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1、分词及动名词分词及动名词现在分词现在分词由动词+ing (doing)构成,具有形容词、副词的特征,它有下面形式:主动被动肯定否定肯定否定简 单 式doingnot doingbeing donenot being done完 成 式having donenot having donehaving been done注:1. 不及物动词的分词没有被动语态。 2. 分词和它的宾语、补足语或状语称为分词短语。作表语:例:He is still living. 他还活着。The toys are amusing to children. 这些玩具使孩子们发生兴趣。The news is exciti

2、ng to us all. 这消息令我们大家激动。作定语:例:Do you know the lady getting out of the car? 你认识从车里出来的那位女士吗? This is a confusing word because it has several meanings. 这是一个令人糊涂的词,因为它有几个意思。作补语:例:The next morning she found the man lying in bed, dead. 第二天早晨,她发现这个男人躺在床上,死了。I could hear it raining. 我可以听见天在下雨。 Listen to th

3、e birds singing. 听那些鸟儿歌唱。I felt the house shaking. 我感到房子在震动。She kept me waiting for over twenty minutes. 她让我等了二十多分钟。现在分词和不定式作宾补,在意义上是有差别的,现在分词多表示动作正在进行,而不定式表示动作完成。比较:He saw her coming up the street. (She was coming up the street.) He saw two men enter the bar. (They entered the bar.) I woke and hear

4、d the wind blowing. (The wind was blowing.) I was delighted to hear you say that. (You said that.) I didnt notice you carrying a bag. (You were carrying a bag.) I didnt notice you come in. (You came in.)He felt his heart beating fast. (His heart was beating fast.)He felt someone touch his shoulder.

5、(Someone touched his shoulder.)上述结构可以变为被动结构,这时宾语补足语就变成了主语补足语。例:The man was found lying on the ground. 那人被发现躺在地上。He was seen speaking to her daughter. 有人看见他在和她女儿谈话。The boy was caught cheating in the exam. 这男孩考试作弊给抓住了。How long have you been kept waiting? 让你等了多久?有时现在分词可用被动形式:例:I saw him being taken awa

6、y. 我看见有人把他带走。He was seen being taken away by the police. 有人看见他被警察带走。作状语:分词短语可作时间状语:a. 一个动作(多为简短动作)一发生,另一个动作随即发生(分词短语多放在前面)。例:Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door. (=After he took a key) 他从口袋里掏出钥匙把门打开。Turning around, she saw an ambulance driving up. (=When she turned around) 她转过身,看见一辆救护

7、车开了过来。b. 在某一动作进行时,另一动作同时发生(这时分词短语前多加while或when)。例:Be careful when crossing the road. (= When you cross) 过马路要当心。While trying to open the door, I cut my hand. (=While you were trying) 在设法开门时,我把手刺破了。c. 在做某事时另一事也发生(有时也可不加when或while)。例:He cut himself shaving. (= when he was shaving) 他刮胡子时把脸刮破了。 The man s

8、lipped and fell getting off the bus. (=While the man was getting.) 那人下公共汽车时滑了一跤。现在分词短语有时表示原因(相当于一个表示原因的状语从句)。例:Being anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present. (= As I was anxious)因为我想讨好他,我给他买了一件好礼物。Not knowing her address, I wasnt able to contact her. (=As I didnt know her address)由于不知道她的地

9、址,我没法和她联系。分词表示的动作先于谓语动词表示的动作时,现在分词要用完成形式。例:Having been ill for a long time, he needed time to recover. (= As he had been ill)由于病了很久,他需要一段时间恢复。Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. (= After we had found)在找好旅馆之后,我们就去找吃饭的地方。Not having received an answer, she decided to write him

10、 another letter. (= As she had not received)由于没收到他的回信,她决定再给他写一封信。在很多情况下现在分词(短语)表示一个伴随的情况或方式。例:Following Tom, they started to climb. 跟在汤姆后面,他们开始攀登。Some left the hall still weeping. 有些人离开大厅时还在哭泣。Her husband died in 1942, leaving her with five children. 她丈夫于1942年过世,给她留下五个孩子。总的说来,现在分词作状语,主要用在书面语中,在口语中用其

