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1、地球脉动二第四集中英字幕对照学习想象一个世界Imagine a world气温高达四十九摄氏度where temperatures rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.没有什么能阻挡烈日 狂风与沙尘Where theres no escape from sun, wind and dust.想象一个世界 几乎没有食物和水Imagine a world with almost no food or water.这种地方占据了These are the conditions地球上三分之一的土地in one third of the lands of our planet.

2、生长于斯 必须掌握非凡的生存策略To live here demands the most extraordinary survival strategies.这是世界上最古老的沙漠This is the oldest desert in the world.纳米布沙漠 位于非洲西南部The Namib in south-west Africa.干旱已经持续了五千五百万年Its been dry for 55 million years.对于捕食者来说 生活异常艰难Life here for a hunter is as hard as it gets.一群狮子A pride of lions

3、.她们是极少数能够忍受如此One of the very few that endures this deserts高温缺水的沙漠环境的物种之一scorching temperatures and lack of water.沙漠狩猎有着特殊的难题Hunting here presents special problems.这群直角大羚羊A herd of oryx,是方圆三十二公里内唯一的猎物the only prey within 20 miles.这里没有任何伏击可用的遮挡物Out here, there is no cover for an ambush.唯有直截了当扑杀过去Itll

4、have to be a straight chase.她们失败了They have failed每失败一次 狮群离饿死就更近一步and each failed hunt brings the lions closer to starvation.为了寻找食物充饥To find enough to eat,狮群不断地在瑞士国境那么大的区域内搜寻the pride continually searches an area the size of Switzerland.三天里它们走了161公里 仍然一无所获Three days and 100 miles later, and still no

5、kill.这是濒临绝望的时刻These are desperate times.她们领土的边缘有一条干涸的河床A dry riverbed on the edge of their territory.长颈鹿是附近唯一的动物The only animals here are giraffe,但这重达一吨的巨兽一脚就能踢死一头狮子but these one-tonne giants could kill a lion with a single kick.狮群很少会去叨扰如此棘手的猎物Lions seldom tackle such formidable prey.但没有食物充饥 狮群已寸步难行

6、but this pride cant go on much longer without food.为了猎杀成功The whole pride must work together as a team整个狮群必须互相配合if theyre to succeed.两头母狮带头追捕Two lionesses lead the chase.其他狮子奋起直追 切断猎物的逃生路线Others race to cut off possible escape routes.长颈鹿的速度和耐力都强于狮群The giraffe has the speed and stamina to outrun the p

7、ride.但它正被逐入敌人的陷阱but its being chased into a trap.领头的母狮就在前面等待着Up ahead, the lead female waits.轮到她上场了Its now up to her.狮子的猎杀行动多以失败告终Most lion hunts end in failure.但沙漠种群的失败次数远比其他种群要多得多But no lions fail more often than those that live in the desert.狮群必须再次踏上寻找食物的征程Once again, the pride must continue thei

8、r search.沙漠地区偶尔也会降雨It does, sometimes, rain in the desert.在美国西部地区Here, in the American West,暴风雨会带来灾难性的影响storms can strike with devastating force.十个月的干旱以后After ten months of drought,百万吨降水millions of tonnes of water在一小时内倾泻而下are dumped on the land in under an hour.数百万年来Over millions of years,挟带着砂石的湍急洪水

9、sand and gravel carried by the rampaging floods在坚硬的岩石上切割出凹槽have carved channels through the solid rock.形成狭缝谷 深达46米Slot canyons, 150 feet deep.一些地方的峡谷不断侵蚀扩张In some places, these canyons have widened最终形成桌状高地until the land between them is sculpted into tablelands和高耸的石塔and isolated pinnacles,这是地球上最激动人心的

10、自然奇观some of the most dramatic landscapes on the planet.雨季也许早已过去The rain may be long gone.但沙漠里还是有水but there is water here.只是储存在沙生植物特化的组织当中locked away within the tissues of specialist desert plants.仙人掌是美国沙漠中独一无二的植物Cacti are unique to American deserts.它们肥硕的茎干They all hoard water,有储水功能storing it in swol

11、len stems叶片特化成刺以防止水分散失and protecting it behind a barricade of spines.这套策略成功地让它们主宰着这片沙漠Theyre so successful that they dominate these deserts.但这片尖刺丛林也给居住在此的动物们But this forest of spikes can cause problems带来了很多麻烦for the animals that live here.一只栗翅鹰A Harris Hawk.它练就了在仙人掌林捕食的特殊技能It has developed special t

