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1、优质外刊讲解以及相关题型改编杜嘉班纳优质外刊讲解以及相关题型改编杜嘉班纳辱华选自 China DailyItalian fashion brand D&G sparks fury in China over racist remarksFrom a much-anticipated fashion show to a much-anticipated cancellation, Italian fashion brand Dolce andGabbana just used four days to turn the Chinese market down, due to controvers

2、y over what many view as a racist ad campaign. The brand announced to cancel its runway show(T 台秀) that was previously scheduled on Wednesday night in Shanghai after its latest DG Loves China online marketing ads have come under fire for trivializing Chinas centuries-old culture and depicting Chines

3、e women in a stereotypical and even racist way.On Nov 18, D&G published a post on Chinese social media platform Weibo, Chinas equivalent to Twitter, to promote its runway show in Shanghai, showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks. In the video, the woman seems to be struggling to eat

4、 Italian food like pasta, pizza and spaghetti with chopsticks, while a malevoiceove(r旁白)asks the woman, Is it too huge for you? The posts have been accused of leaning heavily on Chinesestereotypes, causing heated discussion on social media platforms both at home and abroad. By 5:30 pm, a post with t

5、he hashtag #D&G designer# had already been read 450 million times on Sina Weibo, , with 64,000 comments. And topics containing D&G, for fashion design house Dolce and Gabbana, account for five of the nine hottest topics on the micro blog, ranging from the above-mentioned #D&G designer# to #D&G Great

6、 Show canceled#.One Chinese user has exposed several dialogues with the brands designer and co-founder Stefano Gabbana, making the situation worse. Based on screenshots(截屏) posted by the online user, the designer used expletives(咒 骂语) to describe China, and expressed his determination he would never

7、 cancel the offending post. To no onessurprise, the screenshots went viral. Later, the official account of D&G claimed on Instagram the designers personalaccount had been hacked. The designer said his legal office was working on the issue, claiming he loves China and Chinese culture and is sorry for

8、 what happened. Most Chinese netizens did not buy this sincere apology, dismissing the statements of regret as the result of compromise.Dolce and Gabbana, please get out of my country. Most Chinese people are sick of wearing the brands clothes, said Chinese Weibo user Dong Xiaodong1990. Some foreign

9、 luxury brands like Dolce and Gabbana are really two-sided. They want to make money in China and win the favor of Chinese market on one hand, while still doing annoying behavior, added another Weibo user fashion-bangers. Quite a few Chinese celebrities including Zhang Ziyi, Li Bingbing, Wang Junkai

10、and Chen Kun had confirmed their absence from the brands The Great Show fashion show before the brand announced cancellation officially.The brands China ambassador Dilraba Dilmurat has deleted all posts related to the brand and said on Weibo, I love you, my dearest country, China. This is not the fi

11、rst time the fashion circle has attracted controversy. Last year, popular model Gigi Hadid was pulled out of the Victorias Secret fashion show in Shanghai after she caused offense by impersonating the Buddha and mocking Asians in an Instagram video. After the controversy, the model wrote on social m

12、edia: It hurts me to hurt anyone, and I want you all to know that it was never my intent to offend anyone through my actions and I sincerely apologize to those who were hurt or felt let down by me.The incident shows how powerful Chinese netizens can be in defending the dignity of the country. Some b

13、lamed Chinese netizens for being too sensitive; such a comment is unfair because describing a country using the poop emoji is unacceptable in any modern society. Chinese micro bloggers have been doing what people in other countries will do.Besides, patriotism(爱国主义) has become common sense among all

14、groups in society, as increasingly morepublic figures, such as entertainment stars, have been joining the resolve to defend Chinas dignity when any challenge arises. With their huge influence, they can bring immediate, actual losses to the companies that dare insult China, thus teaching the wrongdoe

15、r a heavy lesson.More importantly, Chinese micro bloggers love their country in a rational, not blind, manner. Just one day ago, when marathon runner He Yinli dropped a national flag handed by to her by a volunteer before reaching the end of her race, the majority of micro bloggers vowed their suppo

16、rt for her because it was obvious that she meant no harm.On the contrary, the marathon organizing company faced heavy criticisms and many micro bloggers asked why they allowed a volunteer to hand a national flag to a runner just before reaching the end of her race. There is no frenzy about that spre

17、ading in Chinese society, and the patriotism of people is quite rational.Whatever the truth, we hope D&G soon makes it clear and learns a lesson from the incident. The dignity of a country should never be trampled upon(践踏).Word bank1. Sparkn. 火花;朝气;闪光 vt. 发动;鼓舞;求婚 vi. 闪烁;发火花;求婚a spark of hope 一线希望 a

18、 spark of inspiration 一个灵感的火花 例句:The proposal would spark a storm of protest around the country. The riots were sparked off by the arrest of a local leader.Winds brought down power lines, sparking a fire.My teacher organized a unit on space exploration that really sparked my interest.2. Fury n. 狂怒;暴

