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1、英美报刊阅读Yes, Netanyahus apology toTurkey is a very big dealPosted byMax Fisheron March 22, 2013 at2:36 pmPresident Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talk outside the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum in Jerusalem. (Uriel Sinai Getty Images)Ever since May 2010, when Israeli troopsi

2、zreili 以色列国防军 raided red vt. 袭击,突袭a Gaza-bound aid驶往加沙的救援flotilla flutil n. 小型船队;小舰队and killed eight Turkish t:ki adj. 土耳其人的civilians aboard, relations between Israel and Turkey t:ki n. 土耳其(横跨欧亚两洲的国家)have been bad. That tension tenn紧张, between two powerful Middle East states and allies of the United

3、 States, has been a problem that President Obama has been trying to solve for over two years now.Friday, on the last day of Obamas trip to Israel,Netanyahu n. 内塔尼亚胡(以色列政府总理)finally called Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan土耳其总理埃我多安to apologize, as Obama has urged since 2010. The three-way c

4、all ended with a bit of goodwill and some policy changes: Israeli payment to the families of the victims, an easing of the Israeli embargo emb:u 禁令;禁止;封港令on Gaza (which the flotilla had sought to break), the “cancellation” knslein n. 取消;删除of Turkeys “legal steps” against the Israeli military and, mo

5、st importantly, the restoration ,restrein n. 恢复;复位;王政复辟;归还of full diplomatic relations. Its a big deal.The greatest significance, though, may be symbolic, as a precursor pri:k:s n. 先驱,前导to fingers crossed a renewed peace process between Israel and the Palestinian ,plistinin 巴勒斯坦的;巴勒斯坦人的territories n

6、. 领土,领域;范围;地域. An optimistic take on this incident might note that Netanyahu has been resisting U.S. pressure to make up for years, so the fact that hes now seen this through perhaps signals a greater willingness on his part to listen to other U.S. advice, for example on the Israel-Palestine peace p

7、rocess. Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, may have hinted as much when shetweeted twi:t 推特that the phone call “is a positive step that we hope leads to lasting cooperation on many important issues.”If nothing else, maybe this episode epsd 插曲 could serve as a sort of practice run

8、 and trust-building exercise. Obama proves to the world that he is uniquely positioned to deliver the Israelis, and he proves to the Israelis that he can deliver the other side. Netanyahu, ideally, comes out of the deal looking stronger both within Israeli politics and internationally ,intnnli 国际性地

9、but so does Obama. Of course, there is reason to worry about how difficult it could be to translate Fridays diplomatic success in overcoming the Israel-Turkey tension into momentum momntm 动力for the Israel-Palestine peace process, and not just because the latter is much deeper and more daunting dnt a

10、dj. 使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人怯步的. As Michael Koplow, an analyst of Israeli and Turkish politics,pointed out, the Israeli pro-settlers right does not have much reason to stand in the way of detente detente detnt n. (国际关系中紧张局面的)缓和 with Turkey. But their increasingly powerful political coalition ,koln n. 联合;结合,合并

11、is adamantly adv. 坚硬无比地;坚强地;固执地;不动摇地opposed to any two-state peace deal, not to mention anything that curbs抑制,控制, settlement growth, which is currently a Palestinian pre-condition to talks.All of which is to say that just beginning peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, much less bringin

12、g them to a fruitful conclusion, is still just as terrifyingly difficult as it was a week ago. Fridays phone call didnt make the underlying ,ndla 在的;根本的 issues, particularly settlements, any easier to solve. But it is a good sign for the American and Israeli diplomacy dplomsi 外交 necessary to get any

13、where. And thats something.John Kerry on same page as Karzai over peace talks with TalibanSecretary of state makes surprise visit to Kabul in effort to smooth US ties with Afghanistan fgn,stn n. 阿富汗after departure dprt n. 离开;出发;违背of Nato neitu (北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)国家名称,位于亚洲)

14、troops北约士兵Emma Graham-Harrisonin Kabul ,The Guardian,Monday 25 March 2013 19.42 GMTKarzai appeared to back away from anti-American comments in his meeting with John Kerry. Photograph: Jason Reed/APUS secretary of stateJohn Kerrymade a surprise visit to Kabul k:bl; kbu:l 喀布尔(阿富汗的首都)hours after the US

15、 military handed over a disputed adj. 有争议的 prison to Afghanfgn n. 阿富汗语;阿富汗人control, reviving hopes that the often fractiousfrks adj. 易怒的;倔强的,难以对待的 allies laz n. (第二次世界大战时的)同盟国;(第一次世界大战时的)协约国may be able to smooth ties ahead of a crucial krl adj. 重要的election and the departure dprt n. 离开of Nato troops.

