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六年级上册教案recycle 1.docx

1、六年级上册教案recycle 1课题Recycle 1课时Lesson 1教 学 目 标1,能够听、说、认读Lets read I部分的对话并能完成文后判断正误的练习。2,能够根据Lets find out的提示语言在地图中找到并写出对应的公共场所。3,能够听懂、会唱歌曲“How can I get to the zoo?”教学重点第一、二单元主要语言的巩固和拓展。教学难点Lets find out部分根据提示语言在地图中找到并写出对应的公共场所。课前准备一张标有post office, pet shop, hospital, park, zoo等场所的简明地图、录音机、录音带。教学过程I W

2、arm-up 1,全班一起吟唱第一单元Lets chant的歌谣。 2,师生进行自由会话:How do you go to school? I go by 3,教师用红笔在简明地图上标出某一地点,如:A,说:“Now we are here. How can I get to the park/cinema/pet shop?”请学生一边指地图,一边说明路径,如:“Go straight. Its next to the post office.”教师还可标出有其它地点,如B、C等,请学生指路。II Preview 教师手指简明地图上的某一地点,说:“Now we are here. Were

3、 going to the park, Is it far from here?”引导学生根据地图上的距离回答。教师继续提问:“How can we get to the park?”学生可提出不同建议,如:“We can go by bike/bus.”等。III PresentationLets read I1,教师说:“Amy and Chen Jie are going to the park, too. How do they go to the park? Lets read the dialogue.”教师引导学生阅读对话,回答问题。2,教师用幻灯或实物投影呈现Lets read

4、 I对话下面判断正误的练习。师生一起朗读问题,主学生打V或X判断正误,再朗读对话或听录音,校对答案。3,学生自由朗读或分组角色朗读本部分对话。Lets find out1,在学生分组朗读后,教师说:“Amy and Chen Jie are in the park now. The park has a pet shop, an ice-skating area and a ping-pong area. What else? Lets read and find out.”教师指导学生阅读文中的指示语言,并确定平面图的四个方向,学生独立或两人一组讨论完成填图练习。2,师生以对话形式来核对答案

5、,如: T: Where is the restaurant? S: Its at the west gate. T: Can you spell the word “hospital”, please?S: Yes, H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L, hospital.Lets sing1,教师说:“The park is very interesting. Now lets go to the zoo.”指着简明地图中的动物园,问:“Its far from the park. How can I get to the zoo?”学生自由回答:“By bike/car”2,教师放歌曲“Ho

6、w can I get to the zoo?”学生看歌词静听,然后跟唱2-3遍。备 注教学过程程IV Consolidation and extension1,听录音,跟读本课时的对话。2,跟录音唱歌曲“How can I get to the zoo?”V Homework1,进行课外讨论:How can we get to the zoo?2,做活动手册的配套练习。备 注板书Recycle 1 Lesson 1How can I get to the zoo?You can go by bike/carHow do you go to the park?I go by taxi/busW

7、here is the hospital?Its next to the post office.教学后记 掌握较新课时有进步。课题Recycle 1课时第二课时教 学 目 标1,能够听、说、认读Lets read II部分的对话并能完成对话后判断正误的练习。2,能够综合运用1-3单元的主要语言;能听懂Listen and choose部分的对话,完成看图选项的练习。3,能够熟练运用be going to do句型讨论自己的梦想之旅。教学重点1-3单元的综合复习,尤其是复习巩固be going to do句型。教学难点能够运用前三个单元的语言灵活有效地进行交流。课前准备 一张简明城市交通图和若

8、干面小彩旗、学生课前对放学后的活动做出简单计划并进行表述、录音机和录音带。教学过程I Warm-up1,全班齐唱歌曲“How can I get to the zoo?”2,学生四人一组分角色朗读Lets read I部分的对话。可根据朗读的流利程度及语音语调的正确、优美程度展开评比。II Preview“探路先锋”游戏:教师准备一张简明城市交通图,以及若干面小彩旗。教师出示交通图,在图中标出若干个地点,如A、B、C等,请两名学生到地图前,各持一面彩旗。教师给出指示语,如:“Im at Point A, I go from A. Then turn left at the traffic li

9、ghts. Where am I ?”教师的指示语应清晰、准确,可由简至难步步推进。能够率先将彩旗贴至教师所述位置的为“探路先锋”,教师给予奖励III Presentation1,“我是实习小交警”活动:教师准备一张简明城市交通图和一顶交警帽。学生两人一组,分别扮演交警与问路者,可进行如下对话: A: Good morning, sir. Where is the post office, please? B: Go straight. Turn right at the hospital. Its on the left A: Thank you. 若问路者及其他学生能根据 “交警”的指示语

10、顺利找到目的地,则 “实习”小交警晋升为 “正式”小交警,教师颁发给交警袖章或其他奖励品.2, 教师说: “Now we know the city very well. Im going to this afternoon. Where are you going ? What are you going to do after school?”与学生展开如下对话: T: What are you going to do after school? S: Im going to the.T: Where is the .?3, Lets read II 教师可接着学生的回答提问:“What

