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英语教案Autumn festivals.docx

1、英语教案Autumn festivals英语教案Autumn festivals 教学目标 1。要求学生掌握本课所授的单词和词组:come over ,in the open air, Are you free tomorrow ?get together ,on Mid-autumn day ,good evening等。 2。要求学生掌握形容词比较级的基本形式和用法并能用形容词的比较级根据具体情境口头和笔头造简单的句子 3。要求学生能用自己组织的语言,向其他学生介绍中秋节的有关习俗并能掌握有关邀请方面的交际用语。Would you like I would like Are you fre

2、e? 4。要求学生能自己读懂课文并判断出生词大意,并能回答问题。 5要求学生能根据线索词对课文进行复述 6要求学生掌握以下句型: (1)主语 +be +形容词的比较级+than+其它 (2)主语 +be +the +形容 词的最高级+of, in +范围教学建议教材分析 本单元谈论的是“Autumn festivals”的有关情况,重点是形容词的比较级和最高级。主要是围绕介绍中秋节的有关习俗展开教学,贯穿着形容词的比较级和最高级的用法,并学习了介绍节日和邀请方面的交际用语。通过练习,学习了如何将形容词变成比较级和最高级形式以及变成比较级后的发音,两个形容词比较级和最高级的简单句型。本单元还讲述

3、了几个重点词组的使用。教学重难点 教学重点:The。 Words and phrase, the structures, the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives 教学难点:the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives,中秋节和感恩节的有关习俗及就餐时的日常交际用语。关于形容词的比较等级的教学 1形容词的比较级和最高级形式 教师准备几组实物,如篮球一个,足球一个,乒乓球一个,还要不同尺寸三把尺子或三张某人不同年龄的相片等物。 比较每组实物,教学一些形容词的比较级和最高

4、级,如:big-bigger-biggest, old-older-oldest, young-younger-youngest, long-longer-longest等。 2实物教学, 教师利用上面的实物,运用形容词比较等级的句型对物品进行描述。(1)主语 +be +形容 词的比较级+than+其它;(2)主语 +be +the +形容 词的最高级+of, in +范围,例如: (1)I have three rulers 。One is white the other is yellow。 The third one is green 。The white one is longer t

5、han the yellow one。 The green one is the longest of all。 Which one do you like best ? (2)I like basketball; football and ping-pong 。The football is bigger than the ping-pong 。the basketball is bigger than the football, so the basketball is the biggest of the three。 (3)There are three pictures of my

6、brother at different ages 。look at the first one ,he is five years 。he is young 。Now ,look at the second one ,he is older than the first one, he is ten 。 This is third picture。 He is the oldest of three, because he is twenty years old。描述后,要求学生把内容写下来。 教师也可以就学生常用的学习用品进行形容词比较等级的用法教学。教师问which book is bi

7、g? Which book is bigger? Which one would you like? 然后教师再出示第三个实物说xiaomings is big 。My book is bigger than xiaomings。 This book is bigger than mine 。so this book is the biggest。 3编写一个有关购物的小对话。教师把实物放到讲台上让学生向其他学生出售。要求学生在比较商品时用到形容词的比较级和最高级形式。 4教师出示一些物体图片组或让学生就自己拥有的实物,用形容词的比较等级进行口头和笔头练习。如: Li Lei: My bag

8、is heavier than you。 Tom: Yes, but mine is heavier than Wei Huas Li Lei: Oh, mine is the heaviest of us three。 关于Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving 的比较教学 1教师教学Lesson 10的 e-mail可以在教学Lesson 10的 e-mail后,完成此表格的填写,总结概括e-mail全文。 HolidayMid autumn-day DateIn September or OctoberSpecial footMoon cake Acti

9、vitiesGet together, have dinner, talk about the family and tell the story about chang e 完成此表后,学生可以根据线索词对课文进行复述。 2教师可以在学生将Lesson 12对话练习熟练后,将有关感恩节的有关习俗也总结下来并和第十课的表相比较。然后让学生根据表格编写一段文字介绍两个节日。HolidayMid autumn-dayThanksgivingDateIn September or OctoberAutumnSpecial foodMoon cakeTurkey, pumpkin Activities

10、Get together, have dinner, talk about the family and tell the story about chang eGet together, have a big dinner to celebrate the harvest情感教学 通过教学使学生了解本国的风土人情。 通过教学让学生认识到人与人之间的感情和亲情的重要,从而珍惜友情。Would you like? “Would you like?”用于表示“建议”或“请求”的场合,是一个常用的礼貌用语,使用应注意以下六点: 一、“Would you like?”后接名词、代词或不定式短语。例如:

