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1、NewMagic教案3AUnit2单元教学设计课题:New Magic 3A Unit2 Lets go shopping 学校:博罗实验学校 设计人:李彤 陈媛 纪曼娜 钟淑敏一、学情分析:牛津小学英语这套教材从视听入手,注重学生语言能力的训练,内容贴近生活和学习实际,灵活性强。大体符合三年级学生语言学习习惯。三年级学生普遍对英语学习具有比较浓厚的学习兴趣,能主动参与课堂活动。大部分学有良好的听读习惯,思维活跃,口语表达能力较强。但有部分内向的学生,交际的主动性较弱,因此在课上教师鼓励所有学生积极参与,并关注每一位学生的表现。在过去的学习中,学生已经积累了的不少的句式,能描述天气谈论食物,表

2、达喜好,谈论休闲活动等。关于shopping这一主题,经过前一课时的学习他们已经能够进行简单的对话。二、教材分析:在教学上海版牛津英语教材3AUnit2Shopping这一单元,能从学生生活的点滴出发,让他们了解关于购物以及更多与自己生活息息相关的话题,会更符合这一年龄段孩子的实际情况,因此我根据自己学生的情况对课本内容进行了补充与拓展:从Uncle Dan 为家人选购商品出发,让学生用句式Ineed.讨论所需要的食物并makeashoppinglist.通过shoppinglist引出本课教学重点,让学生学会用I want. 或I need.词来表达购买物品愿望,并运用二年级在My scho

3、ol中学过的on the xx floor 表达楼层,进行综合语段输出。教学方法和手段1情景教学法:创设一些真实或仿真语境,让学生体验语言的真实,自然及语言的交际功能。通过 “Lets go shopping”既而出现了一个商店,带领学生买东西,并引出 “I want ”。采用的教法有助于学生掌握如下学法:交际操练法:通过轻松自然的相互交谈,培养学生用英语思维的能力,实现交际的真正意义。课堂伊始,进入daily talk: “How are you today?” “How do you go to school?”等。到新课环节,句型的操练,都紧紧追寻培养学生学习英语说的目的。1养成听的习惯


5、育孩子少吃垃圾食品。并采用pairwork,sentencerelay, groupwork,roleplay等多种教学活动,促进学生之间的沟通、协作能力。学生在句子接龙的过程中,积极开动脑筋,合作完成任务。利用直观教具,创造真实语境。本课中无论在讨论环节Whatdo you want to buy? I want.进行新授环节操练。a restaurant等都使用了大量的图片,充分调动学生动用多种感官去接触语言知识,增强学生对语言知识的记忆和理解,使教学过程活跃、生动。并在最后进行了课外延伸和扩充知识。并在最后利用实物创设贴近学生生活实际的语言情境,让学生进行对话操练。学生畅所欲言,真切的感

6、受购物的情景,真正学会了运用英语进行交流、沟通。挖掘生活元素,倡导学用体验。小学生往往是通过自身的活动去认识世界,体验生活,学习本领的。因此,我在本课教学中挖掘与学生息息相关的生活元素,并贯穿始终。比如在谈论购物中心时候,提倡不浪费,不攀比。在教学goshopping环节时,教育学生塑料袋的危害,要使用绿色环保袋。学生在无形中了解了很多关于生活方面的知识,并运用于自己的实际生活中。四、单元教学安排(课时、内容)课时;4 内容;Reading, Grammar time, Phonics, Main task.五、单元目标1.语言知识目标:四会单词,要求听说读写都要掌握go shopping ,

7、 bookshop , fast food , clothes , gift , shoe , sweet , toy ,want , need , buy , me , him , her 三会单词,要求听说读都要掌握restaurant , shopping centre , magazine , leather shoes , doll ,Chinese food , I me , you you , we us , they them , he-him, she her , it- it , watch a film 2.语言技能目标:重点句型、 四会句子、要求听说读写都要掌握What

8、 do you want to buy? I want to buy .学会认读句子 (15页)Phonics : ee ea 教师用书中P16的additional examples 中的单词以及一些常见的含ee,ea发音的单词要求以PPT的形式出现,让学生读一读,拼一拼。最好做出单词卡在平时让学生也读一读。P16 附带的练习要完成。3.能力目标:a、能听说读写本单元的14个四会单词和认读三会单词b、能听说读写本单元的四会句子。c、能灵活运用相关的句型,询问并回答去何处购物及想购买的物品。d、能运用所学的有关店铺的词语及句型进行简单的主题对话。4.情感目标引导学生热爱生活,合理消费。六、具体

