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1、上湘少版六年级下册Unit24表格教案 Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting .备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1学习本课新单词a piece of, meat ,cross, eat, happily, its, wood, drop, lose, better 2能掌握并用句型“A is /are more than B”,对两事物进行比较。3能听懂、理解本课故事。4 会用like doing more than doing 5通过本课的语言故事,使学生明白做人不要过于贪心的道理。教学重点难点重点:掌握并运用句型“A is /are more t

2、han B”,;理解、阅读本课故事。难点:复述本课故事教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 1TeachingProcess:Step 1 warm-up1、师生互相问候。2、sing a song :The More We get togetherStep 2 Presentation and drill 1 Talk about the pupils in the classroom. Point to a boy and sayHe is tall. Point to another boy and say : He is

3、 taller.板书taller A is taller than B 然后学生指名谈论教室里的人或物.2T : CAI Look at this picture ,Do you know who he is ?S : Is he your brother / classmate /?T : Yes ,He is my friend .Now he is 32 years old. He was 11 when he took this picture .We lived in a small village near a river .There was a bridge across th

4、e river. This is a wood bridge.T :We went to school together happily every day .We walked to school on foot. My math was better than his ,but his Chinese was better than mine .I like reading stories .Some stories are more interesting教师边说边板书课题:Unit 6 Some stories are more interesting 学生齐读课题后,教师引导学生理解

5、课题的含义。T: His father was a friendly butcher . One day ,he cut a piece of meat and gave it to a poor dog .The dog was happy .But after a while , its meat dropped into the river .Do you know why ?教师用CAI打出图片,教学单词, 利用图片帮助学生理解单词的含义并引导学生猜测原因,培养学生的发散性思维能力,同时为本课的寓言故事埋下伏笔。2、听课文B部分录音,学生跟读单词。Step 3 Practice游戏1、

6、Guess ,guess ,guess !(猜一猜)首先,教师示范做动作,其他学生猜单词,然后分组进行比赛,猜对单词最多、最快的一组为胜。最后组内互相猜测,尽量做到全员参与。游戏2、Dragon game (接龙游戏)将学生分成几个大组,由教师开头朗读故事的第一句,然后每一组依次读一句,直至读完整个故事,读得最流利,没错误的一组为胜。或者在小组内进行。Step 4 Fast reading and listening 1、学生快速阅读课文A部分故事,回答问题T : Peter likes reading .He sometimes reads stories to his fiends , N

7、ow , lets enjoy his story , read it as quickly as try to answer the questions : (板书下面问题:)Who gave the dog a piece of meat ?(a man in the shop )What did it see in the river ? (another dog )Whether the dog lost its meat in the end ? (Yes , he did )2、教师引导学生回答问题。3、听课文A部分录音,模仿正确的语音、语调,从中掌握新词难句的正确读法。4、操练句

8、型:“A is /are more than B”教师让学生反复朗读句子:“That piece of meat is better than mine ”,并说出它的含义。然后教师引出并板书句型:“A is /are more than B”(A比B更)教师引导学生学会比较两事物的不同。如:This book is more expensive than that one .My dress is more beautiful than yours. Step 5 Intensive reading 学生反复自读课文,然后讨论完成课文C部分的练习,先口头后笔头,教师巡视指导。最后师生一起核对

9、答案。Step 6 Consolidation 1、通过CAI图片先师生复述一遍后,再让学生分组复述(注意提醒动词过去式的用法与读法)。2、教师检测部分学生的复述情况,注意信息的反馈。关键词:meat shop, a piece of meat , took, walked home river , on a piece of wood, cross,saw, another dog , in his mouth, better,opened , wanted, dropped into ,lost3、课文延伸:教师运用本课的寓言故事,让学生明白做人不要过于贪心的道理。4 、评价对学生的表现进

10、行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,引导学生自评与互评,通过评价记录学生的学习情况及进步。作业:1、练习 2、朗读并背诵课文,抄写单词。板书设计课后记:Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting .备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1掌握本课新单词a piece of, meat ,cross, eat, happily, its, wood, drop, lose, better 2能掌握并用句型“A is /are more than B”,对两事物进行比较。3会用like doing more than doing 教学重点难点重点:熟练运用句型“A is /ar

11、e more than B”;理解、阅读Part D。难点:复述本课故事教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 2TeachingProcess:Step 1 warm-up1、师生互相问候。2、sing a song :The More We get together3 Recite the new words and retell the storyStep 2 Presentation and drill 1 Ask: Do you like reading stories? What else do you like ?

