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1、国际贸易实务与运输函电短语补充Various kinds of cargo damage ? original damage(原残)damage occurred before shipment装船前发生的货损so the chief officer must inspect all shipments carefully as they are received所以大副必须在收到货时仔细检查所有货物If any damage is discovered, he may reject the shipment如果发现任何货损,他可以拒收货物Or ask to replace the damag

2、ed ones,or note the defects in the mates receipt或者要求替换有货损的货物,或者把货物的瑕疵记录在大副收据上stevedore damage(工残)damage occurred as a result of rough handling by stevedores in loading or discharging.由于装卸工人在装卸货时的野蛮操作而造成的货损stevedore damage may cause by: ?工残可能由什么原因引起?careless winch or crane work 粗心大意的绞车或起重机操作bad stowa

3、ge 积载不当improper securing and lashing 不恰当的系固和绑扎insufficient or incorrect dunnaging 不足或者不正确的垫舱inefficient ventilation通风不良lack of proper attention to temperature control with refrigerated cargoes缺少对冷藏货物温度控制的适当关注句子Obviously, the damage to cargo is due to rough handling, please take up the matter with th

4、e insurance company.很明显,货物损坏时由于粗暴的搬运行为造成的,请将此问题向保险公司提出。In our opinion, you should be responsible for the damage to the packages due to rough handling during discharging.我们认为,你方应该对由于卸货时野蛮操作而造成的包装损坏负责heavy weather damage (恶劣天气损害)damage resulted from unfavourable weather conditions由于不利天气因素造成的货损When sai

5、ling across the Mediterranean Sea on 1st April, we experienced boisterous weather with NWly wind of strong gale force 9 on Beaufort Scale.四月一号在地中海航行的时候,我们经历了恶劣天气,西北向蒲福风级9级强风Whilst passing through the Malacca Strait, the vessel encountered stormy weather with strong gales.当经过马六甲海峡的时候,船只遇到了强风暴雨天气Sweat

6、 damage(汗湿损)The possibilities of sweat damage can be eliminated by efficient ventilation汗湿损的可能性可以通过有效通风消除,持续监测舱内空气温度和湿度水平在航行期间也是十分必要的Pilferage(偷窃损)Inherent nature or vice of goods (货物固有缺陷损害)such as perishability(易腐)of fresh fruit 如水果的易腐性breakage(易碎)of glassware 玻璃类器具的易碎性spontaneous combustion(自燃性) o

7、f fishmeal 鱼粉的自燃性melting(溶解) of wax 石蜡的易融化性deliquesce(潮解) of fertilizer 化肥的易潮解性bear the burden of proof 负有举证责任cargo-handling operations 装卸货操作were apparently gnawed by rats 明显被老鼠咬了We note from your letter that several tin-lined boxes were found having hook holes in them on delivery to the consignee.我

8、们从你的信中得知,一些衬锡盒在向收货人交付时被发现有货钩留下的洞15 bales of silk goods under Bill of Lading No. 43提单号43号下的15包丝绸货the parcel in question was shipped at Hong Kong提到的问题货物在香港装船in No. 3 Hatch tween-deck at forward end against the bulkhead被装在3号舱二层甲板的前端靠舱壁处State damaged status of cargoes陈述货物受损状况After discharge in the shed,

9、 I inspected the alleged damage to the cargo and found that the damage was not of serious nature as stated in your letter, but materially infinitesimal, which please note.在卸货入货仓后,我检查了这些声称的货损,发现货损并不像你信中所说的那样严重,而是很小的,这点请你方注意。Please note this incident was of a rather serious nature.请注意,这起事故的性质相当严重。Stat

10、e causes of damaged cargo (陈述货物受损原因)As to the damage to the cargo of chilled beef, we are of the opinion that the alleged damage was caused by the inherent nature of the cargo.对于冻牛肉货物的货损,我们的意见是,声称的货损是由货物的固有性质造成的。Our investigation shows that, contrary to the bad stowage as stated in your letter, the

