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1、大学英语四级冠词练习冠词用法讲练一冠词的位置1) 在名词词组中,冠词一般放在最前面。例如:the last few days a really good concert2) 名词词组里如果有all, both, exactly, just, many, quite, rather, such, what等词,这类词可以放在冠词之前。例如:all the time both (the) brothersexactly the wrong colour just the right placequite a nice day rather a messsuch a funny story3) 和a

2、s, howhowever, so, too连用时, 形容词放在冠词之前。例如:Hes not so big a fool as you think.Shes as clever a girl as youre ever likely to meet.This is too heavy a bag for me to carry.How large an armchair did he have?However tiring a day she may have, she never loses her good humour.二不定冠词 (Indefinite Article)1) aan表

3、示“任何一个(类),只能用于单数可数名词前。例如:We are having a committee meeting this afternoon.aan不用于不可数名词前。例如:There will be discussion and argument at the meeting.He drinks milk every day.2) 不可数名词用作可数名词时,可用aan。例如:Ive just bought a lovely big Danish cheese.I dont like cheese.She was inspired with a new courage.She showe

4、d great courage.3) 用于表示价格、速度、比率等名词前,如five pence a kilo, sixty kilometers an hour, four times a day等。4) 用于以下这样的固定短语中。如a couple, a dozen, half a dozen, a hundred, a lot of, a great many, a great deal of, a large amountquantity of, a good number of 等。Ive done a great deal of work today. (不可数)What a lar

5、ge number of books you have! (可数)Its a good five miles(=at least five miles, perhaps mote) to the station. 5) 以元音开头的单词前不定冠词用an, 如:an apple, an egg, an item, an old man, an umbrella, an hour; 以辅音开头的单词前不定冠词用a university student, a humorous man。EXERCISE lA. Put a or an before each of the following:1. m

6、otel (汽车游客旅馆) 2. unusual approach3. honest boy 4. awkward situation5. exit (出口) 6. urgent message7. unique opportunity 8. extremely exciting filmBTranslate the following into English:1一座新办公楼 2一位旅行社代理人 3一位美国科学家 4一天的郊游5一张印度邮票 6一次心脏病发作 7一个先进国家 8一个有意思的剧本EXERCISE 2Fill in the blanks with a or an where ne

7、cessary:1. Telephone is very important means of communication.2. Mothers often tell small children stories before bedtime.3. Ill pay you thousand year. Its not enormous salary but after all you are completely unskilled worker.4. You11 get shock if you touch live wire with that screwdriver(螺丝起子). Why

8、 dont you get screwdriver with insulated(绝缘的)handle?5. Im not wage-earner; Im self-employed man. I have business of my own.Then youre not worker; Youre capitalist!6. I have hour and half for lunch.I only have half hour barely time for smoke and cup of coffee.7. It travels at just under thousand mile

9、s hour.8. I have never known such hot weather.EXERCISE 3Insert a or an where necessary:A1. I had very bad night; I didnt sleep wink (眨眼;打盹). 2. This man has honesty that we all appreciated.3. Mr. Brown had vision of new and happier Europe.4. Its time you had holiday. You havent had day off for month

10、. 5. There is hourly service of buses in this route. 6. It is great honour to be invited to such gathering. 7. 1 wouldnt climb mountain for $ 1, 000! I have horror of heights. 8. Children usually learn the difference between right and wrong at early age. 9. I cant tell you definitely yet. Ill have w

11、ord with my wife about it and tell you our decision tomorrow. 10. If boy is not making satisfactory progress at school, his parents should seek advice from his teacher.B1. This is big problem, but not too big problem for us to solve. 2. He had square nose, grey hair and brown skin. She had never see

12、n so handsome man. 3. However great disaster he suffered, John never gave up. 4. Many shipwrecked sailor has been rescued by our brave coastguards(海岸警卫队). 5. Such urgent need requires prompt action. 6. So urgent need requires prompt action. 7. This is as lovely picture as I have ever seen. 8. I dont

13、 think you realize what serious crisis this is. 9. You can hardly hope to succeed where many greater man has failed. 10. How serious crime had been committed was not realized until much later.三定冠词 (Definite Article)1) 定冠词的根本特性实际上所有名词专有名词将另行讨论前都可能用定冠词the。究竟用不用定冠词,主要取决于我们所表达的思想。如果我们要给予某个名词以明确的、限定的、特指的

14、意义,就用the;反之,就不用the。请看以下句子:12I love books.Put the books on the shelf.Butter is not cheap.The butter I bought is not cheap.He went to work by car.He rode to work in the new car.He has gained strength.He has regained the strength he lost.I like music.I like the music composed by the young man.a) 一般用于带有

15、修饰语的名词词组前,但并非所有带修饰语的名词都需要the。例如:Dont you think Georgian houses are absolutely lovely?Stainless steel (不锈钢器皿) has many uses.I cant say I care for modern art.上面三句中斜体局部的名词虽然都有修饰语,因没有明确限定而是泛指一类事物,故不用the。下面三句斜体局部的名词那么表示提到过的,特指的事物,要用the:The Georgian houses have been sold.The stainless steel was beautiful,

