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1、经典英语短文36篇经典英语短文!楼主 作者:lapoleon 发表时间:2010-04-29 15:11:54The Ball-point Pen (圆珠笔)One day a young mother was playing with her five-year-old son. Suddenly he grabbed her ball-point pen and swallowed it. Oh, no ! cried the woman. We must find a doctor.She took her son, ran out of the house, ran out of th

2、e house, put him in their car, and drove quickly to the nearest doctors office. Taking her son by the hand, she rushed into the waiting room and shouted to the nurse, I must see the doctor immediately.Im sorry, said the nurse calmly, but the doctor is busy. but the doctor is busy. But nurse, she sai

3、d, please! My son just swallowed my ball-point pen!Well, said the nurse. Im terribly sorry, but youll just have to use a pencil.George Whshing and the Horse (乔治.华盛顿和马)once a neighbour stole once of Washingtons horse. Washington went a police to the neighbours farm to get the horse, but the neighbour

4、 refused to the neighbours farm to get the horse, but the neghbour refused to give the horse up; he claimed that it was his horse. Whshington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbour. If this is your horse, then you must tell us in which eye he is blind.In the ri

5、ght eye! the neighbour said.Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind tn the right eye.Oh, I have made a mistake, said the neighbour.he is blind in the lift eye.Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the lift e

6、ye either.I have made another mistske, said the neighbour.Yes, said the police officer, and you have also proven that the horse does not belong to you. You must return it to Mr. Washington.2楼 作者:lapoleon 发表时间:2010-04-29 15:12:11He Understood (他懂了!)Two Americans were travelling in spain.One moring th

7、ey came into a little restaurant for lunch. They did not know Spanish, and their waiter did not know English. They wanted him to understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches. At first they pronouced the word milk many times. times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter could not understand th

8、em.At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant. Do you see, said one of the travellers, what a pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country?The waiter was back again s

9、ome time after, but he brought no milk.He put down in front of the two men tickcts for a bullfight.3楼 作者:lapoleon 发表时间:2010-04-29 15:12:18An Advertisement for modern bicycle (一则新式自行车广告)Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautilful mordern bicyle which cost 50, so he went to the shop which

10、 had put the advertisement in and asked to see one of their wonderful bicycles. The shopkeepet was very happy to show one to Tom, who examined it carefully and and then turned to the shopkeeper, saying, There isnt a lamp on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement. Yes, s

11、ir, answered the shopkeeper, but the lamp isnt uncluded in the price of the bicycle. Its an extra.Not included in the price of bicycle? Tom said angrily, But thats not honest. If the lamps in the advertisement, it should have been inxluded in the price you gave there.Well, sir, answered the shopkeep

12、er calmly, there is a also a girl on the bicycle in our advertisement, but we dont supply one of them with the bicycle either.4楼 作者:lapoleon 发表时间:2010-04-29 15:12:25Give or Take (“给”还是“拿”)One of Nasreddins friends loved movey very much, and never gave anything to anybody. Soon he became rich. One da

13、y, he was walking near the river with his friends when he slipped and fell in. His friends ran to help him, and one of them knelt on the groud, held out his hand and said, Give me your hand, and I will pull you out. The rich mans head went under the water and then came up again, but he did not give

14、his hand.Again another of his friends tried, but again the same thing happened.Then Nastreddin said, Take my hand and I will pull you out! The rich man took his hand, and Nasreddin pulled him out of the water.You dont know our friend very well, he said to the others. When you say Give tto him, he do

15、es nothing; but when you say Take, he takes!2篇读写任务(1篇于3月7日,1篇于3月11日)和3篇语法填空(正常的语法填空,不用解析, 3月9日,3月14日5楼 作者:lapoleon 发表时间:2010-04-29 15:12:33Two plane Tickets (两张飞机票)Let me tell you a story about bert and Mildred Bumgbridge, who used to be very forgeful. For ecample, Mildred would forget to cook dinne

16、r, or bert would show up for work on Sunday thinking it was Monday. One summer they were to take a long place trip. what do you suppose happened? Well, they got to the airportant with only minutes to spare. So time was short. In that situation anyone would board the plane right away. But not Mr. and Mrs. brmbridge. They just had

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