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2、测词义可采用以下14种方法:一、根据转折关系:为了帮助学生更好地理解文章的中的句子之间的意思,通常会出现一些表示转折关系的词。例如:though, although, but, however等,通过这些连接词,使读者更加清楚地了解句子的含义。例1:Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius to sell it. 由but可知genius是与fool(蠢才)相对的,由此推测其意为“有才能的人、天才”。例2:A vegetarian doesnt want meat, but may value bananas highly, while a m

3、eat-eater may prefer steak. 句中vegetarian通过while与meat-eater对比,可猜为“吃素者”。例3:Most of them agreed; however, John dissented. 句中dissented通过however与agreed对比, dissented意思是“反对”。二、根据对比关系:在一个句子或段落中,有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述,我们可以根据生词或难词的反义词猜测其词义。表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要有:unlike, not, while, on the other hand, in spite of, in cont

4、rast等。例4:If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”. 根据前后的对比关系,不难猜出dissent是意思与agree相反,即:“不同意”。例5:104 studies, involving 15,000 people is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast(对比), to hopelessness, sickness and failure

5、, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness. optimism“乐观主义”与Pessimism意义相反, 所以可猜Pessimism之意为“悲观主义”。例6:Some students were unintentionally late for class while a few were purposely late.根据从句中的该例中的purposely(决心,故意,目的)对比关系,我们便能猜出unintentionally意为“无心,有时”。三、根据因果关系:在句子或段落中,若两个事物或现象之间构成因果关系,

6、我们可以根据这种逻辑关系来推测所出现的生词词义。表示因果关系的有because, so that, so/suchthat等。例7:The girl began to feel homesickbecause she had been away from her family for years.根据原因状语从句和homesick本身的构词方法,我们推断它的词义为“想家的”。例8:Since I could not afford to buy the original painting, I bought a replica. An inexperienced eye could not te

7、ll the difference. 根据买不起原创的,所以只好买个“复制品”。没有经验的人看不出区别。例9:Mary didnt notice me when I came into the classroom,because she was completely engrossed in her reading.句意:当我走进教室的时候,玛丽没有注意到我,因为她正在地看书。据此,我们可以推断engross可能就是“使全神贯注,吸引”的意思。四、根据同位关系:因为同位语是对前面名词的进一步补充说明,两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也用破折号、分号、引号或括号连接。所以,同位语可提供更为具体的信息

8、,我们可根据同位语来推测前面名词的意思。例10:In some cultures, certain foods are taboo, a word from the language of the Fiji Islands, which is used to describe something forbidden or not allowed.根据句子内容,可猜测Taboo为“禁忌”。例11:Such experiences are not unusual for the amateur conchologists, people who collect shells.根据该词后面的同位解释

9、people who collect shells,理解为“收集贝壳的人或贝壳收藏家”。五、根据并列关系:两个或以上的并列成分由并列连接词如:and,or,so,for等,并列词组如:in addition,as a result等,和连接性副词如:moreover,besides 来连接。并成分之间关系密切,而并列连接词是并列成分之间的纽带,起着承上启下的作用,显示了并列成分之间逻辑关系。因此,正确理解和掌握连接词语是我们阅读理解的关键。例12:Drinking some icy water from the river in front of the bear trap and splas

10、hing a lot of water over my head brought me fully to my senses.并列的两个动名词短语所提供的相关信息(喝冰冷的河水,再往头上洒大量的水)足以说明brought me fully to my senses的意思,即“使我完全清醒了”。例13:But sometimes, no rainfalls for a long, long time. Then there is a dry period, or drought.从a dry period和drought是同义语,drought所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨,由此可见droug

11、ht意思为“久旱,旱灾”。六、根据比喻关系:比喻猜词法就是把两种或两种以上不同的事物进行对比,找出其相同之处,根据阅读中的这种比喻上下文线索去推测生词的词意。表示比喻的词一般有asas, like等。例14:The hot-air balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as a rose leaf in water.根据“就像水中的玫瑰叶”这样的比喻可知,buoyant是“飘浮的”之意。例15:Just as air and water is indispensable to living things, so is learning t

