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1、外研版英语新标准八年级上册Module6AnimalsindangerUnit2教学设计2020-2021年最新Book 3 Module 6 Animals in danger一、 教学内容: Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.二、 课型: Listening and speaking三、 教学目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: research, baby, scientist, produce, southwest,in order to , government, set up, nature, feed, symbol

2、2、能正确使用动词不定式。3、能够读懂有关濒危动物现状的文章,明白文章的主旨大意和谋篇布局。4、能够模仿课文的写作形式,写一篇介绍某一濒危动物现状的短文。四、 教学重难点:1、能够读懂有关濒危动物现状的文章,明白文章的主旨大意和谋篇布局。(重点)2、能够模仿课文的写作形式,写一篇介绍某一濒危动物现状的短文。(难点)五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品六、 教学过程:教学 教师

3、活动 学生活动 设计意图步骤12020-2021年最新Lead in以旧引新,1. Free talk: 1. Have students talk about先 引导学Do you like animals? their favourite animals.生进入 本Whatsyour favourite模块的 主animal?题。引起学生 的 注 意和深思。2T: Do you think the 2. Students watch andStep animals you like is still think.One live in peace?Warmin Show some pict

4、uresg-up about people killing(3 ) animal.引导学 生Show students some Watch pictures learn some谈论图片 ,pictures about our new words.训练学 生Step “Chinese Treasure -”-描 述 事 情Two panda and show the title的能力。在Pre-task of the lesson and lecture描 述 的 同(5 ) the new words as well.时学习新22020-2021年最新eg: research, baby,

5、单词和 句scientist, produce,型,做到词southwest, in order to ,不离句,为government, set up,学 生扫清nature, feed, symbol读的障碍。Step 1. Scanning 1. Scanning要 求 学 生Three (1)Ask students to scan (1)Ask students to scan快 速 阅 读While the passage. the passage.文章,把标-task T: Make the students T: Make the students read题和 文 段(24

6、) read the passage and the passage and match the相匹配。match the headings headings with thewith the paragraphs. paragraphs.通过学 生2. Skimming快速阅读,Ask students to skim 2. Skimming培 养 学 生the passage and Ask students to skim the获取 主 旨complete the sentences passage and finish Activity的能力,突of Activity3 on Pag

7、e 3.出 本 模 块45 .的 重 点 句式。并且从整 体 把 握32020-2021年最新文 章 的 内3.Careful reading.容,为进(1)Paragraph 1: 3.Careful reading.一 步 学 习 Get the Ss to read (1)Paragraph 1:做好铺垫。Paragraph 1 and Read Paragraph 1 andanswer: What does answer: What does让学 生 带“situation ” mean“? situation ” mean?着任务(问题)去阅读课文,去找T: Now, lets c

8、heck the答案,有助answers.于 学 生 更加 准 确 地 Ask a volunteer to获取信息,read Paragraph 1 in A volunteer to read提 高 阅 读class and the other Paragraph 1 in class and the效 果 和 技students find out other students find out能。学生通difficulties. difficulties.过分层次阅读文章,Solve difficulties:获 取 具 体1) in the wild Solve difficultie

9、s:信息,把知2) have many babies识点 和 课3) do a lot of research文 理 解 在42020-2021年最新分 段 学 习T: Zoos and research得以突破。centres are trying to而 小组活look after the pandas动能 通 过well, but do you know学 生间的where do pandas live自主、合作and what s their food?学习,让学Let sgo to the next生 充 分 地paragraph.实践 运 用语言,并激(2)Paragraph 2:

10、 (2)Paragraph 2:发 学 生 创 Let sread together Read and find out the造 性 思 维and find out these answers to the questions.的发展。questions: 1) Where do pandas live?1) Where do pandas 2) Whats their food?live? 3) Why are pandas2) Whats their food? losing their home?3) Why are pandaslosing their home? Ask a stu

11、dent to be “alittle teacher ”to checkAsk a student to be the answers.“a little teacher ”to52020-2021年最新check the answers. Read by yourself andRead by yourself and point out important points.point out importantpoints. Solve difficulties.Solve difficulties.T: Pandas eat too muchevery day, so they arel

