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1、冀教版九年级上册第一单元英语课文翻译ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 1 Higher, Faster, Stronger0:01.349UNIT 1 第一单元0:02.884The Olympics 奥运会0:05.879Lesson 1: 第一课:0:07.300Higher, Faster, Stronger 更高,更快,更强0:10.902THINK ABOUT IT!0:13.465Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV?0:18.274Whats your favourite Olympic sport?0:21.

2、967Do you think the Olympics are important?0:25.802Why or why not?0:28.618When were the first Olympics? 第一届奥运会是在什么时候?0:31.122We call the first Olympic Games the ancient Olympics. 我们把第一届奥运会称为“古代”奥运会。0:35.311Ancient means very, very old. “古代”意味着非常非常久远。0:38.381The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece

3、in 776 BC. 古奥运会始于公元前776年的希腊。0:45.131When did the modern Olympics start? 现代奥运会是什么时候开始的?0:47.649We call todays Olympic Games the modern Olympics. 我们把如今的奥运会称为“现代”奥运会。0:51.611What does modern mean? “现代”是什么意思?0:53.550Modern, now and today mean the same thing. “现代”、“如今”、和“当今”是一回事。0:57.951The modern Olympi

4、cs started in Athens, Greece in 1896. 现代奥运会始于1896年的希腊雅典。1:04.304Quick Quiz! 小测验!1:06.016Did women compete in the ancient Olympics? 在古奥运会中女子参加竞赛吗?1:09.285No, women did not compete. 不,女子不参加竞赛。1:12.468At the first ancient Olympics, there was only one sport. 在首届古奥运会时,只有一项运动。1:16.190What was it? 是什么?1:17

5、.718The sprint. 短跑。1:20.265How many countries sent athletes to the 2004 Athens Olympics? 2004年的雅典奥运会有多少个国家参加?1:25.670Two hundred and two countries sent athletes to the 2004 Olympics. 2004年的奥运会,202个国家派运动员参加。1:31.910How many athletes competed at the 2004 Olympics? 2004年奥运会有多少名运动员参赛?1:35.858More than e

6、leven thousand athletes competed. 超过一万一千名运动员参赛。1:39.410How many sports did the 2004 Olympics have? 2004年奥运会有多少项运动?1:42.707It had twenty-eight different sports. 有28种不同的运动。1:45.848Amazing Olympic athletes 令人吃惊的奥运健儿1:48.409At the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, 在1968年的墨西哥奥运会中,1:52.602American Bob Beamon

7、won the gold medal in the long jump. 美国人鲍勃比蒙获得了跳远金牌。1:57.400He jumped an amazing 8.8 metres. 他跳出了令人吃惊的8.8米。2:01.368Nobody broke his record for twenty-three years. 23年中没人打破他的记录。2:05.071Xu Haifeng won Chinas first Olympic medal. 许海峰为中国获得了第一枚奥运奖牌。2:09.177At the opening event of the 1984 Olympics, he wo

8、n a gold medal in shooting. 1984年奥运会刚开幕,他就在射击中获得一枚金牌。2:15.529At the Olympics, athletes compete for medals. 在奥运会上,运动员为奖牌而竞争。2:19.604If you are first, you get a gold medal. 如果你名列第一,就得金牌;2:22.976If you are second, you get a silver medal. 如果你名列第二,就得银牌;2:26.700If you are third, you get a bronze medal. 如果

9、你名列第三,就得铜牌;2:30.402If you are twentieth, do you get a medal? 如果你名列第二十,你会获得奖牌吗?2:33.475No! 不会!2:35.278LETS DO IT!2:36.693In a small group, talk about the Olympic Games.2:40.918When and where did they begin?2:43.759Then, play Charades.2:46.744Take turns acting out a sport.2:50.445One group member acts

10、, while the others try to guess the sport by asking Is it _?ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 2 Swimming for Gold0:02.457UNIT 1 第一单元0:03.946The Olympics 奥运会0:06.231Lesson 2: 第二课:0:07.713Swimming for Gold 游泳金牌0:10.017THINK ABOUT IT!0:11.562Have you ever gone swimming?0:14.308Where do you like to swim?0:1

