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1、美国文学资料总结20世纪以后文学PartTwentieth-Century Literature二十世纪文学Modernism:began in the late 19th century and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. Ezra Pound and T.S.Eliot replaced the logical exposition of thoughts with fragmentary images and complex allusions Modernist writing is cosmopolit

2、an, and often expresses a sense of urban cultural dislocation混乱, along with an awareness of new psychological theories. Its favored techniques of juxtaposition并置 and multiple point of view challenge the reader to reestablish a coherence of meaning from fragmentary forms.4、现代主义的标志:T. S. Eliots “The W

3、aste Land”, the most significant American poem of the twentieth century, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive引用典故的 thought. 8.In general terms, much serious literature written from 1912 onwards attempted to convey a vision of social breakdown and moral

4、 decay and the writers task was to develop techniques that could represent a break with the past. Thus, the defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation.总之,1912年以后许多严肃文学都力图表达社会崩溃,道德沦丧的观点,作家也使用新技巧,告别老传统。9.A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitra

5、rily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution.现代文学的典型特征是开端任意,发展不做解释以及没有结果的收场。10.There are shifts in perspective, voice, and tone, but the biggest shift is from the external to internal, from the public to the private, from the chronological时间顺序 to the psychic精神的, from the objec

6、tive description to the subjective projection.作品在现实,语气上较前有变化,其中最大的变化是从描写外部世界转到内部世界,从公众生活转到私生活描写,从时间线索转到以心理感觉为线索,从客观描述转到主观渲染。11.Traditional fiction featured an authoritative narrator in telling a story, while modern fiction tended to employ the first person narration or limit the reader to the “centr

7、al consciousness” or one characters point of view.传统小说强调叙述的人物的权威性和可信性,而现代小说叙述的总是用第一人称,或者把读者限制到“中心的意识”上或以一个人物的视线进行叙述。Imagism: 1909 and 1917the imagist theories call for brief language, describing the precise picture in as few words as possible.The imagists cultivated concision简洁 and directness, build

8、ing their short poems around single images; present an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of timeuse of the language of common speech, project matter, the evocation 唤起of images in hard, clear poetry, and concentration. they preferred looser rhythms. the form of free verse. There are no

9、 metrical 韵律的rules. Indiscriminate任意的 line breaks, which reflects the discontinuity of life itself. The poet uses the length of the lines and the strange groupings of words to show how life itself can be broken up into somehow meaningless clusters.Lost Generation: Name applied to the disillusioned i

10、ntellectuals and aesthetes of the years following WWI, who rebelled against former ideals and values but could replace them only by despair or a cynical hedonism. The remark of Gertrude Stein. “you are all a lost generation,” addressed to Hemingway, was used as a preface to the latters novel The sun

11、 Also Rise, which brilliantly describes an expatriate group typical of the “lost generation.” Other expatriate American authors of the period to whom the term is generally applied include E.E. Cummings, F. Scott. Fitzgerald and Ezra Pound etc. “The Lost Generation,” a group of young Americans who le

12、ft their native land and fought in the war and later engaged themselves in writing in a new way about their own experiences,通过“迷惘的一代”人的形象塑造,表现了一战后整个一代人的精神面貌以及一战给人们带来的影响。(迷惘的一代:一群离开祖国,参加战争的美国青年,战后开始动手写下他们的战争经历) Lost Generation is a literature school original in American in the twentieth century. Lost

13、 Generation also refers to the generation after the World War I. Meanwhile, it also refers to the young writers who lived as expatriates in Western Europe for a short time.Disillusioned and disgusted by the frivolous,轻浮的 greedy, and heedless way of life in America,they began to write and they wrote

14、from their own experiences in the war.由于他们已厌倦美国那种轻浮,贪婪的生活,于是开始动手写下他们的战争经历。writing styleation writers felt that America was not such a success story because the country was devoid of a cosmopolitan(兼容并包的) culture. Their solution to this issue was to pack up their bags and travel to Europe.Here they e

15、xpected to find literary freedom and a cosmopolitan way of life典型的迷惘一代:F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway William Faulkner (迷惘的一代”指的是第一次世界大战后成长起来的年轻人(包括海明威在内),他们之所以对生活失去信念是由于战争的创伤,但他们并未因此而失去对人性的渴望。“垮掉的一代”则不同,他们中的许多人已经丧失了对人性的最基本的理解,用“垮掉的一代”作为称谓也表达了公众对他们的失望和不满。 The Jazz Age(享乐时代):world war(1918) to

16、 the Great Depression (1929). America entered a temporary and unprecedented 空前的prosperous age. It was a flashy age, an age full of spree狂欢. It was also an age that young Americans felt perplexed困惑 and lost. a sense of purposelessness, decadence and cultural emptiness, and captured both an excitement about the new things and an anxiety about the historical lossdrowning in their pleasures. only pursue material wealth bu

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