12、板书Ask Which do you like more ,or ? 2 教师用CAI打出图片,利用图片帮助学生分组谈论活动3、听课文B部分录音,学生跟读单词。4 Act out Part C Step 3 Fast reading and listening 1、学生快速阅读课文D部分故事,回答问题T : Peter and Ann like reading .They like different kinds of stories. Now , lets enjoy the story , read it as quickly as try to answer the questions

13、: (板书下面问题:)What kinds of stories do they like ?2、教师引导学生回答问题。3、听课文C部分录音,模仿正确的语音、语调,从中掌握新词难句的正确读法。4、操练句型:“A is /are more than B” Step 4 Intensive reading 学生反复自读课文,然后讨论完成课文D部分的练习。最后师生一起核对答案。Step 5 Consolidation 1、通过CAI图片先师生复述Part D后,再让学生分组复述(注意提醒动词过去式的用法与读法)。2、教师检测部分学生的复述情况,注意信息的反馈。关键词fairy tales , mag

14、ic stories. books on science, learn, are like, more than 3 、评价对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,引导学生自评与互评,通过评价记录学生的学习情况及进步。作业:1、练习 2、朗读并背诵课文,抄写单词。板书设计Unit 6 Some stories are more interesting than better; be more interesting ; be more exciting.Swimming in the sea is more exciting than swimming in a pool.I

15、t is more exciting swimming in the sea than swimming in a pool.课后记:Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting .备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1、能询问他人爱好并能运用“A is more than B. I Iike doing more than doing . 描述个人爱好。2、运用“A is more than B谈论F Lets have fun中的图片。3、能运用E部分问题提示和写作模块描述家庭活动。教学重点难点重点,难点:能运用E部分问题提示和写作模块描写个人爱好教学准备W

16、ord cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 3TeachingProcess:Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1Greetings.2Guessing game CAI 将生词用笑脸盖上图片,让学生猜测Step 2新课呈现(Presentation)1. 用写有比较级生词的卡片,让几名学生随机抽取并读出来,并用生活中的人或物,用所抽单词造句. 这一环节旨在体会玩中学,学中玩,提高英语学习的兴趣,为学生口头作文打下基础。2 复述Part D3. Part E 4. 口头作文 5 根据Part E 提示自主写作。Ste

17、p 3 Lets have fun 1. 分组看图读懂。2 分组口头表达3 独立写出来作业:写一篇小短文,介绍自己或朋友的活动爱好。板书设计课后记: Unit 3. We should learn to take care of ourselves. 备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1、能听说,认读新单词take care of , healthy, keep, exercise, jog 2、能用“We should”来讨论怎么样照顾自己。3、能听懂会读Part A部分的对话。 4. 能默写B部分单词,并造句 5、培养学生合作学习,共同谈论话题的能力和习惯。6、培养学生良好的生活习惯,珍惜珍

18、惜生命,热爱生活。教学重点难点1、新单词与句型的学习与运用 2、We should 句型话题谈论教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 1TeachingProcess:Step1. Warm-up1、Greetings: Good morning! Glad to see you. What are we going to do?Well_2、Game:击鼓传花Sing: The more we get together. (传笔唱歌,音乐停,唱一句)3. Review: I like _than_.(造句)Step2、Pres

19、entation新单词句子的教授T: 展示几幅图片,被疾病困扰的人们,So, what should we do for ourselves? S: We shouldT: 展示图片B部分短语,巩固句型运用We should生词巩固:take care of, body, healthy, exerciseStep3、Practice1. B部分短语操练。(拼读,纠正发音读,小组比赛读)游戏:埋地雷2. C部分Pair-work(展示图片,先示范读,再学生分组合作,运用句型We should) 3. C单词句子:wash our hands before eating, vegetables,

20、 jog,(游戏:红绿灯,造句)Step4、Consolidation深入文本,分层精炼1、了解学生朗读情况,讲解难单词句子(1)What can you read? Picture1.2.3.4?(2)学生小老师,带读2、朗读感悟Listen and repeat3、操作练习 读通读顺课文对话 有感情的朗读对话:能够边做动作,边说 在脱书的基础上大声流利有感情有动作的表演出课文。作业:1、 抄写新单词2、 熟读Part A部分3、 预习Part D部分 4、 与家人,同学用句型We should谈论怎么样照顾好自己的身体,并写下来。板书设计课后记: Unit 3. We should lea

