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1、地道英剧生活用语英剧生活用语I have had a very harrowing time.我曾经有极其悲痛的过去。Nothing springs to my mind.我脑袋里面啥都没想。Bang to rights.一目了然。You are under arrest.你们被逮捕了。Ill keep you company.我会陪着你。You looks like a bit of fan.看来你有点迷上了哦。The higher stakes, the more he likes it.赌注越大他越喜欢。Hes making it all up as he goes along.他看起来

2、像是走一步算一步。You cant second-guess him. 你很难揣测他。No gain without pain.没有付出就没有收获。As you can see they are virtually identical.你看到这些证据确凿。All very hush-hush things.都是很保密的事情哦。Its a little sideline.这只是一点副业。I would much rather you focus the job in hand. 我更希望你专注你手里的东西。Premium phone line. 优质电话。Not quite.不对。(委婉的说法.

3、)Thats worth a lot.感谢语。Its once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.这是一生一次的机会。You are catching up on old times.你们在重温过往?I think youre outstay your welcome. 我想你得寸进尺了。Mind you.提醒你。Good of you to fit me into your busy schedule.谢谢你百忙之中抽空见我。Id have bottle to do what youre doing.我觉得应该阻止你做这事。Put this way. 这样说吧。The th

4、ought had crossed my mind.我有过这想法。Although the joker could turn out to be the ace in the pack.就算最差的牌技师也能翻身。I wouldnt have thought you and he moved in the same circles.我本来不相信他和你一个圈子里的。Catch you later.等会见。So either hes worth a few quid or hes planning not to play.所以要么他油水很足要么他不会给一分钱。Its payback time.是偿还

5、的时候了。My patient is wearing thin.我的耐心差不多到头了。Be very careful choosing the next words that come out of your mouth.下次说话小心要经过大脑。Youd better get more organized.你应该更有条理些。Thank you for squeezing me in such a time.谢谢你挤出时间给我。Im bound to grand it. 我一定满足。Greatness achieve through excellence.卓越创造成就。A heartbeat t

6、ime 一瞬间So something must tipped him off.他肯定得到了某种信息。We just waiting with bated breath to see what you can do around here.我们对你屏息以待。That wont get her a look in. 那不够她看得。Make your wander why we bother.想想我们为啥在忙?Wheres the gratitude? 感激在哪里?Dream on.继续做梦吧。Women are powerless to resist me.女人无法抵挡我。Women are y

7、our kryptonite.女人是你的克星。But choosy aint get you nowhere.不过挑剔也没有什么不好!They are setting me up. 他们算计我!On what grounds? 出于哪方面?My covers blown.我的身份暴露了。Shape future of business.塑造未来为Massively influential.巨大的影响力。Lets take the weight off. 我们先把东西放下。Try to ditch me.试着坑我。The thought hadnt even cross my mind.我脑子里

8、面还没什么想法哩。You just look after your end.你照顾好自己就行了。Chill out.安静。Chill hard.放轻松。Security systems due for its quarterly service.安全系统根据季度更换。CCTV 闭路电视Get over it. Hes just saving his skin. 算了吧,他只是想保住面子。Watch my lips. We stick together. You got it? 看着我。我们在一起。知道了?Take wild guess.胡乱猜吧。Somehow I doubt. 我有点怀疑。T

9、hat is spot on. 那是即兴(作品)。Hes very up and down.他和很随性。Not the bear hug.别熊抱我。Ill let you in on a little secret.我告诉你一个小秘密。Let sb in on sth 是让某人知晓某个秘密的意思,如let me in on your tricks.A common misconception.一个普遍的认识错误。I think I will tag along for the ride. 我想我会尾随其后的。What goes around comes around. 说什么来什么。You d

10、o not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on court.米兰达。You have to speculate to accumulate. 你不得不精打细算。Theres nothing quite like getting even.没有什么比找平衡更爽的了。Hes just got some cold feet.他只是有点担心。None taken.别在意。Im just not y

11、our type.我并不适合你。Let retrace our steps. 我们沿原路返回。Silence is golden.沉默是金。Its more than a person favor. 不单是私人的帮忙。Earn commission on my sales 在销售上获得授权。Im absolutely crystal clear on this.我再清楚也不过了。Money laundering 洗钱Its be quite a coup for you.对你来说是一笔好生意。Its wipe out our working capital 那把我们的运作资金都抹了。He ha

12、snt been able to track it down.他没法找到。Know its whereabouts 知道它的所在Extremely so./?绝对是。这么严重阿?是这样么?strictly that?A world renown collection 世界声誉的收集A little trust(encouragement) goes a long way.信任使大家走的更远。Its all a matter of principle.这是原则性的事。Im entitled to my say.我有资格说话。Its all our neck on the line and I,

13、for one ,like to know the people Im working with.这是命悬一线的事而且我,首要的是,想了解和自己一起工作的人。Not a very nice man by any criteria you choose to apply.不管用什么评定标准都不能算是个好人。Born in xx, resides in xx. 在哪个国家出生,那个国家定居。Good seeing you.见到你真好。See you around. 回头见。I was scraping around for years. 我摸爬滚打多年了。You were that good? 你

14、有那么好?Strictly cash!只能现金。Stick it on the slate.赊账!Dont give a suck a even break. 心狠手辣。My precious. 我的宝贝。Father figure 父亲的形象Its ok to grieve but dont shut us out. 伤心没关系但别把我们拒之门外。There is nothing to be scare of. We are all in this together. To the end.没什么好怕的。我们在一起。到最后。With my last ounce of strength 用我最