11、breakage of the captioned goods is attributed to the inferior quality of the containers which do not come up to the standard for transit.我们的调查表明,与你信中所陈述的积载不当恰恰相反,标题项下货物的破碎归因于集装箱的质量低劣,它没有达到运输的标准。State responsibility of damage (陈述己方已尽责)We have taken all precautions we can to avoid any damage to cargoe

12、s en route(在途中).我们已经做了所有我们能做的在途中用于避免货损的预防措施。The cargoes are handled under the strict supervision of the officers in charge.货物是在主管官员的严格监督之下作业的。The above parcel was shipped at Qingdao directly from trucks of the shipper into the silk room of No. 3 Hatch with steel bulkhead on every side,under the stri

13、ct supervision of the ships officer in charge.上述的货包在青岛装船,直接从托运人的卡车上进入每面都是钢制舱壁的3号丝绸舱,是在主管官员的严格监督之下作业的。We decline any liability for the loss in this connection.我们拒绝在这一点上关于损失的任何责任。Our ship should not bear any liability for the loss.我们(船方)不应该为损失承担任何责任。This is entirely a case of negligence in stowage, fo

14、r which you should be responsible.这完全是积载的过失,你应该为此负责。Applicationreplenish bunkers: 补充燃油ships stores: 船舶供应品quarantine officer: 检疫员come on board my vessel: 登我轮inspection of vessel: 船舶检验fuel oil: 燃料油diesel oil: 柴油lube oil: 润滑油oil lighter: 油驳sail for: 驶往landing permit: 登岸许可证man with: 配备Please quote your

15、favorable freight rate. 请告知我们你的最惠运价quotation: 报价,报价单,行情表Lesson Five: Enquiry & Replytariff: 价目表,运价表shipment: 装船,运货,运输量,装运的货物consignment: 托运的货物inward cargoes:进口货 outward cargoes:出口货loading date:装货日期cargo space: 舱位,货位,货舱through bill of lading: 全程提单freight prepaid: 运费预付 freight to collect: 运费到付CBM(cubi

16、c meters):立方英尺Lesson Six: Cargo Workstow: 积载,装载 The parcel was stowed in Hatch No. 2carry: 运输 carrier: 承运人deliver the cargo: 交货 take delivery of the goods: 提货The forwarders can take delivery of the goods on behalf of the consignor (exporter).货代可代表发货人(货主)/出口商提货cargo separation: 货物分隔mix with: 和混合,混唛In

17、 cargo loading, an efficient way of cargo separation is quite necessary so that different consignees cargoes can not be mixed when discharging.装货时,有效的货物分隔是十分重要的,以便不同收货人的货物在卸货时不会混唛。assort/sort/sorting: 分类,分唛mark: 作记号,刷唛Please have the above mentioned cargo assorted carefully when you land them from t

18、he barges.把上述货物从驳船上卸下时请小心分唛。Every goods under a B/L must be kept separate. Be careful not to mix them up.提单下的每件货物都必须分隔开,小心不要混唛。While we are unable to stow the whole lot of the Hong Kong newsprint in one hatch, it should be possible to separate it in some way so that it would not be mixed with other

19、cargo when discharged at Kobe.由于我们不能把所有来自香港的的打印纸都装在一个货舱里,Cargo Worksecure: 紧固 lash: 绑扎dunnage: 垫舱料Additionally, cargoes must be secured and lashed with great care to prevent damage to cargoes on the voyage. 此外,货物必须被小心地系固和绑扎,避免航行途中发生货损。heavy lift: 重大件 awkward cargoes: 笨重货dangerous goods: 危险货物(品) dime

20、nsion: 尺寸 description: (货物)种类The COSCO B/L regulates that any one piece or package of cargo which weighs 2000 kilos or upwards and any cargo with a length of 9 meters or upwards must be reckoned among Heavy Lift.算作重大件As these cargoes weights are beyond the capability of the ships discharging facilit

21、ies, I would ask you to communicate with Messrs. Brown & Co. Ltd. ASAP,with regard to arranging the unloading of these cases by their own means.由于这些货物的重量超过了船舶卸货设备的(起吊)能力, 我现要求你方尽快联系布朗公司,要求他们自己安排卸货。Dangerous Goods refer to the hazardous cargoes which can damage other goods or the environment due to t

