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高中英语人教大纲第二册上Unit1 Making a difference备课资料.docx

1、高中英语人教大纲第二册上Unit1 Making a difference备课资料2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit1 Making a difference(备课资料)I.异城风情Who Invented the Lasting Machine?Do you know shoe manufacture today is based upon a remarkable invention developed by a young black genius in 1883?Matzeliger was born in Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, o

2、n September 15, 1852. His father was a Dutch engineer who had been sent to the colony to take charge of the government machine shops. When young Matzeliger was ten years old, he joined his father at the machine shops as an apprentice. At the age of nineteen he became a sailor on an East Indian merch

3、ant ship. In 1876 Matzeliger went to Boston, Massachusetts. After working there for a year, he moved to Lynn, where he remained for the rest of his life. Because of his knowledge of mechanics and shoemaking, Matzeliger was able to get a job in a shoe factory, operating a sole sewing machine. While w

4、orking there, he noticed that there was no machine that could last shoes. He began his plans for inventing a shoe lasting machine by closely watching hand-lasters at their work. In his experiments he used old pieces of wood and metal. He even made his own tools. Patiently he tested one idea after an

5、other.For years he lived in poverty, saving his money for his project. Fortunately, he succeeded in getting financial help from two businessmen in exchange for a two-thirds interest in his invention. With this extra money, Matzeliger finally achieved what he was after: A lasting machine that could t

6、urn out a plete shoe. His machine indeed changed the shoe industry. It not only greatly increased production but cut the cost of shoes by half. By 1889 the demand for the new lasting machine became worldwide.What was Matzeligers reward? Because of his long and hard work and the lack of proper food a

7、nd warmth during his years of poverty, his health had suffered. In the summer of 1886 he caught a cold which developed into tuberculosis. For three years he was so sick that he had to remain in bed. Finally, on August 24, 1889, he died at the age of thirty-seven.知识归纳 1seek的用法归纳 (1)“征求,寻求,谋求”。作及物动词。相

8、当于ask for。 egWe seek neither fame nor fortune 我们既不追名,又不求利。 They went to the factory and sought the workers opinions 他们到工厂去征求工人的意见。 Theyre trying to seek closer trade ties with China 他们谋求与中国建立更紧密的贸易关系。 (2)用于被动结构,表示“受欢迎”。相当于be popular。 egThese goods were sought by the lo。 cal peasants 这些产品受当地农民的欢迎。 Th

9、e book is sought by the readers 这本书很受读者欢迎。 (3)“企图,试图”,作为及物动词,相当于 try(后跟不定式)。 eg。We sought to change his mind 我们试图改变他的主意。 They have never sought to hide their views。他们从来不想隐瞒自己的观点。 (4)常用词组seek after追求,企图得利。e.g. One mustnt seek after fort, personal fame and gains.我们不应当贪图安逸,追逐名利。These pictures were eage

10、rly sought after. 这些画很多人都迫切想要 seek for找寻。寻求 egThey are seeking for information 他们正在寻找资料。 He is seeking for new ways of doing his experiments 他正在寻找进行试验的新办法。 seek out找到。找来 e.gHe sought out an old worker,who put forward a good idea 他找到一位老工人,这位老工人出了个好主意。 They are seeking out a shady spot where they migh

11、t sit down and rest 他们在找一块阴凉地好坐下休息 2promise的用法归纳 promise是高考常考词汇之一其主要用法如下: (1)作“答应,允诺”讲。为及物动词。 跟名词或代词(常常跟有间接宾语) promise sbsth egHe who promised me a present for my birthday 他答应送我一件生日礼物。 He promised an immediate reply 他答应立即回复。 He promises too much means nothing 许愿太多的人是不打算兑现的。 跟动词不定式作宾语和宾补,promise(sb.)

12、to do sth。 e.gHe promised to help me 他答应帮我。 They promised to attend the ceremony 他们答应出席这次仪式。 You must promise me to take a good rest before you e back to work。 你一定要答应我,要好好休息几天再来上班。 跟从句(有时可跟间接宾语)。promise(sb.)that-clause。 egShe promises that she will never do that again 她保证,她以后再不这样干了。 You promised Aun

13、t Wang that you would step in to see her today 他答应过王阿姨。今天你要顺道到她家看她。 Ive got to promise you that 1 wont stop halfway 我一定向你保证,我不会半途而废。 (2)作“有希望,有可能。表明会有(某情况)”时,为及物动词。 跟不定式即promise to do sth。 egThis year promises to be a good one for harvest 今年看来是个丰收年。 The maths examination promised to be a difficult o

14、ne 看来这次数学测试比较难。 跟名词或代词,即promise sth。 egThe weather promises a good har- vest 这天气预兆着有好收成。 The clear sky promises fine weather 明净的天空说明要有好天气。 (3)间或与for连用 e.gIt promises for another fine day tomorrow 看来明天又是一个好天 (4)可作不及物动词当“允诺,答应”有指望。有前途”讲。 egIll try to e,but I cant promise 我尽量来不过我不能说一定来。 The plan promis

15、es well 这个计划很有成功的希望。 (5)promising可用作表语或定语,意思是 “有希望的,有前途的”。 e.gSeveral othem have proved promising 他们中间有几个证明很有培养前途。 In this match more promising players are expected to e to the fore 这次比赛中,估计会涌现出更多有希望的运动员。 (6)还可作名词,意思为“诺言、约定”,常和一些动词构成固定搭配。 egmake a promise许下诺言 give a promise提出诺言 keep a promise信守诺言 carry out a promise履行诺言 break a promise违背诺言 3动词不定式省略to的情况归纳 提起不定式。我们往往指的是带to的动词不定式,但在实际运用中,不定式有时不带 to。现将动词不定式省略to的情况归纳如下: (1)当动词不定式作宾语补足语时,即在“v.+O+Infinitive”结构中,如动词是使役动词,如make,let,have或动词是感觉动词,如 look at,see,wat

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