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1、八下单元测教师用Unit 1 单元清一、单词突破。1.事情 matter 11.咳嗽 cough 21.疼痛 hurt 31.刀 knife 2.背部 back 12.X光 X-ray 22.击,打 hit 32.离开 off 3.疼痛的 sore 13.牙痛 toothache 23.呼吸 breathe 33.血 blood 4.咽喉 throat 14.头痛 headache 24.晒伤的 sunburned 34.意思是 mean 5.胃痛 stomachache 15.乘客 passenger 25.我们自己ourselves 35.重要性importance 6.脚 foot 16

2、.问题 trouble 26.危险 risk 36.决定 decision 7.脖子 neck 17.她自己 herself 27.几乎 almost 37.控制 control 8.发烧 fever 18.绷带 bandage 28.情况 situation 38.意志 spirit 9.躺 lie 19.膝盖 knee 29.千克 kilogram 39.死亡 death 10.休息 rest 20.鼻出血 nosebleed 30.岩石 rock 40.护士 nurse 二、短语进阶。1.怎么了? Whats the matter? 11.造成麻烦 get into trouble 21

3、.背疼 have a sore back 2.胃痛 have a stomachache 12.摔倒 fall down 22.太多 too much 3.感冒 have a cold 13.习惯于 be used to 23.休息 have a rest 4.躺下 lie down 14.冒险 take risks 24.多亏 thanks to 5.量体温take ones temperature 15.用尽 run out of 25.及时 in time 6.发烧 have a fever 16.切除 cut off 26.考虑 think about 7.看医生 see a doct

4、or 17.从出来 get out of 27.立刻 right away 8.下车 get off 18.掌管;管理be in control of 28.头部受撞击get hit on the head 9.使某人惊讶的to ones surprise 19.坚持做某事keep on doing 29.因为 because of 10.同意做某事 agree to do sth. 20.放弃 give up 30.做决定 make a decision 三、语法解析。should + 动词原形 表劝告,表推测,表惊讶建议句型: Shall we/I + V. + ? What/How ab

5、out? Youd/Wed better (not) + 动词原形 + ? Why dont you(Why not) + 动词原形 + ?3.反身代词 “某人自己”第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfhimself, herself, itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves四、过关检测。( D ) 1. We be more careful, or we will make the same mistake in the experiment.A. mightB. canC. mayD. should( C ) 2. Im afraid

6、 I wont pass the exam.Come on, Bill. You should believe in . Thats the secret of success.A. myselfB. ourselvesC. yourselfD. yourselves( A ) 3. Maria watch TV, but now she listening to music.A. used to, is used toB. is used to, used toC. used to, used toD. Is used to, is used to( D ) 4. The energy fr

7、om the sun and wind is very cheap and it will never .A. come outB. put outC. carry outD. run out( B ) 5. When Liu Xiang announced that he would running forever, he burst into tears.A. give awayB. give upC. give outD. give in( B ) 6. John is getting very thin. He doesnt eat .A. manyB. enoughC. fewD.

8、little( D ) 7. Did you watch the soccer game last night? Our school team won the game in the last minute!Yes. I was excited I could not fall asleep.A. as; asB. so; asC. too; toD. so; that( D ) 8 Is Jack in the next room?Well, its hard to say. But I heard him loudly when I passed by just now.A. speak

9、B. to speakC. spokenD. speakingUnit 2 单元清一、单词突破。1.打扫 clean 11.生病的 sick 21.想象 imagine 31.理解 2.欢呼 cheer 12.募集 raise 22.困难 difficulty 32.变化 3.志愿者 volunteer 13.独自 alone 23.拿 carry 33.残疾的 4.通告 notice 14.修理 repair 24.训练 train 34.强壮的 5.孤独的 lonely 15.安装 fix 25.激动的 excited 35.先生 6.满意 satisfaction 16.车轮 wheel