11、 1。 Would you and Lily like to come over to my home for Mid-Autumn Day? 你和莉丽愿意到我家度中秋节吗? 2。 Would you like a mooncake? 你想吃月饼吗? 二、“Would you like?”虽是疑问结构,但表示的是“建议”或者“请求”为此表示“一些”这个意义时常用some,而不用any。例如: 1。 Would you like some apples? 你想吃苹果吗? 2。 Would you like to buy some cakes? 你想买几块蛋糕吗? 三、“Would you lik

12、e?”表示“建议别人吃(喝)点东西”时,常用have 代替eat或drink。 例如: 1。 Would you like to have a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? 2。 Would you like to have some bread? 你想吃一些面包吗? 四、“Would you like?”可用“Will you please?”代替。如要表示更委婉、更礼貌的语气时,也可用“Would you please?”代替。但注意“Would (Would )you please?”后接动词原形。例如: Would you like to go out for a walk

13、with me? =Will (Would ) you please go out for a walk me? (请)你和我一起出去散步好吗? 五、“Would you like?”与like含义不同。like表示“喜欢”,后接不定式短语或名词、动词;而would like是固定搭配,表示“希望、愿意”,后面跟动词时只能跟不定式短语。试比较: 1。 Would you like to swim today? 你今天想去游泳吗? 2。 Do you like to swim today? 你今天喜欢游泳吗? 六、“Would you like?”的肯定答语多用 “Yes, Id love to

14、。” 或 “Yes, Id like to。” 这里的to不可省略,它代替动词不定式;否定答语常用 “Sorry, Im afraid”。 例如: 1。 Would you like to go fishing with us? 你愿意和我们一起去钓鱼吗? Yes, Id love to。 行,我乐意。 2。 Would you like to come with me? 请你与我一道来好吗? Sorry, Im afraid I cant (wouldnt)。 对不起,恐怕不行。关于with 短语的用法分析 They are small round cakes with meat, eggs

15、, nuts or something sweet inside。 它们是一些有小又圆的蛋糕。里面有肉,鸡蛋,坚果或一些甜的东西。 with 在句中表示带有,含有,后面跟复合宾语说明附带情况。With inside 是对cake的补充说明,作定语。 with+ n。或pron。结构常常在句中做定语,放在被修饰的词后。例如: Tom with a book in his hand was very worried。 His bag was lost。 Look! There is a bag with some paper in side,it may be Toms。 汤姆手里拿一本书,看上去

16、很着急。他的书丢了。看,这有个书包里边有一些纸可能是汤姆的书包。关于句子The moon looks rounder and brighter的分析 The moon looks rounder and brighter。月亮看上去亮越来越圆。 look +adj。看起来,如: You look very tired today。 What happened? 形容词比较级+形容词比较级意为越来越,例如: Xiao Ming becomes taller and taller。 His sweater becomes smaller and smaller。关于taste用作系表结构的用法分析

17、 They taste a little like our pies。它们尝起来有点象我们的pie的味道。 taste在句中做连系动词。译做“尝起来象”。“主语+连系动词+形容词或名词”构成主系表结构。taste也做实意动词译做尝。这样的词有很多如 look, become,feel,sound 等。a little 在句中是副词,修饰taste。 例如: You look like your father。 你看起来像你的父亲。 the apple tastes delicious。苹果尝起来很香 I feel lonely last night 昨夜我觉得很寂寞。 “taste like”

18、 中的like看作一个介词。 “taste like”意为“尝起来像”,又如: The wine tastes like water。这种酒喝起来像水一样。 What does it taste like?它味道如何?辨析on/in on, in 两者在表达时间时都是在的意思。但是用法不同。On 表示在具体的某一天时间如在星期几,在节日。另外在具体的某天的上下午也用 on 例如on Sunday ,I often play football with my friends。 We dont have to go to school on Labor Day。 On yesterdays aft

19、ernoon I have nothing to do 而in 表示的时间范围比较大。另外它后面可以加一个时间段,表示这段时间之内比如:In 1999,I begin to study English 。I will become a teacher in September this year。 we want to go to school in ten minutes Lesson 9教学目的: 1。初步掌握形容词的比较级的基本用法和基本句型。 2。了解中秋节的习俗 3。掌握重点词组和单词;be free。 on Mid-autumn day。 come over, see you to

20、morrow, would like教具:Pictures tape recorder and real objects教学过程: 。Revision 1。dication。 2。make a dialogue about the last lesson 。warming up; 教师把事先准备好的一些有关中秋节的图片或录像资料展示给学生,然后提问: 1。What are they doing? 2。Why? 3。 What day it may be? 学生答道; 1。They are having a dinner。 Some of them are talking。 2。 They ar

