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1、少年派的奇幻漂流完整中英文对照剧本少年派的奇幻漂流你是在动物园长大的 So you were raised in a zoo?出生和长大Born and raised.在过去法属印度的本地治里In Pondicherry, in what was the French part of India.我父亲是动物园园长My father owned the zoo.一位爬虫学家临时为我接生and I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist.他是去园里看一只孟加拉巨蜥who was there to check on the Bengal m

2、onitor lizard.我们母子平安Mother and I were both healthy.但那只巨蜥脱逃but the poor lizard escaped.被受惊的食火鸡踩扁了and was trampled by a frightened cassowary.这就是因果The way of karma, huh?天理The way of God.好精彩的故事Thats quite a story.看你的名字还以为令尊是数学家I had assumed your father was a mathematician because of your name.差得远了 我与一座游

3、泳池同名Far from it, I was named after a swimming pool.有名叫派的游泳池 There is a swimming pool named Pi?我的叔叔法兰西斯出生时You see, my uncle Francis was born肺里积水过多with too much water in his lungs.听说医生拎着他的脚踝把水甩了出来They say the doctors swung Francis around by the ankles to clear the water out.所以他的胸膛很厚 腿很细and thats what

4、gave him the huge chest and skinny legs.成了游泳健将that made him such a great swimmer.他是你的亲叔叔吗 Is Francis actually your uncle?他自称是令尊的朋友He said he was friends with your father.他是我的干叔叔 Hes my honorary uncle,我叫他玛玛吉I call him Mamaji.他是我父亲的至交 My fathers best friend,我的游泳导师my swimming guru.我每周跟他在修道园练习游泳三次I trai

5、ned with him three times a week at the ashram.他的教导后来救了我的命His lessons would save my life in the end.喝口水不会要命A mouthful of water will not harm you,但惊慌会but panic will.记住要呼吸 Remember to breathe now, 不要憋气 dont hold your breath.好孩子Good boy.你不介意吃素吧 I hope you dont mind vegetarian.一点也不会No, no. Not at all.那你的

6、名字呢 And your name? 啊 Huh?我想你正要说你的名字的由来You were going to tell me how you got your name, I think.对 这跟玛玛吉对我父亲说的事有关Oh, yes. I got it from something Mamaji once told my father.一般人旅行都是收集明信片或茶杯You see, most travelers collect postcards or teacups on their journeys.玛玛吉不是but not Mamaji.玛玛吉收集游泳池Mamaji collects

7、 swimming pools.他见到游泳池就进去游He swims in every pool he comes upon.(便辛墨利多游泳池)某天玛玛吉对我爸说One day, Mamaji said to my father that,世界上最美的游泳池of all the pools in the world.是巴黎的一个公共游泳池the most beautiful was a public pool in Paris.那里的水干净到早上能拿来煮咖啡That the water there was so clear, you could make your morning coffe

8、e with it.在那里一游改变了他的一生That a single swim there changed his life.在我出生前 他说.Before I was born, he said.要是希望你儿子心灵纯净If you want your son to have a clean soul.将来一定要带他去墨利多游泳you must take him one day to swim in the Piscine Molitor.我一直不懂我父亲为何那么在意这件事I never understood why my father took this so much to heart.

9、但他就是在意 But he did, 而我就成了便辛?墨利多?帕帖尔and I was named Piscine Molitor Patel.想象我解释起来有多窘Imagine me trying to explain that name.好不容易撑到11岁I barely made it to the age of 11 before.喂 便辛Hey, Piscine!你的小便很腥吗 Are you pissing right now?看 他在小便Look at him, hes pissing!就这样 我的名字从优雅的法国泳池With one word, my name went fro

10、m an elegant French swimming pool.变成了臭印度公厕to a stinking Indian latrine.到处都有人叫我小便I was Pissing everywhere.不准在操场小便No Pissing in the schoolyard!就连老师也如此Even the teachers started doing it.当然不是故意的Not deliberately, of course.那么要是太快释放出气体会怎样 So, then, what might occur if we release gas too quickly?小便 Pissing

