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1、00015英语二课文精讲讲义10 00015英语二课文精讲讲义(10)Unit 10 Ode to Public Transport(公共交通的颂歌)一谈到“公共交通”你会想到什么?是的,环保,低碳。现在有一句流行语:“今天你低碳了吗?”.选用公共交通有几个众所周知的优点:1.省钱;2.环保;3.减少对能源的依赖;4.方便,快捷Text A The Importance of Public Transportation (公共交通的重要性)短文共12个段落,领读课文和单词!一:本课重点词汇讲解,学习1.proclaim: v宣布,宣告,表明 如: She did not proclaim he

2、r intention.2.necessity: n必需品,必要性; necessary: adj必要的;反义词:unnecessary: adj 如:1). Food is necessary to maintain life. 2). You must understand the necessity of education. 3.arrangement: n安排; arrange: v 如:1). They had an arrangement that the children would spend two weeks with each parent.2). Would it b

3、e possible to arrange a meeting for Wednesday morning? 4.expense: n费用;expensive: adj 昂贵的如:The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense. 5.annually: adv一年一次地; annual: adj 如:1). Its an annual report. 2). The exhibition is held annually. 6.household: n一家人,家庭;adj 家喻户晓的;householder: 户主,家长 如:

4、1).She became a household name in the 1960s. 2).I grew up as part of a large household. mute: n上下班路程,v 通勤;同根词:commuter: n 如:1). Mike commutes to London every day. 2). The number of commuters to London has dropped by 100,000. 3). The average Los Angeles commute is over 60 miles a day. 8.switch: v/n改变

5、,开关 如:1).Where is the light switch? 2). She switched her attention to films two years ago.9.transport: n运输工具;v运输,运送;transportation: n 交通运输系统 如:1). Transport has always been the key to developing trade. 2). public transportation (公共交通)10.carbon: n碳; low-carbon life低碳生活;carbon dioxide二氧化碳;carbon monox

6、ide一氧化碳11.majority: n大多数; 如:The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.12.wean: v逐渐戒除恶习 如:It can be extremely difficult to wean children off junk food.13.dependence: n依靠,依赖;dependent: adj依靠的;depend:v 依靠,依赖(单词的字根);independence: n 独立; independent: adj独立的 如:1). The music festival is heavily

7、dependent on sponsorship for its success. 2).All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 3). The country got its independence ten years ago. 14.approximately: adv大约; approximate: v 接近于;adj 大概的 如:1). His description of what happened approximated to the truth。 2). The journey took approximat

8、ely seven hours. 15.exception: n例外;except: v除外;prep除了。之外如:1). Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception.2). When I say that the boys are lazy, I except you. 16.electrical: adj电的;electricity: n电力,电能 如:1). The electricity has been cut off. 2). Franklins experiments showed that the light

9、ning is an electrical discharge. 17.economic: adj 经济的;economy: n经济;economist: n经济学家 如:1). The governments wrong policy in finance led the country into economic disaster.2). We must do our best to develop the national economy. 18.strengthen: v加强;strength: n力量 如:Regular physical exercises can strength

10、en ones resistance against illness.19.consequently: adv因此; consequence: n 结果如:1). In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.2).She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school. 20.lessen: v减轻,变少; 如:Theyve made great effort to lessen the noise of planes.

11、source: n资源;有个一词跟它长的特像:source: n 来源常见固定表达:natural resource(自然资源),a scarce resource(一种稀缺资源),renewable resource(可再生资源), nonrenewable resource (不可再生资源),human resource (人力资源) 22.ease: n安逸,轻松;v 解除痛苦,减轻;常用搭配:with ease:轻松地easy: adj 如:1). The computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. 2). I ga

12、ve him some brandy to ease the pain. 23.inhabitant: n居民,栖息动物; inhabit: v 居住如:1). Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.啄木鸟栖息在中空的树中 2). The inhabitant of the island is friendly.二、课文重点句子分析、讲解:1. A US Congressman once proclaimed that, “There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critica

