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本文(专业英语复习题整理人王华敏化合物的英文命名Nomenclature.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语复习题整理人王华敏化合物的英文命名Nomenclature专业英语复习题 整理人:王华敏化合物的英文命名Nomenclature of compounds一 无机物的命名 (Inorganic compounds)1 元素与单质的命名“元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”,有时为了区别,在强调“单质”时可用“free element”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文名称是一样的。下面给出的既是元素的名称,同时又是单质的名称。S-block Element IA IIAH Hydrogen Be Beryllium Li Lithium Mg Magnesium Na So

2、dium K Potassium Rb Rubidium Ca Calcium Cs Cesium Sr Strontium Fr Francium Ba BariumRa Radium P-block ElementIIIA IV A V A B Boron C Carbon N Nitrogen Al Aluminium Si Silicon P Phosphorus Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic In Indium Sn Tin Sb Antimony Tl Thallium Pb Lead Bi Bismuth VIA VIIA 0 He Hel

3、iumO Oxygen F Fluorine Ne NeonS Sulfur Cl Chlorine Ar ArgonSe Selenium Br Bromine Kr KryptonTe Tellurium I Iodine Xe XenonPo Polonium At Astatine Rn RadonCommon Transition Elememt Fe : iron Mn : manganese Cu: copper Zn: zinc Hg: mercury Ag: silver Au: gold2化合物的命名化合物的命名顺序都是根据化学式从左往右读,这与中文读法顺序是相反的。表示原

4、子个数时使用前缀 (1)mono-,(2)di -,(3)tri- ,(4)tetra ,(5)penta- (6)hexa-,(7)hepta-, (8)octa-,(9)nona-,(10)deca-,但是在不会引起歧义时,这些前缀都尽可能被省去Naming metal ions (cations) for metal oxides, bases and salts1. Single valence ions Cations name = Elementfor example: Na+ Sodium Al3+ Aluminum K+ Potassium Ca2+ Calcium2.Mult

5、ivalence ionsCations name = Element(N)For example: Fe2+ Iron(II) or Ferrous Fe3+ Iron(III) or Ferric Cr2+ Chromium(II) Cr3+ Chromium(III) Mn4+ Manganese(IV) Mn2+ Manganese(II)对于有变价的金属元素,除了可用前缀来表示以外,更 多采用罗马数字来表示金属的氧化态,或用后缀-ous表示低价,-ic表示高价。如 FeO: iron(II) oxide 或 ferrous oxide Fe2O3: iron (III) oxide或

6、ferric oxide Cu2O: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxide CuO: copper(II) oxide或cupric oxide chromous chromic mercurous mercuric manganous manganic cobaltous cobaltic stannous stannic Plumbous plumbic Table1 symbols and names of common cations 1+cations 2+cations 2+cations 3+and 4+ cations hydrogen H+ / mag

7、nesium Mg2+ / nickel(II)or Ni2+ / aluminum Al3+ lithium Li+ / calcium Ca2+ / nickelous /chromium(III) Cr3+ sodium Na+ / strontium Sr2+ / tin(II)or Sn2+ / or chromic potassium K+ / barium Ba2+ / stannous /manganese(III) Mn3+ ammonium NH4+ / zinc Zn2+ / lead(II)or Pb2+ /or manganic silver Ag+ / cadmiu

8、m Cd2+ / plumbous / iron(III)or Fe3+ copper(I)or Cu+ / copper(II)or Cu2+ / iron(II)or Fe2+ / ferric cuprous / cupric / ferrous / cobalt(III)or Co3+ mercury(I)or Hg22+ / mercury(II)or Hg2+ / cobalt(II)or Co2+ / cobaltic mercurous / mercuric / cobaltous / /nickel(III) Ni3+ chromium(II)or Cr2+/ / tin(I

9、V)or Sn4+/ chromous / / stannic / manganese(II)or Mn2+ / / lead(IV)or Pb4+/ manganous / / plumbic/Naming nonmetal ions (anions)1. Monatomic anions Anions name = Elements root -ide For example: Cl- Chloride O= Oxide Br- Bromide OH- Hydroxide I- Iodide CN- Cyanide S= Sulfide H- Hydride 2. Polyatomic o

10、xyanions(1). Acid radicals for normal salt (正酸根 -ate ) Anions name = Central Elements root -ate for example: ClO3- Chlorate IO3- Iodate PO43- Phosphate NO3- Nitrate SO42- Sulfate CO32- Carbonate (2). Acid radicals for meta-salts (亚酸根 -ite )Anions name = Central elements root -ite for example: ClO2-