11、他结构更多些。独立结构:(Absolute Construction)在绝大多数情况下,现在分词都表示句子主语的动作。但有时现在分词前可有一个名词或代词表示它逻辑上的主语。这种带逻辑主语的现在分词称为独立结构。比较:She was lying in bed reading. (=She was reading.) 她躺在床上看书。(现在分词作状语)John got home, feeling very tired. (=John felt very tired.) 约翰回到家里,感觉很疲劳。(现在分词作状语) It being a holiday(= As it was a holiday.)

12、, all the shops were shut. 由于今天是假日,所有的商店都关门了。(独立结构)Ill play golf this afternoonweather permitting. (=If weather permits.) 我今天下午打高尔夫球如果天气允许的话。(独立结构)过去分词作表语:过去分词作表语的时候很多(其中有些已变成形容词)。例:We were amazed at the beauty of the lake. 我们对湖光的美感到很惊异。Jim seemed frightened of the wild animals. 吉姆似乎对野生动物很害怕。The lib

13、rary is closed on weekend. 周末图书馆关门。Did you feel satisfied with the arrangement? 你对这安排感到满意吗?过去分词作表语与被动语态的差别:“be +过去分词”的结构与被动语态是相似的,不同的是这种结构表示一种状态,而被动语态表示一个动作。比较:带表语结构的句子(状态) 带被动结构的句子(动作)The bank is closed now. It is usually closed at 5:30. 银行现在已经关门了。 它通常五点半关门。 The vase is broken. It was broken by my

14、sister. 花瓶打破了。 它是我妹妹打破的。 The lake is surrounded by trees. They were surrounded by theenemy. 湖周围都是树。 他们被敌人包围了。 The bridge is completed now. It was completed last winter. 桥已经建成。 它是去年冬天建成的。作定语:有很多过去分词可用作定语,特别是表示情绪的词。例:The excited children are opening their Christmas presents. 激动的孩子们正在把圣诞礼物打开。He didnt n

15、otice the surprised look on her face. 他没注意到她脸上惊异的表情。Interested members will meet at two. 感兴趣的会员将于两点钟碰头。Mr. Knight gave a satisfied smile. 奈特先生露出满意的微笑。有些过去分词短语跟在所修饰的名词后面,作用接近于一个定语从句。例:The system used (which is used) in this school is very successful. 这学校使用的系统很成功。The boy injured (who was injured) in t

16、he accident was taken to hospital. 车祸中受伤的男孩被送到医院去了。Some of the people invited (who have been invited) to the party cant come. 有些被邀请参加晚会的人不能来。在个别情况下也有单个的过去分词放在名词后面作定语。例:There is nobody injured. 没有人受伤。One of the measure taken is to organize visits to other factories. 采取的措施之一就是组织参观别的工厂。Weve only got a

17、little left. 我们只剩一点儿了。Do you know the number of books ordered? 你知道订购了多少书吗?作定语用的过去分词通常指已完成的动作,若要表示现在正进行的动作要用过去分词的进行形式。例:We must keep a secret of the things being discussed (= which are being discussed ) here.我们必须对这里讨论的问题保密。What do you think of the summit meeting being held in Geneva? 你对正在日内瓦举行的高峰会议怎么

18、看?如指未来的情况,都用不定式的被动形式。例:They were not very interested in the election to be held next month. 他们对下月举行的选举不太感兴趣。She made a list of things to be taken on the way. 她开了一份路上要带的东西的单子。He prepared some poems to be recited at the English Evening. 他准备了几首诗将在英语晚会上朗诵。现在分词与过去分词作定语的区别:例:The road joining (=which joins

