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1、专四作文辅导新考纲要求及题型调整说明 关于英语专业四级考试(TEM4)题型调整说明(2015年版)的测试要求为:能在45分钟内根据所给的作文题目、图表或阅读材料等,写一篇200个单词左右的短文。能做到内容相关、充实、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体。本部分为命题作文,文章体裁主要属于说明文、言论文或记叙文的范围,以测试学生的基本书面表达能力。材料以两种形式出现,一类给出关于某一话题的两篇文字材料、观点相反,要求在阅读材料的基础上发表自己对该话题的观点,材料总长度为300词左右。第二类给出一至两份图表材料和一份相关介绍的文字材料,要求对图表进行描述并进行合理分析,文字材料为150左右。评分标准分项评


3、。新的四级写作要求学生对所提供的材料进行概括,通常在概括能力方面,学生容易将材料原文的主要信息未加以转述、原词照搬到自己的作文中,或者在概括过程中未能对观点的主要信息进行归纳总结,将不重要的信息包括过来。第二,内容不充实。评分标准的要求是“内容相关、叙述清楚、前后一致”,在论述过程中由于思路不清或时间安排不合理等原因,造成内容空洞或论据不充分。例如:Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution?.Truly, the private cars have caused many problems. According to a recent r

4、esearch, many emissions among all the greenhouse gases are from the private cars. The painful experiences in the past have taught us to live in harmony with nature and manage to avoid any incidents that may have an adverse effect on the environment. Besides, the contaminants sent by the cars are ver

5、y harmful to our health. The pollutants will have a persistent impact on human body and are likely to cause a number of diseases. Above all, in recent years the number of private cars is growing at an unprecedented rate.修正后:.To start with, the emission from cars contributes to the environment pollut

6、ion. According to the study, the total gas emission of the private cars amounts to 3060% among all the greenhouse gases, which leads to the deterioration of the whole ecosystem, such as climate change, acid rain and greenhouse effect. So it is these private car owners who should pay for the pollutio

7、n, and itll be fair to use the tax revenue levied on their cars to treat air pollution. In addition, tax for pollution will be a good way to solve traffic jams which are becoming more and more severe due to the soaring number of private cars. With oil price becoming higher and higher, additional tax

8、 for pollution is surely a burden. Then those who want to buy cars will consider more when deciding to buy a private car. Consequently, the increasing rate of the number of the private cars and then the traffic jam can be controlled.第三,语态、时态等错误较多、衔接不自然、句子质量不高。这些问题都是由于语言基本功不扎实引起的。例如:“Why are you alwa

9、ys lack of money?” “As far I know.we use money buy food.” “Peaceful death is worth advocated and will be well received in the future.” 第三,语言不得体。应该根据题目的要求,熟悉议论文、说明文的主体特征,选择合适的人称、正式或非正式用语。如2007年作文,话题对于现在可以经常接触到网络的同学们来说,应该结合自己的经历进行论述,用第一人称展开论述。2.图表和文字材料的写作可提供的图表形式较多,有柱形图、曲线图、表格、饼图等等。有可能是一副图,也有可能是复合图(即含

10、有一副以上的图形组合);文字材料有可能是关于图表话题的背景资料,也有可能是和图表提供的总趋势相悖的文字说明,也可能是和图表提供的数据的补充信息。这类写作就要求学生既要熟悉图表描述,也要能将图表数据和文字材料能自然结合提出自己的观点。注意事项:第一,图表内容描述不正确。对图表不熟悉,描述错误,重点不突出。第二,语言错误。用词贫乏或重复,表述冗余,时态混乱,语态错误等。历年考试作文话题年份作文题目题材2000The Importance of Extracurricular Activities校园生活2001Travel Broadens the Mind旅行2002The Best Way t

11、o Stay healthy健康2003The importance of keeping a good mood情绪2004Will phones kill letter writing?手机2005My idea of a university arts festival校园生活2006Saving money or spending tomorrows money观念2007Is it wise to make friends online?网络交友2008The benefits of volunteering志愿者2009Will tourism bring harm to the

12、environment?社会话题2010Should College Students Hire Cleaners? 校园生活2011Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution? 社会话题(环保)2012The Dragon Boat Festival传统文化2013The advantages of being careful with money in daily life校园生活2014Should English Majors Study Maths?校园生活2015How I Deal with Stress?校园生活从这16年考

13、题来看,标黑色的写作立场已经事先确定,考生无需在作立场判断,这类不妨称之为“说明文”;标红色的则需要考生在写作的第一段表明立场,方便下文就这一立场进行论证,这类可以称为“议论文”。样题解析(两篇文字材料的写作):Part IV WRITINGThere is recently a debate about the influence of technology on our life. Does it make our life easier or more difficult? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions.