11、Chlorite IO2- Iodite PO33- Phosphite NO2- Nitrite SO32- Sulfite (3). Acid radicals for hypo-salts (次酸根 -ite )Anions name = Hypo- Central elements root -ite for example: ClO- Hypochlorite IO- Hypoiodite PO23- Hypophosphite (4). Acid radicals for persalts (高酸根Per -ate )Anions name = Per-central Elemen

12、ts root -atefor example: ClO4- Perchlorate IO4- Periodate MnO4- Permanganate Table2 symbols and names of common anions 1- anions 1- anions 2- anions 3- and 4- anions peroxide O22- / thiocyanate SCN- / oxide O2- / nitride N3- hydride H- / cyanide CN- /sulfide S2- / phosphide P3- fluoride F- / acetate

13、 CHCOO- / carbonate CO32- / carbide C4- chloride Cl- / nitrate NO3- /sulfate SO42- /Phosphate PO43- bromide Br- / nitrite NO2- /sulfite SO32- /phosphite PO33- iodide I- / permanganate MnO4- / thiosulfate S2O32- hydroxide OH- / perchlorate ClO4- /oxalate C2O42- hydrogen carbonate HCO3- /chlorate ClO3

14、- /chromate CrO42- (bicarbonate) / chlorite ClO2- / dichromate Cr2O72- hydrogen sulfate HSO4- / hypochlorite ClO- (bisulfate) hydrogen sulfiteHSO3- dihydrogen phosphate (bisulfite) Naming compounds1. Metal oxide Metal oxide = Cation + oxidefor example: FeO Iron(II) oxide (Ferrous oxide) Fe2O3 Iron(I

15、II) oxide (Ferric oxide) Na2O2 Sodium peroxide hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) 2. Nonmetal oxideNonmetal oxide = n-Nonmetal element + n-oxide for example: CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide SO3 Sulfur trioxide N2O3 Dinitrogen trioxide P2O5 Diphosphorus pentoxide N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide (tetra-,mono-后缀中

16、的a,o在后一o之前省去)有些物质常用俗称,如NO: nitric oxide N2O: nitrous oxide Table3 Binary compounds of nonmetals - Carbon nitrogen CO carbon monoxide NO nitrogen monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide NO2 nitrogen dioxide CS2 Carbon disulfide N2O dinitrogen monoxide CCl4 Carbon tetrachloride N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide N2O5 dinit

17、rogen pentoxide Sulfur phosphorus SO2Sulfur dioxide PBr3phosphorus tribromide SO3 Sulfur trioxide SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride PCl5phosphorus pentachloride非金属氢化物除了水和氨气使用俗称water,ammonia以外,其它的非金属氢化物都用系统名称,命名规则根据化学式的写法不同而有所不同。 (1)对于卤族和氧族氢化物,在化学式中写在前面,因此将其看成与另一元素的二元化合物。 举例: HF hydrogen fluoride HCl hydrogen

18、chloride HBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodide H2S hydrogen sulfide H2Se hydrogen selenide H2Te hydrogen telluride (2)对于其它族的非金属氢化物,在化学式中写在后面,可加后缀-ane,氮族还可加-ine 举例: PH3: phosphine或phosphane AsH3: arsine或arsane SbH3: stibine或stibane(stibium) BiH3: bismuthane CH4: methane SiH4: silane B2H6: diborane

19、hydrazine(N2H4) 无氧酸命名规则:hydro-词根-icacid 举例: HCl: hydrochloric acid H2S : hydrosulfuric acid3. BasesBase = Metal cation + hydroxidefor example: Al(OH)3 Aluminum hydroxide NaOH Sodium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 Barium hydroxide Co(OH)2 Cobalt(II) hydroxide4.盐(Salts)(1). 正盐(Normal salt

20、) :根据化学式从左往右分别读出阳离子和阴离子的名称。 Normal salt = Cation + anion for example: HgSO4 Mercury(II) sulfate Hg2SO4 Mercury(I) sulfate KNO3 Potassium nitrate Na2CO3 Sodium carbonate NaClO Sodium hypochlorite FeSO4 iron(II) sulfate KMnO4 potassium permanganate(1). 正盐(Normal salt) :根据化学式从左往右分别读出阳离子和阴离子的名称。 Normal

