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大学英语综合教程B1Unit 4 American Dream.docx

1、大学英语综合教程B1Unit 4 American DreamUnit 4 American DreamText A Tony Trvisonnos American Dream. Global Reading1. Part Division of the textParts LinesMain Ideas1182 Life story of Tony Trivisonno. 28395 The authors reflections on the story of Tony2. Further UnderstandingFor Part One Chart CompletionHow Ton

2、y Fulfilled His American DreamLines Time PhrasesTonys Steps toward Success126One evening during the Great DepressionTony started to work as a help at Mr. Crawfords house.2733Summer passed into fallTony got a job cleaning snow at Mr. Crawfords factory3443One dayTony asked to be trained as an apprenti

3、ce, and later learned to be a skilled worker.4485A year or two passedTony bought a house with the help of Mr. Crawford5976After about two yearsTony bought a farm and sent for his family in Italy.7782During the warTony died, leaving his family a prosperous farm and his children educatedFor Part Two Q

4、uestions and Answers1) What is the key to Tonys success?Tony worked very hard to create his American Dream. Besides, he was determined, self-controlled, optimistic, self-respected, honest and responsible. All these helped him become successful.2) Compare Tony with the greatest industrialists.Both To

5、ny and the greatest industrialists are successful in pursuing their American Dreams. They reached their success by working hard, and by the same values and principles. The only difference was that they had different financial achievements. Detailed ReadingImportant words , phrases and sentences:Part

6、 One (Para.1Para.29)1. (L 5) “I mow your lawn,” he said.How many times is the sentence“I mow your lawn.”repeated in the text? Why is it repeated? The sentence is repeated four times. Thats because it shows Tonys determination in finding a job, and his optimistic view that people would help a man who

7、 needed a job.2. (L11) turn away: refuse to help or allow (sb.) to enter a place -他拒绝了所有的应征者。He turned all the applicants away.-He turned away several people who didnt have the tickets.Collocation:turn down 拒绝;调低turn in 交还,上交turn into 使变成turn off 关;拐弯turn out 生产,制造;证明,结果turn over 仔细考虑3. (L24) work o

8、ut: plan, solve, calculate -他们已经设计出把宇宙飞船送上太空的方法。Theyve worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to the space.* -My mother allowed me to take the trip, but asked me to work out the total cost first.Collocation:work at 从事于,致力于work up 引起,激起,逐渐上升4. (L24) weekly: 1) adj. happening once a week or every

9、 week-He thinks his weekly wage of 100 yuan is enough. 2) adv. once a week, every week, by the week.-21世纪报每周出版一次。21st Century is published weekly. 3) n. a publication issued once a week-Publishers Weekly (美)出版商周刊twice weekly 半周刊* the same as monthly, daily5. (L 30) Well, what do you do with such det

10、ermination and hope? Paraphrase the sentenceIt is hard to refuse a person who is determined and hopeful to get a job.6. (L30) do with: 1) (used in questions with what) deal with -Tell me what you did with yourself this week.* -What do you do with such rude boy?2) tolerate-我不能忍受他和他的无礼。I cant do with

11、him and his impoliteness.3) (often with could, can) desire-I could do with a cup of tea. Collocation: do with 没有也行,将就 do away with 废除,去掉 have something to do with 和有点关系 have noting to do with 和毫无关系7. (L30) determination: n. the ability to continue trying to achieve what you have decided to do even w

12、hen this is difficult-He has great determination to learn English well.* -Her determination to do well made her keep on trying.*determine (to do): v. decide to do-He determined to go. 他执意要去。-I am determined to do better than Mike. - What kind of weather we will get determines whether we can go out f

13、or a picnic.8. (L32) personnel: n. 1) the department in a large organization that deals with employees; human resources (uncountable noun, used with a singular or plural verb)-personnel administration 人事管理-personnel department 人事部/处/科-personnel director 人事部长/处长/科长* -Her first job after graduation wa

14、s in personnel at Microsoft. 2) all the persons working in an organization, in the army, etc. (often used with a plural verb) -The personnel of the company has been increased. -全体员工都允许参加晚会。 All personnel were allowed to take part in the party.* -All personnel in this company are entitled to medical

15、insurance. N.B.此外注意与personal的区别: personal: 个人的,私人的,亲自的,秘密的-Like their personal lives, womens history is fragmented, interrupted.如同她们的个人生活一样,妇女的历史是支离破碎的且中断的。-a personal appearance 亲自出面-I have something personal to tell you.我有秘密的事要告诉你。9. (L37) capacity: n. 1) the ability to understand or do sth. (foll

16、owed by for or to)-His capacity for remembering things is interesting.2) the ability to hold or contain sth.; the maximum amount that can be contained-The trunk is filled to capacity CF: capacity, ability, capability & proficiency 这些词都可以表示“能力”的意思capacity 用于物时,指容纳接受的能力,如容积、容量、生产能力;用于人时指潜在的能力,多用于才智、道德

