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1、高考复习重点词汇完型填空高考复习:重点词汇及完形填空撰稿:毕勤 审稿:牛新革 责编:陈玉莲高考重点词汇devote:奉献;专心致力于 devote his time/energy/himself to helping the poorHe devoted himself to tennis/promoting world peace/the cure of cancer.devoted 献身的,忠实的 devoted friends/parentsdie:死,死亡die of old age/starvation/cancer (疾病、衰老、饥饿)die from overwork/a wou

2、nd (外伤或不注意的原因)He died young/a beggar. 死于的状态渐息,消失 the cigarette/custom/battery diedbe dying for/to do渴望,很想 He is dying for a drink/to go abroad.die a natural/peaceful/heroic/miserable death 老死,安详的死去die away (sound, wind, light)减弱,消失 The cheers died away.die down (兴奋,暴风雨)渐息,减弱 the wind/excitement/goss

3、ip -.die off (家族)相继死亡die out (物种)灭绝;(风俗,习惯等)消失 in danger of dying outdead adj. death n.differ:不同,相异Our opinions differ greatly in that respect.He differs his brothers in looks.different adj. They are quite/entirely/totally - from each other in their tastes.difference n.tell the difference between th

4、e two machines in structure结构striking/noticeable/marked difference 显著不同 slight difference些微差异差额 pay the differencea difference of 10 degrees in temperature between the two placesmake a difference 产生差别,有影响,起重要作用It makes a difference which you choose.It makes no difference to me whether he comes or no

5、 直线的,直达的 a direct way to the town 最近的路线a direct flight to NY 直飞的航班率直的,直截了当的 ask you a direct questionadv. 直接地 go direct home fly direct to NYvt. 指挥,指导direct a project指挥工程 direct the work 指导工作指挥(演奏);导演(电影)direct the orchestra/a film指示(方向)Can you direct me to the post office?director 导演,主

6、任(管);理事,董事direction n. 方向 fly in all directions have a poor sense of directiondiscover:vt. 发现,发觉discover an new island/the joy of writing/truthI discovered that she was a cook.discovery n. 发现 the discovery of America by Columbusdistance:距离 the distance between the two citiesIn the U.S.A. distance is

7、 measured in miles. 以英里计算疏远,冷淡 There has been a great istance between us since the a distance 相隔一定距离 The picture looks better at a the distance 在远处We saw some smoke in the distance.within hearing/walking distance 在能听见叫声/步行可及的地方My parents live within walking distance of me.a lo

8、ng distance calldistant adj.(距离,时间上)远的 a distant town/in the distant past远亲的 a distant relativedivide:分成 divide the class into 3 groups separate apples from pears分配 They divided the profits among them/with their partners 利润平分(想法上)分歧,对立 Our opinions/views are divided on the matter.除以 35 divided by 5

9、is 7.division (表强调) 确实He did finish his homework in time. (代替前面动词以避免重复)I cook better than she does(she cooks).做,干,行动do business do the/some shopping/washing/cleaning带来(益处,害处等);给予 do sb. good/harm/a favorThe frost did no damage to the wheat. 霜冻没损害到麦苗足够;有帮助,适合 Ten dollars will do. Where shall we

10、 meet?” “Any place will do.” 什么地方都行。do away with=get rid of 废除(制度),取消We should do away with death for 成为的替代品 This box will do for a up 包,捆He is good at doing up things/the books. 系(鞋带),扣(衬衫的扣子) do up the shoelaces/your shirt梳理(头发) do up the hairdo oneself up 打扮She did herself up

11、for the with 处理 He didnt know what to do with the used car.以将就 There was no milk, so I had to do with water.have something/nothing to do with the murder casedo without 没有也行 There wasnt any coffee left, so we had to do without.将就不喝了用不着 I can do without your advice. have done with 完成 Have you

12、 done with the paper? 看完报纸了吗?doubt:vt. 怀疑,疑惑 I doubt his honestyI doubt whether/if he is honest.I dont doubt that he is honest.n. (c; uc) 怀疑,疑惑 I have some doubt(s) about his words.There is no doubt of his success.beyond doubt 毫无疑问的,确实的 Beyond doubt, he will doubt 怀疑,不确定 The cause of the

13、accident is still in doubt.without doubt 无疑的 I will be back on Friday without doubt.doubtful adj. I am doubtful of his honest. Its doubtful whether he will recover.Its not doubtful that he will recover. draw1) draw a picture 画,描绘2) 拖,拉 He drew the curtain.3) 得出结论 It was difficult to draw any conclus

14、ion from the discussion.4) 吸收,吸气,打水,取钱 Draw a lesson from (从当中)吸取教训 The runner drew a deep breath. They drew water from the well. She drew $200 from the bank.5) 吸引, draw ones attention The panda drew a lot of children. The film drew large audiences.6) 拔出 The thief drew his gun and fired.7) 成平局 We dr