16、Kerry, who has a long and, by US standards unusually positive relationship with Karzai, 阿富汗总统 卡尔扎伊 said he was on the same page as the Afghan leader when it came to peace talks with the Taliban, 塔利班组织and added that he was impressed by Afghan efforts to ensure a safe, secure presidential vote next sp

17、ring.Karzai cannot stand for election担任侯选人 again, so the country will get a new leader after more than a decade under the rule of a man who went from darling of the US establishment in the days following the overthrow n. 推翻;倾覆;of the Taliban to a reluctant rlktnt 勉强的;顽抗的partner and now sometime anta

18、gonist. ntnst 对抗者 ,敌手Kerrys 克里smooth visit came just a few days after a tumultuous tumltus 纷乱的,骚乱的trip by new defence secretary Chuck Hagel. 查克哈格尔 The planned handover of Bagram 巴格拉姆(地名)prison during that visit was cancelled after Karzai said he would release some prisoners, and then a joint dnt 联合的

19、,合办的press conference记者招待会,新闻发布会 was called off after the Afghan leader suggested the Taliban were colluding with 勾结the US.But in Mondays cheerful, hour-long joint meeting联席会议with the media, Karzai appeared to back away from躲开;避开those comments, and added that today was a very good day.Hours earlier,

20、the top US and Nato commander inAfghanistan, General Joseph Dunford, 约瑟夫邓福德(新任驻阿美军司令)handed over the Bagram jail after signing an agreement with Afghan defence minister Bismillah Khan. 比斯敏拉汗The deal was believed to contain details on the future detention of high-profile haiprufai 备受瞩目的Taliban prison

21、ers, although unlike an earlier agreement it will not be made public. Dunford said the transfer was a milestone malston 里程碑,划时代的事件in Afghan efforts to take control of their own security, after more than a decade in which foreign troops have led the fight against the Taliban.The US military alone exp

22、ects to spend about $6bn bringing equipment and vehicles vikl 车辆home ahead of a 2014 deadline for Nato combat troops作战部队 to leave. Some US soldiers are expected to stay on to fight groups like al-Qaida . 基地组织and train the Afghan army, but Washington has said they will no longer take on对付;同(对手)较量 the

23、 Taliban, leaving that to Afghan forces.This ceremony highlights凸显;使突出 an increasingly confident, capable and sovereign Afghanistan, Dunford told assembled officials, soldiers and journalists at the jail, although the US military has promised to provide advisors顾问,指导教授 and nearly $40m to support the

24、 complex that it built.Karzai had demanded control of the jail for many years, saying the US detention of thousands of Afghan citizens in their own country was a serious violation ,valenof 妨碍,侵犯national sovereignty.But the US was concerned about a pattern of insurgentsnsdnt 叛乱分子(insurgent的复数)release

25、d from jail rejoining the fight against Afghan and Nato forces. Zakir Qayyum a former Guantnamo w:nt:nmu 关塔纳摩监狱detainee diteni 未判决囚犯;被扣押者released into Afghan custodykstdi 拘留 in 2007 was one such case, the Associated Press美联社 reported. He was freed four months later and rejoined the Taliban.They may

26、have set aside those concerns to help smooth negotiations on a bilateral ,baltrl 双边的; security agreement that would allow US forces to stay on in Afghanistan past 2014. Boots on Afghan soil would help Washington keep an eye on al-Qaida linked militants . 激进份子, and monitor mnt 监控Iranian ireinjn 伊朗人an

27、d Pakistani ,pkistni 巴基斯坦人efforts to influence their weaker and poorer neighbour.Negotiations were reported to have all but stalled st:ld停滞,停止before the prison handover. Its all part of the bilateral security agreement; its about a shift thats going on in how the US is looking at whats important, on

28、e US official knowledgeable about detention issues told the New York Times. We have to look at the larger picture: whats the US strategic interest战略利益 here?Additional reporting by Mokhtar Amirihttp:/ pushes immigration

29、 reform deadline as Congress signals progressHopes high that deal can be reached after Easter holiday as bipartisan ,baprtzn 两党连立的;代表两党的groups near compromise kmprmazvt. 妥协,和解 in Senate and HouseEwen MacAskillin Washington,Monday 25 March 2013 18.24 GMTObama greets newly sworn in Unit

30、ed States citizens during a naturalisation ceremony at the White House. Photograph: Mark Wilson/Getty ImagesBarack Obamaput pressure on Congress on Monday to introduce an immigration reform bill by April, saying the time has come to fix once and for all一劳永逸地,彻底地 the broken system.Speaking at the Whi

31、te House at a naturalisation ,ntrlzen归化;移入ceremony归化仪式for 28 people, Obama indicated nd,ket . 表明that he wanted to stick to the timetable he outlined in his inaugural njrl address就职演说in January.Members of Congress directly involved in discussions had been reporting better-than-expected progress over the last few weeks but by the end of last week admitted they had been unable to resolve rzlv vi. 解决 outstanding differences before breaking

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