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1、英语词汇2011年GCT基础班英语辅导词汇一、词汇量要求 领会式掌握4000左右个英语单词和500个常用词组; 复用式掌握1800个左右的常用英语单词和200个常用词组; 掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语境意思识别常见的派生词; 大学英语四级; 十月在职联考大纲。二、2010年真题中的词汇题5. Since any answer may bring _ to his government, the spokesman tried to avoid the question. A. commitment B. embarrassment C. failure D. benefit6.

2、It is possible for a person to _ negative attitudes and gain healthy confidence needed to realize his or her dreams. A. get rid of B. get away with C. get out of D. get along with8. If you miss the cultural references _ a word, youre very likely to miss its meaning. A. below B. before C. beyond D. b

3、ehind9. I cannot _ your plan, for I see no money return for the pursuit. A. approve of B. argue with C. turn down D. give up10. The thief was so _ by the bright lights and barking dogs that he left hastily. A. annoyed B. frightened C. puzzled D. disappointed三、词汇部分的考试形式及重点形式:单句选择填空,要求考生从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案

4、填入空格中。题量共有5道,每道题2分,共10分。重点:是对名词、动词、形容词、短语及固定搭配的判断和理解,其中包括区分同义词、近义词、反义词等。如:四种命题方式:1.近形词题目:考单词辨认、近形词辨认的能力。如:The problem is caused _ by a lack of money.A. prominently B. profoundly C. primarily D. proportionallyThe new director of the television station wants to _ its program.A. divide B. decide C. div

5、ersify D. divert2007-05. Sometimes, artists paint_for their own enjoyment or self-expression, choosing their own subjects. A. reluctantly B. occasionally C. primarily D. generously2. 近义词题:词义相近、用法不同。如:Generally _, that city is less crowded than the others in the same state.A. talking B. speaking C. s

6、aying D. tellingIn the big flood, only 20 % of the people in that village _.A. remained B. stayed C. lived D. survived2009-06. Saffron returned to London to her acting career after four years of modeling.A. follow B. chase C. seek D. pursue2008-01. E-commerce has witnessed a_ growth these years. A.

7、fixed B. stable C. steady D. regular2005-10. There is going to be _ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency.A. sufficient B. additional C. efficient D. consequent2007-02. In space, _and equipment need many forms of protection. A. pilots B. ast

8、ronauts C. engineers D. scientists3. 语境词汇题:根据单词所处的具体语言环境,确定正确选项。In 400 A.D. Chinese children played with a fan-like toy that span upwards and fell back to earth as _ ceased.A. rotation B. suspension C. emission D. motivationAs a good photographer, you must develop an awareness of the world around yo

9、u and the people who _ it. A. innovate B. inhabit C. integrate D. inherit4. 固定搭配:动词与介词或副词或名词的搭配,形容词与名词的搭配等。Not all persons arrested and _ with a crime are guilty, and the main function of criminal courts is to determine who is guilty under the law.A. sentenced B. accused C persecuted D chargedIf you

10、 are a member of a club, you must _ to the rules of that club.A. conform B. appeal C. refer D. access2009-7. He has fancy dreams about his life, and nothing ever quite his expectations.A. matches B. makes C. reaches D. realizes2007-04.Minimum wage is the _amount of money per hour that an employer ma

11、y legally pay a worker.A. little B. few C. least D. smallest解析:答案为D. smallest。此题实际上考查两个语言点:1、minimum本身含有最高级的意义(此类形容词还有perfect,top,prime,unique,maximum,utmost)2、能够与amount搭配的形容词有large、small、great。2009-2. This video may be freely reproduced commercial promotion or sale.A. as for B. except for C. thanks

12、 to D. up to2008-08. He was _ knowing everything about the courses he was to take at the university. A. lost in B. attentive to C. clear of D. keen on2007-03. Living things can sense and _changes in their surroundings.A. respond to B. make up C. lead to D. decide on2005-01. To speed _ your entry, pl

13、ease bring your Admission Card with you. A. up B. on C. cut D. down2005-09. Todays popular clothing chains _ teenagers, who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days.A. resort to B. attend to C. appeal to D. apply to 四、单词记忆方法推荐以折叠背词法(自测式背词法)为主;辅以构词记忆、例句记忆、比较单词记忆法。建议在开始阶段多尝试不同记忆法,确定最适合

14、自己的一种或几种方法。TIPS:四要:1、要先选择、整理重点单词、主动地记忆单词;2、要在规定时间段内,按任务量记忆,给自己制定规则,并且严格遵守;3、要记忆新单词,不忘旧单词;4、要坚持(“坚持就是胜利”在背单词方面是颠扑不破的绝对真理!)四不要:1、不要拿着厚厚的大纲背单词2、不要永远从字母a开始按顺序背单词3、不要觉得连例句一起记忆很麻烦4、不要找任何借口放弃每一天中至少15分钟的背单词时间五、记忆单词的基本功【前缀】anti-反、抗anti-warAuto-自Automobilebi-双Bicyclebio-生命,生物Biologyco-, col-, com-,con-, cor共同