15、后一点力气I want to say this to you in private.我想跟你私下谈。I respect that more than youll ever know. 我远比你想象中尊崇它。Theres a lot of me in you.我身上有很多地方和你相似。Dont give me that.别来这一套。Nothing a good supper wont cure.一段好的盛宴能治好一切。Every one has got attached with that boy.每个人都对那个孩子有所眷恋。All of this is against the regulati

16、on. 这些都是违反规则的。I have a cure of your misery. 我有办法治愈你的伤痛。So long as you remember this is a non-fly zone.只要你记得这不是你乱来的地方。Bravo! 好极了!Im not in the mood for start again.我没有心思再开始了。Take it or leave it. 要还是不要。Your commander in chief has issued a direct order. 你顶头上司下命令了。Its not doing you any good pacing up an

17、d down here.在这里磨蹭没什么好处。Laugh at his jokes, drink his drinks. 一切顺着他。The time is of essence.时间才是关键问题。Its beyond doubt as it can be.那个丝毫不用怀疑。You are in the driving seat. 你才是主导。On second thoughts, 另一种想法We are wrestling a very tight budget. 我们的预算很紧张。You would think we have money to burn. But its not.你以为我

18、们是来烧钱的。事实上不是。They are a chip off the old block. 他们像是一个模子刻出来的。What are you doing out here on your lonesome? 你无聊的时候做什么?It haunts me.那事我萦绕心头。It helps monkey know who hunters are. 这样才能有的放矢。Dont tell me youve lost your nerve.不要告诉我你失去魄力了。How else are we getting the capital? 那我们还能怎样拿到钱?Crooks with pens in

19、their pockets.一群衣冠禽兽。Where is your pride? 你的尊严哪去了?Hes a regular guy.他是个循规蹈矩的人。It has nothing to do with me. 那对我没用。It doesnt work with me, just save ur water works.I just want to carve a life on my own terms. 我只想做自己。A rose in a bed of thorns. 虎落平阳啊。Its “satisfactory deferment”.那是“权宜之计”。It doesnt alte

20、r the fact. 那并不改变事实。Its truly universally acknowledged, 一条举世公认的真理I have some favors to ask you.我要你帮我一个帮。Its my treat. / Its on me. / Be my guest. 我请客。I beat you fair and square. 我堂堂正正的击败你。I screwed. 我搞砸了。Well, enjoy rest of the interview. 享受接下来的面试。In that case 那样的话In actual fact 实际上Its perfectly fea

21、sible.这是完全可行的。Pretty much. 远远不止。Far off that.Youll know him soon enough. 你很快就了解他了。Im not trying to pull you. 我不是想泡你。He bottle it. 他忍住了。See what you want, grab it by the balls. 看见你要什么,一定牢牢装在手心里。Thats wrinklies for you. 那对你可真麻烦。Its all about staying one step ahead of the competition. 都是关于如何在竞争中领先一步的。I

22、s that so? 是那样吗?There you go.你做的好!Youve got to convince him that youre like-minded, like two peas in a pod.你要说服他跟你志趣相投,就像豆瓣中的豆子一样。一些关于地道英语的表达,书中永远也学不到:Mate : 无论你在哪只要还在英国,这个词几乎天天都能听到,相当于美语中的buddy。Blimey!这是人们在表示惊讶时常用的表达方式。例如, Blimey! The weathers terrible today!Keep your hair on.你的头发并不是要往哪个方向。 这个表达方式其

23、实是表示保持平静,Keep your hair on. Its an easy problem to fix.Pear-shaped.这常用来表示出了问题的情况。例如,I started my new job the other day and I was so nervous, it all went pear-shaped.Have it large.在你计划外出并玩个痛快的时候你会这样说。 例如, Its Saturday! Were gonna have it large tonight! 你还可以说larging it。Bobs your uncle. 如果有人这么对你说,这并不代表

24、你有一个很久没有联系的叔叔在伦敦。伦敦人使用这个表达方式,表明某事已经完成或者某事没有任何的问题。例如,You just plug it in, turn on the power, and Bobs your uncle!Dogs dinner.当人们说某事象狗食,他们其实在说这事一团糟。例如,Your hair looks like a dogs dinner,意思是你的头发有一点乱,而不是他们的狗想要吃!All over the shop.这个表达方式和购物没有任何的关系。这表示某人完全没有条理性。 如果有人告诉你,youre all over the shop,你应该停一停,仔细想一想

25、了。伦敦人还说,all over the gaff。Smashing.不,这不是把东西摔坏!这其实是用来描述某事物非常的好。例如, Last nights party was smashing!Hank Marvin. 如果有人说,Im Hank Marvin!这不是他或她的名字。这只是代表这个人非常的饿。例如,What do you want to eat for dinner? Im Hank Marvin!这是伦敦押韵的俚语的一个例句。Hank Marvin 和starvin押韵,意思是饥饿。Lets have a bubble bath.别担心,伦敦人并不是让你和他们一起洗泡泡浴。 bubble bath 其实意思是a laugh。他们只是要你和他们一起欢笑。研究英式英语喜好雄鹰类狗狗希望认识其他爱狗之人 学习德语学习德语或西语 寻找雄鹰或其他狗友希望认识雄鹰或其他类狗狗的狗友 希望认识会德语或西语 想学习英语的朋友 或喜好

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