9、教学设计第一节:Unit 1第一单元Period 1第一课时Class授课班级Class2 Grade3三(1)班Teacher执教教师陈媛Setting授课地点博罗实验学校Date授课日期Oct 20th, 20162016年10月20日TeachingContents(教学内容)New Magic 3A Module: The world around us Unit 2, Period 1PriorKnowledge( 已有知识)Students have some English reading skills and know how to read by themselves.Stu

10、dents know how to work in pairs and groups.TeachingAims(教学目标)Aims for language 1)Help students to predict the story with the help of the pictures.2)Help students to read through the story.3)Help students to understand the story.4)Help students to understand some difficult words and sentences.Aims fo

11、r ability maintain1)To train the students ability of asking questions.2)To develop students ability of predicting.3)To improve students reading comprehension.4)To foster students ability of discussions and story acting.Aims for emotion cultivate1) Encourage students to build a good relationship betw

12、een language learning and English reading.2) Encourage students to build confidence and cultivate awareness of cooperation.3) Arouse the childrens interests in reading.Difficulties( 难点 )To help the students to understand and read the title To help students to think about: the different between needT

13、o help students to read the reading with the help of some key words or sentences.Teaching Aids( 教学辅助)Real objects, sentences cards, picture cards, PPT file, headbands ,storybooks and so onProcedures( 教学过程 )Teachers 教师活动Students 学生活动Purpose教学目的Prelude( 热身 )1. Play a song.1.Sing the song.全班齐唱英文歌。Lead

14、in( 导入 )1. Present the cover of the story, get students to predict the story. 2. Encourage students to ask questions about the cover.1.Students predict the story.2. Ask questions about the cover.展示绘本故事的封面,鼓励学生通过提问的方式预测故事内容,提高学生文本先行的能力。 Presentation 1. Present the story about Uncle Dan.2. Present the

15、 rest of the story without the sentences, encourage students to predict the story by asking questions.3.Play the audio and present the story picture by picture.1.Students read the story about Uncle Dan.1.Students look at the pictures and ask questions to predict whats happening in each picture.2.Stu

16、dents listen and read the story.1.教师先展示文本,学生对文本大意进行大致了解;2.接着教师展示文本的图片,学生通过问问题的形式预测故事内容;层层深入的文本情节充分调动学生的预测的热情,激发学习故事兴趣。3.最后给学生展示完整故事。Analysis 1.Ask the students the question about the story.2.Students read the story , and find the answer questions1.Students work in a group, try to reorder the story.

17、2.Students read P5-9 of the story, and try to find out the answers to the questions. 1.问学生关于故事的问题。2.学生自行阅读,然后找出问题的答案Practice &Performance 1.Get the students to retell the story with the help of the picture.2.Present the rules of group work.3.Let the students work in pairs, and each of them takes a r

18、ole in the story.4.After pair work, invite some students to show their story.5.Evaluate the performance1. Students retell the story.2. Students get to know some rules of group work.3. Students act out the story with their partners.4. Some students show their story to the whole class.1、学生通过图片复述故事;2、师

19、生互动表演整个故事,激发学生表演的热情;通过小组活动守则,让小组合作更和谐;与同桌合作练习表演故事,以此提高语言表达能力培养合作精神;最后合作展示,老师从语音、语调、神情的模仿力和自信、合作等方面给出激励性评价。Extension Assign different topics, and get students to choose their favorite one, and work on it.Students choose one topic, and work on it.1.老师根据课堂上孩子们对故事的理解和掌握的情况,设置不同层次的任务,让学生小组进行讨论和创作; 板书设计:

20、Unit2Lets go shopping 句型 词汇I want to . MagazinesI need to. Key ring 教学后记: 1. 阅读前的热身活动应尽量贴近学生的实际生活,认真考虑学生的认知水平和情感态度,以充分调动学生的积极性,真正发挥热身的功能。2. 教学中应不仅注重阅读内容,更应注重阅读方法的培养,让学生学会如何了解文章大意,理清文章思路,把握文章思想。另外对于“以读促写”的方式也值得在今后教学中探索与运用。3. 学生有无限的创造力和活跃的思维,因此教师应当尽可能为其提供锻炼和展示的机会。这一点上,这节课我做得还不够好。总之,在今后的阅读教学中,我应更好地把握每个

