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人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world学案.docx

1、人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world学案Module 1 Unit 2 English around the world (Introduction & Vocabulary)学习目标:本单元共60个词汇,熟练掌握32个,重点掌握14个。通过自主学习,合作探究,利用构词法知识,熟记本单元的课标词汇。激情投入,对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所了解,体验学习快乐。Introduction:This unit seeks to give students a better understanding of how English developed and how

2、 it is spoken in the world. Students often hear talk about Standard English. In fact, as this unit hopes to make clear, there is no such thing as one standard of spoken or written English.English is spoken in many countries throughout the world and many of them have different forms of expression. Br

3、itish English is spoken in those countries that were once part of the British Empire or influenced by the USA after the Second World War.Vocabulary第一部分:预习案1.请大声朗读下面的词汇 elevator petrol official native apartment actually gradual vocabulary spelling latter identity fluent frequent command request expre

4、ssion African eastern recognize lorry voyage base accent lighting straight block usage because of come up at present make use of such as play a part in 请同学们用红笔标出自己在发音中存在困难的单词。2.请写出下列词汇的词性及词义 For example: entirely adv 完全地;全然地;整个地 frequently _ _ native _ _ command _ _ request _ _ recognize _ _ base _

5、_ gradual _ _ official _ _ voyage _ _ straight _ _ fluently _ _ accent _ _ actually _ _ African _ _第二部分:训练案3.请同学们借助网络或工具书将下列句子译成汉语 1) Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. 2) France is not an African country. 3) I recognized him as soon a

6、s he came in the room. 4) The Titanic sank on its maiden(少女)voyage. 5) Buses run frequently between the city and the airport. 6) She told us to go around the corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks. Module 1 Unit 2 English around the world (Warming up, Pre-reading& Reading)编号:2 编写人

7、: 审核人: 审批人: 班组:姓 名: 组 评: 师 评: 日期:学习目标:了解英语发展简史和英美英语差异,在文中加深理解重点词组的用法。继续加强学生充分利用阅读技能(快速阅读和细读)整体把握文章大意及框架。激励学生刻苦学好英语,掌握英美交际文化,传播华夏文明。第一部分:预习案1. Read the following passage and answer the question.Who decides how English is spoken around the world? Do teachers in the colleges and schools? What about tho

8、se who write dictionaries or books. Do they decide what is good and what is bad English? Or do governments decide when a language will change? Probably you have though about this question once or twice before. The answer is that none of these people decide how English will be spoken. Believe it or n

9、ot, many of the biggest changes in how English is spoken have come from common people in the streets. And one of the most important places where English has changed is on the playground! These playgrounds can be any place where young people meet, such as a sports field or a bench. For example, black

10、 kids invented many new words in American English as they played basketball or music. Often words used by black kids in the big cities become popular with other kids many years later. Another popular sport, baseball, has also given many words and expressions to American English.Question:Who invented

11、 many new words in American English while playing basketball or music?2. Differences in vocabulary between Am. E and Br. E. ChineseBritish EnglishAmerican English电梯lift汽油gas, gasoline公寓apartment秋天autumn地铁underground大学college垃圾garbage垃圾箱trash can假期holiday两周fortnight第二部分:探究案Finish the following exerci

12、ses according to the reading passage of this unit.Fast reading1 In which style is the passage written? A. Narrative (记叙文) B. Expository (说明文) C. Argumentation (议论文) 2 In which person is an expository usually written? A. the first B. the second C. the third3 Whats the meaning of the title“ The Road t

13、o Modern English” ? A. the changes of modern English B. the base of modern English C. the development of modern English D. the influence of modern English4 The text is developed by_. A space B. time C. process D. peopleCareful readingJudge whether the following statements are True or False.1. Englis

14、h had the most speakers in the 17th century. ( )2 English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain. ( )3 Languages frequently change. ( )4 The language of the government is always the language of country. ( )5 English is one of the official languages used in India. ( )6 This reading de

15、scribes the development of the English language. ( ) Choose the best answer. 1 Which of the following statements is true? A. Languages always stay the same B. Languages change only after wars C. Languages no longer change D. Languages change when cultures change 2 From AD 450 to 1150, English sounde

16、d more like_. A. French B. Chinese C. German D. Russian 3 Shakespeares English was spoken around _. A. 1400s B. 1150s C. 450s D. 1600s 4 Which country has the fastest growing number of English speakers in the world? A. Australia B. China C. India D. BritainComprehension :( Fill in the blanks with pr

17、oper words) It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as _as a _English speaker. One reason is that English has a large _. It also has different usage in different English speaking countries. If you use “flat” instead of “_”, people in America will know you have learned British English. I

