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食人鱼3D Piranha 3D中英文字幕首发.docx

1、食人鱼3D Piranha 3D中英文字幕首发100:00:01,086 - 00:00:08,998 帝门影业公司200:00:11,886 - 00:00:15,088 帝门影业公司出品(3D)300:00:18,006 - 00:00:19,886 制片人:马克坎顿/IPW400:00:52,006 - 00:00:55,886 导演:亚历山大阿嘉 500:01:28,194 - 00:01:31,836 我总能听见,我唱着歌 I can always hear and sing that song 600:01:32,398 - 00:01:38,400 杀了我,在回家的路上 kill

2、 me and im on my way home 700:01:52,934 - 00:01:54,415抓到你了. Catch you. 800:01:56,858 - 00:01:57,858来啊! 来啊! Come on! Come on! 900:01:59,100 - 00:02:00,420看那 Look at that 1000:02:00,820 - 00:02:01,820畜生 Son of a bitch 1100:03:54,116 - 00:03:56,537救命! Help! 1200:03:59,823 - 00:04:01,975救命! Help! 1300:0

3、4:18,066 - 00:04:24,435食 人 鱼 3D1400:04:51,688 - 00:04:53,588 伊丽莎白苏1500:04:54,688 - 00:04:55,888 亚当斯科特1600:04:57,688 - 00:04:58,888 杰瑞奥康奈尔1700:04:59,153 - 00:05:01,551好耶!又是个阳光灿烂的好日子1800:05:00,156 - 00:05:01,889 文瑞姆斯1900:05:01,760 - 00:05:03,741随着雨季的结束.2000:05:02,760 - 00:05:03,999 杰西卡斯佐尔2100:05:03,74

4、1 - 00:05:07,182游客们蜂涌来到春天的维多利亚湖2200:05:05,888 - 00:05:07,082 史蒂夫R麦奎因2300:05:07,286 - 00:05:10,812明天这座二十五平方哩的美丽湖泊.2400:05:07,886 - 00:05:09,112 戴安 梅尔2500:05:10,827 - 00:05:14,481到处都会是啤酒、游艇和年轻辣妹们2600:05:15,211 - 00:05:16,410今天稍早在湖区.2700:05:16,410 - 00:05:17,922有些不寻常的震动2800:05:18,026 - 00:05:21,258很显然的

5、 应该是小规模的地震活动2900:05:20,258 - 00:05:22,886 利卡多查维拉凯莉布鲁克3000:05:21,258 - 00:05:23,552目前已经有专家前往3100:05:23,552 - 00:05:25,012.了解是什么问题造成的3200:06:14,332 - 00:06:19,336欢迎光临维多利亚湖 春节假期3300:06:33,911 - 00:06:37,595很明显,这是个失误. 能不能通融一下? Obvious,it was a mistake. Cant we just work something out here? 3400:06:37,87

6、4 - 00:06:40,236我看到是你刚毁了私人财产. Mistake or no mistake, you just destroyed private property. 3500:06:40,477 - 00:06:42,998而且我闻得出来, 建议你还是收下罚单吧. And from the smell of your breath, I suggest you take the ticket. 3600:06:43,240 - 00:06:44,681你该坐你朋友的车回家了. Maybe get a ride home with your friends. 3700:06:44,

7、922 - 00:06:46,883我不知道, 我想你愿意送我回家. I dont know, I thought youd drive me home. 3800:06:47,364 - 00:06:49,565触摸警官的制服可以被认定为袭警 Touching an officers uniform is considered an assault? 3900:06:50,408 - 00:06:52,089你明白吗? Were you aware of that? 4000:06:52,371 - 00:06:53,812你穿着棕色的制服很性感. Come on.You look pret

8、ty hot in tan. 4100:06:56,541 - 00:06:58,626不是棕色, 是淡棕色的 Its not tan, its beige! 4200:07:00,499 - 00:07:01,900嘿, 放松! Hey, take it easy! 4300:07:02,141 - 00:07:05,625再往前一步我会给你点颜色看看, 明白? Another step and youll pissing lightning bolts into next week, ok? 4400:07:23,885 - 00:07:26,006这和你在大学过的日子差不多吧 Prett

9、y much your average day in college 4500:07:27,009 - 00:07:28,209嘿,凯莉, 我还在想你是否会来. Hey Kelly, I wasnt sure youd be coming back. 4600:07:29,132 - 00:07:30,332来度这个春假 for spring break 4700:07:30,573 - 00:07:31,934是啊,我来了 Yeah, Im here 4800:07:34,057 - 00:07:36,578我猜你来这儿是来买艘船的 I can only assume youre down

