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1、教师资格证考试下高中英语真题2018 年下试题一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每题 2 分,共 60 分)在每题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最正确答案。1.The difference between/?/ and /?/ lies in SSS. A. the place of articulationf articulationB. the manner of articulation C. sound durationD. voicing2.Which of the following shows the general intonation pattern of a coordin

2、atesentence?A. You rain the troops for six monthsand you send them abroad.B. You rain the troops for six monthsand you send them abroad.C. You rain the troops for six monthsand you send them abroad.D. You rain the troops for six monthsand you send them abroad.3.That famous scientist had a very SSS m

3、ind as a child and at the age of ten he performed his first experiment.C. impressionable D. inquisitive4.To get drugs from the pharmacy, you need a(n) SSS.A. inscription B. recipeC. prescription D. remedy5.Detect is formed by deleting an imagined affix from detective. This process of word-formation

4、is called SSSC. compounding D. back-formation6. Having been made speechless, he felt SSS a fool than he had expected.A. likeC. more ofD. much of7.What is the chance of SSS another typhoon in this area this summer?A. there beingB.there to beC.there beD.there going to be8.SSS theytocut down the cost o

5、f advertising, the cost of production SSSsignificantly fall.A.Are;willB. Were; shallC. Are; shouldD. Were; would9. How many morphemes are there in the word“impassable” ?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.10. Which of the following is used to describe the speech errors induced by the transposition of tw

6、o sounds as in “tons of soil” and “sons of toil” ?A. Alliteration. B. Spoonerism.C. Elision. D. Liaison.11. When a teacher asks students to brainstorm what they will write about anunforgettable trip he/she mainly focuses on SSS.A. ideas C. style D. feedback12.Which of the following is a communicativ

7、e task?A. Reading aloud the dialogue on page 24.13.What is being practised if a teacher asks students to read words “likecot,hot”and “ dog,log”?A. Spelling and structure. B. Stress and sound.C. Minimal pairs. D. Phonetic symbols.14 What teaching method is used by the teacher if much of his/her class

8、 time is spentondrillingsentencepatternsfollowedbyexerciseslikerepetition,memorization,mimicry,etc?A. The Natural Approach.B. The Communicative Approach.C. The Audio- lingual Method.D. The Grammar-translation Method.15. According to the affective-filter hypothesis,SSS isnot an affective influencingl

9、anguage learning.A. attitudeB. motivationC. interest D. intelligence16 What does his/her feedback focus on if a teacher“John,itscommentwouldis bebetter if you have given more detail!” ?A. Content.B.Language.C. Attitude.D. Aptitude.17.Which of the following is a referential question?A. Where was Yang

10、 Liwei born?B. Who is the first Chinese astronaut?C. Why do you think Yang Liwe is a great astronaut?D. When did Yang Liwei begin his historic space travel?18. Having lived inChina for a long time, John couldfully understand the culturalshocks experienced by his Chinese students.Which of the followi

11、ng traits does John have in this instance?A. Avoidance. B. Empathy.C. Extroversion. D. Introversion.19.When the teacher asks students to read a text for the main idea, he/she intends to develop students skill of SSS.A. retelling C. skimming D. scanning20.Which of the following is based on the commun

12、icative view of language? A. Structural syllabus. B. Skill -based syllabus.C. Genre- based syllabus. D. Functional-notional syllabus.请阅读 Passage ,1达成 2125 小题。Passage 1When it comes to airline travel, perhaps nothing has revolutionized the passengerexperience more than airline apps. Indeed, they re b

13、ecoming so ubiquitous that more than 50 percent of U.S travelers have at least one airline app installed on their smart device, according to travel industry research firm Phocuswright.Maybe thats because apps make travel easier, and often are more functional than a kiosk or even an airline s own web

14、site. Passengersreport that they re often more quickly informed of a flight cancellation or gate change than an airline employee. Not all airline apps are created equal,but in general you can use an app to check in for a flight, change seats, and request and pay for an upgrade. Road warriors in part

15、icular appreciate mobile boarding passes and the ability to track their fights. Many airlines now offer free on board streaming entertainment via apps. The Delta Air Lines app even allows users to track their bags, from check-in to carousel, while the Air France applets passengers download magazines

16、 and newspapers from the airlines library 30hours prior to departure.But what if you are traveling extensively on more than one airline? Global airline alliances havetheir own appsthat allow you to view flights for all member airlines and their affiliates,including code sharefights. In general,you c