21、环节的时间,以给予学生更多的展示空间。同时还应该不断反思,以不断改进自己的教学。另外,在听与读相结合的方法上,做进一步的思考和探索。第二节:Unit 2第二单元Period 2第二课时Class授课班级三(9)班Teacher执教教师纪曼娜Setting授课地点博罗实验学校Date授课日期October 7th, 20162016年10月20日TeachingContents(教学内容)New Magic 3A Unit 2, Period 2PriorKnowledge( 已有知识)Students have learned the subject pronouns.TeachingAims

22、(教学目标)单元目标本课时的目标Aims for language Help students to know the differences between subject pronoun and object pronoun and can use them in the real situations.Aims for ability maintain1) To train the students ability of summary.2) To foster students ability of discussion. 3) To develop students ability

23、of using English in daily life.Aims for emotion cultivate1) Encourage students to build confidence and cultivate awareness of cooperation.2) Arouse the childrens interests in English.3) Guide the students to face the difficulties of learning English and how to solve the problemsDifficulties( 难点 )To

24、help students to use the subject pronoun and object pronoun correctly in real situation.Teaching Aids( 教学辅助)sentences cards, word cards, PPT file, handout and so onProcedures( 教学过程 )Teachers 教师活动Students 学生活动Purpose教学目的Prelude( 热身 )1. Free talkT: Today is a sunny day. Do you want to go shopping? Wha

25、t do you want to buy?2. T: Uncle Dan wants to go shopping, too. Lets see what he wants to buy.3. Q: Can we use “she” here? Can we use “he” here?4. Her, him and me are object pronouns. Today we are going to learn Unit2 Lets go shopping grammar object pronouns.2.Ss: Yes, I do. I want to buy.2. Ss: He

26、wants to buy some magazines, a new T-shirt, a pair of leather shoes, a doll and a key ring.3. Ss: No.4. Ss read the title: Object pronouns1.通过简单的对话复习已学过的句型并为后面新句型的学习做好铺垫。2.回归课文,温习上节课学过的内容,同时作为本节课的依托,引导学生关注其中的语法知识,引出新知。Lead in( 导入 )1.Tell a story about Tony and his friends to elicit object pronounsa.

27、 T: Tony has many friends Look! This is Jack. Tony says “Look at Jack. He likes Music. I want to buy him some CDs.” ( he-him )b.1. Students listen to the story.展示本节课要学习的主宾格,让学生先整体感知语言知识。 Presentation (新知呈现)1. T guides the students to find out the object pronoun of subject pronoun by asking Who is my

28、 brother?2. Present the object pronoun of subject pronoun.3. Ask Ss to read the object pronoun and subject pronoun.4. Play a game: Quick response.3.Students try to find out the answers to the question. 4.Students learn the object pronouns.5.Students read the object pronouns together.6.Students say t

29、he object pronouns or the subject pronouns correspondingly.1. 讲完故事,通过问问题,引导学生回忆思考,引出新知,逐步学习,符合学生学习规律,并且加深印象。2. 然后通过游戏进行巩固操练,具有趣味性,也为学习营造轻松的气氛。Summarize(语法归纳)3.Get students to read some sentences.4.Ask students work in pair to find out the positions of big brother and little brother.5.Summarize the r

30、ules of the positions of big brother and little brother with the students.3.Students read the sentences together.4.Students work in pair, try to find out the positions of big brother and little brother.5.Students try to learn the rules of the positions of big brother and little brother.3.学生同桌合作观察主格和

31、宾格的位置并进行总结。4.接着老师让个别学生作为小组代表进行总结。5.最后老师再把语法规则呈现出来。通过这种方式,把课堂还给学生,让学生主动进行学习,调动学生学习的主动性和积极性。Practice & Consolidation (巩固操练)6.Get the students to distinguish the sentence: Is it right?7.Get the students to circle the correct pronoun: Who can help me?8.Ask the students to try to use a proper object pronoun to replace the words underlined.9.Get the stu

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