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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious 教学设计.docx

1、Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious 教学设计Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section A 3a-3cFull moon ,Full feelings 教学分析:一、教学目标: 1. 知识目标1)认识并能正确使用admire, goddess, steal, lay out, dessert等词汇,阅读过程中能根据故事的发展找到关键词定位。2) 能使用关键词复述课文,并转化成情景表演,把握故事的发展线索。3)了解故事发展的文化背景,能够使用宾语从句批判性的表达自己的观点,评价人物特点。

2、2. 情感态度价值观目标:1) 了解中国传统文化,培养批判性的看待人物和事,人有悲欢离合月有阴晴圆缺,用满满的情怀去拥抱生活。2)培养学生团结合作精神和独立探索的优良品格,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。二、【教学重难点】1. 提高阅读技巧,能熟练应用阅读技巧,读前预测,读中略读、扫读、精读、关键词定位、联系上下文推理,读后复述的产出。 2.通过故事的熟知,能够用英语谈论自己的情感态度。 3.教学难点:续写故事。三、教学准备多媒体课件、黑板贴贴纸、学生导学案四、教学模式本节课教学模式有1.课前游戏导入(circle)2.创设情景(谈论身边的circle,找circle,make circle)3.

3、任务设置(读前、读中、读后) 4.实际性操练 5.小组合作 6.思维导图7.表演产出 8. 知识拓展。 运用多种阅读技巧,关键词思维导图让学生们更好的感知故事发展情节,学生用自己的话通过表演的形式,体会人物的性格特点。五、教学过程Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning (1min)Step1. Greetings T: Hi , Class ,Lets begin our class S: Good moring , Ms. Xie.T: Good moring boys and girls , how are you today?S:I am

4、fine ,thank you . T: Ok ,sit down , please .Stage 2 Pre-reading (3mins)Step 1 Lead-in (1min)(Show children dart board)T: Seem like you are happy today .OK, then, Many things can make us feel happy or have full feelings. Look, there is a sign on the board. When I see the circle , it remind me of a sm

5、iling face, which bring me full feelingsT: All right,what can you think of when you see the circle and it bring you full feelings. S1: S2: S3: T: We talk about many wonderful things .Actually, these things which make us feel full always come and go, but there is another circle which stands forever .

6、 What is it ?S: MoonT:To be frank , when we see the full moon ,we have full feelings .T: We Chinese people have a special festival which related the full moon .Do you know what the festival it is ?S: The Mid-Autumn Festival T: Good . How much do you know about this festival ?When is it ?T: (ppt) sho

7、w the answerT: Look , the big round bright circel Step 2 New words and custom background(5mins) (Make Ss know the new words.)T: Look at the picture ,what others are in the shape of circle?S:.S:.S:.T: Great , you are all have sharp eyes , all right , what do they do to celebrate the festival with the

8、 circle things?S:.S:. T: Write the new words on the blackboard . Such as : mooncake , admire, dessert , lay out , garden .S: Learn to read the new words .Step 3 Getting students ready for enjoy the story (3min)T: Great! Families sit around the big and round table, enjoying delicious mooncakes! They

9、just make a different full circle! I think you feel more from the festival now, dont you?T: So today, lets enjoy a most touching story to have full feelings! Would you like to read it with me?Ss: Yes!T: Show the objectives of readingTask1 Before you read , predict the 2 questions Stage 3 While-readi

10、ng (22mins)Task2 read and match (1min)Task3 Read Para.2 quickly and circle the main characters. (1min)Task4 Read Para.2 again and fill in the blank (3min) Then, discuss and finish the mind-map with key words. (5mins)(Request Ss to discuss and share their information in groups, and draw lines to show

11、 what happened to these people with writing key words.)(After discussing, ask one group to give their mind-map in front of others.)Finish 3b (1min)Task5 Role-play with full ending. (7mins)Ask Ss to role play the story aloud with full feelings. T: what do you think of their performance ? (2mins)S: In

12、teresting .T: Find the objective clauses in the passage and read aloud with full feelings.(2min )T:T: I believe that youve done a very good job and enjoy the story .Stage 3 Post-reading (4mins) T: Lead to the expression like this with some picture , let students feel full feelings . After that ,let

13、students make sentences by themselves.T: Can you make more full expressions? S: .S:.T: The moon dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. People have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. T: Show some pictures about leaving T: We have best wishes, so we mostly give it a happy ending. But sometimes, no

14、matter who we are, we have to face leaving, because of work or study. I want to say, though far apart, we can still admire the beauty of the moon under the same sky. And our hearts are full forever. (2min)T:summarize what weve learnt today.Stage 4 Homework (1min)六、板书设计:七、教学反思: 大部分同学达到了预期的效果,能够完成本课的知识目标。本节课是一节阅读课,故教学的重点是培养学生阅读技巧。这篇文章比较特殊是中国的传统文化,所以在完成任务的同时还要体会文化背景的内涵,人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。难点是用批判的眼光看待人和事。总体课程设计任务量较大,学生需要全神贯注紧跟课堂。

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