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1、日本汽车服务专业信息11 日本汽车工业劳动管理和国际竞争JILPT Research Report No. 761 Japanese Automotive Industrys Labor-Management Relations andInternational Competitiveness- From Production, Production Technology and R&D Perspectives -SummaryAuthorsMitsuo Ishida Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University(Chap

2、ter 1 Sections 1 and 4, Chapter 5)Akiko Ono Researcher, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training(Chapter 1 Sections 1, 2 and 3, Appendix)Atsushi Sumi Assistant Fellow, Japan Institute for Labour Policy andTraining (Chapter 4)Yoshinori Tomita Professor, Faculty of Economics, Saga University(Cha

3、pter 3 Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4)Naoki Mitani Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University(Chapter 2)Mitsuru Yamashita Lecturer, School of Business Administration, Meiji University(Chapter 3 Section 5)Research PeriodApril 2003-March 2005Background and Objectives of ResearchThis research is

4、part of a five-nation joint study called “Globalisation andEmployment Relations in Auto and Banking (GERAB)” that was conducted at theinitiative of Russell Lansbury, professor at the University of Sydney, Australia.Researchers from Japan, Australia, the United States, Germany and South Koreaparticip

5、ated in the international comparison study made between Fiscal 2003 and 2005.In Japan, we looked into the automotive industry, focusing on its three sectors -production, development and production technology. Research targets are Companies J1and J2 which are the automakers representing Japan.Outline

6、 of ResearchJILPT Research Report No. 762In the first year (fiscal 2003), we conducted interviews from head offices of laborunions. Mainly on company profiles and changes in personnel management andlabor-management relations, we conducted a total of six interviews - three interviewsat each company.I

7、n fiscal 2004, we conducted a supplementary interview at the head office of eachlabor union before a total of 11 interviews at the two automakers labor union branchesfor production, development and production technology sectors to grasp roles, functions,management and labor-management relations at e

8、ach sector.In fiscal 2005, we implemented a follow-up survey through a total of nine interviews -two at each sector of Company J1 and one at each sector of Company J2.Outline of ReportThe following summarizes survey findings in the description of 1. Wage Management(Chapter 2), 2. Development and Pro

9、duction Technology Sectors (Chapters 3 and 4) and3. Production Sector (Chapter 5).1. Wage and Personnel Management System ReformsOver the past decade, Japans wage and personnel management systems have gonethrough a storm of performance-related reforms. How have old systems changedthrough the reforms

10、? We specify changes in these systems cores - employee grades, wages (basic wages) and evaluation - through the latest reforms.(1) Employee GradesA. Simplification through Reduction in Number of GradesCompany J1 revised job ranks into role grades and simplified the grade system byreducing the number

11、 of employee grades to a three-to-five range from a seven-to-eightrange. In a similar simplification, Company J2 cut the number of employee grades to sixfrom an effective 10.B. Emerging Concept of RoleThe standard for gradation of employees shifted to roles from job performances.C. Priority Given to

12、 Training of Employees at Middle or Lower LevelsCompany J2 has specifically positioned three employee grades for middle and lowerlevels as the development stage in which priority is given to capacity building.Company J1, though falling short of making training as systematic as Company J2,JILPT Resea

13、rch Report No. 763has no choice but to emphasize acquisition of knowledge and skills in competencyevaluation for lower role grades.(2) Basic WagesThe simplified wage system determines a framework wage above a certain level foreach role grade and sets a wage range including a ceiling. Within the wage

14、 range, azone-by-zone wage hike system is adopted to allow performance evaluation ratings tohave a greater impact on wages than the length of stay in a zone.(3) EvaluationIn response to the above changes in employee grade and wage systems, evaluationsystems have changed as described below:- Setting

15、the evaluation system based on roles.- One evaluation pillar is performance evaluation to check whether employeesperformances meet their roles. (The performance evaluation at Company J1 andthe role performance evaluation for the development stage at Company J2)- Another evaluation pillar is competen

16、cy evaluation to utilize performances tocheck whether employees fill their roles. (The competency evaluation atCompany J1 and the role-performing action evaluation for the developmentstage at Company J2)2. Operations, Management and Labor-Management Relations at Development andProduction Technology

17、SectorsRecent globalization has led to a race to speed up and qualitatively improve theprocesses from development and designing to production technology and production.Major findings regarding the development and production technology sectors aresummarized below:(1) Development SectorA. OperationsTh

18、e development sectors operations cover from conceptual development to steps justbefore factory test production at Company J2 and to factory test production at CompanyJ1.B. OrganizationThe sector is vertically divided by automotive function or part into permanentJILPT Research Report No. 764sections

19、consisting of subsections. Sections include those for engine development,auto body development, transmission development and electrical componentdevelopment. In addition, horizontal project teams exist for specific vehicles fordevelopment. Each permanent section includes a department director, secti

20、on chiefs,leaders and employees in charge of specific duties. At each horizontal project team,function-by-function leaders (or employees in charge of specific duties) are supervisedby a project leader. The project leader controls function-by-function progress andtotal costs. Duties for the sector ma

21、nager of each permanent section include thefollowing: The project leader, while taking the initiative in selection of project teammembers, must consult with the sector manager on the selection. If they aredivided over the selection, the sector manager may prevail against the projectleader. The proje

22、ct leader is responsible for managing progress of the overall project. Butthe sector manager is authorized to flexibly distribute human resources forprogress management. The sector manager also makes design plans for ongoing projects and managestheir progress. The sector manager is involved in cost

23、control. The sector manager is also responsible for developing design engineers.C. Jobs, Attributes and Careers of Development EngineersThe scope and depth of development engineers careers are observed as follows.The scope is strictly limited. An auto body engineer may not handle anything other than

24、the auto body. Only a few auto body engineers may be responsible for the every parts ofauto body. As for the depth, an engineer may be assigned to designing specific partsafter some three years service. Within four to five years service, an engineer mayexperience specifications, costs and planning”

25、which require experience most. Anengineer may be involved in projects for various types of vehicles before becoming afunction-by-function leader after some 10 years service.D. General ManagementThe permanent sections and project teams share responsibilities as follows: The project teams are responsi

26、ble for medium to long-term schedules, supported bydaily management by the permanent sections. The permanent sections are more responsible for quality control beyondJILPT Research Report No. 765boundaries between vehicle types. Cost control or planning is explained below.E. Cost PlanningCost plannin

27、g represents development-phase operations to achieve target costs forcommercial production of vehicles for development.In a remarkable change over recent years, cost projections have been given greaterpriority at an earlier stage. Before specific vehicle development projects are approved,each sectio

28、ns members ranging from the chief to employees in charge of specific dutiesare involved in estimating feasible costs strictly. Estimated costs for any approvedproject may be modified little during the development process.Such cost planning has a great impact on labor at the production sector. Costpl

29、anning works to set standard operation hours for plants. At Company J1, the directlabor cost among key costs for planning is given company-wide approval in theApproval II phase of the development process.F. Changes in Development Sector OperationsAutomobile development periods have been shortened re

30、markably over recent years.This has been primarily attributable to development process changes. The latestdevelopment process is called simultaneous engineering. Soon after conceptualplanning begins, designing is commenced. This is promptly followed by designing ofproduction equipment (at the produc

31、tion technology sector).A technological factor enabling such simultaneous engineering has been digitizationof operations as symbolized by the three-dimensional computer aided design system.Organizational factors include distribution of personnel and flexible management toallow the development sectors design process to coincide and cooperate with designingand fabrication of production equipment at the production technology sector. In terms ofhuman skills, designers are supposed to have been trained to predict future conditions(i

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