10、here to get on one of those boats 4900:07:36,861 - 00:07:40,464不, 我来这儿是接上音乐课的弟弟的. No, I came down here to pick up my little sister for music lessons. 5000:07:40,745 - 00:07:41,785你呢? How about yourself? 5100:07:42,667 - 00:07:44,001我在等人来接我. Im just waiting for my ride. 5200:07:44,001 - 00:07:46,311托

11、德和他的朋友, 我们要去参加音乐派对. Todd and his friends, were gonna go check out some music. 5300:07:47,152 - 00:07:48,272托德.杜普里? Todd Dupree? 5400:07:48,953 - 00:07:50,594想提醒我你以前跟谁一起出去玩的吗? Remind me who youre going out with again? 5500:07:51,236 - 00:07:53,438我只想说你得有些品味 You gotta have standards ok, thats all Im s

12、aying 5600:07:54,960 - 00:07:56,641托德是个很出色的DJ. Todds a really good DJ. 5700:08:00,727 - 00:08:03,128凯莉! 出发吧. 上车,我们要迟到了. Kelly! Lets go. Jump in were late. 5800:08:05,291 - 00:08:07,692他说他有后台通行证. Listen,he says hes got backstage passes for Planners. 5900:08:08,015 - 00:08:08,935你也该来 you should come 6

13、000:08:09,656 - 00:08:12,577我也想, 但我还得在家照顾盛青和劳拉. I would, but Im pretty much under house arrest with Shing Tsing and Laura. 6100:08:12,780 - 00:08:13,900太糟了 Too bad 6200:08:15,382 - 00:08:16,543我们会想你的. Well miss you. 6300:08:17,466 - 00:08:19,266我得走了. - 快啊, 我们出发! Anyways,I gotta go. - Come on, lets g

14、o! 6400:08:19,908 - 00:08:22,470希望能再次见到你,在. I hope to see you again before you. 6500:08:24,513 - 00:08:25,833. 在你离开之前.真酷,杰克. . before you leave.Pretty smooth,Jake. 6600:08:28,317 - 00:08:30,919嘿,蠢货! 衬衫不错! Hey asswipe! Cool shirt! 6700:08:41,413 - 00:08:43,533喇叭很棒. - 谢谢 Nice horn. Thanks 6800:08:44,2

15、55 - 00:08:45,496乳房很棒 Nice boobs 6900:08:46,858 - 00:08:47,778谢谢 Thanks 7000:08:48,319 - 00:08:51,990我有个少女胸罩但是我不喜欢戴,很痒. I have a training bra but I dont like to wear it, it itches. 7100:08:51,990 - 00:08:52,663你说的对. Tell me about it. 7200:08:55,388 - 00:08:56,588你在等谁? Who are you waiting for? 7300:0

16、8:56,869 - 00:08:58,589我哥哥杰克. 他17岁. My brother Jake. Hes 17. 7400:08:58,791 - 00:09:01,153他也会喜欢你乳房的. - 他们都会喜欢的. And hell like your boobs too. - They all do. 7500:09:01,635 - 00:09:02,755快,我们走. Come on, lets go. 7600:09:03,076 - 00:09:04,117你怎么了? What happened to you? 7700:09:04,317 - 00:09:06,318我不想

17、谈这个, 走吧. I dont want to talk about it, ok. Lets go. 7800:09:06,520 - 00:09:07,600嗨,杰克. Hi Jake. 7900:09:08,683 - 00:09:09,923别盯着她的乳房看. Try to not stare at her boobs. 8000:09:10,284 - 00:09:11,325闭嘴. Shut up. 8100:09:12,687 - 00:09:13,927我喜欢你的衬衫. I like your shirt. 8200:09:14,168 - 00:09:15,809为什么? 你

18、也想朝我扔东西么? Why? You wanna throw something at me too? 8300:09:16,411 - 00:09:18,573不, 事实上我喜欢小精灵乐队. No, actually I like The Pixies. 8400:09:18,933 - 00:09:20,614丹妮, 丹妮, 丹妮,克里斯特尔在哪儿? Danni, Danni, Danni, where the hell is Crystal? 8500:09:20,855 - 00:09:22,016她和安德鲁在那儿. Shes over there with Andrew. 8600:

19、09:22,057 - 00:09:24,498他去买些防晒霜. She went to get some sunscreen. 8700:09:24,981 - 00:09:25,541防晒霜? Sunscreen? 8800:09:25,582 - 00:09:27,502安德鲁, 克里斯特尔, 我们不要防晒霜. Andrew, Crystal, we dont need sunscreen. 8900:09:27,823 - 00:09:29,223我们要身体彩绘, 避孕套. 我们要抽鞭 We need body paint, condoms. We need Ready Whip 90