11、?他说小便啊He said Pissing.够了 大家安静Thats enough! Order! Order!第二年开学When we returned the next year for our first day of school,我有备而来I was prepared.有Present, sir.便辛?帕帖尔Piscine Patel.早安 我是便辛?墨利多?帕帖尔Good morning. I am Piscine Molitor Patel.大家都叫我Known to all as.派 希腊文的第十六个字母Pi, the sixteenth letter of the Greek

12、 alphabet.在数学里也被用来表示which is also used in mathematics to represent the ratio.圆形的周长与直径的比值of any circles circumference to its diameter.一个无限长的无理数An irrational number of infinite length,通常四舍五入写成 3.14usually rounded to three digits as 3.14.这就是Pi.很好 派 坐下Very impressive, Pi. Now, sit down.从此你就成了派 And from

13、then on, you were Pi?没那么容易Well, no, not quite.试得好 小便Nice try, Pissing.但我还有一整天的时间But I still had the whole day ahead of me.下一节课是法文课French class was next.我是便辛?墨利多?帕帖尔Je mappelle Piscine Molitor Patel.又叫派Dit Pi.然后是地理课Then, geography.这是的小数点后二十位数These are the first 20 decimal places of pi.当天最后一节课是数学课My l

14、ast class of the day was mathematics.慢点儿 不要挤Slowly, slowly, slowly.3、7、5、8、9Three. Seven. Five. Eight. Nine.8、5、8、9Eight. Five. Eight. Nine.没错 他真的背出来了Its right. Hes really doing this.派!派!派Pi! Pi! Pi!到了放学前 我已经是派?帕帖尔 校园传奇By the end of that day, I was Pi Patel, school legend.玛玛吉说你在水手圈也是传奇Um, Mamaji tel

15、ls me youre a legend among sailors, too.独自在海上漂流Out there, all alone.我连船都不会开Oh, I dont even know how to sail.我也不是一个人 And I wasnt alone out there.理查德?帕克跟我一起Richard Parker was with me.理查德?帕克 Richard Parker?玛玛吉没跟我细说Mamaji didnt tell me everything.他只说我回到蒙特利尔应该联络你He just said I should look you up when I g

16、ot back to Montreal.你去本地治里做什么 So, what were you doing in Pondicherry?写一本小说Writing a novel.我很喜欢你的第一本书By the way, I enjoyed your first book.新书的背景是印度 So, this new one, is it set in India?其实是葡萄牙 住印度比较便宜No, Portugal, actually. But its cheaper living in India.总之期待拜读Ah, well, I look forward to reading it.恐

17、怕不行了You cant.我把它扔了I threw it out.我花了两年的时间孕育它Two years trying to bring this thing to life.有一天它口吐白沬、宣告阵亡and then one day, it sputtered, coughed and died.很遗憾Oh, Im sorry.有天下午我在本地治里泡咖啡馆哀悼我的损失Uh, I was sitting in this coffee house in Pondicherry one afternoon, mourning my loss.隔壁桌一位老人家跟我攀谈起来when this old

18、 man at the table next to me struck up a conversation.对 玛玛吉会那样Yeah, Mamaji, he does that.谈到那部放弃的作品 他说.When I told him about my abandoned book, he said.一个加拿大人来法属印度找故事So, a Canadian whos come to French India in search of a story.朋友 法属加拿大有个印度人Well, my friend, I know an Indian in French Canada.有一个最不可思议的

19、故事with the most incredible story to tell.你们两个一定是注定要相遇It must be fate that the two of you should meet.我好多年没谈起理查德?帕克了Well, I havent spoken about Richard Parker in so many years.玛玛吉都说了什么 So, what has Mamaji already told you?他说你有个故事会让我相信上帝He said you had a story that would make me believe in God.他也会那样说一

20、桌好菜He would say that about a nice meal.至于上帝 我只能说出我的故事As for God, I can only tell you my story.要相信什么由你决定You will decide for yourself what you believe.很合理Fair enough.我想想 该从何说起 Lets see, then. Where to begin?本地治里是印度的里维埃拉Pondicherry is the French Riviera of India.在近海的街道In the streets closest to the ocea

