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O2 Franklin and Wolvie 小乌龟学美语文本.docx

1、O2 Franklin and Wolvie 小乌龟学美语文本Franklin and WolvieHes coming to visit for the weekend.Hey great tower, Franklin!Think fast, Franklin!Do you want to play soccer with us, Wolvie?And he plays too rough. Im tired of playing soccer.This is lots of fun.I think Ive got to help around the house.Ill have to

2、go ask my Mom first.Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes富兰克林已经学会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。He liked swimming and playing soccer with his friends.他喜欢游泳,也喜欢和他的朋友一起踢足球。But sometimes a new friend can take a little getting used to.但是有时候一个新朋友需要一些时间去适应。MmmmShoo fly pie.嗯,糖馅蛋糕。My favorite!我的最爱!Sorry, Frankl

3、in, but its a special treat youll have to wait til our guest arrives.不行,富兰克林,这是特别的食品你需要等咱们的客人来。Guest?. What guest?客人?什么客人?You remember my friends son Wolverine?你还记得我朋友的儿子狼獾吗?Hes coming to visit for the weekend. 他要来我们家拜访,来过周末。Wolvies coming?小狼獾要来?He should be here any minute.他应该马上就到了。Hiya Franklin!你好

4、,富兰克林!Hi, Wolvie.你好,小狼獾!Hey Great tower, Franklin!哈!好棒的塔啊,富兰克林!Neat-o!帅啊!Think fast, Franklin!快速反应,富兰克林!Huh?.Oof!啊?噢!My brothers get me with that one all the time.我兄弟们会这样训练我,经常如此。You really have to be on your toes around those guys.你真的要时时警惕,和那些家伙在一起的时候。A Power Pal!能量小子!Ive got the whole set.我有一整套。Yo

5、u do?真的?Yeah only none of mine have all their arms and legs.是啊只是我的那些没有一个有完整的胳膊和腿。Most of them still have their heads, thoughSome even have two.他们大多数还有脑袋,只不过,有的甚至有两个。Two heads?两个脑袋?Yeah!对啊!You can pull the head off one and stick it where the arms go on another.你可以把脑袋取下来,把它镶在胳膊的连接处。See?.看?But the most

6、 fun is tying parachutes to them.当然,最好玩的就是给他们绑上降落伞。Parachutes?降落伞?Yeah!对啊!My big brothers do that all the time.我的大兄弟经常那么干。Theres still two or three banging in the trees at my place.现在还有两三个挂在我家的树上呢。Theyre way up there too!他们就那么高高的挂在那儿!Hey, do you want me to show you how to do it?喂!你想让我告诉你怎么玩吗?Uhno th

7、anksIm supposed to meet my friends for a soccer game.啊,不用了,谢谢。我该去跟我的朋友会合踢足球了。Neat-o! I love soccer!帅啊!我喜欢足球!I play with my older brothers all the time.我跟我的兄弟们踢足球,经常踢。My friends call me Wolvie.我的朋友叫我小狼獾。Do you want to play soccer with us, Wolvie?你想踢足球吗?跟我们一起,小狼獾?Sure!好啊!I love soccer!我喜欢足球!You can pl

8、ay on my team.你可以跟我们一组。Geehe sure kicks the ball hard.哇他踢球可真狠。Yeah too hard是啊,太狠了,I hope it doesnt hit me.希望球不会打到我。Over here, Rabbit.兔子,踢过来。Heh heh!嗨,嗨!My brothers showed me how to do that!我兄弟教我这么玩的!Over here, Wolvie小狼獾,这儿Wolviepass it here!小狼獾传给我!Pass it!?.传给你?You have to take it away from me!你得跟我抢

9、才行!Take it away from you?跟你抢!Yeah!是啊!Thats the way I play with my brothersonly they always get it from me in a few seconds.我就是这么玩的跟我的兄弟们只是他们总是能很快把球抢了去。Hmmmm.嗯。This isnt much fun.一点儿都不好玩。Hes such a ball-hog!他真是个“球霸王”!And he plays too rough.他踢球太狠。Wolvies good guyhe just takes some getting used to, tha

10、ts all.小狼獾不坏他只是需要一点儿时间去适应,就这么简单。Whats up?怎么了?How come nobodys playing?怎么没人玩了?Im tired of playing soccer.我不想踢足球了。Yeah, me too.对,我也是。Lets play something else.我们玩点儿别的吧。How about tackle football?抢橄榄球怎么样?Tackle football?抢橄榄球?I dont think so.我不想玩。I know Maybe we could play Stick Races in the stream.我知道也许我

11、们可以玩“木棍漂流赛“,在小溪那。Stick Races?“木棍漂流赛“Its lots of fun.可有趣了呢。Come on, well show you.来,我们教 你。I picked the prettiest stick I could find.我找到一个最漂亮的木棍。I found one that looks like a rabbit我找到一个长得像兔子的木棍See看If you want to win, Rabbit, you have to pick one thats the right shapelike mine.兔子,如果你想赢。你得找到一个形状 合适的就像我

12、的这个。On your marksGet setGo!各就各位预备开始!Say hello to ROBO-STICK!跟“罗波木”问好!Welcome to Monster Stick Demo Derby Four Thousand!欢迎参加“巨型木棒四千米表演赛“!NEAT-O!帅啊!You were right!你们说的对!This is lots of fun!这真是好玩啊!ROBO-STICK pulls into the lead“罗波木”开始领先了The winner and new championROBO-STICK!胜利者和新一届冠军是罗波木!Waow!哇噢!Ready

13、for the next race?准备好下一轮比赛了吗?UmmmI just rememberedmy Mom wants me home for lunch.嗯,我刚想起来,我妈妈让我回家吃午饭。Mine too!我也是。Uh, yeah!对啊/Im already late.我已经晚了。Okay好。Lets meet after lunch for more Monster Stick Races.要不我们吃完午饭再来“巨型木棒比赛”。I just rememberedmy Mom wants me stay home all afternoon.我想起来了,我妈妈要我一直呆在家里,整个

14、下午。Mine too!我妈妈也这么说。Uh, same here, heh!啊,我也是。I think Ive got to help around the house.我想我得帮忙干点儿家务活。Aw, too bad.啊,太遗憾了。This is great真好吃啊Its the first time Ive ever gotten seconds这是我第一次吃到自己的第二块With five big brothers you have to eat fast or you wont even get firsts.有五个兄弟,你得飞快地吃,要不连第一块也没有。I hope you saved some room for a piece of Shoo Fly pie.我希望你们还有肚子吃一块“糖饼蛋糕”。NEAT-O!.帅啊!mmmmmbetter hurry up Franklin, or there wont be any left!嗯富兰克林,赶快吃,要不就没了。Wolvie, thats for both of us!小狼獾,那是给我们两个人的!Ahhthat was GREAT!啊,真是美味啊!Yeah-just great, Wolvie!

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