17、,尤指接受能力、颖悟性、敏感性等。ability 既指天赋的能力,也指培养造就而获得的本领;主要用于人,指已经表现出来的实际能力,尤指人的思维能力。capability 较多用于人,指胜任某项工作的能力、本领。proficiency正式用语,带有技术性,指对业务的精通和熟练。Fill in the blanks with the words given above:1) Her mental ability is very great.2) The film is beyond the capacity of the children.3) Proficiency in several for

18、eign languages is needed for work as a travelers guide.4) He has the capability of solving practical problems.10. (L40) skilled: adj. 1) having skill, trained, experienced-skilled worker 有技术的工人2) needing skill-skilled work 技术性工作 CF: skilled & skillful这两个词在表示有“有技术的,熟练的”讲时可以互换。skilled 通常是指受过正规训练,有多年实践

19、经验,而掌握某项专门技术。skillful 是指人聪明,做事很灵巧,尤指手的灵巧-He is a skilled / skillful surgeon.-罗斯的父亲是个熟练的机械师,因而她也很会修理自行车。 Roses father is a skilled mechanic so she has become skillful at repairing bicycles too.11. (L 4243) My wife and I were delighted with what we felt was a satisfying end of the story.1) Paraphrase

20、the sentence.My wife and I were happy with what Tony had achieved, and thought that the whole thing had thus been settled.2) Was Tony satisfied with this end? Tony was not satisfied. He kept on working hard until he fulfilled his better dreams.12. (L47) for sale: available to be bought -The company

21、will put the houses for sale.*-Her former home is for sale at $496,000.* on sale: 1) available to be bought 2) being offered at a reduced price Collocation: on sale 上市,出售;减价,贱卖a sale on credit 赊购on sale or return 包退包换的,无法销售可以退货的13. (L48) call on: 1) visit sb. for a short time -Ill call on him tomorr

22、ow. 2) summon, appeal -他们号召全市工人支持这次罢工。 They called on the workers of the city to support the strike. 3) invite, require -The host of the party called on the Chairman to speak.Collocation:call for 邀约;要求;需要call off 取消call up 打电话;召集;使人想起call in 顺路到某处;收回14. (L48) loan: 1) vt. lend-The bank loaned me som

23、e money.-The artist loaned her pictures to the museum.2) n. a) sth. lent, esp. a sum of money-The dictionary is a loan, not a gift.-Does the loan carry any interest? b) lending-我可以借你的打字机用一下吗?May I have the loan of your typewriter? Collocation: ask for the loan of 请求借用 have the loan of 借 on loan 出借的

24、a mortgage loan 抵押贷款,抵押借款 a loan on security 担保贷款 a loan for consumption 消费贷款 a long-term loan 长期贷款 a gift (interest-free) loan 无息贷款 a public / government loan 公债,国库券 a domestic (foreign) loan 内(外)债15. (L48) character: n. 1) the particular collection of qualities that make sb. / sth. different from

25、others-He has a strong but gentle character.-品质的培养应是教育的主要点。Character building should be the main point of education.-The new buildings have changed the character of the village.2) person in a play, movie, etc.-I find all the characters in his new play very real.3) letter, sign or mark used in a syst

26、em of writing or printing-a Chinese character-汉字看起来像是一幅幅小图画The characters in Chinese writing look like small pictures. CF: character, characteristic, feature & personality这些词都是名词,都有“性格”、“品质”、“特征”的意思。 character 指成年人已经充分发展的生活方式,而且往往与品格有关 characteristic 指某物的任何方面,不涉及全局的重要性,但常指有代表性的一个侧面,常用于科技领域。 feature

27、通常指外貌的特征或特别的、附加的、有吸引力的东西。 personality 偏重指一个人表现出来的无法明确阐述的整个情绪方面的特点,不与形容词连用时表示情感上的吸引力。 Fill in the blanks with the words given above and translate the sentences into Chinese. 1) An aquiline nose was her best feature. (鹰钩鼻是她最明显的特征) 2) He can read a guys character at the first glance. (他一眼就可以看出一个人的品质) 3

28、) He has character but no personality . (他有性格但没有个性) 4) A psychological report lists every possible characteristic of the person being studied. (一份心理学报告列举了研究对象所有可能有的特性)16. (L 5558) From then on, it was interesting to see that any discarded odds and ends around our placea broken screen, a bit of hardw

29、are, boards from packingTony would gather and take home.1) Why did Tony take home the discarded odds and ends?Tony bought a house, which was a complete wreck. To fix and decorate it, and, above all, to save money, he took home the discarded odds and ends.2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.从那以后,只

30、要我家附近有什么被人丢弃的零星杂物,坏了的屏风啦,五金器具啦,包装纸板啦,托尼都要收起来拿回家,看他这个样子真有意思。17. (L60) confidence: n. the quality of being certain of ones abilities or of trusting other people -I took them into my confidence. -I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. -我告诉你这件事是因为绝对相信你会保守秘密的。 I am telling you this in strict

31、 confidence.18. (L67) sent for: ask for the arrival of -I was seriously ill and my father had to send for a doctor. -Do you want to send for the police?19. (L6869) He had hunted around the edge of town until he found a small, abandoned piece of property with a house and shed. 1) What does “property” refer to?“Property” refers to the farm he w

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