16、 but I thought most of the glass 玻璃器皿 they exhibited was rather unimaginative.They showed a wonderful selection of the impressionists, but the modern art was too limited in its range.b) 也用于有后置修饰语的名词词组前。例如:The old houses which are most worth visiting are in the Imperial City.The steel of the gun barr

17、els has gone rusty.The art of the eighteenth century has never been surpassed超过上面三句中的形容词从句和介词短语明确了是什么样的房子what houses,什么样的钢what steel和什么样的艺术 what art,故用the。下面三句同样有形容词从句和介词短语修饰名词,但是它们只指这些名词属于某一类事物,并非特指,故不用the。例如:Houses which fail to satisfy these minimum requirements are to be pulled down.Steel of gre

18、at strength is needed for the manufacture of guns.Art in the eighteenth century probably played a more important part in peoples lives than it does today.EXERCISE 4Fill in the blanks with the where necessary:1. The engineers found that steel was of insufficiently high quality. Steel, I suppose, is t

19、he most important single product of the modern industrial world.2. Large forests can have an important influence on climate. Forests have all been cut down.3. Nature was probably his chief source of inspiration 灵感,鼓舞. Nature of the problem was such as to arouse his interest.4. Education of little ch

20、ildren has been greatly neglected. Public education must be greatly extended.5. The exploration探索of space has become one of the chief topics of science fiction科幻小说. Space between the table and the wall was just big enough for a small bed.6. I prefer classical music to pop music. Film wasnt very good

21、 but I liked music.7. My favourite subject at school was history.All students should know something about history of their own country.8. I cannot judge accuracy of your calculations计算.In mathematics accuracy is essential.2) 定冠词的主要用法a) 用于单数名词前,表示“某一类人或物,以区别于其他人或物。例如:The tiger is a fierce凶猛的 animal.

22、相当于A tiger is a fierce animal.或Tigers are fierce animals.In this tribe the woman goes out hunting and the man stays at home to look after the children.下面三句中的斜体局部不能互换:Who invented the radio? 指类别Who had a radio? 指同类中的任何一个Who manufactured radios?指这一类中的所有个体man 指“人类时,不用the。例如:Man will conquer nature.b) 用

23、于指世上独一无二的东西,如 the moon,the sun,the world等。c) 用于表示“乐器的名词前,但一般不用于表示“体育运动的名词前。例如:Can you play the guitar?I play football every day.d) 用于某些形容词前,可表示“一类人。例如:The young are impatient;they want changes.e) 一般不用于表示“疾病的名词前。例如:Im just recovering from rheumatism风湿病.以下病名前一般用aan:I have an ache in my head (a pain in

24、 the neck).He has a colda fever.特指时需要用the。例如:Jim has never really got over the malaria疟疾he caught in the East.f) 一般不用于表示“膳食的名词前,但有形容词修饰时用the。例如:Breakfast is served at eight.The wedding breakfast was held in her fathers house. 如果泛指,用aan。例如:He gave us a good breakfast.g) bed, church, college, court, h

25、ospital, market, prison, school, sea和work等名词用来指有关活动时,一般不用冠词。例如:Its time for children to go to bed. 指to sleepHe goes to church every Sunday. 指to prayAfter the crash,seven people were taken to hospital. 指to be curedHe spent six months in prison. 指to be punishedAfter I leave school, I want to go to (a)

26、 university. 指to studyKen is a seaman. He spends most of his life at sea. 指to sail注:在美国英语中,通常用athe hospital,a university。出于其他目的,如去参观、访问这些地方或谈到这些地方时,根据情况用 a 或 the。例如:There is a bed in the room.She was putting clean sheets on the bed.The workmen went to the church to repair the roof.Tom went to the pr

27、ison to visit his brother.I would love to live near the sea.home 单独使用时,无冠词;有修饰语时,用 the 或 a。例如:She left home.We went to the brides home.I dont have a home to go to in this city.h) 当cinema, theatre, radio等名词用于表示“看电影、看戏、听无线电时,一般要用 the。例如:We went to the cinema last night.Do you often go to the theatre?I

28、 heard the news on the radio.television 用于表示“看电视时不用 the。例如:I watched the news on television.指“电视机时用the。例如:Can you turn off the television, please?(=the television set)注:许多固定词组中的名词前通常没有冠词,需要熟记,如day after day,husband and wife,father and son,lock and key,heaven and hell等。EXERCISE 5AFill in the blanks w

29、ith a or the where necessary:1. After lunch, we went for walk by sea.2. Steam-engine was invented before internal combustion engine内燃机.3. Bat, they say, judges distances by kind of echo-location.4. He goes to church every Sunday; church he usually goes to has seats for over thousand.5. This is most

30、useful reference book I have on this subject.6. We have good market in town where we buy our fruit and _ vegetables.7. Prison in this town is grim-looking building.8. Youngest boy has just started going to school; eldest boy is at college.9. Dead no longer need help. We must concern ourselves with living.10. John became manager and secretary of the company same time.BInsert a or the where necessary:1. Horse is noble animal and faithful servant of man.2. Chess is game which requires great skill and patience.3. The stranger went to school to complain about behaviour行为of

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