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1、CMMI3级共同目标共通实践和特定目标特定实践汇总情况V12CMMI特定目标(SG)和特定实践(SP)汇总共通目标(GG)和共同实践(GP)(CMMI V1.1、V1.2)GG2Institutionalize a Managed Process:The process is institutionalized as a managed process.制度化已定义过程:将过程制度化成为一个可管理的过程。GP 2.1Establish an Organizational Policy:Establish and maintain an organizational policy for pla

2、nning and performing the process.建立一个组织政策:建立和维护组织政策以便计划和执行该过程。GP 2.2Plan the Process:Establish and maintain the plan for performing the process.计划该过程:建立和维护计划以执行过程。GP 2.3Provide Resources:Provide adequate resources for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services o

3、f the process.提供资源:为执行过程、开发工作产出物和提供服务过程提供足够的资源GP 2.4Assign Responsibility:Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.分配职责:为执行过程、开发工作产出物和提供服务过程分配职责和权限GP 2.5Train People:Train the people performing or supporti

4、ng the process as needed.培训人员:按需要培训执行过程和支持过程的人员。GP 2.6Manage Configurations:Place designated work products of the process under appropriate levels of configuration management.配置管理:将特定的工作产出物置于适当级别的配置管理之下GP 2.7Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders:Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders as

5、 planned.确认和识别关系人:按计划识别关系人并使其参与。GP 2.8Monitor and Control the Process:Monitor and control the process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action. 监督和控制该过程:依据过程执行计划进行过程监控以便采取适当的纠正措施。GP 2.9Objectively Evaluate Adherence:Objectively evaluate adherence of the proc

6、ess against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.遵守客观评价:依据过程的描述、标准、步骤客观地评估过程的不一致性并阐述不遵循事宜。GP 2.10Review Status with Higher Level Management:Review the activities, status, and results of the process with higher level management and resolve issues.与高层管理一起审核各种状态

7、:与高层管理一起审核活动、状态和过程结果并解决问题GG3Institutionalize a Defined Process:The process is institutionalized as a defined process.使一个已定义的过程制度化:使过程制度化成为一个已定义的过程。GP 3.1Establish a Defined Process:Establish and maintain the description of a defined process.建立一个已定义过程:建立和维护已定义过程的描述。GP 3.2Collect Improvement Informati

8、on:Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the process to support the future use and improvement of the organizations processes and process assets.收集改进信息:从计划和执行的过程中搜集工作产品、度量指标、测量结果和改进信息,以便未来使用及组织过程和过程财富库的进一步改进特定目标(SG)、特定实

9、践(SP)CMMI 2级过程域:需求管理SG1Manage Requirements 管理需求SP 1.1Obtain an Understanding of Requirements 获得对需求的理解SP 1.2Obtain Commitment to Requirements 获得对需求的承诺SP 1.3Manage Requirements Changes 管理需求的变更SP 1.4Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements 维护需求的双向可追溯性SP 1.5Identify Inconsistencies Between Pr

10、oject Work and Requirements识别项目工作与需求的不一致之处CMMI 2级过程域:项目规划SG1Establish Estimates:Estimates of project planning parameters are established and maintained.项目估算(建立估算项)SP 1.1Estimate the Scope of the Project 估算项目的范围SP 1.2Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes 估算项目属性(建立工作产品和任务属性的估算项(参数)SP

11、 1.3Define Project Lifecycle 定义项目生存周期阶段SP 1.4Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost 估算工作量和成本SG2Develop a Project Plan 制定项目计划 SP 2.1Establish the Budget and Schedule 编制预算和进度SP 2.2Identify Project Risks识别项目风险SP 2.3Plan for Data Management 项目数据的管理计划SP 2.4Plan for Project Resources 规划项目资源SP 2.5Plan for

12、Needed Knowledge and Skills 知识和技能的计划SP 2.6Plan Stakeholder Involvement “项目干系人”的介入计划SP 2.7Establish the Project Plan:Establish and maintain the overall project plan content. 制定项目计划(建立和维护全面的项目计划内容。)SG3Obtain Commitment to the Plan 获得对计划的承诺SP 3.1Review Plans That Affect the Project:Review all plans tha

13、t affect the project to understand project commitments. 审查从属计划 (审核与项目相关的各项计划)SP 3.2Reconcile Work and Resource Levels:Reconcile the project plan to reflect available and estimated resources.协调工作(计划)与资源配置SP 3.3Obtain Plan Commitment:Obtain commitment from relevant stakeholders responsible for perform

14、ing and supporting plan execution. 获得计划承诺CMMI 2级过程域:项目监控SG1 Monitor Project Against Plan 依据计划监督项目SP 1.1Monitor Project Planning Parameters 监督项目计划的参数SP 1.2Monitor Commitments 监督承诺SP 1.3Monitor Project Risks 监督项目风险SP 1.4Monitor Data Management 监督数据管理SP 1.5Monitor Stakeholder Involvement 监督干系人的介入SP 1.6

15、Conduct Progress Reviews 项目进展审查SP 1.7Conduct Milestone Reviews 里程碑审查SG2Manage Corrective Action to Closure 管理纠正措施,直到结束SP 2.1Analyze Issues 分析问题SP 2.2Take Corrective Action 采取纠正措施SP 2.3Manage Corrective Action 管理纠正措施CMMI 2级过程域: 供应商协议管理SG1Establish Supplier Agreements:Agreements with the suppliers are

16、 established and maintained. (建立(并维护)有关供应商的协议)签定供应商协议SP 1.1Determine Acquisition Type:Determine the type of acquisition for each product or product component to be acquired. 确定采购方式(确认需要采购类别(which))SP 1.2Select Suppliers:Select suppliers based on an evaluation of their ability to meet the specified r

