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八年级下册Unit 2 讲义.docx

1、八年级下册Unit 2 讲义Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks第一部分:课文重点语法讲解动词短语的构成规律在英语中,动词之后加上介词,副词,或者其它词构成的短语表达一种特定的含义,我们称之为动词短语。 在使用时要把他们看成是一个整体,常见的动词短语主要有以下四种:1. 动词+介词 wait for, look for, send for , look after, come from, hear from, think of, depend on 等。这类动词短语相当于一个及物动词,后面加宾语,而且宾语只能放在介词之后。I am looking

2、 for my pen. 中考:We have to _ ourselves when we are away from home. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after2. 动词+副词 cheer up, clean up, put up, fix up, work out, give out, give away, take away, think over, hand in, take off等。这类动词做及物动词时,如果名词作宾语,可以放在短语后面,也可以放在短语中间; 如果代词做宾语,必须放在短语中间。例如:(1) He to

3、ok off his coat. = He took his coat off. (2) This question is very difficult. You should think it over. 中考:Boy, your books are everywhere. Please _. A. put them up B. put them on C. put them away 3. 动词+副词+介词add up to, catch up with, get along with, run out of, keep away from 等,这些短语是及物动词,后面要跟宾语。例如:Ma

4、ry gets along well with her students. 中考:A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommates just because of small things in daily life. It is important for students learn how to _. A. get on with B. come over to C. stay away from4. 动词+名词+介词make fun of, make use of, pay attention to, take care

5、 of 等,这些短语是及物动词,后面也要加宾语。例如: Dont make fun of other people. 中考:Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I cant go. I need to _ my baby at home. A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of 语法巩固练习:1. Her mother is ill. She has to stay at home and _ her mother. A. look at B. look for C. l

6、ook after D. look lover2. Im doing my homework. Would you please turn your radio _ a little? A. up B. down C. off D. on3. Study hard and you can _others. A. catch up B. catch up with C. catch hold of D. get along with4. You should pay attention to _ from others. A. learn B. learnt C. learns D. learn

7、ing 5. When did the accident_? Last night. A. take place B. take off C. have on D on show二 用适当的介词或副词填空。1. The boy hurried to clean _ pieces of the broken plates when he saw his mother coming in. 2. If you cant read the words, please look them _ in the dictionary. 3. Dont put _ until tomorrow what ca

8、n be done today. 4. We tried to cheer her _ by telling her funny stories. 5. They set _ a tent by the lake. 6. The bag is filled _ sand. Its too heavy. 7. It has always been difficult _ me to do normal things. 8. The problem is very hard. He cant work it _.第二部分: 课文重点内容讲解Section AYou could help to cl

9、ean up the city parks. 1. (1) could 在此并不是表示过去,而是表示比can 更为委婉的一中语气。 例如:Could I help you? (2) 尤其注意在宾语从句中的用法:【2013 河南中考】Miss Lee, I didnt catch what you said. Could you tell me _ again?Ok.A. what should we take B. where shall we meet C. when we would start D. how we will get there2.(1) clean up “打扫干净” “

10、动词+副词 ”构成的短语,若代词做宾语时要放在短语中间。 例如:There is some broken glass on the ground. Please clean it up. (2) 与up 有关的相关短语及意思。 call up 给打电话 give up 放弃 cheer up 使振奋 use up 用完 put up 建立, 张贴等(3)中考Would you _(不要在墙上张贴广告) (mind) Sorry, I wont do it any more. (mind not putting up the ads on the wall. )The girl could vi

11、sit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. 1. sick, adj ,病的,有病的 (1) The child is sick. (做表语) (2) This is a sick child. (做定语) (3) the +sick 表示“病人” (rich, poor, old, young, blind, deaf 等用法同)2. ill, adj This child is ill. (正确) This is an ill child. (错误)注意:ill 只能做表语,不能做定语。3. cheer up, 使振奋,使高兴,

12、动词+副词。 中考我们得尽力使他振作起来。We should try to _ him _. The boy could give out food at the food bank. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站发放食物。1. (1) give out “分发,发放” 相当于hand out. (2) give 有关的短语 give off发出,放出 give over 停止 give up 放弃 give in 屈服 (3) 中考Many social workers went to Yaan to help _ clean water and food to local people to

13、reduce their pain from the earthquake.A. put out B. come out C. work out D. give out 2. at the food bank中考:Miss Chen is our English teacher. She always talks to us with a smile _ her face. A. at B. in C. to D. on answer: DThe girl could volunteer in an after-school study problem to teach kids. 这个女孩可

14、以在业余辅导站来义务教孩子。1. volunteer 可做名词,动词,形容词(1) 名词,志愿者 That man is a volunteer in that town. (2) 动词,志愿(从事) They volunteer to help us. (3) 形容词,自愿的 She was praised for her volunteer work. 2. to teach kids 做目的状语 例如:He stopped to have a rest. 中考All the Chinese people must work hard _ China Dream. A. to realiz

15、e B. realize C. realizingLets make some notices too. 让我们也做一些公告牌。1. notice 用法(1) “布告,启示” 可数名词. There is a notice on the wall saying “No smoking here”(2) “通知” 不可数名词. These rules cant be changed without notice. (3) “看到,注意到” Did you notice his hand wearing a ring?We need to come up with a plan for the C