22、heir chemical or physical properties.危险货物指的是由于它的化学和物理性质。Examples are explosive(爆炸性的), inflammable(易燃性的), poisonous(毒性的), corrosive(腐蚀性的)and radioactive(放射性)substances.Port Regulation and Agencies 港口规则e.g. Vessel sailing in or out from the port must take definite route(规定的航线);船舶进出港必须按照规定的航线。e.g. Vess

23、el must advise her name, call sign(呼号), last calling port, destination, speed, colour of hull(船壳), ETA etc. 船舶必须告知船名、呼号、上一个挂靠港、目的地、船速、船壳颜色、预计到港时间等,nationality:(船舶)国籍draft: (船舶)吃水deadweight(DWT): 载重吨gross registered tonnage(GRT): 登记总吨net registered tonnage(NRT): 登记净吨length over all(LOA): 全长beam: 型宽ca

24、rgo descriptions: 货名All foreign ships calling at the ports under our jurisdiction are subject to national laws and regulations. 所有挂靠在我方管辖范围内港口的外籍船舶都遵守国家法律法规。Guide to Port Entry: 进港指南go through the customs formalities:办理海关手续immigration inspection: 出入境检查quarantine inspection: 检疫检查arrival formalities:

25、到港手续entry inwards: 进口报关departure formalities: 离港手续entry outwards: 出口报关customs clearance: 清关,结关Please Supply us with one sketch map if such is available, showing harbor boundaries, quarantine anchorage, anchorage for vessels awaiting entry/departure, anchorage for sheltering from wind.如果有的话,请为我们提供标明港

26、口边界以及船舶检疫、船舶等待、进港、出港、避风的锚地的示意图。AgencyA freight forwarder is a commission(佣金) agent (代理人) performing routine tasks on behalf of the consignor(发货人)or the consignee(收货人).Scope of Agencys Services代理服务的范围Services as consignor forwarder发货人的货代Choose the route(路线), mode of transport (运输方式) and a suitable ca

27、rrier;Book space(订舱);Prepare/issue(签发) relevant documents; Take delivery of goods;提货Arrange warehousing(存储) of the goodsWeigh(称重) and measure(测量尺寸) the goods Go through customs clearance(结关); Pay fees/charges;Arrange for transshipment(转运,转船) en route(在途中);例句:We are pleased to inform you that we have

28、 booked space on board for your goods.很高兴地通知您,我们已经为您的货物订了舱位。I, Master of M. V. hereby authorizeto issue/sign/release the original Bills of Lading on my behalf in accordance with Charter Party.我,轮,船长兹授权公司代表我根据租船合同签发正本提单Services as consignee forwarder收货人的货代 Monitor the movement of good; Take delivery

29、of goods(提货); Arrange customs clearance(结关); Pay fees and other charges(费用); Arrange transit warehousing(存储) ; Deliver the goods to the consignee.把货运给收货人例句:We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves as one of the leading shipping agents in China.本公司是中国第一流的航运代理公司之一We wish to appoint your good agen

30、cy as our general agents in China.希望委托贵公司作为我们在中国的总代理 We wish to appoint your good agency as our agents for vessel charter, management and operation. 希望委托贵公司作为我方船舶租用、管理和作业的代理We are pleased to confirm our acceptance of your appointment. 我们很高兴接受贵公司的委托。enclosed for your perusal 随函附上请细阅Shipping Documents

31、海运单证Main shipping documentsBills of lading (提单)Booking note (订舱单)Shipping Order (装货单)Stowage plan (积载图)Mates receipt (大副收据)Cargo manifest (货物舱单)Arrival notice (到货通知,到港通知)Outturn report (卸货报告)Delivery order (提货单)Letter of indemnity (保函)Letter of credit (信用证)Functions of Marine B/L Receipt(收据) for the goods shipped(已装船货物); 已装船货物的收据 Document of title(所有权) to the goods; 显示货物所有权的文件 Evidence of the terms of the contract of affreightment. 租船货运合同条款的证据Types of Marine B/LOrder

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