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1、完整版小型制冷压缩机研究外文翻译2毕业设计论文优秀论文 审核通过未经允许 切勿外传Small COMPRESSORCompressor refrigeration system is the core and to the refrigeration system capabilities and features. This paper not only energy efficient, noise and vibration and refrigeration agent analyzed small refrigeration compressor technical performa

2、nce, Analysis also recent years, the new, special small compressor main feature for us small refrigeration compressor future development trend of laying a technological foundation. As we all know, the compressor refrigeration system is the core and a sense, the cooling system design and matching of

3、the compressor is the ability demonstrated. Therefore, countries in the world are all in the refrigeration industry refrigeration compressor research invested a tremendous amount of energy, new research direction, and research results continue to emerge. Compressor technology and performance level w

4、ith each passing day.1.A compressor Efficiency StudyCompressor refrigeration system is the core energy components, improve the efficiency of refrigeration systems of the most direct and effective means is to increase the efficiency of the compressor, It will bring the energy consumption decreased si

5、gnificantly. Moreover, can only avoid the system take measures (such as simply increasing of materials increased. In recent years, as world energy shortage situation worsens day by day, more and more attention to various energy-saving work the energy efficiency of products made by the ever-increasin

6、g demands. Due to losses such as friction, leakage, of existence, Compressor work far below the actual efficiency of theoretical efficiency. Therefore, from a theoretical point of view, any reduction in a loss of arbitrary measures to improve the efficiency of the compressor. The objective facts , w

7、idth, research topics and results varied.On the current international energy-efficient compressors research concentrated mainly in a few areas : research lubrication properties Compressor parts of the friction bearings to reduce friction characteristics of power, improve the efficiency of the compre

8、ssor; reduce leakage losses to improve the efficiency of the compressor; using frequency modulation technology or refrigeration system through the effort with the user load to match the best energy saving In this regard the particular frequency technology relatively mature well known and not repeat

9、them old topic but it is also an eternal topic, Improvement of the valve designed to improve the efficiency of the compressor also Nagamochi endless this area many times, from the valve material, sports law, optimizing the structure of the applicable theory, exhaustive testing methods. In short, ene

10、rgy-saving compressors on the research in recent years industry first recent years, domestic refrigeration compressor industry to study energy-saving products are also giving great concern. Progress larger products mainly refrigerator compressor industry. In China efficient refrigerators GEF project

11、s to promote and support, both the enterprises for energy-efficient products is the understanding of the performance of refrigerator compressors losses, and achieved great results. The main problem is the lack of domestic enterprises currently free technology, the technology technology infrastructur

12、e also unconscious, nor the interest, and this restricts the development of technological capacity. Relative to the refrigerator compressor industry, domestic energy-efficient air-conditioning compressor study it was not perturbed, Over the years the efficiency of the compressor is no substantive ch

13、ange, greater market demand makes most of the air-conditioning compressor enterprises will concentrate on expanding production on. With the nation on the air conditioner energy efficiency standards set for the further improvement of Chinas air conditioner exports various perils of showing, domestic

14、air-conditioning compressor of this short-sighted enterprises will be unable to adapt to the energy-saving development of the situation. Enterprise also on the follow-up is weak.2. Compressor noise and vibration study Currently, the noise regarded as one of the serious pollution. Household refrigera

15、tion equipment as the source of power and compressor noise, to be a measure of its performance as an important indicator. In fact, to a compressor speaking, Most of the noise is due to shell by some noise from the source excitation (such as springs, refrigerant pressure pulsation, exhaust pipe, lubr

16、icants etc. excited). But compressor noise sources and pathways complex and diverse, which gives the compressor noise silencer brought great difficulties. On the compressor noise, vibration and foreign scholars this regard to the main research results are summarized below : The main refrigeration compressor noise Exaggerative inlet, exhaust radiation aerodynamic noise, mechanical moving parts of machinery noise and noise-driven motor three components : 2.1 Aero

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