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仁爱 七下 unit5 topic23 知识点讲解随堂练习课后作业.docx

1、仁爱 七下 unit5 topic23 知识点讲解随堂练习课后作业知识总结Topic 2(一)短语总结:1. on time 准时 6. in front of.在.前面(外部后面) 2. in time 及时 7. behind 在.后面(内部后面) 3 .in the center of: 在.中央 8. in the front of 在.前面(内部后面)4 .next to 在什么隔壁,在什么旁边 9 .on the left 在左边5. at the back of ; 在.后面(外部后面) 10. on the right 在右边11. show sb around 领某人参观 1

2、6. at the moment 现在,此刻12. between and 在.与.之间 17. play computer games 玩电脑游戏13. from .to从.到. 18. a few 几个14. On the shelf 在架子上 shelf复数形式是shelves 19. the Great Wall 长城15. do better in sth/doing sth 在方面做的更好 do well in sth/doing sth 在.做得好 be good at sth/doing sth 在.方面擅长重要单词: 1. borrow:指主语借入 borrow sth. f

3、rom sb. e.g You can borrow this book from the library. May I borrow your eraser?lend: 指主语借出 lend sth. to sb. / lend sb. sth.e.g Can you lend your car to me? They often lend us their ball.2. keepkeep 和 borrow, lend 的意思一样,都是表示借的意思, 区别是borrow和lend是瞬间动词,而keep是延续性动词,表示借一段时间, 后常跟上一段时间 e.g You may keep thi

4、s book for two weeks.借进borrow 借出 lend 借多久 keep3. find和look forfind :找到,发现,强调结果 look for寻找,强调过程e.g Im looking for my shoese verywhere, but I can not find it.4. returnreturn :归还=give back return sth to sb=give sth back to sbe.g Please return this book to Steve=please give back this book to Steve.e.g H

5、e will return from America next month.5. on time: 准时,强调不早不迟到达in time: 及时,强调在规定的时间以前到达e.g We must go to work on time. The students can get there in time.6. Japanese: adj 日本的,日本人的,日语的 n.日本人,日语当Japanese表示日本人时,是可数名词,单复数同形(与Chinese用法相同) e.g Two Japanese and three Chinese are swimming in the swimming pool

6、.7. also 与too两个都表是“也”的意思, also用在句中, too用在句末e.g Helen is also a student. I have long hair and she has long hair, too.8 plan n.平面图 v.计划 plan to do sth重要句型总结1. Whats in+sth 表示哪里有什么东西e.g Whats in your purse? 钱包里有什么东西?What else 还有别的什么么? else: 别的,其它的What else do you have?Who else还有别的什么人么? Where else 还有别的什

7、么地方么?else除了可以放在疑问词what,who, where等后面,还可以放在something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody后面e.g I dont have anything else to do. I cant see anybody else in the room.are some photos of his.名词Of+名词性物主代词/名词所有格-双重所有格e.g a friend of Sams 萨姆的一个朋友 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友3. love doing sth习惯性的爱好和习惯 lo

8、ve to do sth一次性的动作或目前想做的事e.g She loves reading in bed. I love to go swimming today.(四)语法:现在进行时(1) . 现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作,可与now, at the moment等时间状语连用e.g Im reading a book now.(2). 现在进行时表示当前一段时间内一直进行的动作e.g Theyre working on a farm this week.(3). 某些行为动词的现在进行时形式可以表示将来,常常有意图,安排或打算的含义,并且可与表将来的时间状语连用,到目前我们所学的

9、这类动词有come,go,fly,returne.g They are flying to London this afternoon.We are going to Hong Kong tomorrow.Steve is coming tomorrow evening.(4)现在进行时的构成:现在进行时主要由be+doing构成肯定句:主语+be+doing+sth否定句:主语+be+not+doing+sth一般疑问句:Be+主语+doing+sth回答:Yes,主(代)+be /No,主(代)+be+not现在分词的构成:一般在动词末尾加-ingbuy-buying call-calli

10、ngdrink-drinking 以不发音字母e结尾的单词,去e加-ingcome-coming drive-drivinggive-giving末尾只有一个辅音字母,且这个辅音字母前面不是字母组合的词,要双写末尾辅音字母,再加-ingplan-planning swim-swimming stop-stopping sit-sitting以ie结尾的词,变ie为y,再加-ingdie-dying lie-lying Topic 31.Have a music class.上音乐课 on 致力于,专心于 ten oclock 在十点钟 7. learn about the

11、 past 了解历史 over (=finish) 结束 8.its time for 该干了4.on+星期名词 在星期几 friendly to 对友好5.outdoor activities 户外活动 10. play with sb 和某人玩耍 play with sth玩弄某物11.swim in the swimming pool 在游泳池游泳 16. schoolnewspaper 校报12.draw pictures 画画 17.and so on 等等13. every Tuesday and Thursday 每周二和周四 18. learn sth fro

12、m 从学到14.tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 把某事告诉某人 19. hard work 辛勤工作15. thank sb for sth/ thank sb. for doing sth 20. run on the playground 在操场跑步 因某事而感谢某人21. watch animals看动物22. play soccer at school 在学校踢足球23. read a book at home 在家看书24.have dinner in the school dinning hall 在学校餐厅吃饭重点句型 1. What day is it t

13、oday? Its Wednesday. What day ?常用来表示对星期几的提问。 注意:Whats the date? 是对日期的提问。 2. What class are they having? -They are having a music class. What class 用来询问“什么课程”, class与lesson同义。3. What time does the class begin? 什么时间开始上课? -At ten oclock. begin“开始”同义词是start 反义词是finish或end.4. How many lessons does he hav

14、e every weekday? 他每天上几节课?5. You must like English very much. 你一定非常喜欢英语。 must在这里表示肯定推测。6. -What do you think of it? -Sometimes its difficult and boring, so I dont like it very much. What do you think of? 相当于How do you like ? 意思是“你认为怎么样?”询问对方对某事或者某人的看法。7. Whats your favorite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么? What o

15、nes favorite? = What does sb. like best?某人最喜欢什么?8. -Why do you like it? 你为什么喜欢它? -Because its easy and interesting.因为它简单而有趣。 回答Why?用Because 如果表示你为什么不用 Why not? 或Why dont you?9. My teachers are very friendly to me. be friendly to sb.意思是“对某人很友好”注意: friendly是形容词 “友好的”“友善的”,而不是副词。10. Its time for class.

