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1、张培基英译现代散文选词汇张培基英译现代散文选11. Phrasal Expression & Words amid(st) thunderous applausea bare subsistenceA be characteristic of B = B be characterized by AA bend in a river / mountainA blind alleyA brass drum 小铜鼓A bygone agea clot of bloodA cobbled pathA confused mass ofA faint scent of A forgone conclusi

2、on 预料中的必然结局A hired hand on contractA jumble of 一大堆A keen sense ofA long-timer of BeijingA loose community of smaller familyA man of profound learningA mere drop in the oceanA niche in the temple of fameA passing glanceA philosophical approach to lifea positive outcomeA scene of poetic charmA sensati

3、on of blissfulnessA speck of mudA stones throwA trace / shade / tint/ sprinkle ofA Treasury of Best Chinese Prose 古文观止A vast tract of landA virtuous man / a man of supreme virtue / moral integrityA widening expanse of waterabandon to fateAche/agonize with painAdjoining roomadmire sb for sth affected

4、 做作aim highamiable by natureAmuse oneself by = do for funAmusing episodean enlightened kingAn odd-jobberAn opportune moment 合适时机Ancestral homeApproach senility aptly 恰如其分地Art troupe 文工团At a stretch/sittingAt ones commandat the present momentAvaricious desires 贪念Bark up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标bashfulBa

5、sk in the sunshineBe ablaze/aglow with lightbe advanced in yearsbe an encumbrance toBe beset/troubled with/byBe blurred byBe bogged down = be trappedBe bound up with密切关联be central/indispensable to sb. Be cooped up = be cagedbe deeply grieved to learn ofbe distinguished byBe engrossed inBe exquisite

6、and nicely arrangedbe forever cherished / treasured Be hale and heartyBe havened frombe humanly impossibleBe imprinted/carved/engraved/ingrained on/uponbe in a fixBe instrumental inBe interwoven with 交织着be irrelevant / foreign toBe keenly aware ofbe keyed up紧张Be led by the nosebe of southern breedBe

7、 off and onbe on an equal footing withBe on the lips ofBe on the minds out to dobe overgrown with wild woodsbe packed withBe plagued = annoyed = upsetBe possessedBe possessed of be reconciled tobe reduced to be saddled withbe sent to gallows Be short of/devoid ofBe shrouded in = be covered in

8、= be enveloped inBe sloppy in thinkingBe strewn/covered/festooned withBe stumped by = baffledBe tantamount to= equalBe tinted / colored byBe troubled / seized withBe tucked away inBe weaned 断奶Be weighed down/ troubled withbe wet with perspiration/Be wide of / far from the mark 离谱Be wild with excitem

9、ent / joyBe worthy of 无愧于Beam = a big smile on faceBear a thin coating ofbegin by degrees 逐渐开始Beguile = while / idle / fritter awayBibliomaniabicker Birds of a feather flock togetherBlackout: (战时)灯火管制Blurt 脱口而出bookish / pedantic / impractical viewBorder sth on the westboudoir 闺房Bountiful free giftsB

10、ow down toBrazenly claim / credit 厚颜无耻邀功Break into uncontrolled sobsBrilliant talentburst with vitalityBury the hatchetButton up clothesBy dint of 凭借CaponCarcass: slaughtered animal for foodCavernous mouthChant ancient Chinese books 诵读古籍chicken-and-egg 因果难断的Chit chatClick away the seconds Come dimly

11、 into sightCome out exceedingly wellCome to pass 出现,发生Come up againstCome upon a windfallCome/be of ageConfirmed = habitualConfirmed = habitualCongenial disposition 天性convulsive sobcool ones heelCordiallycotton-padded gown 棉衣Court ladies = palace maidCrackling: sound made by burning woodCrane ones n

12、ecksCredit A with B = attribute B to ACrumble into dustCurl upcurtly = rudelyCut down on = economize ondecadent 颓废的Decorated archway 牌楼degeneration of public moralityDeliberately make a mystery ofdepart ones lifeDevelop a liking fordiehard 顽固分子Dignitarydingy = dark + dirtyDiscontinuation of heartbea

13、tdisheveled hairDispel darknessdissipate ones fatigueDizzy = giddyDo a / an + adj + justiceDo ones bitDo sb a good turnDo. by instinctdog-tireddouble sure = fully convincedDrab = dull, boring, monotonousDrag on : (neg.) lastDrain ones teardrops / bloodDraw an analogy between A and BDrawn-out = prolo

14、ngeddream = longing = aspiration 憧憬Dwell ondwindle awayEat intoEat with gusto 津津有味地吃edge away 慢慢离开eke out a living勉强度日Elegiac Address to My Nephew Shierlang祭祀十二郎文Emaciated = fragileEmbellishment 点缀Empty into 注入,流入Enormously magnificent / generousEntertain ambitionEvery hook and cranny每个角落Exemplary 模

15、范的Expanses of vacancyExtol 称赞Fall through = bubble = be disillusionedFalteringly 结巴地Family rules of good behaviorFare likewiseFascinating=imposing=peerless=breath-takingfawn on / flatter / toady toFeeblyFickle man 薄情男子Fierce-browedFighting sceneFirst-hand experienceFlagstoneflower cultivationFollow