18、f you use the word “_” instead of “lift” in Britain, people will know you have studied American English. Module 1 Unit 2 English around the World (Learning about language)学习目标:学习掌握Reading 1的重点词汇:native, actually, base, gradual, fluent, fluently, frequent, frequently, usage, command, request, recogni

19、ze, because of, come up, at present, make use of, such as, play a part in掌握本学案中所提及的重点单词(4个)、短语(2个)、词语辨析(2组)句型结构(3个)的用法。自主、合作、探究。通过练习,进一步巩固所学单词、短语在语境中的运用。在自主、合作的学习中,体会、分享学习的快乐和与人合作的价值所在。第一部分:预习案1. 根据课本后的词汇表所涉及的汉语词义在词典中查出相应的英文释义。1、recognize v. 2、native n. adj. 3、base vt. n. 4、request vt. n. 5、command

20、v.& n. 2. 根据要求写出下列词汇的不同形式或词组意思 1. 使用;用法 v._, n._ 2. 命令,掌握 v& .n _ 指挥员,司令员 n._ 3. 词汇;词表;词汇量 n._ 4. 辨认出 v._ p._ p.p _ 5. 请求;要求 n& vt. _ 6. 流利的 adj. _ adv._ 7. 频繁的 adj. _ adv. _ 8 逐渐的 adj._ adv. 3. 典型句式:仿照句式将括号中的汉语翻译为英语。1)even if/even though 引导让步状语从句Native English speakers can understand each other _ (

21、即使他们所讲的英语不尽相同) 2)Believe it or not(插入语的用法) (信不信由你), there is no such thing as standard English. 3) way 表示方式、方法后接定语从句However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in _(人们讲话的方式).第二部分:探究及训练案词汇:1. command n& vt. 命令;指令;掌握(教材P12)Can you find the following command and request from reading?归纳拓展:at/

22、 by sbs command 听某人支配 n. have a command of sth. 掌握under the command of sb. 在某人的指挥下 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 v. command (=order) that . 命令(从句用虚拟语气,即should+ do形式,should可省略)练习1) She commanded that the students _ the classroom before he returned. A. didnt leave B. wouldnt leaveC. neednt leaveD. no

23、t leave 2) He commanded us _(leave)immediately.He commanded that we _ immediately. 3)翻译: 他对英语口语掌握的非常好。He _spoken English.2native adj. 本国的;本地的 n. 本地人;本国人(教材P.10)Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. 归纳拓展: be native to.原产于某地第一网 ones native

24、country/land/ language/ place本国/祖国/ 本国语、本族语、母语出生地 练习:1)China is our _, and Chinese is our _.中国是我们的祖国,汉语是我们的母语。2)The tiger _ India.这种虎产于印度。3)他们再也没有看到过他们的祖国。(翻译) 4) 你是纽约人吗? 3base vt. 以为根据 n. 基部;基地;基础(教材P.10) It was based more on German than English we speak at present.归纳拓展:base Aon/upon B=B. is based

25、on A. 根据、以为基础练习:1)What are you _ this theory _?你这种理论的根据是什么?2) The film a novel by Lu Xun. 这部电影是以鲁迅的小说为蓝本的。3) That company has offices all over the world,but their base in Paris.(base在句中的词性是 意思是 意思?你能翻译这个句子吗? 4request n. & vt 请求;要求(教材P.12)In English use a command or a request when you want someone to

26、 do something.归纳拓展:at sb. s request/at the request of sb (意思) n make(a)request for请求,要求request request sth. from/of sb. 向某人要求某物 vt request sb to do sth (意思 ) request that sb.(should) do sth.练习:1) I request that he _.我要求他离开。2) Visitors are requested _ the paintings.游客不许动油画。3) Visitors smoke here.参观者请

27、勿在此吸烟。4) Visitors_ not to touch the exhibits.A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested词组:1、come up被提出、临近、走近、(指植物)长出地面、(指太阳)升起、发生;出现探究:come up意思很多,你能写出下列各句中come up的意思吗?(1)Ill let you know if anything comes up._(2)A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station._(3)Your

28、question came up at the meeting._(4)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up._(5)The young trees have come up._(6)I came up for an interview but didnt get the job._同学们还能说出由come所构成的其他短语吗?试着写出来。2、play a role/part in在中担任角色;在中起作用play the role of the part of sb.(在剧中)扮演某人的角色练习:1) Science and technology _developing agriculture.科技在发展农业中起重要作用。2) He will _ the doctor in my latest drama.他将在我最新的戏里出演医生的角色。3) The part that China _in the international affairs _ in the international society.Aplays; is widely praised Bplays; is wide praised C

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