16、 Lets go.哦,上课的时间到了,我们走吧! Its time for sth= its time to do sth. 该做某事了练习(1)Excuse me, how long may I_ the book? -For two weeks. A. borrow B.keep C.lend, Xiao Qi, I would like to go to the zoo this Sunday. I like watching animals best.-I _like watching animals best.A .too B.either C.also D.

17、and(3)-Could you come please? I want some help. -_A. Yes, I could. B.Youre welcome. C. Sure, Im coming now. D.Thats all right.(4)-Bob, may I_your MP4? -Sure,but youd better not_it to others.A.lend, lend B.lend,borrow C.borrow,borrow D.borrow,lend(5)Shes_her purse, but she cant_it. Lets help

18、nd; look for B.looking for; find C. look for; find D.finding; look for(6)-What is your mother doing? -My mother is_Miss Li.A. talk with B.talking with to (7)-Can I_a soccer_the gym?-Of course, you can.A.borrow;to B.lend; from C.borrow;from D.borrowing;from(8)-How long_your story book? -Three

19、days.A.I can keep B.can I borrow C.I can borrow D.can I keep 根据汉语完成句子1. Listen! They _ _ (唱歌)in the classroom. 2. _ _ (星期几)is it today? 3. What time _ the class _ (开始)? What time _ the class _(结束) . 4. He _ _ _(上) English class now. 5. She _ _(画画) at home at the moment. 6. Look! Peter _ _(解答)a math

20、problem。 7. We must _ _(学习了解) the past. 8. He _ _ _(做户外活动) after school every day. 9. Its time _ _ / _ _ _ _(上学)10. Which subject _ _ _ _ ? =What _ _ _ _(你最喜欢)11. _ _ you _ _ it?_you _it ? (你对。看法如何)12. My teachers _ _ _ me.(对。友好) 13. My _ _ is very interesting.(校园生活) 14. _ _at 8:00 am。(上课) 15. I stu

21、dy art,music and _ _ _(其他一些学科) 16. I often _ _ _ my _(和同学们说英语) 17. I can _ a lot _ it。(从。学到) 18. We must _ _ Lei Fen.(向。学习)19. Thank you _ _ _ _ . (辛勤劳动)20. I like _ _ _ my friends.(和。打篮球) 21. He _(认为)math is _ and _ (枯燥难学)and English is _ and _(容易有趣)对划线部分提问1Its Wednesday. _ _ is it today? 2. The cl

22、ass begins at 10:00. _ _ _ the class _? 3. It is over at 10:45. _ _ _ it over? 4. They are having a music class? _ _ _ they _ ?5. He has six English lessons every week. _ _ English lessons _ he _ every week?6. He has Chinese, English and math lessons on Monday. _ _he _ on Monday?7. I like history be

23、cause its easy. _ _ you _ history? 8. He thinks PE is very interesting. _ _ he _ _ PE? (_ _ he _ PE?)9. I like PE best. _ _ do you like _? 句型转换: (1)-Are the children swimming in the swimming pool?(做否定回答)-_,_ _(2) They are watching TV.(改为一般疑问句) _ _watching TV?(3) Im playing computer games.(对划线部分提问)_a

24、re you_?(4) The boys often play soccer on the playground.(改为现在进行时)The boys_ _soccer on the playground.(5) He can keep the MP4 for three days.(对划线部分提问)_ _can he keep the MP4? 根据句意和汉语提示完成下列句子(1)-Where is Chen Kang?-He is playing basketball_ _ _(在操场上) (2)-Hello! Li Ming. What are you doing?-I am_ _ _(做

25、作业)(3)-Look, what are they doing? -They are_ _(寻找)Jims bag.(4)-What class are they having? -They are_ _ _(玩电脑游戏)now.(5)-Where is Mr.Wang_ _ _(此刻)?(6)-Do you like_ _ _(长城)(7)I often do my homework_7:00_(从.到)8:30 in the evening.(8)I have _ _(几个)good friends.词型转换:1.They are all _(friend) to me. 2. I li

26、ke English _ (well) 3. Best _ (wish) to you for Mothers Day. 4.My mother often tells me many interesting _ (story). 5. The Great Wall is _ (wonder). 6. They do a lot of outdoor _(activity) after school. 7. They are many books on those _ (shelf).8. He is _ (run) on the playground. 9. Its 9:00. They a

27、re _ (have) a class. 10. May often _ it. (watch)11. They usually _(ride) bikes to school. 12. Sunday is the _ (one) day of a week. 13. Jim usually _(do) sports after school. Look! He _(swim) in the pool. 14. Maria likes _(read) in the library. She _books in the library every Saturday. 15. Its time _ (have) lunch. The students _ (have) lunch in the dinning room at the moment. 16. Listen!They_(sing) in the classroom. They _(si

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