21、e having a celebration。 3。It may be Zhong qiu jie。The moon is big and bright。 教师说 :Ok, today we are going to learn something about Zhongqiujie。 How do we say Zhongqiujie in English? 学生答 Mid- autumn day。 。Read and act 1。教师说 Now, listen to the tape and see what are Hun Mei and Lucy going to do on the

22、mid-autumn day,放录音,学生听一遍录音材料 然后回答:They are going to have mid-autumn day。 2学生跟录音磁带读两遍对话。并找出不认识的单词和短语 3。教师解释文中的短语和单词be free, call sb。 Sth, come over,autumn, festival, free, mid-autumn。 Moon cake, nut, and sweet, inside, store。 (1)be free;意为有空。Free 是形容词,在句中做表语Be 。动词可随着不同人称和时态变化。例如:Are you free this aft

23、ernoon? No ,I am very busy 。I have a lot of homework to do 。另外free还有免费的意思。 (2)come over:意为过来,顺路来访。例如:My sister lived far from me。 Today, she is free。 She comes over to my house。 (3)would like: 意为愿意,喜欢,想要。后面可以跟名词也可以跟动词不定式。例如;I would like that bananas。 What about you? No, I would like to drink some wa

24、ter。 (4)on midautumn day :注意介词的用法。在节日介词用on, 例如:people get together to have a party on mid-autumn day ,especially the children they are very happy about it 。 (5)at this time of year:意为在一年的这个时候。 例如: A: My father always takes me to have a holiday at this time of year。 B: My mothers always buy a lot of

25、gifts for me at this time of year。 4。practise the dialogue in pairs 5。role-play 6。recite the dialogue 。Read and practice 1教师可以在黑板上用简笔画画出两个大小不一的月饼然后指着小月饼说;Big, it is a big moon cake 同时在下面写下big 然后指着大的说:bigger, it is bigger。然后写成下bigger最后进行比较说;This one is bigger than that one。如图: than bigger big 2教师可以出示

26、几组实物让学生说出。nice ,nicer cheap, cheaper , heavy heavier 3教师告诉学生如何把形容词变成比较级形式。 4教师把两把尺子放到桌子上演示;I have two rulers。 This ruler is long。 This one is longer。 This ruler is longer than that one。 5教师让学生仿照教师就其他组实物进行口头练习并把句子写下来。然后让学生自己总结句型:主语+be+形容词比较级+than +其他 。Summary :学生自己总结本课重点词组,概括对话, 讲述语法和句型 。Homework 1抄写

27、单词和词组 2背课文中的对话 3做书后的有关比较级的练习 。板书设计。 1。words and phraseLesson nine2。Structures: the cake is big, that moon cake is bigger than this onePictures 教学设计方案Lesson 10教学目的: 1 进一步学习形容词比较级的用法。 2 掌握本课所授的单词和词组in the open air, thank for, be like, be hungry, look+adj 3 学习课文掌握中秋节的风俗习惯教学教具:Pictures tape recorder and

28、 real objects教学过程: Step 1。 Revision 1Revise形容词比较级的用法 1)Ask the students to write down the comparative degree form of those adj:cheap- large- hard- hot - 2)实物练习:教师出示实物让学生编一个关于购物的小对话。要求学生购物时使用形容词比较级对商品进行比较。用句型:主语+be+形容词的比较级+than +其它 2教师关于第九课对话的提问。 A:What is mid-autumn day? B: What is moon cake like? 学

29、生回答On Mid-autumn Day we usually eat a big dinner and moon cakes。 They are small round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts or something sweet inside。 Step 2 Presentation 1利用已学过的对话引出有关中秋节的话题 today we are going to read an e-mail to see how did Lucy introduce mid-autumn day to her friend。 2让学生默读一遍课文(五分钟左右),并用铅笔

30、划出课文中的生词,鼓励学生根据上下文来判断这些词的意思。然后回答下列几个问题: (1)Is this an email from Lucy to Joe? (2)What day is Mid- Autumn Day? (3)What do people do on the day? (4)What kind of special food do people eat? 3教师对学生标出的新单词进行讲解,并对文章中新出现的重点词汇和短语进行讲解 (1)Thank for意为:谢某人某事。结构:thank sb for sth 或thank for sth。 例如 A:I must thank

31、you for the advice。 You really give us a great help B: You should thank for you teacher。 She is kind (2)get together:意为聚会,动词。 get-together意为聚会,名词。结构:have a get-together。 例如 A: We are going to get together to celebrate the new year。 How about you? B: Lucy and I had a get-together yesterday (3)in the open air意为在露天。例如;What did you do in the open air? We had an party。 (4)at this time of year:意为在一年的这个时候。 例如: A: My father always takes me to have a holiday at this time of year。 B: My mothers always buy a lot of gi

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