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老友记 六人行 第三季第九集经典笔记.docx

1、老友记 六人行 第三季第九集经典笔记The One With The FootballWritten by: Ira UngerleiderTranscribed by: Eric B Aasen 309 橄榄球比赛女孩们做饭时,男人们看球赛;六人决定一起玩橄榄球。莫妮卡和罗斯为家族的“盖勒杯”争得头破血流。乔伊和钱德为场边的荷兰女孩争风吃醋,结果竹篮打水一场空;瑞秋技术差,两边都不要她。菲比暴露关键部位,来迷惑对方 Scene: Monica and Rachels, the whole gang is there, the guys are watching football, the g

2、irls are cooking Thanksgiving dinner.The Guys: (reacting to a play) Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Awww!Phoebe: Hey, its your Thanksgiving too, yknow, instead of watching football, you could help.The Guys: We will. (they dont move)Monica: Okay, Rachel, you wanna put the marshmellows in concentric circles.marsh

3、mallow n.棉花糖/concentric circle n.同心圆/Okay, Rachel, you wanna put the marshmellows in concentric circles: spongy(adj.像海绵地) confection(n.糖果) made of gelatin(n.凝胶) and sugar and corn syrup(玉米糖浆) and dusted(v.撒糖于糕上) with powdered sugar(n.糖粉)Rachel: No Mon, you want to put them in concentric circles. I w

4、ant to do this. (Rachel sticks a marshmellow into Monicas nose. Monica takes it out of her nose by closing one nostril, and blowing.)stick v.粘住/nostril n.鼻孔Monica: Every year.OPENING CREDITSScene: Monica and Rachels, continued from earlier.Phoebe: Yknow, for once只有一次, I am going to sit down and try

5、to watch one of these things. (just as she sits down).Ross: Halftime.Joey: Hey, who wants to ah, throw the ball around a little, maybe get a little three on three going?Rachel: Oh! That would be sooo much fun!Phoebe: Oh, can I play too? Ive never played football, like ever. Joey: Great, you can cove

6、r Chandler.cover v.防守/Great, you can cover Chandler: when a player stays close to an opponent to prevent him from receiving a pass or making a play on offense, then he covers himChandler: No, no, no, I dont, I dont really wanna play.Joey: Come on man! You never want to do anything since you and Jani

7、ce broke up.Chandler: Thats not true! I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. I wanted to start drinking in the morning. Dont say that I dont have goals!bathrobe n.浴袍/cluster n.丛,簇/Thats not true! I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. I wanted to start d

8、rinking in the morning. Dont say that I dont have goals: 花生巧克力Joey: Chandler, you have to start getting over her. All right, if you play, you get some fresh air, maybe itll take your mind off Janice, and if you dont play, everyone will be mad at you cause the teams wont be even. Come on.Chandler: Ye

9、ah, all right, Ill play.Phoebe: Yay!Rachel: Lets do it! Ross?Ross: What?Rachel: Do you wanna play football?Ross: Um, Monica and I arent supposed to play not supposed to不应该,不能Joey: Says who? Your mom?Monica and Ross: Yeah.Monica: Well, every, every Thanksgiving um, we used to have a touch

10、 football game called the “Geller Bowl”touch football n.触身式橄榄球Chandler: No, no, no, you say that proudly.Monica: Anyway, Ross and I were always captains, and um, it got kindve competitive and one year, Geller Bowl VI, I accidentally broke Rosss nose.Ross: It was soo not an accident. She saw I was ab

11、out to tag her, so she threw her big fat grandma arm elbow right into my face. And just keep running.tag v.紧抱,紧随/It was soo not an accident. She saw I was about to tag her, so she threw her big fat grandma arm elbow right into my face. And just keep running: go after with the intent(n.意图,目的) to catc

12、h.Monica: To score the winning touchdown, by the way.touchdown n.美橄攻方持球, 触地, 触地得分Ross: Whoa, whoa, whoa, ho, ho, ho, you did not win the game, the touchdown didnt count, because of the spectacularly illegal, oh and by the way savage nose breaking.spectacularly illegal n.严重犯规/savage adj.野蛮的,凶猛的Monica

13、: (to Chandler and Joey) I won the game.Ross: Oh yeah! Then how come you didnt get the Geller Cup?Rachel: Um, there was a Geller Cup?Ross: Yes, it was the trophy you got if you won the game. But our Dad said, “nobody won that game”and he was sick of our fighting, so he took the trophy and. (pauses t

14、o collect himself, as he is on the verge of tears saying this) threw it in the sick of 厌恶,厌倦/collect oneself 集中,镇定/on the verge of adv.接近于,濒临于Chandler: And was the curse lifted?lift the curse 解除咒语Ross: Anyway. Thats when our Mom said we were not to play football ever again.Monica: Yknow what

15、, I think we should play a game. I mean come on, its been twelve years.Ross: Can I see you for a second?(they walk over to the sink and discuss it for a moment)Monica: (shouting) Once!Ross: All right, were gonna play.Chandler: But wait a minute though, how are we gonna get there, though, because my

16、Mom wont let me cross the street.Scene: The Park, the gang is warming up for their football game.warm up v.热身Monica: Okay. Lets bring it in.Rachel: Wait no, honey, honey throw it to me, throw it to me.Ross: Here you go. (throws her the ball)Rachel: (knocking it down instead of catching it) That almo

