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1、高一英语作文导学案资阳市中和中学导学案 专题讲解作文班级: 小组: 学生姓名:课题:Writing 教师: 学习目标和内容:1. 学生了解2. 通过讨论问答学习生词,为阅读活动做准备。学习重难点:谈论对各学科的喜好及理由。学法指导:1.词典是学习英语工具书.每人必备.2.用词典查读音,含义和用法.3.学习单词的基本方法是读写.记忆单词的基本方法是根据读音记单词.掌握单词的基本方法是词不离句,句不离篇.教学设计与反思一自主学习: 利用词典和生词表,课前独学完成P1&2框里的单词。1.汉译英。生物 化学 英语 日语 地理 俄语 历史 汉语 物理 数学 2. IT= PE= 3.英译汉。attitu

2、de behaviour comprehension handwriting instruction method photograph spelling textbook 二合作探究:课前独学完成一下三题;课中对学群学解决疑难问题;课中展示学习成果;课中学生点评教师点拨。1.课前用学科单词填空。然后课中,对学口头问答P1上的问题。1).Science subjects are 2). are languages.3). are academic subjects4). Your favourite subjects 5). Your difficult subjects 2. 仿照例句完成句

3、子。Complete the sentences with a subject and a reason .I like Chinese because I enjoy reading stories and poems.I like _ because_ I think_ is important because _ I think _is difficult because _ I would like to study_ because_3 喜好憎恶的表达。 1).Children usually playing dolls.(孩子们喜爱玩玩具.)2).My sister music.(

4、我妹妹喜欢音乐。)3).Tom die give in to the enemy.(汤姆宁死不屈。)4).I playing football playing basketball.(我宁可踢足球也不打篮球。)5).Jones talking with Smiths.(琼斯不喜欢跟史密斯交谈。)归纳总结:1表喜爱的单词 2)表喜爱的短语 3表憎恶的单词 三当堂检测。课中独学,用所学的单词填空;群学讨论;展示答案;点评点拨。 (注意词形的变化) My English StudyEnglish is one of my favourite subjects. I like it because i

5、t plays an important part in our daily life. I have a positive a_ to studying English. I am very i_ in it and every day I watch the Outlook English program on CCTV channel 10. All of my class work hard in class and we b_ quite well and listen to the teachers attentively. My English teacher is very n

6、ice and she likes telling stories to us. I like her teaching m_. Though I like English very much, I still find reading c_ and understanding i_ difficult for me. I think this t_ is really beautiful as it has got a lot of nice p_ on it. I am sure I will work harder than before and make great progress

7、in my English study.四学案整理。把你本课学到的东西整理下来;不懂的记下来。教学设计与反思中和中学高2016届 英语 学科导学案设计活页 2015 年 下 期 第_周(1-2)班级: 学生姓名:课题:Reading and Vocabulary,Book1 Module 1 教师:邓丹【学习目标】1.词汇和句型:(1)词汇:province,enthusiastic,amazing,information,website,brilliant,comprehension,instruction,method,bored,embarrassed,attitude,behaviou

8、r,previous, description, amazed, embarrassing, technology, impress(2)句型:1). Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.2). I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class!3).In other words, there are three times as many girl

9、s as boys.【学习重难点】:(1)阅读技能:略读寻找全文中心,段落大意;(2) 查读寻找文章细节信息。【学法指导】:通过图片和标题,预测文章内容。教学设计与反思自主学习 课前阅读课文,了解文章大意,勾划出生词和难句。利用词典和生词表弄清生词的读音和含义。Task 1 课前准备以下两个问题。1.when talked about Junior High school, what will you think about ?2.what is your first impression on your new school ?Task 2. Learn the following word

10、s and answer the questionsattitude behaviour comprehension handwriting instruction method photograph spelling textbook Describe your attitude to studying English. Are you_? A. enthusiastic B. interested C. not very interestedDescribe the general behaviour of your Junior High class in English lessons

11、. Do you all _?A. work hard in class B. behave in a serious and polite manner C. sometimes get noisyGive an example of your English teachers teaching method. Does he/ she _?A. explain grammar B. tell stories C. write new words on the blackboardWhat do you find most difficult about English?A. reading

12、 comprehension B. speaking C. spelling D. understanding instructions合作探究 课前尝试独学完成以下练习,记下不懂的问题。课中群学讨论难题。准备展示点评。课中继续阅读课文,全部理解课文。展示点评。Task1 Go through the passage Underline the first sentence of each paragraph, finish Activity 6 on page 4Task 2 Put the following sentences in the correct order according

13、 to the passage.A My new school is very good and I can see whyB The English class is really interestingC My name is Li KangD Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwritingE The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazingF There are 65 students in my clas

14、s-more than my previous class in Junior HighG The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms ShenH I like her attitude very muchThe right order_Task 3 Careful reading1Find something about this school which is different from Li Kangs Junior high School.2. Find two things that the English teacher

15、thinks are important to do in class.3. Find two things that the English teacher wants to improve.Task 4 Do the sentence comprehension, finish Activity4 on page3当堂检测 Describe your new school.群学讨论;独学写下至少5个句子;展示点评教师点拨。1.学校的位置。2.占地面积。3.有多少教师和学生。4.标准性建筑。5.你印象最深刻的地方和感受。 教学设计与反思安岳实验中学高_2016_届_英语_学科导学案设计活页

