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1、5年级上英语教案课 题Unit 1 Which do you like better?课时1教学目标1. 能够听懂并朗读listen and say中的对话内容;能运用“Which do you like better? I likebetter.”的交际用语询问并回答更喜欢哪种食物和饮料。2. 能听懂、会说、认读chicken, fish, sandwich, hamburger, donut, cupcake, milk shake, apple juice等食物和饮料类词汇,并能在实际情景中运用。3. 能在教师的帮助下完成Lets do中的调查活动并向他人进行介绍。4. 能在新词的学习过

2、程中尝试运用构词法学习复合词、根据音节的发音规律等学习策略。5. 能了解比较发生在同类事物之间,并善于对事物进行科学、合理的分类。教学重点学习询问及应答两者中更喜欢哪种食物和饮料的用语“Which do you like better? I likebetter.”教学难点多种表达喜欢某种食物的用语“I like is my favorite. I like better”的理解和运用。教具准备卡片、录音机、磁带教学过程教学环节设计意图教师活动学生活动时间一、Listen and say在情景中理解与朗读多种表达喜欢某种食物的用语。及时复习,培养语音、语调。在情景中理解与朗读多种表达喜欢某种饮

3、料的用语。1、 导入(1) Brain storm(2) Guess: Where are Lingling and Maomao now?(3) Lets go to the supermarket to find them.2、 学习对话1(1)明确要求(2)初听理解对话提问:What food are they talking about?Which food does Lingling like better? Why?What food does Maomao like?Whats his favorite food?How does Maomao ask?How does Ling

4、ling answer?What does Maomao say then?(3)听录音模仿跟读 整体放一遍 逐句播放:强调which和better的发音(反复2-3遍)(4)角色扮演3、 学习对话2(1)观察对话情景提问:What drinks can you see?Whats in Maomaos hand?(2)初听理解对话提问:What drinks are they talking about?Whats in Maomaos hand?Juice or water, which does Lingling like better?(3) 听录音模仿跟读逐句播放:(反复2遍)(4)

5、角色扮演回顾所学的地点类词汇:school, park, supermarket, zooThey are in 看图预测人物话语。听录音找答案:Meat, fish, and chicken.Lingling likes fish better. Its yummy.Maomao likes chicken, too. Meat is Maomaos favorite food.Chicken or fish, which do you like better?I like fish better. Its yummy.Meat is my favorite. I like chicken,

6、 too.看书静听一遍逐句跟读一组示范以小组为单位分角色练习对话部分小组展示看图回答问题:Milk, juice, water.Water.听录音找答案:Water, juice.Water.Lingling likes water better.整体跟读分组分角色跟读以小组为单位分角色练习对话部分小组展示回顾对话1以小组为单位分角色练习对话1和2部分小组展示18二、Listen, look, and learn利用卡片学习新词汇,并在真实情境中运用本课所学词句。1、 词句学习(1)贴词卡并提问:What are these?Yes. Chicken and fish, which do yo

7、u like better?(2)sandwich and hamburger, donut and cupcake, milk shake and apple juice同法完成,但引导学生寻找发音规律,并跟读录音,询问同伴。2、 巩固练习(1)放录音(2)点名读(3)活动:missing game看图回答问题:They are chicken and fish.I like better.找规律跟读录音同伴互问逐词跟读快速说出抽走的单词10三、Listen and choose复习词汇及句型,培养学生听力与口语表达能力。1、 明确要求2、 放录音3、 订正4、 拓展说一说图中食品名称听录音

8、,选择正确答案。写一写同一类的两个食品类词汇,并与运用本课所学句型号询问同伴比较喜欢哪一个。5四、Lets do通过调查帮助学生学以致用。1、 明确要求2、 与一生示范Whats your favorite food?Whats your favorite drink?3、 活动4、 展示看调查表1生与教师示范Sandwich.Milk shake.调查并记录汇报7五、作业朗读或背诵对话1、2。拼记单词:chicken, fish, sandwich, hamburger, donut, cupcake, milk shake, apple juice。板书设计Unit 1 Which do

9、you like better? Lesson 1Chicken or fish, which do you like better? What is your favorite food / drink?I like fish better. Meat is my favorite.Food Drink chicken fish milk shake apple juice water sandwichs hamburgers donuts cupcakes教学反思课 题Unit 1 Which do you like better?课时2教学目标1. 能听懂并朗读Listen and sa