17、equirements and established criteria. 选择供应商(评估供应商是否具备满足指定的需求以及一定的标准,选择合适的供应商。)SP 1.3Establish Supplier Agreements 签定供应商协议SG2Satisfy Supplier Agreements:Agreements with the suppliers are satisfied by both the project and the supplier. 满足供应商协议(与供应商签署的协议要满足项目组和供应商双方的要求。)SP2.1-1(v1.1)删除SP2.2-1(v1.1)SP 2

18、.1Execute the Supplier Agreement 执行供应商协议SP 2.2Monitor Selected Supplier Processes:Select, monitor, and analyze processes used by the supplier. 监督选定的供应商过程V1.2SP 2.3Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Products 评价选定的供应商产品SP 2.4Accept the Acquired Product :Ensure that the supplier agreement is satisfied bef

19、ore accepting the acquired product.验收采购的产品SP 2.5Transition Products 移交产品CMMI 2级过程域: 度量分析SG1Align Measurement and Analysis Activities 协调度量和分析活动(将度量和分析活动结合起来)SP 1.1Establish Measurement Objectives 确定度量目标SP 1.2Specify Measures:Specify measures to address the measurement objectives. 细化度量(制定度量方法)(制定度量方法以

20、满足度量目标的要求。)SP 1.3Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures:Specify how measurement data will be obtained and stored. 确定数据收集和存储规程SP 1.4Specify Analysis Procedures :Specify how measurement data will be analyzed and reported.确定分析规程SG2Provide Measurement Results 提供度量结果 SP 2.1Collect Measurement Dat

21、a 收集度量数据 SP 2.2Analyze Measurement Data 分析度量数据SP 2.3Store Data and Results 存储数据和度量结果SP 2.4Communicate Results 通报度量结果 CMMI 2级过程域: 过程和产品质量保证SG1Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products 客观地评价过程和工作成果SP 1.1Objectively Evaluate Processes 客观地评价过程SP 1.2Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services

22、客观地评价工作成果和服务SG2Provide Objective Insight 提供客观的洞察SP 2.1Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues 通报不符合项,并确保得到解决SP 2.2Establish Records 建立记录CMMI 2级过程域: 配置管理SG1Establish Baselines 建立基线SP 1.1Identify Configuration Items 识别配置项SP 1.2Establish a Configuration Management System 建立配置管理系统SP 1.

23、3Create or Release Baselines 创建或发布基线SG2Track and Control Changes 跟踪并控制变更SP 2.1Track Change Requests 跟踪变更请求SP 2.2Control Configuration Items 控制变更(控制配置项)SG3Establish Integrity 建立完整性SP 3.1Establish Configuration Management Records 建立配置管理记录SP 3.2Perform Configuration Audits 执行配置审计CMMI 3级过程域: 需求开发SG1Deve

24、lop Customer Requirements 开发客户需求(SP1.1-1(V1.1)删除)SP1.1-2(V1.1)SP 1.1Elicit Needs 获取客户的需要(导出客户需求)Eliciting goes beyond collecting requirements by proactively identifying additional requirements not explicitly provided by customers. Additional requirements should address the various product lifecycle

25、activities and their impact on the product.SP 1.2Develop the Customer Requirements :Transform stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces into customer requirements.生成(开发)客户需求SG2Develop Product Requirements 开发产品需求SP 2.1Establish Product and Product Component Requirements:Establish a

26、nd maintain product and product component requirements, which are based on the customer requirements.建立产品需求和(产品)构件需求SP 2.2Allocate Product Component Requirements 分配产品构件需求SP 2.3Identify Interface Requirements 确定接口需求SG3Analyze and Validate Requirements 分析和确认需求(SP3.5-2(V1.1)删除)SP 3.1Establish Operation

27、al Concepts and Scenarios 建立操作概念和场景SP 3.2Establish a Definition of Required Functionality 定义功能需求(建立一个有关需求的功能定义)SP 3.3Analyze Requirements:Analyze requirements to ensure that they are necessary and sufficient.分析需求SP 3.4Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance:Analyze requirements to balance stakeholde

28、r needs and constraints.平衡需求SP3.5-1(V1.1)SP 3.5Validate Requirements :Validate requirements to ensure the resulting product will perform as intended in the users environment.确认需求CMMI 3级过程域: 技术方案SG1Select Product Component Solutions:Product or product component solutions are selected from alternative

29、 solutions. (从候选解决方案中)选择产品构件方案(SP 1.1-2、SP 1.2-2)(V1.1)删除SP1.3-1(V1.1)SP 1.1Develop Alternative Solutions and Selection Criteria 开发候选方案和选择准则SP 1.2Select Product Component Solutions 选择产品构件方案SG2Develop the Design 设计SP 2.1Design the Product or Product Component 设计产品或产品构件SP 2.2Establish a Technical Data

30、 Package 建立技术数据包(建立专案技术库)SP 2.3Design Interfaces Using Criteria (按选定准则)设计接口SP 2.4Perform Make, Buy, or Reuse Analyses 分析“制作、购买或重用”(进行“开发”、“购买”或“复用”的(评估)分析)SG3Implement the Product Design 实现产品设计SP 3.1Implement the Design 实现构件的设计SP 3.2Develop Product Support Documentation 编写产品支持文档CMMI 3级过程域: 产品集成SG1Prepare for Product Integration 准备产品集成SP 1.1Determine Integration Sequence 确定集成次序SP 1.2Establish the Product Integration Environment 建立产品集成环境SP 1.3Establish Product Integration Procedures and Criteria 建立产品集成规程和准则SG2Ensure Interface Compati

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