21、rn to take care of ourselves. 备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1、继续巩固新单词take care of , healthy, keep, exercise, jog,能默写。2、能熟读课文A部分,并且试着背诵。3、能够读懂Part D部分的对话,完成练习4. 培养阅读策略。5. 能够读出课文,并且仿写课文。6. 试着根据关键词复述课文。教学重点难点根据短文完成练习,理解课文大意。阅读策略培养,短语和第三人称单数的巩固教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 2TeachingProcess:一、 巩固

22、旧知识,导入新知识1、 Greetings2、 Revision 看图说短语,造句,单词默写 课文复述,看口型说句子。 二、深入课本,学习Part D部分 1、Listen and read播放音频,让学生边听边看课文。回答练习1的问题。 2、Read and Write.学生默读课本对话,完成练习2。 3、Group-work 分组根据上下文猜测词义,教师出示生词,学生分组活动读,找出词义。 4、仿写课文。读通课文,理解大意。能根据课文完成练习,仿写课文。 三课外延伸阅读 作业:1、熟读Part A D部分,背诵A部分。2、预习Part E F部分3、默写Part B部分单词板书设计课后记:

23、Unit 3. We should learn to take care of ourselves. 备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1、继续巩固ABC部分重点内容。 2、能背诵课文,默写单词。3、能够完成Part E部分的写作练习4、学习歌曲This is the way.教学重点难点能在情境中运用所学单词句型,本课重点知识过关写作练习和歌曲节奏哼唱.教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 3TeachingProcess:Step 1 热身(warm-up)1、Greetings2、quick response 教师用课件快闪

24、本单元的新单词及短句keep our body clean, eat healthy food, feel happy, do exercise every day 等,学生快速读出来。Step 2 新课呈现(presentation)1、part E:lets write (1)教师用课件呈现一个图片场景,显示人们健身的情况,引导学生根据D部分说句子 T:Do you know how old are they? How old are you? They do exercise at the park, how about you? S:Im_ years old T:Look ,they

25、 are very healthy, what should we do to take care of ourselves? What should we eat? Step3. Practice.E: Write down your answers.1.写完相互交流,用英语谈论。2学生分享自己的答案。F: Lets have fun.1.教师展示图片,问: What do you do every day? 展示brush teeth, wash face, exercise, in the mirror(实物图片展示,分组读)2.Read and understand.3.Listen

26、and sing.4.边做动作边唱。Step 4. Consolidation.1. 单词听写过关,74页句型读,过关。2. 课文复述背诵。作业:跟读磁带唱歌,读课文ABC部分。课文过关背诵复述。自己仿写小作文。板书设计课后记:Assessment 1备课时间上课时间总课时数教学目标1.复习第1到第3单元内容:词汇与句型 2.检测运用语言的能力,能运用一般现在时和一般过去时教学重点难点复习第1到第3单元内容:词汇与句型熟练运用所学知识完成练习教学准备CAI,ABC song, card 作业:板书设计课后记:Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us备课时间上课时

27、间总课时数教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tree planting day, air, place 2、句型:能用“be good for.”告知他人种树的好处;能用“I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth.”告知他人自己喜欢种树的意愿;能用“trees can keep.”表达种树的好处。教学重点难点能听懂、会说、认读新单词tree planting day, air, place;能听懂、会说词组plant trees ,keep the air clean,keep us cool,make the place beautiful。理解、记忆B

28、部分词组; make the place beautiful 的发音教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument Period 1TeachingProcess:Step 1 热身(warm-up)1 Greetings 2 Look and sayStep 2 新课呈现(presentation)1、New words and new sentences(1)教学单词tree planting dayT:there are so many festivals in china? One day we should plant more trees.

29、 Guess! Is it tree planting day?S:Yes it is tree planting dayT:tree planting day(板书,带读)(2)教学句型“we enjoy .”和核心词汇trees can keep the air clean,keep us cool, make the place beautifulT:we enjoy planting trees. It is good for us. We also enjoy doing sth elseS:we enjoy playing gamesT:we enjoy reading books

30、(板书we enjoy doing sth)T:Trees can keep us coolS:trees can keep the air clean T:trees can make the place beautiful(板书make,place;带读单词)(3)创设情境 教师用课件呈现planting trees的场景,引导学生用what,why,how等疑问词造句,对planting trees提问。T:it is a planting day,why should we plant trees?Step3:趣味操练(practice)Game:planting trees can 教师按照planting trees can 将新短句的图片快速播放出来,全班分两组进行抢答。每说出一个句子,该组获一分,说错不计

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