10、y中的对话内容;能运用“Which class do you like best? I likebest. I do best in .”的交际用语询问并回答或描述自己或他人最喜欢的学科并简述原因。2. 能听懂、会说、认读English, PE, Chinese, calligraphy, science, art, music等学科类词汇以及useful, difficult, interesting等形容词类词汇,并能在实际情景中运用。3. 能在教师的提示下完成Lets do中的信息填写活动并用“is my favorite subject. I likebest.”句式书面表达自己最喜欢

11、的科目。4. 能意识到每个人都有自己喜欢和擅长的科目,学会尊重和欣赏他人在不同学科领域的才能。教学重点学习询问、回答或描述自己或他人最喜欢的科目并简述理由的交际用语:“Which class do you like best? I likebest. I do best in .”教学难点对“I likebest. ”和“I do best in .”中best的正确理解和运用。教具准备卡片教学过程教学环节设计意图教师活动学生活动时间一、Listen and say在情景中理解与朗读多种表达喜欢某学科的用语。及时复习,培养语音、语调。1、 导入(1) Brain storm(2) 追问: Wh

12、ich class / subject do you like?Which class / subject do you like better?Which class / subject do you like best? = What is your favorite subject?2、 学习对话1(1)看图预测人物话语提问:Who are they?Where are they?What are they talking about?(2)初听理解对话 完整放一遍录音 呈现任务:边听录音边看书,找出答案,完成表格。 订正What is Yangyangs favorite subjec

13、t? How do you know that?What does Yangyang say?Why? 引导学生关注Sara的问句Sara wants to know Yangyangs favorite class. How does she ask? 引导学生关注两个best.Are they of the same meaning?(3)听录音模仿跟读(4)角色扮演3、 学习对话2(1)观察对话情景提问:Where are Lingling, Yangyang, and Sara now?Whos he?What is Mike doing?What are they doing?(2)

14、初听理解对话提问:What are they talking about?Who are they talking about?What does Mike like doing?Whats his favorite subject?How do you know that?What does Yangyang say?What does Lingling say?What does Sara say? (3) 听录音模仿跟读逐句播放:(反复2遍)(4)角色扮演回顾所学的学科类词汇:English, Chinese, PE, art根据实际情况回答问题:I likeI like better.

15、I like best.My favorite subject is看图回答问题:Lingling, Yang, Sara.They are at school. / in the classroom.Guess.听录音,判断预测是否正确,并找出正确答案:They are talking about subjects / classes.NameFavorite subjectReasonYangyangLinglingSaraEnglish.I like English best.Yangyang says, “I do best in English.”Which class do you

16、 like best, Yangyang?逐句跟读全班分三个角色进行跟读教师扮Sara, 男生扮Yangyang,女生扮Lingling。以小组为单位分角色练习对话部分小组展示看图回答问题:They are outside the classroom.Hes Mike.He is drawing.They are skipping rope.听录音找答案:They are talking about Mike and his favorite subject.Mike likes drawing.His favorite subject is art.整体跟读分组分角色跟读随机点读教师扮Sar

17、a, 男生扮Yangyang,女生扮Lingling。以小组为单位分角色练习对话部分小组展示回顾对话1以小组为单位分角色练习对话1和2部分小组展示18二、Listen, look, and learn利用卡片学习新词汇,并在真实情境中运用本课所学词句。利用小游戏复习巩固有关学科的词汇。1、词句学习(1)提问并贴词卡:What class do you have?备注:ca-lli-gra-phy (2)回顾单词后提问:Which class do you like best?(3)对话练习2、 巩固练习(1)放录音(2)活动 :chain game回答问题:English, PE, art,

18、music, maths, Chinese, science, calligraphy, computer复习学科类词汇并根据实际情况回答问题:I like best. I do best inIts useful. / Its interesting.小组内仿照刚才的师生对话互相询问对方喜欢的学科及原因。跟读录音全班分成A/B两组,每组派4名学生,A1说I like English. B1接I like English and maths. A2接I like English, maths and Chinese. B2接I like English, maths, Chinese and

19、art.依次类推。要求:不能改变句子中的学科顺序,也不能出现重复的学科。如果哪个组出错了,则对方组赢。10三、Listen and tick复习词汇及句型,培养学生听力。1、 明确要求2、 放录音2遍看书P5 Listen and tick根据录音内容打对勾检查订正5四、Lets do帮助学生学以致用。1、 课程表2、 书写用所学词汇填写课程表在课程表下用本课句型书写最喜欢的科目。7五、作业朗读或背诵对话1、2。拼记学科类单词:English, Chinese, maths, music, PE, art, science, calligraphy。 板书设计Unit 1 Which do y