10、 26.理解 understand 36.女士 7.高兴 joy 17.信 letter 27.改变 change 8.物主 owner 18.女士 madam 28.有残疾的 disabled 9.旅行 journey 19.瞎的 blind 29.强壮的 strong 10.标志 sign 20.聋的 deaf 30.先生 sir 二、短语进阶。1.打扫 clean up 2.(使)振奋 cheer up 3.分发,散发 give out 4.曾经 used to 5.赠送 give away 6.建立 set up 7.影响 make a difference 8.想出 come up

11、with 9.推迟 put off 三、语法解析。动词不定式1) want/ask/tell/hope/learn/try/decide/forget/remember/like/love/stop + to do 2) see/feel/watch/hear/let/make/have/notice + do3) help +(to) do4) stop/remember/forget/like/notice + doing 注意对比与动词不定式的区别5) what/which/who/how/when/where + to do 构成宾语从句动词短语1) 动词+upcall up 给打电话

12、cut up 切碎dress up 打扮make up 编造fix up 修理set up 开办;建立stay up 熬夜wake up 醒来take up 从事get up 起床;站起2) givegive away 捐赠give up 放弃give back 归还give off 发出give in 屈服give out 分发3) putput away 把放好put on 穿上put out 熄灭put up 张贴四、过关检测。( D ) 1. When you leave, please turn off the lights energy. A. saveB. savingC. sa

13、vedD. to save( A ) 2. We are too tired. Lets stop a rest. A. to haveB. haveC. havingD.had( B ) 3. Jack his father. Theyre both tall and strong.A. looks afterB. takes afterC. takes care ofD. waits for( C ) 4. What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home? Youre supposed to a study

14、 group to help them. A. take upB. fix upC. set upD. stay up( B ) 5. What are you packing so many books for, Grandma? Ill to the kids in West China. A. give them up B. give them away C. give them offD. give them inUnit 3 单元清一、单词突破。1.垃圾 rubbish 11.借出 lend 21.依靠 depend 2.折叠 fold 12.手指 finger 22.发展 deve

15、lop 3.打扫 swoop 13.厌恶 hate 23.公正性 fairness 4.地板 floor 14.在期间 while 24.从以后 since 5.杂乱 mess 15.点心 snack 25.邻居 neighbor 6.扔 throw 16.杂务 chore 26.结果 result 7.也不 neither 17.精神压力 stress 27.有病 ill 8.衬衫 shirt 18.浪费 waste 28.独立 independence 9.递 pass 19.提供 provide 29.独立的 independent 10.借用 borrow 20.不管怎么样 anywa

16、y 30.合理的 fair 二、短语进阶。1.倒垃圾 take out the rubbish 4.依靠 depend on 7.一就 as soon as 2.频繁 all the time 5.照料 take care of 8.越越 the more the more 3.目的是 in order to 6.从事于 work on 9.介意做某事 mind doing 三、语法解析。Could you (please) + 动词原形 + ? 请你做好吗?/你能做吗?肯定回答:Sure./Yes, I can./否定回答:Sorry./No, I cant./注意:如果问句中使用could

17、,回答时要用can或cant, 不能用could 或couldntWould you mind (not) doing? 你介意(不)做吗? 四、过关检测。(一)单项选择( A )1. -Could I go to the shop?-Yes, .A. you canB. you couldC. you doD. you are(D )2. Could you please make your bed? - I have too much homework to do.A. Yes, sure.B. Why not?C. Sorry, you cant.D. Sorry, I cant.(D

18、)3. Could you please on the road? A. not to playB. to not playC. play notD. not play( C )4. He speak three languages when he was ten years old. A. canB. mayC. couldD. cant( D )5. What you do when you were five? A. doB. wereC. canD. could(二)按要求完成句子1. Could you please answer these questions? (做肯定回答) O

19、f course .2.Help your parents do chores. (用could改写句子) Could you please help your parents do chores?3. Could you please do the dishes at this time? (改为否定句)Could you please not do the dishes at this time?4. I, bookstore, go, could, to, the (?) (连词成句) Could I go to the bookstore? 5. clean, could, pleas