14、Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.Mark will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure

15、 to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.YESNOTechnology and digital media can be a great help to reaching out to other people and spreading your message to a very large platform. “Social media removes all distances: geographic, social, hierarchical. You can reach anyone, at a

16、ny time, and communicate in real time. Thus, a permanent link of communication has been created,” said Julien Maldonate, a senior manager at Deloitte.Amina Belghiti, Partnerships Manager at Facebook, describes how technology has taken the universal communication method of storytelling and transforme

17、d it, in a way that now more stories can reach more people through social media platforms than ever before. She recommends that people find their digital media voice, tell sharable stories, and drive engagement. Technology promises to make our lives easier, freeing up time for leisure pursuits. But

18、the rapid pace of technological innovation and the split second processing capabilities of computers that can work virtually nonstop have made all of us feel rushed. We have adopted the relentless pace of the very machines that were supposed to simplify our lives, with the result that, whether at wo

19、rk or play, people do not feel like their lives have changed for the better.The Indispensability of TechnologyIt is supposed that technology helps us communicate easier and quicker. Just as Julien Maldonate points out, digital media makes people from different places, different social backgrounds an

20、d classes communicate in the same media platform. And messages or stories can reach more readers or audiences by mass media.However, some people claim that when technology is running more and more rapidly, it quickens our life pace and has not bettered our lives. For example, secretaries have to rep

21、ly to instant messages immediately when their blackberry beeps at mid-night; phone users always fix their eyes on their cell phones and are ready to answer any ring calls. In fact, life does not become easy and relaxing, instead it becomes much busier and quicker.Although technology has made our liv

22、es more complex, it is an integral part in our lives. Machines in factories and farms have freed us from manual works. Household appliances, such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens, have made our housework much easier than ever before. I believe most people are not willing to g

23、ive up using cellphones, the Internet or other information technologies, because they do bring about much convenience on our daily life. In addition, technology plays an increasingly important role in our society. Owing to the application of technology, it has brought advancements in agriculture, in

24、dustry, engineering, architecture, and so on. Advancements in technology have led to the evolution of newer and faster modes of transportation and communication. The development of technology has boosted research in fields ranging from genetics to extraterrestrial space. So, technology has touched e

25、very aspect of life, making it easier, better and different. Obviously technology does make our lives more complex. However, without technology we may be living in a primitive society where most people have to live a monotonous life. (301 words)练习一:Should standardized tests carry significant weight

26、in the college admissions process, or are they just another number? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your

27、view on the issue. YESNOThe SAT is the most widely used and most heavily researched college admissions test in the country. In combination with other data, such as a students grade-point average, college application essays, and letters of recommendation, the SAT has proven to be a valid, fair, and r

28、eliable data tool for college admissions. All of the available research supports this point.The great majority of our nations colleges and universities accept the SAT as an integral part of the admissions process, and most that require the submission of the SAT do so because they know they can make

29、better admissions decisions if they have as many data as possible about every student applicant.The SAT was originally conceived as an objective measure to even the differences in curriculum and grading across the country. But objectivity has eroded, while the perceived importance of the test has gr

30、own.At Wake Forest University, we saw more costs than benefits to standardized tests. We wanted to signal to prospective students what we really care about: four years of high school success in the most rigorous available curriculum, applied creativity and imagination, and hunger for the opportunity

31、 of a Wake Forest education. After careful thought, we made test scores optional- and hoped to enroll students with a broader range of talents, backgrounds, and abilities.Standardized Tests Work!It is believed that standardized tests such as SAT in America have lost their objectivity while their imp

32、ortance has increased in college admission. This has been proven in Wake Forest University. On the other hand, many colleges and universities accept the grades of standardized tests. It is argued that standardized tests can be properly used as an objective means of recruiting new students and greatly help colleges and universities make decisions about college readiness.In my opinion, the best way of college admissions is to r

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