16、ity Park Clean-Up Day. 1. come up with “提出,想出注意,回答等” Mary come up a good idea to solve this problem. 中考:Scientists are trying their best to _ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9. A. come up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give upAnswer: A. They told me stories about the past and

17、how things used to be. 1. tell sb to do sth /tell sb not to do sth2. (1)how things used to be 做told 的宾语,是一个how 引导的宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句语序。 Can you tell me When the meeting will bengin? (2) used to “过去常常” 只用于过去时,后接动词原形,表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,现在已经不再发生(或存在)了。 I used to speak English. (3) be/ get/grow used to doing

18、 sth 习惯于,to 是介词,后跟名词,动词,动名词形式。 I get used to living in big cities. 中考:She _live alone. But she _ living alone because she feels lonely. A. used to; doesnt used to B. is used to ; was used to C. used to; is not used to D. was used to; doesnt used to That sounds interesting. sound, 听起来Yeah, a lot of o

19、ld people are lonely. 1. lonely, adj, “孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,偏僻的” 做表语或定语。 I often feel lonely. Mary lives in a lonely life in a big house. Mary lives on a lonely island. 2. alone, adj, “单独的,只,只有”只做表语和后置定语。 The old man lived a hard life alone. 中考:Though he is _ at home, he doesnt feel _ for he has many things

20、to do. A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone; aloneMario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. 1. give up “放弃”“动词+副词” 介词做宾语要放短语中间位置。 Smoking is bad for your health. Your better give it up. 2. 中考链接Andrea Bocelli never _, which makes him a

21、 successful singer. A. takes away B. gives away C. gets up D. gives upMario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 1. it can help him to het his future dream job 做believe 的宾语,这是一个宾语从句,it前省略了that. I think that Mary is an good student. 2. (1) help sb (to ) do sth (2) help sb with sth (3

22、) with the help of sb 3. to get his future dream job 在句子中是做 him(宾语)的补足语。Please help me (to ) finish my homework. 不定式短语除了做宾语补足语以外,还可以做主语,视为第三人称单数形式。To travel around the world is my dream. 4. 在使役动词make, let, have; 感官动词“三眼”see, watch, notice; “两耳”,listen to, hear “一感觉”feel 等动词后面,不定式做宾补时,to经常省略,而在被动语态中,

23、要加上不定式to.主动:I make Mary finish her homework.被动:Mary is made to finish her homework by me. 巧记不定式做宾补省略to的动词。不定式做宾补,下列词后省略to。 “三眼,两耳,一感觉, 外加三个 “小使役”保你永远不忘记。5. 中考链接Everyone may feel time _ very quickly when they do something interesting. A. go by B. to go by C. went by answer: AI get such a strong feeli

24、ng of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. 1.(1) such, adj, 修饰名词或名词词作 Mary is such a beautiful girl that all of us like her very much. (2) so, adv, 用来修饰形容Mary is so beautiful a girl that all of us like her very much.用来修饰副词 Mary walks so quickly th

25、at I cant catch up with her. 2.(1) see sb do sth 看见某人做过某事,强调看见某人做某事的全过程。 I saw him got on the bus. (2) see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事,强调看见某人做某事的动作。 I saw a girl reading in the classroom. (3) watch, notice, look at, hear, listen to 用法与see的用法同。3. the look of, 其中look 为名词,“表情” I dont like the look of him. 我

26、不喜欢他的表情。Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 1. decide用法(1) decide to do sth: Mary decided to learn English well. (2) decision 名词 make a decision to do sth: Mary made a big decision to leave her job. 2. try 的用法(1) try to do sth:尽力做某事 You should try to eat m

27、ore fruit. (You should make an effort to eat more fruit)(2) try doing sth: 尝试做某事 You should try eating more fruit. (You should see if eating more fruit will help you )(3) try out for sth (American): to compete for a position or place in sth, or to be a member of a team. 参加选拨The kids are sitting in t

28、he library, but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book. 1. 句型分析:theyre going on a different journey with each new book. 是一个句子,做see的宾语,所有此句话是一个宾语从句,that及没意识,也不做成分,故可以省略。例如: I thought that Mary is right. 2. in their eyes “在他们的眼睛里”做动词see的状语。 介词短语还可以做后置定语,表

29、语,宾语补足语等。例如:(1) My love for you is deeper than the sea. (后置定语)(2) They found the machine in a bad station. (宾语补足语)(3) Health is above wealth. (做表语)3. go on a journey 出去旅行Id like to help homeless people. 1. Id = would like (1) would like sth “想要. ” I would like an apple. (2) would like to do sth “想要做

30、” I would like to drink a cup of tea. (3) would like sb to do sth “想要,希望某人做某事” My mum would like me to study hard. 2. homeless “无家可归的”adj, 某些名词上加上less 构成了形容词形式,表示否定。useless, helpless, careless, hopeless, endless, fearless, Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way to spend our free time. 1. spend 用法(与cost, pay, take 区别)2. free adjFor example, we can make plans to visit sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. 1. raise v. 过去式:raised, 过去分词:raised(1) “募捐,筹集” He want

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