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2、训,对我国企业的实践和相应理论的发展均具有重要的现实意义。本研究选择海天味业为研究对象,从企业整合营销传播的现状出发,在充分掌握、阐述整合营销传播及相关理论的基础上,总结公司在整合营销传播中存在的问题,主要以现场调研与参考文献的方式收集数据。基于现场调研结果与参考文献的分析,总结出影响海天整合营销传播的主要因素,并提出整合营销传播问题的对策。 关键字:整合营销传播,品牌形象,细分市场,传播效应,海天味业 AbstractThe integrated marketing communication theory in recent years as a new marketing concept

3、 and propagation method, are all related to the product or the service information source integration management, make customer and potential customer contact information and the purchase behavior, and keeping the customer loyalty. Integrated marketing communication development since the end of last

4、 century, provides a framework for thinking good to the development of many international brands, and the practice of the worlds most advanced enterprises to continuously improve.As a leading Chinese condiment industry Haitian, in its sales and marketing practice consciously to consumers as the core

5、, integrated and coordinated use of various forms of communication, quickly establish the brand in the minds of consumers and the close relationship, to achieve effective advertising communication and product marketing purposes, so as to realize the growth by leaps and bounds, the practice of integr

6、ated marketing communication theory to explain, for other enterprises increasingly attention and imitation. Therefore, in-depth study and summarize the Haitian integrated marketing communication way, summarize its experience and lessons, has important practical significance to the practice of enterp

7、rises in our country and the development of the corresponding theory.This study choose the Haitian flavor industry as the research object, through analyzing the present situation of the enterprise integrated marketing communications, in fully grasp, in this paper, the integrated marketing communicat

8、ions and related theory, based on the summary on the problems existing in the integrated marketing communications company, is mainly to collect data in the form of field research and references. Based on field survey and analysis of reference, sums up the main factors influencing the Haitian integra

9、ted marketing communications, integrated marketing communications problems countermeasures were put forward. Keywords:Integrated Marketing and Communications; brand image; market segment; propagation effect; Haitian 目录摘要 . 1ABSTRACT . 2目录 . 3第一章绪论 . 5选题的背景及研究意义 . 5选题背景. 5研究意义. 5文献综述 . 6 整合营销传播的概念及内涵. 6 整合营销传播的意义及特点. 6整合营销传播的实施对策. 7第二章海天味业企业概述 . 8 海天味业概况 . 8企业经营现状. 8 行业现状. 8 消费者分析. 9 海天味业整合营销传播现状及现有策略 . 9 业内竞争者整合营销传播现状对比分析(以李锦记为例) . 11品牌形象定位. 11 终端销售传播手段. 11 整合营销传播. 12第三章海天味业在整合营销传播中存在问题分析 . 14品牌定位不明确 .

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