20、ou like better? Lesson 2NameFavorite subject = like bestReasonYangyangEnglishdo bestLinglingChineseusefulSaramathsinterestingI like English.I like Chinese better.I like PE best. = My favorite subject is PE.教学反思 课 题Unit 1 Which do you like better?课时3教学目标1、 能听懂并朗读Listen and say中的对话内容;能运用“Which do you

21、like better, or? I like , but I like better.”的交际用语询问别人或表达自己对某两种事物或某两个活动喜欢的不同程度。2、 能听懂、会说、认读drawing, reading, keeping birds, growing flowers, throwing beanbags, skipping rope等业余或课余活动类词汇,并能在实际情景中运用。3、 能在教师的提示下完成Lets do中的调查活动,能用1-2句话记录自己的调查结果,如“likes (reading) better. He (reads a lot of books).”并介绍给他人听

22、。4、 能主动和他人交流并分享自己的兴趣和爱好,在交流中更加理解和欣赏他人,增长自己的见识。教学重点学习询问别人或表达自己对某两种事物或某两个活动喜欢程度的交际用语:“Which do you like better, or? I like , but I like better.”教学难点Like doing sth. 中的doing和一般现在时中的动词的正确理解和区分运用;同一含义的动名词短语听不同表达方式,如skipping rope=rop-skipping, throwing beanbags=beanbags throwing.教具准备卡片教学过程教学环节设计意图教师活动学生活动时

23、间一、Listen and say在情景中理解与朗读表达喜欢某件事的用语。1、 导入做动作,提问:What am I doing?Yes, I like reading.Do you like reading?Who likes reading?What kind of books do you like to read?Which kind do you like better?What am I doing?Yes, I like drawing.Do you like drawing?Who likes drawing?What do you often draw?I like draw

24、ing, but I like reading better. How about you?Which do you like better, reading or drawing?2、 学习对话(1)观察对话情景提问:Who are they?Where are they?What are they doing?What is Sara reading?What is Mike and Baobao drawing?(2)初听理解对话 完整放一遍录音 追问:Is Around the World in Eighty Days a fairy tale or science fiction?

25、提问,放录音:Which does Sara like better, fairy tale or science fiction?Which does Mike like doing better, reading or drawing?Can Guoguo have it?(3)听录音模仿跟读(4)角色扮演看动作回答问题:You are reading.Yes, I do.I like fairy tales / science fiction / comic / novels.I likebetter.You are drawing.I like best.My favorite sub

26、ject isI like, but I like better.I like better.看图回答问题:They are Guoguo, Sara, Mike and Baobao.They are in the park.Guess.Sara is reading. Guoguo is talking to Sara. Mike and Baobao are drawing.听录音,找出上面问题的正确答案:Sara is reaing Around the World in Eighty Days.Mike and Baobao are drawing a sheep and a bea

27、r.Its science ficion.听录音,找答案:Sara likes science fiction better.Mike likes drawing better.Yes, but wait a minute. Mike will put his name on it.逐句跟读全班分三个角色进行跟读一组一句跟读看谁模仿的更形象全班分四个角色,教师扮Baobao以小组为单位分角色练习对话部分小组展示18二、Listen, look, and learn利用卡片学习新词汇,并在真实情境中运用本课所学词句。利用小游戏复习巩固有关学科的词汇。1、词句学习(1) 贴卡片并提问:What i

28、s the boy doing?He likes reaing and drawing. But which does he like doing better?Who likes drawing and reading, too?Which do you like doing better?同法完成后两组:keeping birds / growing flowersthrowing beanbags / skipping rope备注:引导学生观察growing 和throwing3、 巩固练习(1)放录音(2)活动 :looking for friends回答问题:He is readi

29、ng.He is drawing.He likes, but he likesbetter.I like drawing and reading, too.I like better.跟读录音根据实际情况选择一组词或短语用I like but I like better. 写完后寻找与自己一模一样的朋友。10三、Listen and choose培养学生听力。1、 明确要求2、放录音2遍看书P7 Listen and choose根据录音内容选择图片检查订正5四、Lets do帮助学生学以致用。1、 明确要求2、 示范3、 活动4、展示一生和教师示范依照师生的对话调查。2-3人汇报自己的结果。7五、作业朗读或背诵对话。拼记学科类单词板书设计Unit

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