20、e, you, room, the (?) (连词成句) Could you please clean the room? 详细替换删除上移下移添加新题型设置Unit 4 单元清一、单词突破。1.允许 allow 10.代替 instead 19.复制 copy 28.持续 2.错误的 wrong 11.无论怎样 whatever 20.回来 return 29.比较 3.猜测 guess 12.焦虑的 nervous 21.成员 member 30.疯狂的 4.交易 deal 13.主动提出 offer 22.压力 pressure 31.推动 5.关系 relation 14.正确地 pr

21、oper 23.竞争 compete 32.发展n. 6.交流n. communication 15.第二 secondly 24.意见 opinion 33.造成 7.争吵 argue 16.交流v. communicate 25.技巧 skill 34.通常的 8.云 cloud 17.解释 explain 26.典型的 typical 35.可能 9.年长的 elder 18.清楚的 clear 27.足球 football 二、短语进阶。1.解决 work out 3.删除 cut out 5.与比较 comparewith 2.和睦相处 get on with 4.闲逛 hang o

22、ut 6.把比作 compareto 三、语法解析。需要注意的提建议句型Why dont we/you + 动词原形?;Why not + 动词原形?We/You had better + 动词原形?Would you like + (to do) sth.?Would you mind + 动词-ing?until, so that, although引导的状语从句注意: 一般情况下,although可以与though互换使用,但两者都不能与but同时出现在一个句子中。四、过关检测。(一)单项选择( A )1. The old man lives a simple life he has a

23、 lot of money. A. although B. because C. so D. if( C )2. The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear him. A. because B. since C. so that D. when( B )3. We didnt start our discussion everybody arrived. A. if B. until C. while D. since(二)用所给词的适当形式填空1. You had better do (do) your homework

24、by yourself.2. Would you please open (open) the window?3. Would you mind moving (move) your car away?(三)句型转换1. Will you please help me with my English? (改为同义句) Could you please help me with my English?2. Why dont you read a story? (改为同义句) How about reading a story?3. Lets go to the movies. (改为同义句) W

25、hy not go to the movies?Unit 5 单元清一、单词突破。1.暴风雨 rainstorm 11.手电筒 flashlight 21.明亮的 bright 2.突然 suddenly 12.火柴 match 22.惊愕的 shocked 3.闹钟 alarm 13.敲打 beat 23.日期 date 4.奇怪的 strange 14.大量的 heavily 24.彻底地 completely 5.报道 report 15.倚 against 25.沉默 silence 6.地域 area 16.睡着的 asleep 26.不久前 recently 7.风 wind 17

26、.增加 rise 27.恐怖分子 terrorist 8.光线 light 18.分离 apart 28.塔 tower 9.木头 wood 19.段落 passage 29.理解 realize 10.窗户 window 20.小学生 pupil 30.事实 truth 二、短语进阶。1.闹钟(发出响声) go off 4.逐渐变弱 die down 7.费力地前进 make ones way 2.接电话 pick up 5.沉默 in silence 8.逐渐变弱 die down 3.进入梦乡 fall asleep 6.首先 at first 9.其余的 the rest of 三、语

27、法解析。过去进行时:主语 + was/were (+not) + 动词-ing特殊用法1:过去进行时与go, come, leave, start等瞬间动词连用时,表示马上要进行的动作。E.g. He said the early bus was coming.特殊用法2:过去进行时与always, often 等频度副词连用,表示埋怨或赞扬,并不强调动作进行。E.g. The baby was always crying.四、过关检测。(一)单项选择( C )1. Why did the car hit the boy? -Because the driver on the phone at

28、 that time.A. talkB. is talkingC. was talkingD. have talked( C )2. The bell rang the teacher was explaining the experiment to the students.A. untilB. beforeC. whileD. after( A )3. Look! Whats on the ground! -Oh, its my sweater. Please .A. pick it upB. put it onC. give it outD. take it off( D )4. Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily the windows.A. belowB. acrossC. behindD. against( C )5. Why not your father for help when you have trouble the story by yourself?A. to ask; finishB. to as

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