17、st hit me in the face.Joey: All right, we have to pick captains.Chandler: And then Tineals.tineals n.队员Phoebe: Okay, so how do we decide that?Monica: Well, why dont we just bunny up.bunny up:一种猜拳方式,装兔宝宝Rachel, Chandler, and Joey: What?Monica and Ross: (holding both of their hands above their heads m

18、aking rabbit ears with their fingers.) Bunny!Monica: Okay, looks like Ross and I are captains. Okay, so um, I bunnied first so that means I get to pick first. Joey.Joey: Thank you.Rachel: Monica, Im your best friend.Ross: Sweetie, dont worry youll get picked. Chandler.Rachel: Ross!Monica: Phoebe.(Ph

19、oebe kisses Rachel on the cheek, then joins her team.)Ross: Sweetie, now I pick you.Rachel: You dont pick me! Youre stuck with me你没人可选了!be stuck with粘住Ross: Okay. All right. So lets see, lets play from the trash can, to the lightpost. Right. Two hand touch, well kick off.trash can n.垃圾桶/Two hand tou

20、ch两手发球/kick off中线开球Monica: All right people listen, Ive got exactly twenty-eight minutes before I have to baste again.baste v.润以油脂;狠揍 毒打 痛斥 大骂to给你们好看/All right people listen, Ive got exactly twenty-eight minutes before I have to baste again: to moisten(v.弄湿) (as meat) at intervals with a liquid (as

21、melted butter, fat, or pan drippingsn.油滴) especially during cookingChandler: Wow! Just like in the pros.pros n.职业球队Monica: Huddle up.huddle up v.卷缩to临场会议/Huddle up: The action of the players grouping together to plan the next play(s).Joey: (to his team) All right, huddle up, right over here.Phoebe:

22、Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me! Oh cool, this is my first huddle.huddle v.拥挤 卷缩 草率从事 挤作一团Monica: Okay.Phoebe: Okay, so what do you guys really think of Chandler?Monica: Okay, Phoebe you know what youre doing right?Phoebe: Yeah.Monica: Okay, Joeys gonna catch it, and you and I are gonna block.

23、block v.阻挡Phoebe: Whats block?Monica: Phoebe, I thought you said you know what youre doing?Phoebe: I thought you meant in life.Monica: Break开始.Break: to begin or initiate(Chandler is getting ready to kick off, Ross is holding the ball between his foot and finger.)Chandler: The ball is Janice. The ba

24、ll is Janice. (goes to kick the ball but kicks Rosss foot instead.)Ross: Oww! Son of a.! Ow! Come on!Chandler: Sorry. Im sorry. Yknow what, were just gonna throw it.(Chandler throws the ball to kick-off.)Joey: I got it. (catches the ball)Phoebe: Go! Go! Go!(Joey runs up field and fakes out Ross and

25、scores a touchdown. His team all celebrates the touchdown.)run up v.向上跑/fake out假装向外传/(Joey runs up field and fakes out Ross and scores a touchdown. His team all celebrates the touchdown.): to deliberately(adv.故意地) mislead, FOOL, TRICKMonica: Score! 7 to nothing!Rachel: (coming over to Ross, who is

26、just getting up) Are you okay?Ross: Come on, lets go!Monica: Losers walk!Ross: Yeah, losers talk!Chandler: No, no, no, actually losers rhyme.rhyme vi.押韵cut to later, Rosss team has the ball.Chandler: (coming up under center, just like a real quarterback does, and puts his hands between Rosss legs.)

27、Twenty-three! Seventy-four! (Ross stands up and looks at him) You wanna go shotgun?center n.中锋/quarterback n. 橄榄球 四分卫/go shotgun 拉开进攻阵势/(Coming up under center, just like a real quarterback does, and puts his hands between Rosss legs.) Twenty-three! Seventy-four! (Ross stands up and looks at him) Yo

28、u wanna go shotgun: An offensive formation(n.编队), used especially for passing, in which the quarterback receives the snap several yards behind the line of scrimmage(n.混战;并列争球)Ross: Yeah!Chandler: (from the shotgun) Hike!(From the shotgun) Hike: the same meaning as snap (see reference below)Monica an

29、d Joey: One-Mississippi. Two-Mississippi. Three-Mississippi.(Rachel runs a quick slant.)slant n.斜线;突破防线Rachel: Over here!(Chandler throws her the ball, which she drops.)Rachel: (proud of herself) I almost caught that one!Chandler: Great! Now, the score is 7 to almost 7.Ross: Okay, (to Chandler) this

30、 play, I want you to do a down and out to the right. Okay. Break!do a down and out往前场跑/Okay, (to Chandler) this play, I want you to do a down and out to the right: In a down and out, the receiver runs downfield then turns out, toward the sidelineRachel: Wait, what am I gonna do?Ross: You, you go lon

31、g.Rachel: Wait, how long?Ross: Until we start to look very small.Rachel: Okay.Ross: Break!cut to later, Monicas team has the ball.Joey: Set.hike!Ross: One-Mississippi, two-Mississippi, switch! Switch! Switch!Chandler: No, no, no, no, no!(Monica throws the ball over Joeys head, its stopped from rolling away by

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