姓名后加上其职位和部门,也可只写职位。收笺人的姓名前可写上Mr.,Mrs.,Ms., Dr.等,而发笺人的姓名前则不写。Subject即内容标题,一般用名词或动名词词组等少数几个字做简略叙述。内容部分是备忘录的主要部分,应力求简明,确切。最后,结束时不同签名。如果备忘录

14、同时还发给出收笺人以外的其他人,在末端cc:(或c:)之后写上其姓名即可。2.Samples:Sample 1: TO: All Support Staff SupervisorsFROM: Jack Birt, General ManagerDATE: May 12, 1996SUBJECT: Year-end Bonus for Support StaffI am pleased to announce that we will be distributing a year-end bonus to all support staff and middle management this

15、year. We have increased sales by 25 percent in the past eight months and are up 40 percent from the same period last year.You have contributed to the rise in sales revenue this year. The bonus is one way of expressing our appreciation for your outstanding effort. We will issue your bonus checks on M

16、ay 18, 1996 along with your regular paychecks.Sample 2:DATE: June16th, 2006TO: Managers of all the departmentsFROM: John Green ( The Sales Manager )SUBJECT:Discussion on the sales plan of 3rd quarter in 2006 Our department has made the sales plan of the 3rd quarter in 2006. To discuss the plan, a me

17、eting will be held in the Conference Room of our corporation at 1:00 on June 19th, 2006. It is hoped that managers of all the departments will come to the meeting. If anyone cannot attend it, please notify the secretary of the Sales Department in advance.5. Notices (通知)英语中的Notices包括告示,启事,通知等,目的是告诉公众

18、某件事情或某项互动,在商业应用上尤其广泛。从使用范围来分类,可分为内部通知(面向本单位或公司职员)和外部通知(面向大众)。1. 内部通知:内部通知主要是关于会议,讲座或某项活动的简单通知及关于公司的一些政策,措施和安排等,应至少包括三项内容:1.时间:星期,日,月,时刻2.地点3.互动内容 有些通知还包括一些细节,有的介绍演讲者,有的详述活动内容或背景知识2. 外部通知:面向大众的通知主要指有关商场或公司开业,搬迁,寻人,征稿等启事。启事的语言要求朴实,简洁。文字篇幅不宜过长。启事的格式,与内部通知一样,除了需要有标题,正文(活动内容)和时间以外,通常还需加上联系地址或联系人及电话号码。启事的

19、标题要求醒目,能够吸引读者的注意力。3. Samples:Sample 1: NoticeReaders are requested to note that from May 2, 1996, the library will be open during the following hours: 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.1.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m Library Office Sample 2: Notice of Meeting Subject: Financial program of the company Participants: Heads o

20、f all sections Time: 2 p.m., July 7th, Friday Place: Meeting Hall of Office Building Notes : Each participant is required to hand in a written Proposal. The Administrative Office Samples 3: Notice A well-known professor named Mr. John Smith will give us a talk inthe lecture hall at 7 p.m. next Frida

21、y. He will talk about the economicdevelopment in the world and the future of the light industry in China afterChinas entering WTO. If you are interested in it, please ask Li Ming for Tickets. He will be available in Room 601 Building 5, from 7 to 9 every Evening6. Faxes(传真)1. 说明:传真通常由三部分组成:第一部分:发,收传

22、真双方的姓名,职位,地址,传真号,日期,称呼和主题。 第一部分的格式为:第一行从左到右先写收传真人的姓名(职位)和地址,然后是收件人的传真号。第二行为发传真人的姓名(职位),地址和传真号。第三行写发传真的日期和传真页数。第二部分:正文(含主题)。主题是传真内容的简单概括。目的是让对方在看正文之前对内容有个大概的了解,主题往往不是完整的句子而是由短语组成,放在称呼后的第一行。第三部分:结束语及签名。与书信格式一样2.Samples:To: Customer Enquiries Section Fax : 26759122 Electromark Ltd. From: Maria King, Ge

23、neral Manager, Fax: 25251427 Office-Equip Date: March 12th, 2003 Page(s): 1Dear Sir: Re:Wooden domestic products We would lie you to send us a catalogue and a price list regarding your wooden domestic products. We are interested in discussing terms with you and want to know the discounts you offer o

24、n large orders. I look forward to gearing from you soon. Yours Faithfully Maria King General Manager7.Schedules/Timetables (活动日程表/时刻表)活动日程表的目的是让有关人员清楚了解某一项活动具体安排的时间,地点以及主管人员等。在日程表的开头要用醒目的字体写明是什么活动的安排计划,然后每项中先写明具体时间,再写互动内容,地点,或负责人等。安排按照时间顺序依次书写即可语言特点:不使用完整的句子而是用名词短语或分词替代以求简练。附录1:几种常见书信范文:1、邀请信 Dear M

25、r./Ms, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. Yours faithfully

26、2、肯定答复 Dear Mr./Ms, Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to participate in the 1997 International Fair. We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years. Mr. Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specif

27、ic arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance. Yours faithfully 3、否定的答复 Dear Mr./Ms, Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 International Fair. As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come. We hop

28、e to see you on some future occasion. Yours faithfully4. 投诉: April 10, 2004 Dear Sir: Im writing about a washing machine which I bought from your store on March 20. Unfortunately, after only one week, I find something wrong with the washing machine that it leaks when working. I have telephoned to th

29、e service center of your store. The reply I got was that the assistant would contact with the manufacturer and they would offer an on-site repair service. What really makes me extremely annoyed is the fact that no one has ever come to repair it during the week. In view of the inconvenience the it ha

30、s caused, and the disappointment, I feel I should return this washing machine and look forward to receiving a full refund (退款)。 Yours Faithfully Shen Jun 5. 求职 Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to apply for the position of a translator in your company which was advertised in China Daily on May 10, 200

31、0. I graduated from Shanghai International Studies University in 1997. I have been teaching since then. I have worked as a translator in my spare time. I was quite sure that I am capable of doing the work. I enclosed a brief resume as you required. Just let me know if you could give me an interview. I will be looking forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application. Yours Faithfully ZhangLi5.祝贺: 20 Nov. 2003 Dear Prof. Cai, We have just been informed that your lifework

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