17、an find fight schedules for all memberairlines and track memberairline flights. Airport information is available, asaredetails about local weather20the destination. Wheresthe nearestair port lounge?The appwill locate it for you.The Sky Teamairline alliance app goesa step further by letting its SkyPr

18、iority membe rs(SkyTeamElite Plus membersand customerswith first and business.classtickets) find out exactly which SkyPriority servicesincluding priority check in and baggagedrop off, aswell asaccessto priority security lanesand boarding lanesare available at individual airports.Youll find that some

19、 alliance app featuresare available through multiple channelsof communication. For example,SkyTeammembershaveformed their own online community by sharing traveler tricks and airport tips accessiblethrough a variety ofchannels,includingthe app,Sky Teamswebsite, Facebookpageand a dedicatedtips si te.

20、SkyTeamsYouTubepagefeatures traveltips from regional celebrities. Justasairlines seemto haveconqueredsocial media, anothermethodof communicating with travelers hasjust arrived. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is the first carrier to sign up for Facebooks Messengerchatapp. KLM flyers can automatically recei

21、ve itineraries, flight updates,check-in notifications, boarding passesand rebook flights and communicatewith customerservice,all from FacebookMessenger.Messenger for Businesswas launchedsothat customersin this case,passengers cantransactbusinessover the messagingapp in a single communication thread.

22、Rough ly 80 percentof passengerson planestraveling within the U.S. havethe Messengerappinstalled on their smartphones,according toFacebook. Clearly, mobile appsand social media havetransformedour digital lives. Airlines favor apps.and other technologiesbecausetheyget customs out of airport lines and

23、 off phone lines. Throughtheir smartdevices,travelers now have untetheredaccessto travel information. A fewquick taps can supply individuals with information never dream possibleevena decadeago. And withmore peopleusing smartphonesas their primary computing device,and as more peopl e own cellphonesg

24、lobally, peopleexpect technology-driven methodsof communication andconvenienceto accelerate.Whether youre high-tech or not, you must admit that having immediate accessto their formation you needsurebeatsgetting a busy signal on a toll -free phone line.21.Which of thefollowing reflects what the autho

25、rintends to convey? A. Airline appshavemadeairline competitions fiercer than ever.B. Airline appshaveimmensely transformed travelersdigital lives.C. Airline appswill probably replaceairline staff in the nearfuture.D. Airline appshaveprovided magazinesandnewspaperfor travelers.22.According to this pa

26、ssage,which of the following appsprovides priority services information for priority members?A. The SkyTeamairline alliance app. B. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines app. C. Global airline alliance app.D. The Delta Air Lines app.23.Which of thefollowing is closestin meaningto the underlined word underlinedin

27、 the lastparagraph?A. Unlimited. B.Easy.c. Immediate. D. Direct.24.What makesmobile appsappealingto travelersaccording to the last paragraph? A. Realization of their unfulfilled dreams.B. A betterservice via computing devices. C. An unoccupiedsignal on the phoneline.25.Which word below bestdescribes

28、the author s stance? A. Biased. B. Neutral.C. Critical. D. Radical.请阅读 Passage ,2达成 2630 小题。Passage2Everyone knows that English departmentsarein trouble, but you cant appreciatejust how .much trouble until you read the new report from the Modern Languageassociati on. The report isabout Ph.D. program

29、s,which havebeenin decline since2008. Theseprogramshave gotten both more difficult andless rewarding: today,it cantake almost a decadeto get a doctorate,and,at the endof your program, you re unlikely to find a tenure-track job. The coreof the problem is, of course,the job market. The M.L.A. report e

30、stimatesthat only sixty per centof newly-minted Ph.D.s will find tenure-track jobs after graduation.If anything, thats wildly optimistic: the M.L.A. got to that figure bycomparing the number of tenure-track jobs onits job list (around six hundred)with the number of new graduates(about a thousand).Bu

31、t that leavesout the thousandsof unemployedgraduatesfrom pastyearswho arestill job-hunting- not to mention the older professorswho didnt receive tenure,and who now find themselvescompeting with their former students.In all likelihood, thenumber of jobs per candidateis much smaller thanthe report suggests.Thats why the mood is so dire why evenprofessorsarestring to ask,in thecommitteeswords, “ Why maintain doctoral study in themodern languagesand liter atures or

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