11、7.117List some other sports you are good at.0:21.518Barcelona, August 8, 1992 巴塞罗那,1992年8月8日0:26.581Chinas First Gold in Swimming 中国的第一枚游泳金牌0:30.024Zhuang Yong swam her way to a gold medal today. 庄泳今天游出了她的一枚金牌。0:34.124It was the first gold medal in an Olympic swimming event for our country. 那是我们国家获得

12、的首枚奥运游泳金牌。0:39.187Zhuang Yong won the womens 100-metre freestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds. 庄泳以54.64秒的成绩获得女子100米自由泳比赛冠军。0:48.075It was a very close race. 这是一场势均力敌的比赛。0:50.207When it was over, no one knew who had won. 比赛结束时,没人知道谁会获胜。0:53.824It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an America

13、n swimmer, had finished at the same time. 庄泳和一名美国游泳运动员珍妮汤普森似乎同时到达终点。1:00.923Was it a tie? 这是平局吗?1:02.598When it showed: First, Zhuang Yong, China. Second, Jenny Thompson, U.S.A. 当结果显示:“第一名,中国的庄泳。第二名, 美国的珍妮汤普森”时,1:09.755the Chinese spectators at the swimming pool jumped up and down, cheering. 游泳池看台上的

14、中国观众跳跃着,欢呼着。1:14.532They were very excited! 他们非常兴奋!1:17.083Zhuang Yong surprised everyone. 庄泳令每一个人吃惊。1:19.861Before the Olympics, her best time had been slower than Miss Thompsons. 在奥运会前,她最快的时候都要比汤普森慢。1:24.658Miss Thompson had set a world record in the 100-metre event, with a time of 54.48 seconds.

15、汤普森曾在100米项目中创造了54.48的世界记录。1:32.785But today Zhuang Yong beat the American swimmer. 但是今天庄泳战胜了这位美国游泳运动员。1:36.744She also won two silver medals. 她还获得了两枚银牌。1:40.265Zhuang Yong began swimming when she was eight years old. 庄泳八岁开始游泳。1:44.529She is one of the four Chinese women to win Olympic medals in swim

16、ming at the 1992 Olympic Games. 她是在1992年奥运会上获得奥运奖牌的四名中国女选手之一。1:52.238The others are Qian Hong, Lin Li and Yang Wenyi. 其他三人是钱红、林丽、杨文意。1:57.954Spectators watch sports events. 观众观看比赛。2:01.937When their favourites win, they cheer! 当他们喜欢的运动员获胜时,他们就会欢呼!2:05.917In a 100-metre race, the swimmers go up the p

17、ool once and down the pool once. 在一百米比赛中,游泳运动员要在游泳池里游一个来回。2:13.597They go as fast as they can! 他们要尽可能快地游!2:17.090Learning Tips 学习贴士2:18.809Barcelona: a city in the northeast of Spain 巴塞罗那:西班牙东北部的一个城市2:25.009LETS DO IT!2:26.556With a partner, summarize the information about Zhuang Yong and the other

18、swimmers.2:34.359Of these famous Chinese swimmers, who is your favourite?2:39.584Why do you admire him or her?2:42.750Describe him or her to your partner.ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 3 Are You an Athlete?0:02.045UNIT 1 第一单元0:03.456The Olympics 奥运会0:05.596Lesson 3: 第三课:0:07.134Are You an Athlete? 你是

19、一名运动员吗?0:09.287PROJECT0:10.549CLASSROOM OLYMPICS!0:13.601Are you and your classmates good athletes?0:17.964At the Olympics, athletes compete in events:0:22.323swimming, running, soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and many others.0:31.477In small groups, design some events.0:35.279Think!0:

20、36.176What do you need to bring to class for the event?0:39.736What do you need to make?0:42.234Then, make a poster that describes, in English, how to do the event.0:48.832On the last day of the project, get your event ready and put up your poster.0:54.695Every group in the class will try each event

21、.0:59.250Jump over Danny? 跳过丹尼?1:00.886Good Luck! 祝你好运!1:02.947Who has a good idea for an event? 谁能想出一个好的比赛项目?1:05.980What about this? 这个怎么样?1:07.378We ask each group to run across the soccer field. 我们让每一组跑过这个足球场。1:11.064We show the groups where to start and where to stop. 我们告诉各组从哪里开始在哪里停止,1:14.895W