15、cooperate coordinate colleaguede-除去,否定;离开decrease delete di-, dif-, dis-无,不,相反disappear discharge discount discourage discoveren-, em-使成为enable encourage enforce enlarge entitleex-前;向外exchange exclaim exclude express exportextra-外extraordinaryil-, im-, in-, ir- ab不,非illegal impossible incorrect irre

16、gular abnormalim-,in-进入import invadeinter-间,相互Interact interview internetkilo- 千kilogram kilometermid- 中midday midnightMini- 小minimummis- 误misunderstand misleadmono-单一monologue multi- 多multiple multiplynon-非,不nonsenseover-过度,太;外overflow overcoat post-后于postgraduatepre-先于prescribe prescription predic

17、t prepairre-再react reaction recall recover recycle reform refresh repay renew replace reserve restore retreatsub-下,次subsequent substitute subwaysuper-上,超supermarket tele-远telegram telephone telescope television trans-横贯,转移transform transport transportation transmittri-三triangle un-不,无unforgettable u

18、nfair uneasy unfortunately unfortunate unlike unusualunder-在下,次underground undergraduatevice-副vice-president【名词后缀】-an-ian人Arabian Asian Australian Canadian Christian Italian musician librarian physician politician Russian technician-ee人(被动)employee refugee-er-or人daughter owner lawyer trainer barber

19、butcher singer carrier actor ancestor bachelor conductor director senator operator sponsor writer-ant-ent人assistant correspondent immigrant-ist人,主义者 activist artist novelist nationalist physicist psychologist tourist -ance-ence性质,状态acceptance acquaintance allowance appearance appliance conscience re

20、sistance insurance nuisance-age状态,集合表示行为、状态voyage advantage baggage courage garbage shortage luggage -al构成抽象名词,approval arrival interval removal-cion-sion tion动作,状态comprehension depression desperation invention invasion modernization permission possession suspicion tension transmission industrializa

21、tion-hood身份,性质,时代childhood neighborhood-ing行动,行业,的being beginning ending spelling-ity抽象名词curiosity personality reality -ment运动agreement appointment argument arrangement monument movement parliament payment replacement requirement settlement treatment-ness性质,状态goodness illness -ology学科psychology tech

22、nology-ship状态,性质friendship hardship leadership membership ownership relationship scholarship-th结果,过程truth warmth width-ty抽象名词liberty specialty【动词后缀】-en做,使,成为,使变成fasten harden lengthen loosen threaten widen weaken strengthen-ify化,使成为,变成clarify identify justify qualify specify -ize化,照样子做characterize s

23、pecialize industrialize civilize realize 【形容词后缀】-able, -ible, -ble能够,值得acceptable available comparable favorable honorable liable noticeable reliable responsible unbelievable-al的,行为,人,物annual casual classical continual conventional critical experimental identical optional-ed的accustomed advanced asha

24、med beloved complicated crowded learned limited naked situated-en做,使,的,人golden harden hasten loosen weaken wooden woolen-ful的doubtful colorful faithful fearful fruitful grateful hopeful peaceful plentiful thoughtful-ic,ical的,人,学academic artistic economic electronic heroic optimistic organic systemat

25、ic practical statistical-ish的,有性质的selfish British -ive的,人,物active comparative collective creative relative protective-less无的,不的careless endless helpless hopeless restless worthless -like如的childlike-ly的,地deadly elderly monthly weekly yearly-ous,-ious的ambitious anxious cautious curious dangerous delic

26、ious famous glorious religious suspicious-y的,人,物rainy noisy dirty greedy sunny wealthy slippery【副词后缀】-lybasically definitely directly especially eventually evidently extremely fairly finally fortunately generally hardly highly increasingly largely mainly merely mostly namely naturally nearly necessa

27、rily normally obviously particularly partly possibly practically presently probably rarely readily really repeatedly respectively scarcely shortly simply specifically truly usually virtually wholly-ward(s)forward backwards inward outward-wiseotherwise【常见词根】词根意思举例ag做,动作agent agenda agencyaudi, audit

28、听audience audio ced,cess,ceed 走proceed exceed process succession succeed successive centr中心center centraldic, dict说dictate dictation dictionary contradiction predictduct引导conduct educate introduce produce reducefac fact做fact factor factory manufacture manufacturerfer拿conference differ different diff

29、erence offer prefer refer suffer transferfin末尾,界限final finish finegen gener出生,种类genius generate generalgrad步grade gradual graduate undergraduategraph写geography photographject投掷inject injection reject project subjectlect选collect elect neglect selectpos,posit放compose deposit expose oppose propose supp

30、ose sist站立assist consist exist insist resist persistspect看expect inspect respect prospectst, stat站立state station stay distance constant obstacle restTain握,持contain obtain retainVen vent 来event invent preventVis看advise evident provide revise supervise vision visible visit六、词汇部分的主要词类及要点在词汇考试中,考生应该重视主要词性及其要点,如名词、动词、形容词和副词。【名词】名词

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