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1、自然地理专业英语教案Lesson 1WORDS1.sleet n.冻雨,雨夹雪2. depend vi.依赖,取决于3. hail n.雹4. form vt.,vi.形成5. low a.低的6. temperature n.温度7. molecule n.分子8. cling vi.粘着9. droplet n.小水滴10. dust n.灰尘11. particle n.粒子,微粒12. nucleus n.核,原子核13.dew n.露水14.crystal n.晶体15.condensation n.冷凝,凝结16. rapid a.快的17.moisture n.湿气,水分18.

2、freeze vi.结冰19.raindrop n.雨点20.instead ad.代替,替换21.snowflake n.雪片22.shape n.形状23. flake n.薄片24.hexagonal a.六角形的25.lens n.透镜26.strike vt.,vi.打击击中,撞27.thunderstorm n.雷雨28.swift a.迅速的29.current n.气流,潮流30.toss vt.,vi.抛,扔,颠簸31.acquire vt.取得,获得32.hailstone n.冰雹33.stick vi.粘住34.theory n.理论35.explain vt.说明,解

3、释,阐明PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONSThe more the more越 越So that 如此 以致Take place 发生As soon as 一 就High above 大大高于Well below 远远低于Take on 呈现A bit of 一点 A mass of 一块Start out 出发,着手进行 layer of 一层TEXTRAIN, SNOW, SLEET, AND HAILThe forming of rain in a cloud depends upon temperature. The lower the temperature, the m

4、ore the molecules of water vapor in the cloud cling together. Then they form droplets of water. Usually droplets form around dust or other particles in the air when the dew point is reached. If ice crystals are in the cloud, even more droplets may form.In clouds, condensation may be so rapid that mi

5、llions of droplets of water are formed. As these droplets collect more molecules and therefore become heavier, their weight makes them fall to the earth. If the temperature of the air is above freezing the drops will fall as rain.When the air high above the earth is well below freezing, the moisture

6、 in the air does not form raindrops. Instead, it forms snow. Snowflakes take on many interesting shapes. They seem to be formed around a center. Snow is made up of millions of these flakes, each a bit of water vapor that in freezing temperatures was changed into a flake of snow.Snowflakes are really

7、 crystals; they are water molecules grouped in a hexagonal pattern. It is interesting to study snowflake crystals under a hand lens.Sometimes droplets of water start out as rain and change into another form on their way to the earth. The raindrops may start downward through a layer of warm air and t

8、hen strike a mass of cold air, where each raindrop freezes. These frozen raindrops fall to the earth as sleet; skeet us frozen rain.Sometimes still another change may take place in drops of rain. During a thunderstorm, swift upward currents of air usually carry raindrops with them. As the air grows

9、colder, these raindrops may form little balls of ice. In a mass of warm air, they may get a coating of moisture, which freezes as soon as they are tossed up again into a colder mass of air. Up and down they are carried, acquiring more and more layers of ice. This goes on until the balls of ice becom

10、e heavy enough to fall to the earth as hailstones. If you cut a hailstone in two, you can see the layers of ice.Some scientists think that hailstones are formed in a different way. A hailstone nucleus, a tiny droplet of water that is frozen, may form high in the atmosphere. As it falls through a clo

11、ud, it meets cold water droplets and snowflakes which stick to this nucleus. The hailstone may meet many of these droplets and snowflakes before it falls from the cloud to the earth. As the droplets of water stick to the hailstone, they add a clear layer of ice. As snowflakes stick to it, they form

12、a cloudy layer. This theory explains why clear and cloudy layers are found inside the hailstone when it is cut open. EXERCISESI.Complete the following sentences with nouns formed from the verbs given in brackets. 1.Theof rain depends on the and the of tiny droplets of water vapour in the cloud.(form

13、/condense/combine)2.When the droplets are heavy enough to fall, can take place.(precipitate)3.The and of water can be observed in everyday life.(evaporate/condense)4.The of ice to water and water to water vapour by heating is a good of the change of state of matter.(convert/illustrate)5.The 100 equa

14、l are made after the byof the boiling point of water and the melting point of ice.(divide/determine/observe)6.The best of what takes place is the of good examples.(explain/provide)7. A lake which is used for wateris sometimes high enough for the of by gravity to transport the water along the pipes t

15、o the houses below.(store/exert/press)8.In science, the Centigrade thermometer is used for the of temperature.(measure)II. Answer the following questions based on information found in the text.1.How is rain formed?2.When does the moisture in the air from snow?3.What is snow made up of?4.What is the

16、difference between rain and sleet?5.Why are clear and cloudy layers found inside a hailstone when it is cut open?III. Give the English equivalents of the following expressions.1.取决于温度2.使雨点落到地面3.呈不同形状4.冷到足以形成小冰珠5.切成两半IV.Explain the different uses of the word “form” in the following sentences:1.The fo

17、rming of rain is discussed in the text.2.The molecules of water vapor form droplets.3.If ice crystals are in the cloud, even more droplets may form.4.Sometimes droplets of water start out as rain and change into another form on their way to the earth.5.Some scientists think that hailstones are forme