22、e give them a watch. 并给他们一块表。1:16.303After they run, they write down how many seconds they needed. 他们跑之后,记下需要多少时间。1:20.517I like that event! 我喜欢那个比赛!1:22.639What about this event: Jump over the Dinosaur? “跳恐龙”比赛怎么样?1:26.656I dont know, Danny. 丹尼,我不知道。1:28.396Youre the only dinosaur I know, and youre

23、 two metres tall! 你是我唯一认识的恐龙,而且你有两米高!1:32.765Yes, I know! 是的,我知道!1:34.359Good luck, Jenny! 祝你好运,詹妮!1:35.332Good luck, Brian! 好运,布赖恩!1:37.144Thank you, Danny. 谢谢, 丹尼。1:38.252The same to you. 你也一样。1:39.971I think youre too tall, Danny! 丹尼,我觉得你太高了!1:42.859You can do the following in your classroom Olym

24、pics. 在教室奥运会上你们可以做下面的运动1:47.270Jump Rope 跳绳1:49.051Can you skip sixty times without stopping? 你能连续跳60个吗?1:52.830Sit-ups and Push-ups 仰卧起坐与俯卧撑1:55.046How many can you do in one minute? 一分钟之内你能做多少个?1:58.100sit-ups 仰卧起坐1:59.963push-ups 俯卧撑2:02.138Ball Toss 抛球2:04.115Get a small box. 拿一个小盒子,2:05.844Tape

25、 it to the floor. 用胶带把它粘到地板上。2:07.366Stand three metres away. 站在三米外,2:09.561Try to throw ten tennis balls into the box. 试着将十个网球扔到盒子里。2:12.988How many can you get in? 你能投进几个?2:15.722Long Jump 跳远2:17.357How far can you jump? 你能跳多远?2:19.490Start by standing still. 先静止站立,2:21.716Then jump as far as you

26、can. 然后尽量往远处跳。2:24.719Ball Kick 踢球2:26.384In the school yard or the field, kick a soccer ball as far as you can. 在学校的操场上或球场上,尽可能把足球踢得最远。2:31.064Try two more times. 多试两次。2:32.876Can you kick the ball farther? 你能将球踢得更远吗?2:34.869Learning Tips 学习贴士2:36.547two more times: 再两次:2:38.345another two times 另两

27、次ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 4 Good Luck to You0:00.369UNIT 1 第一单元0:01.604The Olympics 奥运会0:03.311Lesson 4: 第四课:0:04.778Good Luck to You 祝你好运0:09.579Do your best! 做到最好!0:11.553Dont give up! 别放弃!0:13.448Swim as fast as you can! 尽力游得最快!0:17.399Good luck to you! 祝你好运!0:19.606Good luck to you! 祝你好运!0:

28、22.208Make your country proud! 让你的国家为你自豪!0:26.344We believe in you! 我们相信你!0:29.596Do your best! 做到最好!0:31.563Dive right in! 做好姿势入水!0:33.546Up and down the pool you go! 在池中游个来回!0:37.480Youve won the race! 你已经赢了比赛!0:39.516Youve won the race! 你已经赢了比赛!0:41.597You have made us proud! 你让我们自豪!0:46.218We be

29、lieve in you! 我们相信你!0:49.580These swimmers are beginning a race. 这些游泳运动员开始比赛了。0:52.324They are diving into the swimming pool. 他们正跳进泳池。0:55.402Dive right in! 入水!0:57.108go! 游!0:58.588Can you tell who has won the gold medal? 你能说出谁得了金牌吗?1:01.686LETS DO IT!1:03.059Imagine one of your friends is taking p

30、art in a school sports meet,1:08.695or your school is playing in an international volleyball game.1:14.007You are part of the cheer team.1:16.768In a small group, create a cheer or a song that will help your team win!ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 5 Dannys Very Special Guest0:00.547UNIT 1 第一单元0:01.822The Olympics 奥运会0:03.461Lesson 5: 第五课:0:04.918Dannys Very Special Guest 丹尼非常特殊的客人0:07.650THINK ABOUT IT!0:09.481Who is your favourite star?0:12.329Why do you like him or her?0:15.605Would you like to b

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