20、00:09:29,466 - 00:09:34,161告诉她明天过来,我要扫荡码头的金发妞 Tell her to come tomorrow I want bleach blonde booty at the marina. 9100:09:34,166 - 00:09:36,191我要在正午前射成功. I gotta get my first shot off by noon. 9200:09:36,473 - 00:09:38,114保证那些标语要漂亮啊! Make sure those titties are nice and perky! 9300:09:40,518 - 00:09

21、:41,358他是谁? Whos this? 9400:09:41,638 - 00:09:44,179这是杰克。他是本地人 This is Jake. Hes a local. 9500:09:45,888 - 00:09:49,266本地人?你熟悉这个湖么? -是的 Sandrat huh? You know your way around the lake? -Yes. 9600:09:49,266 - 00:09:51,528你要份工作吗? 我可以付你现金. You wanna job? Ill pay you cash money. 9700:09:51,530 - 00:09:52

22、,649想清楚,杰克. Dont bullshit Jake. 9800:09:52,852 - 00:09:55,053我导游没来,我急着找人 My guide didnt show and I need somebody asap. 9900:09:55,494 - 00:09:59,137我要的人得有野心, 愿意把握住机会 . I need someone with ambition, someone who is willing to take chances . 10000:09:59,379 - 00:10:01,260如果你明白我说的 . If, you, know, what,

23、 I, mean. 10100:10:01,541 - 00:10:03,102你很幽默 Mr, you talk funny. 10200:10:03,343 - 00:10:06,231没错, 你还小! Yeah, well, youre short! 10300:10:06,231 - 00:10:08,316等等, 我是德里克 Hold on, - This is Derick 10400:10:10,350 - 00:10:12,952别让我失望,混蛋。我跟你说过了! Dont you disappoint me motherfucker. I told you! 10500:10:

24、13,194 - 00:10:16,356我要这个偏僻小镇里最大的船 I want the biggest Goddam boat this podunk town has to offer 10600:10:16,598 - 00:10:17,839他是谁? Who is that? 10700:10:18,079 - 00:10:20,441德里克? 他是个导演. Derick? Hes the director. 10800:10:21,243 - 00:10:24,125那你是个演员或者? So youre like a, er. actress or what? 10900:10:2

25、4,606 - 00:10:26,407我是个 狂野狂野女孩. I am a Wild Wild Girl. 11000:10:28,571 - 00:10:30,491什么是 狂野狂野女孩, 杰克? Whats a Wild Wild Girl, Jake? 11100:10:32,335 - 00:10:35,617我们当然懂船!去他的弃权书!你签了弃权书! Of course we know boats! Fuck the waiver! You signed the waiver! 11200:10:35,979 - 00:10:37,979杰克,宝贝, 我们要这么做吗? So, Ja

26、ke baby, are we gonna do this? 11300:10:37,981 - 00:10:40,903做什么? - 工作啊! 物色景地! 带我们转转, 看看妞. Do what? - The job! Location scout! Get us around, show us the spots. 11400:10:41,145 - 00:10:44,107女孩G点,我要个当地人 the G-spots. I need a local. 11500:10:44,349 - 00:10:45,790我需要你 I need you. 11600:10:47,432 - 00:

27、10:49,074我们在探讨人生,杰克 Were talking about life lesson here Jake. 11700:10:51,077 - 00:10:53,118非常好,明天早上10点,别迟到 Great, 10am, tomorrow. Dont be late. 11800:10:53,960 - 00:10:55,760还有. 换件衬衫 And. wear a different shirt 11900:10:56,402 - 00:10:58,043明天见,杰克 Guess well see you tomorrow Jake. 12000:10:58,405 -

28、 00:11:00,246事实上, 明天他. Actually, tomorrow hes. 12100:11:34,644 - 00:11:36,885杰克 - 你既然要径直走进来,干嘛还敲门? Jake -Whyd you bother to knock,if youre just gonna walk straight in? 12200:11:37,168 - 00:11:38,609我打扰你了吗? Am I disturbing you? 12300:11:39,170 - 00:11:44,214不, 我在做作业, 学校的.研究论文 No, Im just doing homework, and research for school. 12400:11:46,498 - 00:11:50,221劳拉告诉我你明天可能有其它的安排 Laura has been telling me that you may have some other plans for tomorrow 12500:11:51,703 - 00:11:54,224不,她说什么. 我是全职保姆 No,what shes talking about. Im 100% baby-sitting. 12600:11:54,466 - 00:11:56,707什么

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