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开放英语3教案 要点 Unit 8 Leisure.docx

1、开放英语3教案 要点 Unit 8 Leisure英3 Unit 8 Leisure, Work and Animals 休闲活动与宠物- Looking at leisure activities and animals as pets or for work 学习有关休闲活动及宠物与人的关系的内容学习目标 1. 表示数量a large proportion of 很大比例的 a small proportion of 很小比例的the majority of 多数的a minority of 少数的half the 一半的a third of 三分之一的a quarter of 四分之一的

2、over 多于more thanunder 少于 less than2. spend time doing(in)doing sthspend time/money on sthJack spends under a third of his free time doinghousework.Jack spends a large portion of his time sleeping.3. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时现在完成时- 强调动作的结果,表示动作已经结束现在完成进行时- 强调动作从过去一直持续到现在,并且还要继续下去She has sorted out all the books

3、and pictures. (已经)Shes been reorganizing the shop. (一直)Where has he been living?Who have they been working for?He hasnt been working here for very long.注:状态动词可用于现在完成时,但不可用于现在完成进行时(love, like, hate, be, think认为/feel /hear/want)Ive always liked animals.4. for和since表示时间for +时间段(从过去到现在过去将来的一段时间)since +时

4、间点(从过去某一时间点起到现在)(短语/句子)Franco: I lived in Sicily for 18 years. I came to London when I was 18. Ive lived in England now for almost 30 years. Hes been here for ten minutes. He was here for ten minutes.Im staying in Beijing on business for two weeks nextmonth. Ive been living here for three months / s

5、ince last March.Since it started raining, Ive stayed in the house. 注: for和since与延续性动词搭配 非延续性动词肯定式不可与其搭配(否定式可以) He has come here for two days. ()He has been here for two days. () She hasnt come here for two days. ()Ive not seen him since last week.5. 词语比较/习语/句型/答案1. used to do 过去常常做be used to sth /do

6、ing 习惯于2. because of +名词because + 句子3. the number of 数字/目(作主语时,谓语用单数) a number of 一些(作主语时,谓语用复数)(in)doing sth4. spend time /money on sth5. compare A to B 把A与B相比; 把A比作Bcompare A with B 把A与B相比6. the majority of 多数的a minority of 少数的Actt.1 业余活动/描述发展趋势/表达数量 p.126After hours7. Government figures (in a rec

7、ent survey) show that8. after hours 工/业余时间9. for an average of three hours a day平均每天三个小时10. in /during the last /past 30 years 30年来/在过去30年间 (常与完成时搭配)In the last more than 20 years great changes have taken place in China.11. because of +名词because + 句子12. washing machine 洗衣机microwave = microwave oven

8、微波炉vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器13. etc = etcetera /itsetr/ 等等14. the number of 数字/目(作主语时,谓语用单数) a number of 一些(作主语时,谓语用复数)15. stereo / stiriu/ 立体声的立体声唱机16. leasure activity /time休闲活动/时间(in)doing sth17. spend time /money on sth18. 55-64 year-olds = 55-64 year-old people19. compare A to B 把A与B相比; 把A比作Bcompare

9、 A with B 把A与B相比20. 复习表示发展趋势动词 This figure has fallen dramaticallyThe number of TVshas also risen sharplylistening to tapes and records decreases with agegardening for pleasure rises sharply 名词because of the increase in labour-saving devicesKEY1. They do less because of the increase in labour-saving

10、 devices.2. TVs, stereos, videos, CD and DVD players, etc.3. More people watch TV.4. Older people.Animals at home21. range fromto在一定范围/幅度内有所变化22. tropical fish 热带鱼23. changes (in life style and the family structure)have made24. 分数表示法 : 分子用基数词, 分母用序数词,分子与分母常用连字符(-)连接, 如果分子大于1, 分母用复数1/3 a /one third 2

11、/3 two-thirds3 2/5 three and two-fifths 一些习惯用法: a /one half a /one quarter / one-fourth three-quarters2 two and a quarter1 one and a half7 seven and three quarters较复杂的分数:23/9 twenty-three over nine76/92 seven-six over ninety-two25. 数量表达方式:(see学习目标1)KEY1. Just under half of households have a pet.2. D

12、ogs used to be the most popular pets. /Cats are the most popular pets. 3. Cats need less care than dogs.4. Most dog owners have(only)one dog.5. More than /Over a third of cat owners have two or more cats.6. More than /Over half of dogs in the UK are pedigree.Actt.2 表达数量 p.1291. A large proportion /T

13、he majority of households have a microwave oven.2. More than half of managers have a dishwasher.3. Just under a quarter of unskilled workers households have a dishwasher.4. The majority / A large proportion of men have done sport in the last week.5. A minority of women have done DIY in the last four

14、 weeks.Actt.3 表达数量 p.129Part A1. Jack spends under a third of his free time doing housework.2. Jack spends a small proportion of his free time seeing friends.3. Jack spends a large proportion of his time sleeping.4. Jack spends the majority of his free time watching TV.5. Jack spends over a quarter

15、of his free time studying.Part B 写作-应用表达数量的词语描述时间安排 Actt. 4 Extt.1 分数表达 p.130 1. Whats the ownership of video recorders? About four-fifths of households own a video recorder.2. Whats the ownership of pets? About half the households own a pet.3. Whats the ownership of personal computers? Under a thir