15、ew the game 4 points to 4. The game was drawn 我们4:48) draw back 退回 It was already too late to draw back.要退出已经太晚了9) draw near 临近,接近 10) n. 平局The football game was a draw.dress1) dress sb. oneself Wait a minute. Im dressing myself.2) be dressed in Dressed in red, she looks nice.3) dress up打扮 They dres

16、sed up for the meeting.4) n.女装,童装,妇女礼服 She was wearing a silk dress. 丝绸礼服5)dress coat 燕尾服(男性礼服的上衣) dress rehearsal 彩排,正式预演 dressing 调味汁(加在沙拉,鱼等上的汤汁)6)dress put on wear have ondrive1) 驾驶,驱赶(牛马) Can you drive a car? Ill drive him to the station. drive a horse She drives well.2) 逼迫,迫使 The big noise dro

17、ve me mad. The death of her son drove her mad.3) drive home 使明白,使领会 He used a picture to drive his point home. This will help drive home the meaning of the new words.4) n. (乘车去的)路程,车程 Its only a five minutes drive to the station.due:adj.1) 到期(应偿付,付给) I want to renew a book thats due today. The bill

18、is due on June.2)定于(某时做某事) We are due to leave at noon. Youre due to graduate in July.3)定于(某时到达) The train is due in Beijing at 3 p.m.5) due to由于 出于的原因,归功于 The game was postponed due to rain. He arrived late due to the strong storm. The discovery is due to Newton.6) in due time(course) 经一定时间,到一定时候 I

19、 shall answer all your questions in due course. Spring and summer will arrive in due time.7) due for 应该得到 I am due for an increase in pay soon.8) 会费(复数),应得物。 You ought to pay the dues first. Give a man his due.duty1) 责任,义务 a sense of duty do ones duty 尽本分 Its our duty to obey the laws.2) 职责,职务,工作(常用

20、复数) the duties of a policeman He has fully performed his duties as a manager of the sales department. 他当营业部经理非常尽职3)税,关税 The duty on petrol has been raised. 汽油税已经提高了。 duty-free (adj. adv.) duty- free cigarettes You can buy as much beer as you want duty-free.4) be on duty off dutyeachadj. 各个的,各自的,每,各E

21、ach car has a steering wheel.都有方向盘My uncle gave a present to each one of us.There is a bookstore on each side of the street.On each occasion I failed. 我屡试屡败。pron. 各个,各自Each has his own task.Each of the students has a dictionary.They each have different opinions about it.他们对那事各有不同的看法意见。adv. 各个地,各自地My

22、 aunt gave us three dollars each.each time每次(做连词用)Each time he saw me, he asked the same question. “ How is your business?”5) each other互相 one another6) each every区别a) 词性:every只做adj, 作定语 not everyone b) 数量:each用于两者或以上 on each side of the street every用于三者或以上 on every side of the square playgroundc) 含

23、义:each强调个体; every强调整体I visited him each day while he was in hospital. I visited him every day while he was in hospital. earn挣得,赚得,应得She doesnt earn much money, but she enjoys the work.He earns his living by teaching at a language school. 维持生计博得,赢得,获得He earned the title of “The Great” by his victorie

24、s in the war.He earned confidence by fair dealing.他以公正性味行为获得信赖。His bravery earned him the respect of all.博得众人的尊敬3) earnings所得,收入 annual earnings年收入effect结果His stomachache is an effect of overeating.cause and effect因果影响,功效have a goodbad effect onThe medicine had an instant effect on me. 有立即功效side eff

25、ect副作用come into effect开始生效 bring(carry)into effect实施,实行effective adj. take effective measures to doThe medicine is highly effective against cancer.effort努力,尽力Getting a high grade in every subject requires great effort.He did it without effort.毫不费力地做完All my efforts were in vain.make an effort to do s

26、pare no effort to do努力的结果,精心杰作( 可数) a good efforteitherpron 两者中的任何一个You may take either of the roads.- Tea or coffee?- Either will do.adv. 也(否定句尾)either or(就近一致), 要么要么I think he is either Chinese or American.employ雇佣,聘请The store employed extra workers at Christmas.We employed her as an adviser.使用,用掉

27、How do you employ your spare time?His hobby employs much of his employed in 忙于(某事),从事(某活动)She was employed in watering the garden.employment n. employer employeeendn. 末端,尽头at the end of by the end of in the endHe was speaking on the other end of the line.死亡,末日His end came suddenly.The meetin

28、g came to an end.结束put an end to结束(不好的事),制止You must put an end to this foolish behavior.make ends meet 使收支相抵,使入能敷出Both husband and wife had to work to make ends meet.on end 一连It has been raining for a week on end.odds and ends 杂七杂八的东西The box was full of odds and the end 到底 fight to the end A true friend is faithful to the end.end in以告终,结果The match ended in a draw.end up( as )最后(有某种结局),最后(成了)How does the story end up?He will end up as presid

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