12、echniques for hunting amongst the cacti.这是地松鼠Ground squirrels.栗翅鹰的猎物Prey.当发现危险信号时At the first sign of danger地松鼠们迅速躲进刺丛中避险they bolt for the safety of the thorns.但栗翅鹰有法子逼它们出来But the hawks have a tactic to flush them out.栗翅鹰是唯一成群捕食的猛禽These are the only birds of prey that hunt in packs.它们编队飞行Flying in f

13、ormation,将猎物驱赶到开阔地带they try to drive their quarry into the open.但这只地松鼠按兵不动But this squirrel is staying put.栗翅鹰开始改变策略So now the hawks continue the hunt.转为地面追击on foot.它们从四面八方逐渐逼近Theyre closing in from all sides.很快封锁了所有的逃跑路线Soon, all escape routes are cut off.地松鼠陷入绝境The squirrel is trapped.这片沙漠上的植物几乎都浑

14、身是刺The spines that cover almost every plant in this desert它们能为动物提供了庇护之所can provide protection and shelter for many animals.可这些尖刺上为什么挂着尸体So, why should these spikes be hung with corpses?如此可怕的场景究竟What kind of creature could be responsible是谁的手笔呢for creating such a gruesome scene?这片沙漠里有一位神秘杀手Theres a my

15、sterious killer at work in this desert.一只伯劳鸟Its a butcherbird.就像屠夫用钩子挂肉This little songbird uses the spines这只小型鸣禽利用这些刺as a butcher uses his hook.将肢解完的食物悬挂起来to hold its prey as it dismembers it.幼鸟们嗷嗷待哺 叶刺就像是食品储藏柜And with chicks to feed, he also uses the spines as a larder.他已经储备了好几个星期Hes been stocking

16、 it for weeks.把猎物挂起来可以防止地面的食腐动物来争抢Hanging his prey out of the reach of scavengers on the ground以确保刚出生的幼鸟不会挨饿ensures that his newly hatched young will never go hungry.为了让好时光持续更久点An ingenious solution这的确是个巧妙的策略to making the good times last in the desert.虽然有点毛骨悚然if a little macabre.有的荒漠十分贫瘠Some deserts

17、 are so arid,看似寸草不生they appear totally devoid of all vegetation.但即使是这种地方也能在几天之内焕然新生Yet even these landscapes can be transformed in a matter of days.秘鲁荒漠是世界上最干燥的地方之一The deserts of Peru are amongst the driest in the world,休眠了几个月的植被 只要遇到一点点水but just add a little water and plants that have lain dormant

18、for months便可立即恢复生机will burst into life.当沙漠突然变为绿洲And when a desert suddenly turns green,即使看似最荒凉的地方even the most seemingly desolate也能变得生机勃勃can become a land of opportunity.没有什么生物能比蝗虫更早或更轰动地No creature exploits the greening of a desert more quickly发现这抹绿意or more dramatically than a locust.马达加斯加干旱的西南部Mad

19、agascars arid south-west迎来了近几年最大的降雨has received its highest rainfall in years.蝗虫大军正大步行进Now, an army is on the march,追寻着新生嫩芽的香气attracted by the smell of newly sprouting grass.蝗虫通常独居Locusts are normally solitary creatures,Dialogue: 0,0:17:40.00,0:17:42.47,*Default,NTP,0,0,0,但当食物突然充足之时but when food bec

20、omes suddenly plentiful它们便聚集成群 以势不可挡的气势they come together into an unstoppable force吞噬沿途所有的植物that devours everything in its path.而这巨大的灾难正愈演愈烈But this devastation is about to get a lot worse.蝗虫正在变态为有翅的成虫The locusts now transform into winged adults,由于生长环境良好and with conditions as good as this,它们发育的速度达到平

21、时的三倍they do so three times faster than normal.现在到了食欲最旺盛的时候Now they are at their most voracious.有了翅膀 它们就能飞行and with wings, they can take to the skies.一旦上天 蝗虫每天可以飞行九十六公里Once airborne, the locusts can travel over 60 miles a day去寻找新的觅食区in their search for new feeding grounds.如此大规模的超级蝗群也许十年才出现一次A super s