12、o a man in the civilized society.由just asso引起的句子表示比喻。indispensable的词义可以根据比喻关系来确定。既然我们深知空气和水与生物的关系,再联想到学习与文明社会的人的关系,那么indispensable的词义想必就是“必不可少的”了。七、根据定义关系:文章的上下文对某个词语进行定义、解释,使读者清楚地了解它的含义。表示定义的常用语有:为 be, mean, be considered, refer to, be called, be known as, be defined as,be described as也可用标点符号表示定义,如

13、破折号、逗号、括号、冒号等。例16:Sociology is the term used to describe the scientific study of human society.根据“是用来描述人类社会的科学研究的术语”的定义,可知sociology是“社会学”之意。例17:Ventilation, as you know, is a system or means of providing fresh air. It plays a very important part in the field of engineering.根据“一种提供新鲜空气的系统”来看,句中“venti

14、lation”是个“通风设备”。例18:Instinctive behavior is a pattern of behavior that an animal is born with. 根据句子内容, 可猜测Instinctive behavior为“本性”。八、根据所举实例:为了阐明某一种重要观念或者讲清某一抽象概念,作者往往采取举例的方式对这一观点或概念进行具体的说明和解释,从而使读者理解得更具体些.那么文中的例子自然也就成了读者理解文章生词的线索.表示列举关系的信号词有: like, for example, for instance, such as, especially, in

15、clude, consist of, specially。例19:Many United Nations employees are polyglot. Ms. White,for example, speaks six languages.由所举实例,不难推出polyglot的意思是“懂多种语言的”。例20:Some artists plan their painting around geometric formslikesquares, circles and triangles.从文中所列举的三角形、正方形、圆形来猜得其意为“几何图形”。例21:Some missing ships c

16、arried cargo such as coal and military supplies,while others carried only passengers.其中cargo为生词,根据句后面的列举部分:coal,oil,and military supplies可推测cargo指“煤油等货物”。九、根据同义关系:有时作者为了使他的意思表达得更清楚明白,通常用一个同义词或近义词来解释另一个比较难的词或关键词,这些同义词或近义词为读者推断生词词义提供了线索.另外有些作者在表达同一概念时喜欢用两个或更多的同义词或近义词,其中必定有读者所熟悉的词,根据已知的词语,就不难推断出生词的词义来.

17、例22:Tom is considered an autocratic administrator (管理者) because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.根据原因状语从句的内容,我们可以推断出生词autocratic指“独断专行的”。例23:We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately(精确地), or they willmake our speech silly and vulgar.根

18、据“选词和使用精确”来判断,vulgar的意思为“粗俗的,庸俗的”。例24:Doctors, scientists, and public health experts often travel to these regions to solve themystery of a long healthy life; the experts hope to bring to the modern world the secrets of longevity. 生词longevity,的意思为“长命的、长寿的”。十、根据转换说法:有时作者在阐述某个概念或某一事情时,为了把它讲述得更清楚,常采取另一

19、种方式重述一下前面的内容,这种重述往往用比前面一种表达更为简单易懂的词语。后面这种简单易懂的词语无疑为前面较难的词语提供了猜测的线索。因此,在阅读的过程中如遇到生词时,不妨看一下该生词后面是否有另一种阐述或解释。表达转述信号的词有:that is, that is to say, in other words以及i.e., 等都可以用来对前面的内容进行解释,意为“也就是说、即”。例25:He is very fastidious. In other words, it is extremely difficult to please and satisfy him. 从后面的重述中可以清楚地看

20、出“fastidious”意为“挑剔的”。例26:He is aresoluteman. That is to say, once he sets up a goal, he wont give it up easily. 从后面的重述中可以清楚地看出“resolute”指的是“坚定的、果断的”。十一、根据定语从句:在很多情况下,定语从句直接给出了某一生词的定义,所以,以定语从句为线索猜测词义也是一个行之有效的猜词方法。例27:Jack is now a florist, who keeps a shop for selling flowers in our district.由后面起补充作用

21、的非限制性定语从句可推知生词florist是“花店主”之意。例28:An expedition is a long, organized trip or journey, which is made into an unfamiliar area for a particular purpose by a group of people.句中which引导的定语从句进一步解释了expedition之意为“远征队”。例29:He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats, s