16、ones bent/inclination/willfor ones part 就某人而言Forsaken rosesFrame/state of mindFrolic 嬉闹,玩耍Frostbittenfruits of laborGain access toGentle gracefulnessGesticulate = gestureGet up to mischiefGet wind ofGloomy sternnessgloomy sternnessGnaw at sb = afflict / torture sbgo out of ones way 特地Go out to(be em

17、otionally drawn to)Go soldiering 军旅生涯go through the wringer 历尽幸苦God of LongevityGrove 树林,果园Grow by/in leaps and boundsgrow in luxurianceGrow in rich abundance Guileless 老实的,不奸诈Hang on to ones presence 不肯离开hardier speciesHarp onHarp on 唠叨have to ones name = be in ones possessionHave attachment forHav

18、e blind faith inHave designs onHave no claim to 对无拥有权Have nothing to live onhawk ones waresHeart-rending = grievousHeavenly abode Herculean strength Hoary-headed 头发花白Hoodwink = cajolehousehold choreshumor editors 应付编辑I find them all. 尽收眼底Impassioned speech / essayIn all earnest 再三,尽力,竭力In anticipati

19、on ofIn defense of= in ones defensein every way 彻头彻尾in line with 符合In spite of oneself 不由自主In the boom / prime of youthIn the morning hazeIn the prime of lifeIn unisonInadvertently 无意间indomitable = steadfastingratiate sb with= toady to sbingratiate 讨好Inkling = hintIn-lawsInspiration gushes /comes gu

20、shing to ones mind.Intermittently = continually InwardlyIrreparable lossJeer at 奚落jeering voice Jujube tree 枣树Jump down ones throat 猛地回击keep a wary eyeKeep early hoursKeep ones body and soul togetherKeep up appearances Kitchen-maidKnack of farming 劳作技能LabyrinthLack of propriety = improprietyLacklust

21、er 单调的Lament with a deep sighLanguid = lethargic = sluggishLaud sb to the skylavish attention onlazybonesLie wasteLie/remain unknownLiken / compare sb to Limpid brookListless 无精打采Literati 文人学士Locust tree 槐树Longing note 杜鹃啼血look askance at 斜视Look over ones shoulderloving/fond memoriesMake a clean bre

22、ak withMake a fanfareMake for 有助于Make light of 无视malicious squint malingerman of lettersmandarin jacketmean everything Meritorious service mist-shroudedModel afterMoney-shopmoral excellenceMore dead than aliveMorning glory 牵牛花Moult ones shellMyriads of fireflies荧光千点Mysterious lorenameless fear/atroc

23、ity/lonelinessNegotiate gorgesNext to noneNot sleep a winknuptial chamber 洞房Obsequious = flatteringOctogenarian 八十岁的人Old homeOmenon sentry duty 站哨On the pretext of 以为借口/理由OstrichlikeOverflow with material desire pack the hallPalpable = noticeable = tangibleParting sorrowPass for = be regarded asPass

24、 out of existencepeaceful calmnesspendant 坠饰People of all strataPerennially young Personal inclinationPersonal liking = preferenceperspire / blood profuselyPerusalPet phrase petticoat influence = nepotismpigstyPit a pat = pitter patteringPitch-darknessPlay up to = fawn on bigwigspleasure of lifePly

25、sb with sth 不断供应Pounce on 猛地扑向Prostrate oneself 顺重Prowl 潜行Puddles of rainwater雨水坑Put sb in the mind ofQuite a few varieties ofReddening glow of setting sunReedRefrain fromReign supreme 占优势Render a service torespect = reverent = well-manneredReverberating bell Rhapsody on Epang Palace 阿房宫赋rosary 念珠Ro

26、yal edictRubble 碎石Rules and regulationssafe haven = soft / peaceful shelterSallow 蜡黄,灰黄Sapphire mountains and emerald riverssave up forsb grow out of 长大Scarlet cloudscheme against each otherScrape along/by艰难度日Scurry/hasten homewardssedan-chairSee the light of day 出版问世Seek a livingseek solaceSentimen

27、tal value 纪念价值Servant girlSet ones mind on sth/ to do sthShadow boxingshed tears overshoulder pole 扁担Shout / yell ones head offShrug off ones words = distrustShy away from= avoidSicken to seesidelong glancesideway growth Sign with regretSit bolt uprightSize sb upSleep on/oversmart alecksnatch awaySo

28、cial strataSodden 浸湿的Sound trailed off.Sparkling starSpeak volubly 口若悬河Spell disasterSpell disasterspin cotton into yarn 纺纱Spring drizzleSpur oneself onStand to benefit in 可能/将会有利于Starry = star-studded = a constellation of performers and artistsStereotyped essaySth be ingrained 根深蒂固sth be written al

29、l over ones face Strengthen/toughen/brace up ones spiritsstride over / brush / whiz / flit pastStroke the scar / chinSuperb attractionsupercilious 高傲的supplicate 恳求Supreme duty 最大责任swagger 昂首阔步走sweat streams down face. Tadpole Take at face value 只看表面take very much to heartTake sb to task = severely reproach/reprimand sbtake to sth/doingtaste of = look likeTattered clothesTear itself away fromTemple太阳穴,鬓角Thats final.the asking price 要价The hooting of an owlThe long night wore on amid(st) its dripping sound. The sea of mortals = the livingTheres no limit to learning. Th

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