12、osing home, do we doanything to help? Now ,let losok at the thirdparagraph. (3)Paragraph 3:Let the students answer(3)Paragraph 3: these two questions after Let the students reading Paragrap3answer these two 1) What do government doquestions after reading in order to protect pandasParagrap3 in the wi

13、ld?1) What do government 2)What will the nature park62020-2021年最新do in order to protect be?pandas in the wild?2)What will the naturepark be? Students read thisparagraph and find out Students read this difficult points:paragraph and find 1) in order to out difficult points: 2) set up = build1) in ord

14、er to 3) nature park2) set up = build 4) feed the pandas3) nature park4) feed the pandas Ask a group of sixAsk a group of six students to read paragraphstudents to read 3.paragraph 3.(4) Paragraph 4: (4) Paragraph 4:Let sread the last Let s read the lastparagraph together and paragraph together and

15、findfind out: out:Are the pandas the only Are the pandas the only72020-2021年最新animal in danger? animal in danger?What does WWF want What does WWF want toto protect? protect?T: Let s read thepassage together. T: Let rsead the passagetogether.(4)Ask the studentsread the passage (4)Ask the studentstoge

16、ther make sure they read the passageunderstand it well together make sure they. understand it well.1.Retelling. 1. Complete the复 述对话 Let the students conversation on the book.能 使 学 生complete the加 深对课conversation with the文 内 容 的correct form of the理 解 和 记Step words form of the忆。Four words from the box

17、 onPost- Activity 4.task Call back the82020-2021年最新(10 ) answersfrom two students thenread the short passagein the whole class . 2. WritingWrite the short passage. 适 当 笔 头练习,让学2.Writing生 巩 固 本Read Activities 5&6,课时的 语then imitate the言 点 和 突example to write a short出重点。passage with the help ofthe foll

18、owinginformation.Name SouthChinatigerSituation 100 leftand fewin thewildHome Forest92020-2021年最新andmountains of SouthChinaFood OtheranimalsWhy in Peopledanger kill them,theirhome isgettingsmallerHow to Protectsave them theirhome andstop thekillingSet upnatureparksYou may begin like102020-2021年最新this

19、:South China tigerslive in forest andmountains in the 1.Get the students to 1.Sum up the language引导学 生sum up the language points.对这节课Step points.的总结,让Five T: What have we学 生 做 自Summa learned today?由发言,培ry(2) Ss: 养 学 生 自2.Let the students to主学习,自choose the best team in 2.To choose the best主 总结的this l

20、esson. groups.良 好 学 习习惯。简短 的 评价 使 学 生的课堂 表现得 到 肯定 并 且 可以 激 励 学生 的 学 习兴趣,树立112020-2021年最新学习英 语的信心。Step 1. Read the passage Finish the homework.课后 作 业Six after school and有 助 于 学Home- remember the new生 巩 固 已work words.学的知识,(1) 2.To finish writing the补充 其 他short passageabout the方 面 的 锻South China Tigers

21、.炼。写作是阅读的 拓展,让学生最终完 全掌握语言,实践 运 用语言。七、板书设计:Module 6 Animals in danger.Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them the wild have many babiesin order to set up = buildnature park feed the pandasdo a lot of research in order to 122020-2021年最新set up = build nature parkfeed the pandas达标训练题一完成下列句子:1

22、、为了保护大熊猫,政府正在建立自然公园。In order to protect the pandas, the government is _ _ thenature parks.2、熊猫濒临灭绝。 Pandas are _ _.3、他们为找到更好的保护动物的方法而做许多的研究。They do a lot research _ _ _ the best way _ _animals.4、每只熊猫每天需要吃大量的竹子。Each panda _ _ _ a lot of bamboo every day.5、他正在照看他生病的妈妈。He is _ _ his sick mother.二、短文填空:

23、The panda is one of the animals most in 1._.There are about 1,600pandas in the 2._ today. Pandas live in the forests and mountains of3._ China. They mainly live on 4._ and each pandaneeds a lot of bamboo. Because of many reasons, the bamboo forests are getting132020-2021年最新5._, so pandas are losing their home. In order to protect pandas, thegovernment is 6._ up nature parks.14

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