19、) the villages is very narrow. 连接两个村子的公路很狭窄。The police never found the money stolen (=which was stolen) in the robbery. 在劫案中被抢去的钱警察始终未找到。从以上例句可看出:现在分词作定语与先行词在逻辑上是主动语态的主谓关系;过去分词作定语与先行词在逻辑上是被动语态的主谓关系。作宾语补足语:例:She got her suits dry-cleaned. 她把她的套服请人干洗了。You should have your television repaired. 你应该请人把你的

20、电视修理一下。I saw him taken away in an ambulance. 我看见他被救护车送走。What made you so frightened ? 什么使你这样惊恐?He didnt wish it mentioned. 他不希望谁谈到这事。作状语:例:Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud. (= When it was viewed)从远处看,这座岛屿就像一朵云彩。Born in a farmers family, he had only six years of schooling. (= As

21、 he was born)他出生在农民家庭,只上过六年学。Compared to many women, she was very fortunate. (= When she was compared to) 和许多女人相比,她是很幸福的。Judged by the ordinary standards, he was reliable. (= When he was judged) 按普通标准看,他是可靠的。Seated in the presidential car, the President waved to the crowd. (= While he was seated) 总统

22、坐在他的座车上向群众挥手。Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year. (= If I am given) 如果我身体状况良好,我希望今年能完成这项工作。从以上例子可以看出过去分词短语,接近一个被动结构的从句。有些过去分词可以单独作状语。例:He turned away disappointed. 他失望地走了。We went home exhausted. 我们精疲力尽地回到家里。过去分词有时和连词一起用,接近状语从句的紧缩形式。例:Although (it was ) built before the war, the en

23、gine is still in perfect order. 这台发动机尽管是战前制造的,仍然处于良好状态。Unless (it is ) changed, this law will make life difficult for farmers. 除非加以修改,否则这条法律将给农民的生活造成困难。Metal expand when heated and contract when cooled. 金属热胀冷缩。Exercises I. Pick out the participle in each of the following sentences and point out its

24、grammatical function:1. He set a shining example to all the people working there.2. I hate to read letters written in pencil.3. Hearing the noise, they immediately left the house.4. The building being repaired is our library.5. His mother is busy getting ready for work.6. Today most diamonds used in

25、 industry come from Russia.7. What do you think of the performances given by the girls of our class ?8. Her husband died in 1992, leaving her with two children.9. Having sent her little sister to school, she began to do some shopping.10. Where are we to get the information needed ?11. We plan to go

26、boating on the Kunming Lake on Sunday.12. The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the earth.13. Thinking she must be late, Miss Brown decided to take a taxi.14. We must solve the problems facing us one by one.15. She watched the ship being unloaded.II. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the brac

27、kets in their proper forms:1. It was a very small house _(stand) in a beautiful garden, with the green mountain _(rise) up behind it.2. They often go _(ride) or _(shoot).3. He always wants everything _(do) in a hurry.4. He spent most of his free time _(play) football.5. She was a clear speaker, with

28、 a good, _(please) voice, which was fully under her control.6. The rat was placed in a _(close) cage.7. He was listening to his daughter _(read) a story in English.8. _(lie) under the apple tree, Newton was thinking and thinking.9. They watched the satellite _(move) slowly in the sky.10. He saw me a

29、nd came _(run) towards me.III. Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in their proper forms:1. I meant _(ask) Mr. Smith for help, but he had left for Shanghai on business.2. Do remember _(telephone) your parents when you arrive in London.3. Im sorry I cant go _(skate) with you, for Ive been busy _(

30、prepare) my lessons.4. Since you have difficulty _(work) out the problem, why not try _(do) it in some other way ?5. George went out _(hunt) for a week but still he didnt find a room _(live) in.6. The teacher advised us _(devote) more time to _(speak) English out of class.7. The guard didnt permit _

31、(enter) the building without a permit.8. There is _(no say) whether the singing contest will be put off or not.9. _(walk) along the street, I met an old friend of mine.10. His words left me _(wonder) about his real purpose.IV. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences:1. Ill go with you after I get through with _ the house.A. cleaning B. to clean C. to be cleaned2. H

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