19、怒;激怒者sound and fury 大吵大闹;喧嚣与愤怒She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.furious adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的The Fast and the Furious 速度与激情 例句:Its also an event in which the American women nudged out furious international competition to win gold.Perhaps youll be furious with your partner over som

20、ething or other and theyll point out something they did, hoping for praise.3. Turn down 拒绝,使失望,调低turn off 关掉,关上,拐弯 turn up 开大,出现,来到,找到turn over 移交,翻过来,仔细考虑,翻身 turnover 营业额,流通量turn back 回来,折回,翻过来,往回走 turn around 转身,转向,(生意或经济) 好转turn out 结果是(to be);出席,前去观看;关掉,熄灭(电灯、煤气等);生产,制造turn in 交出,上交4. Controvers

21、y n. 争论;论战;辩论Global warming and climate change have been the focus of controversy and debate for nearly half a century - Is global warming real?5. Schedulevt. 安排,计划;编制目录;将列入计划表 n. 时间表;计划表;一览表 例句:He has been forced to adjust his schedule.The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.

22、The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38.6. Trivialize vt. 使平凡;使琐碎;轻视例句:Although Im using a simple example for illustrative purposes I dont mean to trivialize the possible complexity of this refactoring technique.Dont trivialize the seriousness of the issue!不要小看这问题的严重性!Trivial: adj

23、 琐碎的7. Stereotype: a conventional, formulaic and oversimplified conception,opinion or image(often unfair or untrue)刻板 印象There is a stereotype that Asian people do better in school.8. Equivalentadj. 等价的,相等的;同意义的 n. 等价物,相等物 例句:His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fatal heart attack. Th

24、is single command is equivalent to the two previous commands.9. Accountn. 账户;解释;账目,账单;理由;描述 vi. 解释;导致;报账 vt. 认为;把视为account for 对负有责任;对做出解释;说明的原因;导致;(比例)占 on account of 因为,由于 on no account 绝不(位于句首要部分倒装) accountable adj. 有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的例句:Public officials can finally be held accountable for their act

25、ions.On this front, Western voters should hold candidates accountable for a more honest conversation about the need forworker retraining to keep them moving into better-paying, higher-value jobs.a drive toward democracy and greater accountability(责任心).10. Rangen. 范围;幅度;排;山脉 vi. (在.内)变动;平行,列为一行;延伸;漫游

26、;射程达到vt. 漫游;放牧;使并列;归类于;来回走动 例句:A wide range of colours and patterns are available. The average age range is between 35 and 55.The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards. They range in price from $3 to $15.offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric.the massive mountain ranges to

27、 the north.11. Expose vt. 揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示 例句:Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.the story of how the press helped expose the truth about the Nixon administration. They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations.A wise mother never expo

28、ses her children to the slightest possibility of danger. The more listening material you are exposed to, the better your listening will be12. Claimvi. 提出要求 vt. 要求;声称;需要;认领 n. 要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得claim for 要求;索取 claim for compensation 索赔lay claim to 要求;自以为 make a claim 索赔;对提出要求 例句:Some experiments claim to

29、 have seen signal. A lot of lost property is never claimed.13. Dismissvt. 解散;解雇;开除;让.离开;不予理会、不予考虑 vi. 解散 例句:Humor doesnt dismiss a subject but rather often opens that subject up for discussion, especially when the subject is one that is not considered fit for public discussion.The duty of the organi

30、zation is to investigate the event and if true dismiss or heavily punish the scholar.14. Pull out of 离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康;pull something on someone 在方面欺骗某人pull down 摧毁,推翻;拉下来;使下跌pull up 拔起;停下来;阻止 pull together 齐心协力pull in 进站;吸入;提到警察局 pull off 赢得;脱下;努力实现pull on 穿;戴;继续拉 pull back 拉回;撤回;拉为平手;反悔pull throu

31、gh 渡过难关;恢复健康 pull away 离开;脱身;拉掉pull it off 圆满完成 pull over 把开到路边;开到路边;靠岸push and pull 推与拉 pull apart 撕开;扯断pull at vi. 用力拉;大口喝 pull the trigger 开枪pull into (车)进站15. Blamevt. 责备;归咎于 n. 责备;责任;过失blame for 责备;因责备. take the blame 承担过错put the blame on 归咎于 be to blame for 对应负责任;应该为某事负责任bear the blame 承担责任Whi

32、ch driver was to blame for the accident?16. Hand byhand in 交上;提交;呈送 hand out 分发;施舍;把拿出来hang down 宣布;把传下去 be handed down generation by generation 代代相传hand over 交出;移交 helping hand 援助之手;援手;帮手out of hand 无法控制;脱手,告终 with both hands 全力以赴地17. Make it clear that 使。明白 在这里 it 是形式宾语(翻译考点) 基本句式结构一、动词+ it + that-从句。如:(1)sb find/ believe/ think/ feel/ consider/ make + it +n+to do/that 从句I tak

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