11、is A going to do this afternoon?”学生回答后,教师继续提问:“What are Zhang Peng and Mike going to do this afternoon? Do you want to know? Lets read the dialogue.”教师指导学生仔细阅读对话,回答提出的问题。师生一起朗读对话后判断正误的句子,学生打V或画X完成练习。学生自由朗读或小组合作朗读对话,核对答案;或者学生听1-2遍录音后集体校对答案。Listen and choose教师接着Lets read部分说:“Zhang Peng and Mike have t

12、heir plans. Now lets listen and find out what John and Wu Yifan are going to do this afternoon.” 教师放三遍录音,第一遍请学生静听,备 注教学过程程初步理解;第二遍请学生听音选图;第三遍请学生进行自我检查。如果时 间允许,也可要求学生最后跟读一遍录音。录音内容如下: John: Hello, Wu Yifan! Wu: Hi, John!John: What are you going to do this afternoon? Wu: Im going to make a birthday car

13、d for Sarah. Tomorrow is her birthday.John: Thats OK. We can do it together. Wu: Where are you going , John?John: Im going to the post office. Where is it , please? Wu: Its next to a big supermarket.John: How can I get there? Wu: You can go by the No.4 bus. Get off the library. Its on the left. Then

14、 you walk straight for three minutes. Youll see the supermarket. The post office is next to the supermarket.John: Thank you very much. Wu: Youre welcome.Question 1: What are John and Wu Yifan going to do this afternoon?Question 2:Where is the post office?Question 3:How can John get to the post offic

15、e.Question 4:On whice side of the road can John find the l Group work 学生分组讨论自己想象中的假期并填写该部分表格。教师可鼓励学生课后将自己的梦想之旅写成短文参加评比,师生一起评选出优秀作品在班级内展示。IV Consolidation and extension1,朗读Lets read II部分的对话。2,书写并修改有关My dream vacation的段落,教师进行评选。V Homework做活动手册的配套练习。备 课Recycle 1 Lesson 2 What are you going to do this a

16、fternoon?Im going to .Where is the .?Its next to the Go straightHow can I get to the ?教学后记 掌握较新课时有进步。备 注课题Recycle 1课时第三课时教 学 目 标1,能够进一步综合运用1-3单元的主要语言进行有实际交际意义的会话;能够听懂Listen and match的对话并完成连线练习。2,能够理解并会吟唱Lets chant的歌谣。3,能够认读1-3单元Pronunciation的音标并能把音标和相关例词正确连线。教学重点学生对前三个单元主要语言的正确理解和有效运用。教学难点 音标部分,要综合复

17、习前三单元学过的音标,使学生能把音标和相关单词正确连线。课前准备前三个单元所学音标的卡片、选一篇学生所做的短文,根据其内容仿照本课时的歌谣编一首新歌谣、录音机和录音带。教学过程I Warm-up1,全班齐唱歌曲“How can I get to the zoo?”2,师生一起吟唱第一单元的歌谣,要求学生一边吟唱,一边用手打节拍。II Preview 教师对学生有关My dream vacation的短文做出总体评价,并请几名写得有创意的学生朗读他们的短文,教师针对其内容提问,如:“Where are you going? What are you going to do? How are yo

18、u going there?”等。教师根据课前的准备,在最后一名学生朗读完文章并回答了问题后,简化并板书该学生的回答,将其改编成为一首小歌谣,如: Where are you going? What are you going to do? Im going to the zoo to see the monkeys. Im goint by bike. Im going on foot. I live near the zoo. So I wont take a train.III Presentation教师拍节拍示范朗读自己改写的新歌谣,学生模仿吟唱新歌谣。Lets chant在以上活动

19、的基础上,教师放Lets chant部分的录音,学生听并试着跟读,再看着文字吟唱。师生可进行问答式吟唱,并在小组间展开比赛。Listen and match 教师说:“Now lets try to find out: where are John, Mike, Chen Jie and Sarah going this weekend? How are they going? Lets listen!”教师放三遍录音,第一遍请学生静听,初步理解;第二遍请学生听选图;第三遍请学生进行自我检查。录音内容如下:John and Chen and Mike: Sarah, were going to

20、 the Great Wall on the weekend!Sarah: Wow! How do you go there , Mike?Mike: My home is near . I can go by bus.Sarah: How about you, Chen Jie?Chen: My home is next to the train station. I can go by train.Sarah: And John?John: My home is very far.Sarah: Then you can go by plane! John: No, never. I go

21、by subway first. Then I take a bus.Mike: Sarah, what are you going to do this weekend?Sarah: Im going to the Summer Palace with my parents. Were going by ship. Were going to row a boat on the Kunming Lake.Mike: OK! Have a good time!备 注教学过程程Read and match1,“眼疾手快”游戏: 教师准备前三单元的音标卡片,把它们贴在黑板上。教师把学生分成四大组,

22、每组各派一代表上台,教师念出一个音标,最快认出并将它拿到手里的学生获胜。最后拿到音标卡片最多的学生获胜。2,教师出示1-3单元Pronunciation部分某些例词的音标,请学生朗读。再让学生独立完成Read and match部分的练习,全班核对、打分,评选出得分最高的冠军。IV Consolidation and extension1,朗读1-3单元的音标和例词。2,跟录音吟唱的歌谣。3,综合复习1-3单元的语言。V Homework做活动手册的配套练习。备 注板书Recycle 1 Lesson 3Where are you going?Im going to .What are you going to do?Im going to .How are you going there?I go by.教学后记 掌握较新课时有进步。

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