16、d of households own a personal computer.4. Whats the ownership of microwave ovens? Over three-quarters of households own a microwave oven.5. Whats the ownership of dishwashers? About a third of households own a dishwasher. Actt.5 Extt.2 完成时/完成进行时 p.1316. She does voluntary work on Saturdays.7. It is

17、 called Animal Welfare.8. She works in a charity shop.9. She does it because she likes animals.10. Yes, she has.11. She has sorted the books and pictures out. Actt. 6 Extt.2听写填空 完成时/完成进行时 p.13112. work13. havent; for14. been; furthered15. worked; shops in London16. liked; since; Ive17. reorganising;

18、 sorted outActt. 7 完成时/完成进行时 p.132Part BIve been running long distance races for five years. Ive been training with a local running club since last summer, and Ive been preparing for the London Marathon. Ive completed two half-marathons. In the second half- marathon I got the best time in the whole

19、club. Recently Ive been building my muscles by going to the gym to increase my stamina(耐力).Actt. 8 写作,用完成时/完成进行时写段有关自己爱好的短文 p.133 Actt. 9 Extt. 3 现在完成进行时 p.13318. What have you been doing? Ive been writing a letter.19. Have you been listening to the radio? No. I havent been listening to the radio.20

20、. Have you heard the news? No, I havent heard the news.21. How long have you been studying English? Ive been studying English for three years.22. Have you been waiting long? Yes. Ive been waiting since 5 oclock. 23. Have you read this gook? Yes. Ive read it. Actt. 10 Extt. 4 spend time doing p.134 2

21、4. How many hours do you spend watching TV?25. Do you spend more time reading or seeing friends?26. How often do you listen to music?27. How many hours a week do you spend doing sport?Actt. 11 复习定语从句, 练习完成进行时 p.13526. Did you know?询问对方是否知道/听说了某事,是习惯用法, 与过去时无关, 其后可跟各种时态 = Has the news reached you?27.

22、 people with mental illnesses 患有精神疾病的人28. separate()from 与分开29. in hospital (生病)住院 in a /the hospital 在医院Such as: go to school 去上学go to the school 去学校go to church 做礼拜go to the church 去教堂但go to the cinema 去看电影30. take the case of sb 以某人的情况为例31. She(The dog)helps me to get dressed 对所喜爱/崇敬的事物用she指代Fill

23、 her up, please. 请给加油(her指my car)I love China. She is a great country.本文中的she表示喜爱, 也表示这是一只she-dog32. go into a coma 陷入昏迷状态be in a coma 处于昏迷状态33. alert(sb to sth)警报/告; 警觉的alarm 警报, 警报器,闹钟,惊慌alter 改变34. my blood sugar level dropped 血糖降低了He gave me an insulin injection他给我注射了一针胰岛素KEY1. Yes, they are.2.

24、They think that its good. /They recognise the benefits of pets.3. Children, people with mental illnesses and elderly people who are separated from their own pets or have had to give up their pets.4. He started to speak.5. They are with them.6. He got it from Dogs for the Disabled.7. 1) She helps him

25、 to get dressed, and she brings him his socks and shoes.2) She fetches the newspaper from the shop.3) She passes him the phone when it rings.8. She got his neighbour.Actt. 12 同义词练习 p.137Part A1) recognise2) separated from3) mental illnesses4) volunteer5) altered6) fetches7) dropped8) neighbourPart B

26、1) neighbour2) volunteer3) separated4) mental illnesses5) fetches6) dropped7) altered8) recognises Actt. 13 复习定语从句 p.1381. Dogs that / which help sick people work in hospitals. 2. Dogs that /which disabled people use are specially trained.3. The dog which /that the disabled man stroked helped him sp

27、eak.4. Doctors who /that have seen dogs help people begin to recognise the benefits.5. Volunteers whose dogs and cats help people work in the hospitals with the animal.6. The dog that /which assists Alan a lot came from a charity.7. The person who /that the dog fetched gave Alan an injection.8. The

28、hospital staff who have tried working with dogs have reported good results. Actt. 14 警犬训练 p.138Part A1) abilities2) bite3) criminals4) people5) old Actt. 15 Extt.5 p.13928. B29. C30. C31. A Actt. 16 Extt.6 p.1401. T.2. F. “We are provided with a kennel(狗屋/窝)that stays in the garden and all food.”3.

29、F. “The dogs are not aggressive.”4. T.5. F. “My dog barks when Im wearing my uniform because hes very excited.”Actt. 17 p.140The policemans name is Simon Woodrow and he works for the Thames Valley Police. He supervises 10 dog handlers who work all over Buckinghamshire. The dogs have natural abilitie

30、s to search for people and find people and bite. The police dog team searches for an armed criminal when the police officers cant find him. The dogs live with the handlers, but they sleep in a kennel in the garden. They bark when they see the handler coming because they are excited about working. Actt. 18 Extt.7 p.14132. How long has Tess been helping Alan for? Shes been helping him for three years.33. For how long has Alan been visiting hospital every month? Hes been visiting hospital every month for four years.3

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