13、l sector of our economy.” I know exactly what he means. In this day and age, access to transportation is considered a necessity. 译文:一位美国的国会议员曾说过,“毫无疑问,交通是我们经济体系中至关重要的部分。”我完全明白他说的话的意思。在目前这个时代,能够利用公共交通是必需的。语言点:There can be no doubt that.固定句型,毫无疑问;后面是同位语从句;critical= important; 固定搭配:In this day and age在

14、这个时代; access to有机会,权利使用;如: Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education.(5岁孩童中只有40%能享受学前教育) 2. Public transportation is defined as a service which is available for use by the general public. It is a cheaper and environmentally-friendly alternative. 译文:公共交通指的是能够供公众使用的一种服务,价格低廉,更利于环保。语言点

15、:environmentally-friendly环保的;alternative选择固定搭配:be defined as被定义成。;be available for能获得,得到的;如:There are three small boats available for hire. 3. It is not a transportation service which you can arrange privately to suit your own personal convenience (although you may, to a certain extent such as payin

16、g for a cabin or suite in a train or ship) since you have to consider other passengers who are riding and making similar arrangements with you. 译文:公共交通不是能供个人使用的交通服务,无法为个人提供交通便利(虽然在某种程度上,你也许可以做到,比如在火车上或轮船上交费租用车厢或套间),因为你必须要考虑到其他乘客的需求,他们都与你搭乘同一班车,或坐同一艘船,与你有着类似的安排。语言点:suit动词,适合,满足;suite名词,套间,套房;固定搭配:to

17、a certain extent在某种程度上;make arrangements作安排; 4. I live in Saipan, a US territory and the closest things we have to public transportation are tourist and school buses. You have to have your own car or bike, rent a car or pay upfront for a taxi to go from point A to point B. Otherwise you end up baske

18、d in sweat and sunburn traveling to work every day. 译文:我住在塞班岛,属于美国的领土,在那里,我们所能使用的公共交通方式就是旅游车或校车。要想从A地到B地去,你要么有自己的汽车,或自行车,要么就租汽车,或预付出租车车费。否则的话,每天上班就得顶着骄阳,汗流浃背。语言点:we have to public transportation 是定语从句,修饰 the closest things; Otherwise连词,否则的话;固定搭配:pay.for:付钱 end up最终成为,以。结束;bask in:晒太阳;5. I walked to

19、church and I barely got to go to places farther than a twenty-mile radius from my house since I did not own a car then and I considered renting a car and riding a taxi such an expense for a starting single mother like me then. 译文:我步行去教堂,那时候自己没有车,几乎从来没有去过离家方圆20英里以外的地方,因此,刚刚成为单身妈妈,我考虑租一辆汽车或者乘坐出租车,这样的开

20、销比较适合我当时的状况。语言点:barely几乎不; since 引导原因状语从句,因为;固定搭配:consider doing: 考虑做某事;6. According to research done by the American Public Transportation Association, individuals can save up to $9, 515 annually by parking their cars at home and using public transportation instead. In this economy, saving money ha

21、s become a main concern in most households. With the rising prices of fuel and other vehicle-related expenses, doing the public commute to work and school certainly saves money.译文:根据美国公共交通协会做的一项研究,个人把汽车停在家里而乘坐公共交通出行,每年可节省高达9515美元的开销。在这种经济状况下,省钱是每个家庭关心的话题。燃料和其它与交通相关的开销不断增长,乘坐公共交通去上班,上学无疑会省钱的。语言点:done

22、 by.是过去分词短语作定语,修饰research;annually= every year; a main concern人们主要关心的问题;With the rising prices of.随着。价格的上涨;固定搭配:save up节省,攒;(save on)7. When you switch from driving your car to taking public transport, you are reducing your carbon footprint and making a great step forward in saving the environment.