21、salt = Cation + anion for example: HgSO4 Mercury(II) sulfate Hg2SO4 Mercury(I) sulfate KNO3 Potassium nitrate Na2CO3 Sodium carbonate NaClO Sodium hypochlorite FeSO4 iron(II) sulfate KMnO4 potassium permanganate(3).Basic saltsBasic salt = Cation + hydroxy-anionfor example: Cu2(OH)2CO3 Dicopper(II) d

22、ihydroxycarbonateCa(OH)Cl Calcium hydroxychloride Mg(OH)PO4 Magnesium hydroxyphosphate(4).复盐(Mixed salts):同正盐的读法。Mixed salt = Cation + cation + anionfor example: NaKSO3 Sodium potassium sulfiteCaNH4PO4 Calcium ammonium phosphateAgLiCO3 Silver lithium carbonate NaNH4SO4 Sodium ammonium sulfateKNaCO3:

23、 potassuim sodium carbonateNaNH4HPO4: sodium ammonium hydrogenphosphate 5)水合盐:结晶水读做water或hydrate如 AlCl36H2O: aluminum chloride 6-water 或 aluminum chloride hexahydrate AlK(SO4)212H2O: aluminium potassium sulfate 12-water5. Acids(1). Per-, hydro-,normal acid (its salt-ate,-ide)Acid = Central elements

24、root -ic + acidfor example: H2CO3 Carbonic acid H2SO4 Sulfuric acid H3PO4 Phosphoric acid HNO3 Nitric acid HClO4 Perchloric acid HCl Hydrochloric acid(2). Meta- and hypo-acid ( its salt-ite)Acid = Central elements root -ous + acidfor example: H2SO3 Sulfurous acid H3PO3 Phosphorous acid HNO2 Nitrous

25、acid HClO Hypochlorous acid HClO2 Chlorous acid含氧酸与含氧酸根阴离子采用前后缀的不同组合显示不同价态的含氧酸和含氧酸根阴离子,价态相同的含氧酸及含氧酸根阴离子具有相同的前缀,不同的后缀。高某酸 per-ic 正酸 ic 亚酸 -ous 次酸 hypo-ous高某酸根 per-ate 正酸根 ate 亚酸根 -ite 次酸根hypo-ite其它的前缀还有 ortho-正 meta- 偏 thio-硫代举例: HClO4 perchloric acid ClO4- perchlorate ion HClO3 chloric acid ClO3- ch

26、lorate ion HClO2 chlorous acid ClO2- chlorite ion HClO hypochlorous acid ClO- hypochlorite ion H2SO4 sulfuric acid H2SO3 sulfurous acid HNO3 nitric acid HNO2 nitrous acid HPO3 metaphosphoric acid S2O32- thiosulfate ion络合物的命名(Naming coordination complex)命名时先命名阳离子部分,最后命名阴离子部分,阴离子配体以字母顺序列出,中心阳离子价态一般以罗马

27、数字在名称后标出。 KBF4 potassium tetrafluoroborate(III) K4Fe(CN)6 potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) Cu(NH3)4SO4 Tetraamminecopper(II) sulfate Co(H2O)2(NH3)2(CO2)NO3 Diammine diaquacarbonatocobalt(III)nitrateNaming coordination complex1. Ligands(1). Negative ions as ligands Ligand = Elements root -ofor example:

28、 CN- Cyano NO2- Nitro F- Fluoro NO3- Nitrato Cl- Chloro CO3= Carbonato Br- Bromo CH3COO- Acetato O= Oxo H- Hydrido OH- Hydroxo -O2CCO2- Oxalato(2). Neutral molecules as ligandLigand = Radical namefor example: NH3 Ammine CO Carbonyl H2O Aqua CH3NH2 Methylamine H2NCCNH2 Ethylenediamine2. Complex ions(

29、1). Neutral complex or complex ions with positive charge Complex ion = n-Ligand-metal ion(N)for example: Ag(NH3)2+ Diamminesilver(I) Cu(NH3)42+ Tetraamminecopper(II) Co(NH3)3(NO2)3 Triamminetrinitrocobalt(III)常见配体的名称ionsmoleculesCN-cyanoH2OaquaOH-hydroxoNH3ammineCH3COO-acetatoCOcarbonylNO3-nitratoCH3NH2methylamineNO2-nitroF-fluoroCl-chloroBr-bromoCO32-carbonato(2).Complex ions with negative chargeComplex ion =n-Ligand-metals root-ate(N)for example: Fe(CN)64- Hexafluoroferrate(II) BF4- Tetrafluoroborate(III) AlF63- Hexafluoroaluminate(III) AuCl4- Tetrachloroaurate(III3.Na

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