22、wallowing fire, and other similar tricks. 此句中,who引导的定语从句对生词“prestidigitator”的词义给出了非常清楚的定义。根据能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人应是“变戏法者”。十二、根据逻辑推理:根据生词前后的搭配关系和上下文的意思等来推测其意思。例30:Because this chemical liquid is highly volatile, we must keep it in a bottle which has a tight lid.由后面的解释必须保存在密封或有很紧的盖子的瓶子里,可推测出这个化学物质是“

23、易挥发的”。例31:If he thinks he can invite me out, he is all wet. I dont like to be with him. 根据I dont like to be with him(我不愿意跟他在一起),那么,他要邀请我出去是不可能的,他就大错特错了。因此all wet的意思是“mistaken”。例32:For people who live within a stones throw from the office to be late for work is unforgivable.根据后面上班迟到是不可原谅的来推测,指的是那些“住得

24、很近”的人。例33:We found that bar at last. I didnt have to ask again, for there it was in big letters over the windowStar Bar. There were some iron tables outside with plastic chairs around them. A few people sat listlessly(无精打采地)around, looking at a portable television set that someone had brought out of

25、 the bar. They were all in thin summer dresses or short sleeved-shirts; even at that late hour it was stifling. Two thin dogs lay under one of the tables with their tongues out, and some of the women were fanning themselves unenthusiastically (无精打采的) with magazines.根据语境我们猜出stifling的词义为“憋闷的、沉闷的”。十三、根

26、据生活常识:有时根据生活经验和基本常识可以推测出生词的意思。根据日常生活中的常识和相关的背景知识,大胆想象,合理发挥,推测出生词的含义。例34:The snake slithered through the grass.根据有关蛇的生活习性的知识,我们可以推测出slithered的词义为“爬行”。例35:Metal expands when heated and contracts when cooled.根据“热胀冷缩”的常识,我们可以推出expand 词义为“膨胀,扩大”,而contract词义为“收缩,缩小”。例36:When a doctor performs an operation

27、 on a patient, he usually gives an anaesthetic to make him unconscious, because he does not want his patient to feel pain or to know what is happening to him.根据直接或间接的经验,一般具有一点医学常识的人都知道医生在给病人动手术之前,为了减轻病人的痛苦,往往给病人注射麻醉剂使病人失去知觉后再动手术.所以根据这一常识,通过上下文就能比较准确地确定anaesthetic一词的意思应该是“麻醉剂”。十四、根据构词方法:根据前缀、后缀、合成、转换

28、等构词法来推测生词的意思。例37:Remember that people on line may not be who they seem. Because you cant see or even hear the person, it would be easy for someone to misrepresent himself/herself. Thus someone says “She is a 12-year-old girl”could really be an old man.根据语境和misrepresent的构词方式,前缀mis-的意思是“误,错的”,词根repres

29、ent的意思是“表达,展示”之意, 合在一起我们知道misrepresent的词义为“误述,歪曲”。mis-错,误:misfortune不幸;mislead误导;mismanage处理不当。例38:The company is trying to popularize its new products with the help of advertisements. popular(普及的,受欢迎的), -ize为及物动词的标志, 可知popularize的词义为“普及,使受欢迎”。例39:After just a few days on the job, I began noticing t

30、hat the other fellows were overcharging passengers. 根据charge(收费、要价)和前缀over-的意思“过多、过分”,可推知overcharge是“索价太高”之意。overwork是由前缀over-加动词构成,over有“超过、过于”之意,overwork意思是“工作过多,劳累过度”。再如,overburden负担过重,overcharge要价过高,overdo做得过分。例40:Family members take turns choosing a special activity for the evening, and everyone partakes in for fun.根据短语构成及上下文意思看,此处partakes in相当于takes part in“参加”。再如break out-outbreak(名词爆发),set out-outset(名词起始),come in-income(名词收入)。以上介绍了几种猜测词义的方法,相信对同学们积累词汇、理解文章意思会有所帮助。英语学习应日积月累,并时刻做有心人,发现规律,寻找技巧,提高英语水平。

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