23、The environmental costs of individuals using their cars everyday has done massive damage to the environment and if majority or all of these individuals like you and me use public transport instead, think of what we are doing good to the environment.译文:当你放弃自己开车,而开始乘坐公共交通出行的时候,就减少了碳排放量,为环保做了贡献。人们每天开车给

24、环境造成了极大的破坏,相反,如果太多的人或者所有像你我这样的个人都愿意使用公共交通,可以想象一下我们可以为环境带来多大的好处啊!推荐只得背诵部分:reducing your carbon footprint and making a great step forward in saving the environment。语言点:switch= change; The environmental costs 句子主语;has done谓语;massive damage 宾语;固定搭配:do damage to:对。造成损害;do good to对。带来好处8. It will wean us

25、out of energy dependence.译文:减少对能源的依赖。(这是第三个优势)9. Transportation accounts for approximately 25% of world energy demand and for more than 62% of all the oil used each year. Ninety five (95%) of transportation is almost completely reliant upon petroleum products with the exception of railways using ele

26、ctrical power. 译文:交通消耗的能源大约占世界能源需求量的25%,占年均石油消耗量的比例超过了62%。95%的交通方式都几乎完全依赖于石油产品,只有铁路系统是例外,依靠的是电力。语言点:数字说明是该句的特点,非常有说服力。固定搭配:account for占有(多少比例);be reliant upon (on)= be dependent on依赖的; with the exception of除.以外如:I enjoyed all the sports with the exception of boxing. 补充学习词汇:rely: v依赖; reliant: adj依赖的

27、 如: Dont always rely on others to understand and sympathize.10. While the use of petroleum for other economic sectors, such as industrial and electricity generation, has remained relatively stable, the growth in oil demand is mainly attributed to the growth in transportation demand. 译文:石油在诸如工业发电等其他经

28、济部门的使用,保持相对稳定,对于石油需求的增长主要归因于对交通需求的增长。语言点:While尽管,让步状语从句;the use 是主语;has remained是谓语;固定搭配:be attributed to把.归因于/归功于.(果因关系)如:Our good progress can be attributed to our teachers.11. When we strengthen our public transportation services, we are consequently lessening this oil demand and dependence. It w

29、ill also motivate us to consider alternative energy and fuel resources.译文:加强了公共交通服务,我们对石油的需求和依赖就会随之降低了,这也激励我们选择其他的能源和燃料资源。语言点: alternative形容词,可供选择的,可替代的12. Having public transportation definitely eases some of the burdens of people who do not have cars or prefer not to own one. They are provided wit

30、h choices to use public transport. 译文:有了公共交通方式必然会减轻那些没有汽车或者不愿意买汽车人的负担。他们可以选择不同的公共交通方式出行。语言点: ease在句中是动词,减轻,缓解;burden名词,负担;prefer not to更愿意不做某事。固定搭配:be provided with sth被提供给某物13.Public transportation provides valuable service not just to local inhabitants in the area but to tourists as well. When a t

31、ourist visits a place which does not have public transportation, their choices are limited and the experience they get is limited, too.译文:公共交通不仅为当地的居民,而且还为游客提供了宝贵的服务。当游客游览一个没有公共交通方式的地方时,他们的选择就会受限,从而获得的经历也就受到限制了。语言点:not well并列连词,不但.而且;which引导定语从句;they get是定语从句;14. All in all, public trans

32、portation improves our way of life, strengthens the community, provides new jobs for the public and gives us a cleaner environment.译文:总之,公共交通改善了我们的生活,加强了社区的服务功能,为人们提供新的工作,给我们创造了更干净的环境。语言点:总结段落!概括公共交通的优点!固定搭配:All in all总之。(写作可用的短语!)讲解Text A后部分作业题:P303: ABDDC. Building your vocabularySection A: 该部分所有词汇在词汇的精讲部分中能够全部找到答案!Section B: 选词填空,必要时要改变形式:(稍作讲解) 1.necessities; 2

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