22、warm of this scale may only appear once in a decade.这个蝗群遍布518平方公里This one extends over 200 square miles共有数十亿只蝗虫and contains several billion individuals.每天能吃掉四万吨食物Between them, they will devour 40,000 tonnes of food in a day.蝗灾吞噬植被的速度和彻底性Nothing can strip a land of its vegetation with such speed没有任何事

23、物能与之比肩and thoroughness as a plague of locusts.当食物消耗殆尽时 蝗虫大军就会灭亡When the food eventually runs out, the whole army will die.但不等它们寂灭下来 世界早已一片狼藉but not before its devastated the land.没有植被固定土壤With no plants to bind them,稀薄的土层很快就会变成沙尘 被风吹走thin soils soon turn to dust and blow away.如今 这片不毛之地只能任由自然力量摆布Now,

24、these barren lands are left to the mercy of the elements.烈日炙烤加之风沙侵袭Scorched by the sun and scoured by windblown sand,沙漠岩石形成了奇异非凡的景致desert rock is shaped into strange, otherworldly landscapes.这片岩质沙漠或许看似美好These rocky deserts may have a beguiling beauty,但这里如此荒芜 极少生物能够适应but when they become this barren,

25、 very little life can endure.动物们想要在最严苛的环境里活下来For many animals, the only way to survive the most hostile times就必须不断迁移is to keep moving.喀拉哈里沙漠短暂的雨季已被旱季替代In the Kalahari, brief rains have given way to the dry season.食物和水愈发稀缺Food and water are becoming increasingly scarce.这群斑马是时候离开了For these zebra, its

26、time to leave.斑马的迁移距离称霸Theyre setting off on the longest overland migration所有非洲哺乳动物made by any mammal in Africa,嗅着远方雨水的味道不断前进marching towards the scent of distant rains.随着干旱加剧As drought intensifies,沙漠象也必须踏上旅途desert-living elephants must also undertake long journeys寻找水源in search of water.年长的母象能记住哪些地方

27、The older females can remember where,即使在极端干旱的季节也会有水even in times of extreme drought, there may still be water有时她能把象群带领到and sometimes lead the herd to a water hole数十年前去过的水坑they may not have visited for decades.这群斑马即将结束旅程These zebra are almost at the end of their journey.这里就是它们的目的地This is what theyve

28、been heading for.一个珍贵的水坑A rare water hole.沙漠里的大部分水坑都转瞬即逝In deserts, most water holes are short lived.它们在雨后出现They appear after rains,但以几乎同样的速度消失but then vanish almost as quickly as they came.动物长途跋涉来到这里Animals have come here from many miles around.但在此地逗留可能会有危险Yet this can be a dangerous place in which

29、 to linger.离水坑九十六公里远的沙漠中心60 miles away, in the heart of the desert,沙鸡的雏鸟正在孵化sandgrouse chicks are hatching.他们待在这里比较安全Its safer for them to be here.但是离水源那么远 也有很大风险But being so distant from water is a gamble.只有母亲在帮他们遮挡太阳With only their mother to shield them from the sun,如果没有水喝 雏鸟会在数小时内曝晒而死if they get

30、nothing to drink, they will be dead within hours.唯一的希望寄托在父亲身上Their only hope is their father.每天早上 他都要往返飞行一百九十三公里Every morning he makes the 120-mile round trip为家人带水回来to get water for the family.沙鸡从四面八方飞来这片绿洲Grouse from all over the desert visit this oasis,在这里集结成群arriving together in large flocks,这十分重

31、要and that is important.数量越多越安全Theres safety in numbers.雄沙鸡抓紧时间喝了口水The male snatches a drink,但他还要给雏鸟们带水回去but he also needs to collect water for his chicks.他胸前特化的羽毛Using specially adapted breast feathers,可以像海绵一样吸收大量的水he can soak up water like a sponge.不过这需要时间 而他已身陷危险But it takes time, and he is in danger.苍鹰Goshawk.沙鸡是他们的主要猎物Sandgrouse here are their main prey.日复一日 雄沙鸡都要冒着生命危险Again and again, the male sandgrouse risk their lives来给雏鸟采水in order to collect water for their chicks.这就是沙鸡巢离水坑如此远的原因This is why sandgrouse nest so far from water holes.终于 他吸足了水At last, hes soaked up

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