21、n,会让人误以为置身在法国南部you might think you were in the south of France.往内陆走几条街有一条运河A few blocks inland, theres a canal.运河那一头就是印度区Just beyond that is Indian Pondicherry.穆♥斯♥林♥区在西边And the Muslim quarter is just to the west.法国在1954年归还本地治里时When the French handed Pondicherry back to us in 19

22、54.市民们决定应景庆祝the town decided that some sort of commemoration was in order.家父很有生意头脑 他出了个点子My father, who was a clever businessman, came up with one.开旅馆的他想出把植物园.He ran a hotel, and he got the idea to open a zoo.改开动物园的主意in the local botanical gardens instead.恰巧我母亲是园里的植物学家As it also happened, my mother

23、was a botanist in the gardens.他们相遇 结婚 They met, married, 一年后我哥哥拉维出生了 and a year later my brother Ravi was born.过了两年 我也来报到了I came two years after that.听起来好神奇 从小在It sounds magical, growing up in.阿门Amen.开动吧Yeah, lets eat.原来印度教♥徒♥也说阿门I didnt know Hindus said amen.天主印度教♥徒♥会说Ca

24、tholic Hindus do.天主印度教♥徒♥ Catholic Hindus?我们能悔罪的神不只一个 有好几百个We get to feel guilty before hundreds of gods, instead of just one.但你以印度教为先 But youre a Hindu first?认识神明都是由他人带领None of us knows God until someone introduces us.我先认识的是印度教的神I was first introduced to God as a Hindu.印度教有三千三百万个神祇The

25、re are 33 million gods in the Hindu religion.我怎么可能不识其中几尊 How can I not come to know a few of them?我先认识了黑天I met Krishna first.有一次雅修达说小黑天吃土Yashoda once accused baby Krishna of eating dirt.真是的 你真淘气 怎么可以吃土Tut, tut you naughty boy - you shouldnt do that.但是他明明没有But he didnt!他告诉妈妈Thats what he told her.我没有

26、吃土I didnt eat dirt.雅修达说 没有吗?那么Yashoda said, No? Well then.把嘴巴张开Open your mouth.于是黑天张开嘴巴So Krishna opened his mouth.你知道雅修达看见了什么吗 And what do you think Yashoda saw?什么 What?她在黑天的嘴里看见了整个宇宙She saw in Krishnas mouth the whole entire universe.我小时候视众神为超级英雄The gods were my superheroes growing up.猴神哈奴曼Hanuman

27、, the monkey god.抬起一整座山来拯救朋友拉克什曼lifting an entire mountain to save his friend Lakshman.象头神加内什Ganesh, the elephant-headed.赌上性命捍卫母亲雪山女神的清誉risking his life to defend the honor of his mother, Parvati.毗湿奴是三相神之一 万物之源Vishnu, the supreme soul, the source of all things.他在无尽的宇宙之洋漂浮而睡Vishnu sleeps, floating on

28、 the shoreless cosmic ocean.我们都来自他的梦境and we are the stuff of his dreaming.壮观啊!Spectacle.但不要被这这些故事和光影给迷惑了 孩子们Dont let these stories and pretty lights fool you, boys.社会很复杂Religion is darkness.我的父亲自认是新派印度人My dear appa believed himself part of the new India.他小时候得过小儿麻痹As a child, he had had polio.倒在床上痛苦不

29、已 纳闷神在哪里He used to lie in bed racked with pain, wondering where God was.到头来救他的不是神 而是西方医学In the end, God didnt save him, Western medicine did.我的母亲念过大学My amma went to college.也认为她的家庭够新派and thought her family was part of the new India as well.直到被双亲断绝关系until her parents cut her off.他们认为她嫁得太低because they

30、 thought she was marrying beneath her.信仰是她与过去唯一的联♥系♥Her religion was the only link she had to her past.我12岁时在山上认识了耶稣基♥督♥I met Christ in the mountains when I was 12.我们去拜访在穆拿种茶的亲戚We were visiting relatives, tea growers in Munnar.到了第三天 拉维和我都闷坏了It was our third day there. Ravi and I were terribly bored.我赌两个卢比向你挑战Challeng

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