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1、英语阅读A Thai natural health practitioner claims she can turn back the clock simply by face-slapping.一位泰国自然疗法医师称,她可以通过“扇耳光”让青春倒流。The traditional technique is said to erase wrinkles, shrink pores, and tighten the skin without surgery, instead using slapping, kneading and massaging of the area.这项传统技艺据说能消

2、除皱纹、收缩毛孔、紧致肌肤,不需开刀,只需拍打、揉捏和按摩脸部。Tata Sombuntham, who was trained in Thailand, says she is the first face-slapping beauty therapist in the western hemisphere, and charges $350 for each 15 minute session at her San Francisco salon.在泰国接受培训的塔塔松班坦姆说,她是西半球第一位打脸美容理疗师,在她的旧金山美容院,每做15分钟打脸美容就要收取350美元。While the

3、re is no medical evidence to prove the slapping works as an anti-aging treatment, doctors concede it could improve circulation and bring on a healthy flush.尽管并无医学根据能证明打脸疗法可以抗衰老,但医生们也不得不承认打脸可以“改善血液循环,呈现健康红润肤色”。However Tata and her husband, Mawan, who co-owns the salon, both claim you can see results

4、immediately.不过,塔塔和共同拥有该美容院的丈夫马丸都坚称,你可以瞬间看到效果。Good Morning America asked Hank Schob, an acting coach from Penny Templeton studios, if it was possible to forgo the $350 fee and carry out the procedure safely at home.早安美国节目问彭妮邓普顿工作室的表演指导汉克?朔布说,是否有可能不花这350美元,自己在家安全地做打脸美容。Its very simple, he said. The tr

5、ick is to make sure you have no jewellery on, keep your elbow relaxed, your wrists relaxed. Keep your fingers together and cupped, and come up and hit right in here, he explained while pointing to the flesh of his cheek.朔布说:“这非常简单。诀窍在于你要确保自己不戴任何首饰,保持肘部和腕关节放松,把手指并拢成碗状,然后往上直接拍打在这里。”他指着自己脸颊上的肉解释道。Also

6、popular in Thailand is butt punching, to firm the rear, and breast slapping, to enlarge the size of the chest.在泰国很流行的还有“打屁股”,目的是为了让臀部紧实,还有“拍打乳房”,目的是为了丰胸。A 44-year-old woman, known as Khunying Tobnom, made a career out of this ancient wisdom, cornering the Bangkok market; her skills in high demand.一位

7、名叫Khunying Tobnom的44岁的妇女利用这种“古老智慧”成就了一番事业,垄断了曼谷市场,人们对她的手艺需求旺盛。According to the Independent, a study by the Thai Health Ministry found vigorous massage left volunteers breasts measurably bigger.根据独立报,泰国卫生部的一项研究发现,强有力的按摩确实会让实验者的乳房显著变大。The Ministry even sponsored a programme that saw women learning to

8、slap their own breasts to enhance their size as an alternative to surgery.卫生部甚至还出资赞助了一个项目,鼓励女性学会自扇乳房来丰胸,以替代隆胸手术。And, while it may be surgery-free, the popular treatment is not without its discomfort factor. Clients say the treatment is painful, but that they can cope.然而,这种流行疗法也许不用开刀,但是也免不了受些苦。客户说这种疗

9、法挺疼的,不过还是可以承受的范围之内。And learning the tricks of the trade doesnt come cheap. Training courses for body-slapping, breast-slapping and face-slapping come at the eye-watering price of $330,000, $263,000 and $164,000 respectively.而且,掌握这门手艺也是价格不菲。人体拍打术、乳房拍打术和打脸美容术的培训课程的学费都贵得离谱,分别为33万美元、26.3万美元和16.4万美元。Watc

10、hing a horror film could burn off a whole bar of chocolate, according to new research released today.根据今天发布的最新研究,观看一部恐怖片让人消耗的热量相当于一根巧克力棒所含的热量。Viewers who put themselves through 90 minutes of adrenaline-pumping terror can use up as much as 113 calories, close to the amount burned during a half-hour w

11、alk and the equivalent to a chocolate bar.看完90分钟恐怖片可以使人消耗多达113卡路里的热量,接近于散步半小时,或者一根巧克力棒所含的热量。The movie top of the list of calorie-burners was found to be the 1980 psychological thriller The Shining, with the average viewer using up a whopping 184 calories.位居十大最能燃烧卡路里的恐怖片榜单之首的是1980年的心理惊悚片闪灵,平均每位观看者会消耗

12、多达184卡路里的热量。Jaws took the runner-up spot, with viewers burning on average 161 calories, and The Exorcist came third, with 158 calories.排在第二位的是大白鲨,观看者平均消耗161卡路里热量;排在第三的是驱魔人,平均消耗量为158卡路里。The University of Westminster study measured the total energy expenditure of ten different people as they watched a

13、 selection of frightening movies.这项研究由威斯敏斯特大学开展,评估了10名受访者在观看所挑选出的恐怖电影时的总能量消耗。Scientists recorded their heart rate, oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output - and discovered the number of calories used increased by on average a third during the films.科学家记录了他们的心跳、摄氧量和二氧化碳排出量,发现在观看恐怖片时,受访者的卡路里消耗平均增加了三分之

14、一。The research also revealed films featuring moments designed to make viewers jump in terror are the best calorie-burners, as they cause heart rates to soar.研究还显示,设计有极度惊恐场景的电影消耗的热量最多,因为这能让观看者的心跳迅速加快。Dr Richard Mackenzie, senior lecturer and specialist in cell metabolism and physiology at the Univers

15、ity of Westminster, said: Each of the ten films tested set pulses racing, sparking an increase in the heart rate of the case studies.理查德-麦肯齐博士说:“调查选用的十部恐怖片都会使人血脉贲张,使被调查者心跳加速。”麦肯齐博士是威斯敏斯特大学细胞代谢与生理学的高级讲师和专家。As the pulse quickens and blood pumps around the body faster, the body experiences a surge in a

16、drenaline.“随着心跳加快、全身血流加快,体内肾上腺素水平也随之上升。”It is this release of fast acting adrenaline, produced during short bursts of intense stress (or in this case, brought on by fear), which is known to lower the appetite, increase the Basal Metabolic Rate and ultimately burn a higher level of calories.“正是由于身体里释放出能迅速起效的肾上腺素,导致基础新陈代谢率上升,最终使身体燃烧掉更多的卡路里。人体突然感受到强烈压力(在该研究中是由于恐惧)暴发时会释放肾上腺素,肾上腺素也会使人降低食欲。”Helen Cowley, editor of the movie rental company LOVEFiLM - which commissioned

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