18、d in a different way.6.The molecules if water vapor come together, forming droplets of water.V. Replace each dash with the proper form of the verb “freeze”.1.When the air is well below,the moisture in the air forms snow.2.In temperatures water vapor will be changed into snowflakes.3.In a mass of col

19、d air each raindrop.4.Sleet is rain.5.A hailstone nucleus is a tiny droplet of water which is .VI. Translate the following sentences into English.1.水滴开始在空气中形成时的温度叫露点. 2.空气越热,它能容纳的水分越多.3.雾是靠近地面的云.4.地球表面夜晚通常要比白天冷.5.当含有水分的空气接触到寒冷的地面时,水汽开始从空气中跑出来并以水滴的形式聚集在它所接触到的任何东西上面.6.没有雨,就不能有植物,没有植物,也就没有动物.XII. Trans

20、late the following passage into Chinese. In some regions, particularly the dry ones ,there is water vapor in the air, but the conditions may seldom be right for this vapor to condense and fall as rain or snow. Rain, snow, hail, dew, and are known as precipitation. Even where rainfall is usually mode

21、rate, there is at times a lack of rain. A drought may lead to serious water shortages, as it did in New York City in 1949 and 1950 and again in 1963 to 1966. In the summer of 1949, New York Citys reservoirs were down to one third of what they normally held. Several billion gallons of water were bein

22、g used each day. So serious was the water shortage that people were asked to have one bathless, shaveless, and washless day a week. Cars went unwashed, lawns and parks unsprinkled. Even a glass of water was not served in restaurants unless asked for.Lesson TwoNEW WORDS1.mineral n.矿物 n.性质,特

23、性3.naked a.裸露的4.detail n.详情5.reveal vt.暴露6.magnify vt.放大7.magnification n.放大率8.hang vt.,vi.悬挂,吊9.particularly ad.特别,格外10.distinguish vt.区别,辨认,把区别分类11.define vt.规定,下定义12.unique a.唯一的,独特的13.grain n.颗粒14.quartz n.石英15.quality n.质量plex a.复杂的,复合的17.mixture n.混合物18.vary vi.变化,不同19.precise a.精确的20.garnet n

24、.柘榴石position n.构成组成22.variety n.多种,异种种类23.range n.范围,领域24.proportion n.比例25.hence ad.因此26.immense a.无限的, 广大的27.bewilder vt.使为难,使手足无措28.array n.排列29.classify vt.分类30.sort vt. (out)分类,划分31.major a.较重要的,主要的32.division n.分类,划分33.divide vt. (into)划分,把分成为34.igneous a.火成的35.sedimentary a.沉淀的,沉积的36.metamorp

25、hic a.变形的,变质的37.kingdom n.领域王国,界38.distinctive a.特殊的,有特色的39.earmark n.记号40.remarkable a.值得注意的,显著的41.accurate a.精确的42.dozen n.一打,若干,许许多多43.simplification n.简单化,单一化44.rare a.稀少的,少见的45.unusual a.不平常的,少见的46.subspecies n.亚种47.recognize vt.承认,认出48.sophisticate n.世故的人49.glean vt.苦心搜集,选集50.explanation n.解释5

26、1.professional a.职业的,本职的52.petrologist n.岩石学家53.mineralogy n.矿物学PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONSFor example例如Because of 由于,因为Regardless of不管,不顾(to) be faced with 面对着,面临(to)make order 整理despite of 不管,任凭even if 即使eitheror或或on the one handon the other hand一方面另一方面TEXTROCKS ARE MADE UP OF MINERALS Most of a rocks

27、 properties are easily seen with the naked eye, though the details are better revealed with a low-power magnifying glass (magnification of 5 to 10) the hand lens that field geologists usually have hanging around their necks.From the characteristics show, particularly the physical and chemical proper

28、ties we can distinguish several thousand minerals, each defined by its unique set of properties. Thus all grains or crystals of quartz have just about the same qualities, regardless of the kind of rock in which they are found. Some minerals, particularly those that have a more complex mixture of ato

29、ms, vary slightly in their properties, depending on their precise composition. A mineral like garnet, for example, has a number of varieties, each with its own range of composition, such as the proportions of iron and other elements, and hence, properties.Rocks are not as uniquely defined by their p

30、roperties as minerals are. Because of the immense number of ways in which the thousands of minerals can be combined, the geologist is faced with a bewildering array of rock types. The only way for us to make order out of this array is to classify like with like and to sort out by general type. The m

31、ajor division of rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic is just such an aid. Within each major division there are many groups and types. Using characteristic properties, we can divide the rock kingdom into several hundred general types, each with its own more or less distinctive earmarks.Despite all of these numbers, it is remarkable how much can be done even if only a small number of the most common minerals and rocks are known. In most parts of the world a field geologist can make an accurate geologic map by knowing only a few dozen major minerals and even fewer common ro

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