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lie to me 3.docx

1、lie to me 3Season 1, Episode 3: A Perfect Score 本集爱酷地址: -Foster: Looks like National Geographic exploded on your desk. geographic: 地理的,地理学的 exploded: explode的过去式,爆炸 你桌上犹如国家地理大爆炸啊。 -Lightman: What expression do you see? expression: 表情 看到他什么表情? Quick. Quick. Quick. Quick. 快,快. -Foster: Uh, Uh, disgust

2、. disgust: 厌恶,反感 恩.憎恶。 -Lightman: Yep. Expression looks the same on A. Papua elder or.or a Hollywood starlet. starlet: 崭露头角的年轻女演员(或歌手),小明星 没错,不管是这个巴布亚老人还是.好莱坞明星, 这表情是一样的。 -Foster: Look at you in New Guinea. You reliving your dissertation glory days? relive: 重新过生活,重温 dissertation: 论文 glory: 光荣,荣誉 这不是

3、你在新几内亚岛嘛?你在重温写论文那会儿的光辉岁月啊? Whats this? 这是啥? -Lightman: Thats a Koteka. Thats hand-carved, very rare. Koteka: 印度尼西亚巴布亚男性原住民戴于生殖器外的管状套子,由一种长而尖的葫芦壳做成 carve: 雕刻 rare: 稀有的,珍贵的 那是Koteka,手工刻的,非常少见。 -Foster: What do they use it for, soup? soup: 汤 用来干嘛的,喝汤吗? -Lightman: Genital presentation. genital: 生殖的,生殖器的

4、 presentation: 表现;外观 展示他们的生殖器。 If the man was trying to impress a woman, hed serve himself up on that, so to speak. impress: 给以深刻印象;使牢记 serve: 向(尤指女子)求爱 speak: 说话 如果男人想得到女人的青睐,就戴上这个。 -Heidi: Dr. Lightman, special agent Dardis is here from the FBI. special: 特别的 agent: 政府特工人员,执法官 FBI= Federal Bureau o

5、f Investigation: 美国联邦调查局 FBI的特别探员Dardis 来了。 And I have your daughter on line two. daughter: 女儿 还有您的女儿在2号线。 -Lightman: Thanks, Heidi. 谢谢你 Heidi Hello, love. Hows it going at your mums? 你好,亲爱的。在你妈妈那儿待得开心不? -Emily: Okay, I guess. I mean, you know how mum is. guess: 想,认为 凑和吧。你也知道我妈那人。 She needs to know

6、everything Im doing every second. second: 秒 我每秒钟做些什么,她都得知道。 Bloody intrusive, isnt it? bloody: 非常,很 intrusive: 打扰的;妨碍的 好烦人啊,是不是? -Lightman: What are you doing this very second? 那你这秒在干什么呢? -Emily: Dad. 老爸。 -Lightman: Well, you still need a lift later? still: 仍然 lift: (给步行者的)搭便车 later: 稍后,后来 一会儿还要我送你吗

7、? -Emily: Uh, no, um, actually Ive got a big chem. test on Friday. actually: 事实上 chem.=chemistry: 化学 test: 考试,测验 不用了,其实我周五有化学考试。 I. Im gonna sleep over at Katies house. gonna=going to: 将会 我我今晚睡Katie家 -Lightman: You sure about that? 确定吗? -Emily: Yeah. 是的 -Lightman: All right, love you. 好吧,我爱你。 -Emily

8、: love You, too. 我也爱你。 -Lightman: You heard that, right? heard: 听到,hear的过去式 你也听到了吧? Word repetition and her vocal pitch went up when she was talking about staying Katies. repetition: 重复 vocal: 声音的 pitch: 音高 词语重复,并且说到住在Katie家时音调升高。 -Foster: Im sure it was nothing. 那没什么的。 -Lightman: Well, what did you

9、 hear then? 那你听到了些什么? -Foster: I heard a typical teenager in the process of forming her self-identity. typical: 典型的 teenager: 美国英语(13至19岁的)青少年 process: 过程 form: 形成 identity: 身份 self-identity: (自我)同一性,个性 我听到一个正在形成自我个性的典型少年。 -Lightman: Thats psychobabble, that is. psychobabble: 心理学术语【这里Lightman对于这种学术的

10、解释很不屑】 什么乱七八糟的。 She was lying. lying: 说谎,lie的现在分词 她在说谎。 -Foster: Emily needs to have her own secrets. Thats not the same thing as lying. own: 自己的 secret: 秘密 Emily 也有不想说的秘密,那跟撒谎不一样。 -Dardis: Danielle Stark,17 years old, senior at strivers magnet school. senior: 年长者,高年级,毕业班学生 magnet: 磁铁;有吸引力的人或物 Danie

11、lle Stark 17岁,艺术高中三年级学生。 She went missing a week ago. missing: 失踪的 一周前失踪。 Her body was found a day later dumped in rock creek park. dump: 口语丢掉,丢弃 creek: 小湾,小溪 第二天发现被弃尸于石溪公园。 She died from a blow to the head. blow: 对的打击 头部受创致死。 -Lightman: Well, youre not here because of the girl, right? 你不是为了她才来的,对吧?

12、 -Dardis:No, her mother is a federal Judge on the DC circuit court. federal: 联邦的 judge: 法官 circuit: 一圈,巡回 court: 法庭 对,她母亲是特区巡回法院的法官。 Judge Starks been short-listed as a possible supreme court Nominee short-list: 入选,进入的名单 possible: 可能的 supreme: 最高的 nominee: 被提名者,候选人 Stark 法官已被选为最高法庭法官候选人之一 But were t

13、reating this case just like any other. treat: 对待,处理 case: 案子 不过这个案子,我们不会搞特殊。 -Ria: Well, is there any, uh, physical evidence? physical: 物质的;确确实实的 evidence: 证据 有什么证据没? -Dardis: Unfortunately, it rained that night. unfortunately: 不幸地 很不幸,那晚下雨了。 Best we can do is determine that the blow came from the f

14、ront, no defensive wounds, determine: (如在推理或观察后)断定,确认 defensive: 防卫,防备 wounds: 伤口 我们只能断定是前额受到攻击,没有自卫痕迹。 indicating Danielle likely knew her killer. indicate: 显示,表明 likely: 可能地 表明Danielle 可能认识凶手。 The problem is with the mother. 问题在她妈那里 She says that she was alone in her chambers, and no one can verif

15、y it. alone: 单独的 chamber: 房间,(尤指)卧室 verify: 查证,核实 她说她一个人呆在房间里,但无从查证。 -Lightman: So youve got a suspect, right? suspect: 嫌疑犯 那就有个嫌疑犯了,对吗? I mean, thats great, right, since youre treating this case just like any other. since: 因为 我觉得这样不错,你不是要一视同仁嘛、 -Dardis: As you can imagine,we have to proceed carefully before we start pointing fingers at a presidential app

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