16、_2015_年_下_期 第_周1-2 班级: 学生姓名:课题:Reading and Vocabulary,Book1 Module 1 教师:邓丹【学习目标】词汇和句型:【 学习重难点】:以上的知识点的运用。【学法指导】: 归纳,演绎教学设计与反思教学设计与反思自主学习Task 1英汉互译amazed amazing bored boring brilliant embarrassed embarrassing enthusiastic exciting hard-working interested interesting 与.一样大 与. 一样的女孩 根本不像 某人的教学方法 某人以前的

17、学校 阅读理解 给某人指令去做某事 换句话说 描述某事 合作探究高频考点:Im looking forward to doing it!我盼望着写这篇文章呢!look forward to期待;盼望我们非常渴望再见到你。Were so much looking forward to you again. 我们一直盼望的假期快到了。The holiday we have been looking forward to near.小结: To 是 词, 后面跟 。动词介词to”构成的常见短语pay attention to.注意get down to.开始认真做某事be/get used to习惯

18、于奉献,献身于refer to参考;涉及;指的是object to反对;反感,turn to转向,求助于 He always devotes himself to the homeless children.(help)Isnt it time that you got down to your homework?(do)高频考点2 Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我

19、们使用新的教科书且沈老师的教学法和我初中老师的教学方法一点也不一样。that在此指代 。当堂检测I 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语意思,并结合句意写出下列所缺单词1I was d with the result;I had expected it too much.2. When I lose courage in my study, my English teacher always e me.3. The most e thing happening these days was the ice skating tournament in Canada.4Whats your a toward

20、s the question?5. I realized the girl from the d in the newspaper.6.Mathematics is my (喜爱的) subject.7.The essay is very easy, and we can read it without (困难).8.It is said that she works in our school, but I didnt see her (最近).9.There are many (不同的) between British English and American English.10.The

21、 film star gave a (友好的) smile to the fans who came to greet her.The population of China is much larger than of Japan.中国人口比日本人口多得多。(陕西高考)Ten years ago the population of our village was twice as large as of theirs.十年前我们村的人口是他们村的两倍。The books on the desk are of more value than on the shelf.桌子上的书要比书架上的书更

22、有价值。Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, I will always treasure.这么多年后见到我的叔叔是一个难忘的时刻,一个我会永远铭记的时刻。The desk is broken ,so it needs repairing.桌子坏了需要修理。辨析:that,one与it(1)that既可指代上文的 名词,又可指代不可数名词,但that后常有 定语,that的复数形式为 (2)one只能指代 名词,one 可加形容词或定冠词,它的复数形式是ones。(3)例5中it指 高频考点3 I

23、n other words,there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。To our surprise,we got twice as many people to attend the meeting as we expected.这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。(比那个房间大两倍)This room is as that one.This room is bigger that one.This room is the of that one.归纳英语中倍数的表达方式:1) 2) 3) 高频考点I dont thi

24、nk I will be bored in Ms Shens class!英译汉:I dont suppose I will come again. 英译汉: 归纳总结:II.根据汉语意思完成句子1他与十年前完全不同了.He is what he used to be ten years. 2.这个男孩因为花太长时间穿衣服总是迟到.The boy always late it took him so long to get dressed.3.你最好别再迟到了,也就是说,你下次要准时点.Youd better not be late again for the class, , You are

25、 expected to be on time next time.4.左边的花瓶比右边的花瓶漂亮.The vase on the left more beautiful than on the right.5.我十分高兴帮助你I am glad to help you.学案整理 把你本课学到的东西整理下来;不懂的记下来。教学设计与反思教学设计与反思中和中学高_2016_届英语学科导学案设计活页 _2015 _年_下_期 第_周1-3班级: 学生姓名:课题:Module 1 My First Day at Senior High (Grammar) 教师:邓丹学习目标:知识目标1了解一般现在时

26、与现在进行时的基本用法;2 了解以-ing与-ed结尾的形容词的基本用法教学重难点1.运用归纳或演绎等方法分析总结一般现在时与现在进行时、以-ing与-ed结尾的形容词的基本用法。2.掌握在语境中应用一般现在时与现在进行时的能力;通过对比,明确以培-ing与-ed结尾的形容词在实际运用中的不同。学法指导用比较,对比,归纳法学习教学设计与反思教学设计与反思教学设计与反思自主学习(结合例句,揣摩用法。) I一:看下面表格中各组句子分别属于一般现在时和现在进行时的哪种用法,然后补全表格内容。 例 句总 结 一般现在时1) Our English teacher often tells jokes i

27、n class.2) She always wears a pony tail(马尾辫)3) Some people never go to big cities.4) From time to time, I dream about becoming an actor5) I Live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. 6) I go to work every day.1.表示_的动作,常与_, usually,regularly,every,always,sometimes,occasionally(偶尔),from time t

28、o time, twice a week, rarely(不常),seldom,once a month,hardly ever(很少), never,once a month, on Mondays等时间状语连用。1) His father is a teacher, and his mother is a driver. 2) I like the main news at six oclock3) We have no money but were happy.3) Whats the time by your watch?4) Here comes the bus!2. 表示主语的现状

29、、_、_和状态。(表示现在时刻发生的动作或存在的状态。)1) The earth moves around the sun.2) Snow melts at 0C.3.表示客观_或_。1) The flight for New York takes off at 8 tomorrow morning2)The last film show begins at 10 pm.4.表示按计划、规定、时刻表安排好的将要发生的动作,常用于表示位置转移的动词: come,_, leave, go, arrive, start, stop, return, begin等。二Study the following sentences, underline ing and ed form and conclude the use of the underlined parts.1).The film “The Pearl Harbor” is really exciting. I am excited about it.2).His response to th

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